#include #ifdef USE_JOYSTICK # include "SDL.h" #endif #include "gtk_s9xcore.h" #include "gtk_s9x.h" #include "gtk_config.h" #include "gtk_control.h" const BindingLink b_links[] = { /* Joypad-specific bindings. "Joypad# " will be prepended */ { "b_up", "Up" }, { "b_down", "Down" }, { "b_left", "Left" }, { "b_right", "Right" }, { "b_start", "Start" }, { "b_select", "Select" }, { "b_a", "A" }, { "b_b", "B" }, { "b_x", "X" }, { "b_y", "Y" }, { "b_l", "L" }, { "b_r", "R" }, { "b_a_turbo", "Turbo A" }, { "b_b_turbo", "Turbo B" }, { "b_x_turbo", "Turbo X" }, { "b_y_turbo", "Turbo Y" }, { "b_l_turbo", "Turbo L" }, { "b_r_turbo", "Turbo R" }, { "b_a_sticky", "Sticky A" }, { "b_b_sticky", "Sticky B" }, { "b_x_sticky", "Sticky X" }, { "b_y_sticky", "Sticky Y" }, { "b_l_sticky", "Sticky L" }, { "b_r_sticky", "Sticky R" }, /* Emulator based bindings */ { "b_open_rom", "GTK_open_rom" }, { "b_enable_turbo", "EmuTurbo" }, { "b_toggle_turbo", "ToggleEmuTurbo" }, { "b_pause", "GTK_pause" }, { "b_decrease_frame_rate", "DecFrameRate" }, { "b_increase_frame_rate", "IncFrameRate" }, { "b_decrease_frame_time", "DecFrameTime" }, { "b_increase_frame_time", "IncFrameTime" }, { "b_hardware_reset", "Reset" }, { "b_soft_reset", "SoftReset" }, { "b_quit", "GTK_quit" }, { "b_bg_layer_0", "ToggleBG0" }, { "b_bg_layer_1", "ToggleBG1" }, { "b_bg_layer_2", "ToggleBG2" }, { "b_bg_layer_3", "ToggleBG3" }, { "b_sprites", "ToggleSprites" }, { "b_bg_layering_hack", "BGLayeringHack" }, { "b_screenshot", "Screenshot" }, { "b_fullscreen", "GTK_fullscreen" }, { "b_save_0", "QuickSave000" }, { "b_save_1", "QuickSave001" }, { "b_save_2", "QuickSave002" }, { "b_save_3", "QuickSave003" }, { "b_save_4", "QuickSave004" }, { "b_save_5", "QuickSave005" }, { "b_save_6", "QuickSave006" }, { "b_save_7", "QuickSave007" }, { "b_save_8", "QuickSave008" }, { "b_load_0", "QuickLoad000" }, { "b_load_1", "QuickLoad001" }, { "b_load_2", "QuickLoad002" }, { "b_load_3", "QuickLoad003" }, { "b_load_4", "QuickLoad004" }, { "b_load_5", "QuickLoad005" }, { "b_load_6", "QuickLoad006" }, { "b_load_7", "QuickLoad007" }, { "b_load_8", "QuickLoad008" }, { "b_sound_channel_0", "SoundChannel0" }, { "b_sound_channel_1", "SoundChannel1" }, { "b_sound_channel_2", "SoundChannel2" }, { "b_sound_channel_3", "SoundChannel3" }, { "b_sound_channel_4", "SoundChannel4" }, { "b_sound_channel_5", "SoundChannel5" }, { "b_sound_channel_6", "SoundChannel6" }, { "b_sound_channel_7", "SoundChannel7" }, { "b_all_sound_channels", "SoundChannelsOn" }, { "b_save_spc", "GTK_save_spc" }, { "b_begin_recording_movie", "BeginRecordingMovie" }, { "b_stop_recording_movie", "EndRecordingMovie" }, { "b_load_movie", "LoadMovie" }, { "b_seek_to_frame", "GTK_seek_to_frame" }, { "b_swap_controllers", "GTK_swap_controllers" }, { "b_rewind", "GTK_rewind" }, { NULL, NULL } }; /* Where the page breaks occur in the preferences pane */ const int b_breaks[] = { 12, /* End of main buttons */ 24, /* End of turbo/sticky buttons */ 35, /* End of base emulator buttons */ 43, /* End of Graphic options */ 61, /* End of save/load states */ 70, /* End of sound buttons */ 77, /* End of miscellaneous buttons */ -1 }; static int joystick_lock = 0; bool S9xPollButton (uint32 id, bool *pressed) { return true; } bool S9xPollAxis (uint32 id, int16 *value) { return true; } bool S9xPollPointer (uint32 id, int16 *x, int16 *y) { *x = top_level->mouse_loc_x; *y = top_level->mouse_loc_y; return true; } bool S9xIsMousePluggedIn (void) { enum controllers ctl; int8 id1, id2, id3, id4; for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { S9xGetController (i, &ctl, &id1, &id2, &id3, &id4); if (ctl == CTL_MOUSE) return true; } return false; } bool S9xGrabJoysticks (void) { if (joystick_lock) return FALSE; joystick_lock++; return TRUE; } void S9xReleaseJoysticks (void) { joystick_lock--; return; } static void swap_controllers_1_2 (void) { JoypadBinding interrim; memcpy (&interrim, &gui_config->pad[0], sizeof (JoypadBinding)); memcpy (&gui_config->pad[0], &gui_config->pad[1], sizeof (JoypadBinding)); memcpy (&gui_config->pad[1], &interrim, sizeof (JoypadBinding)); gui_config->rebind_keys (); return; } void S9xHandlePortCommand (s9xcommand_t cmd, int16 data1, int16 data2) { static bool quit_binding_down = FALSE; if (data1 == TRUE) { if (cmd.port[0] == PORT_QUIT) quit_binding_down = TRUE; else if (cmd.port[0] == PORT_REWIND) top_level->user_rewind = TRUE; } if (data1 == FALSE) /* Release */ { if (cmd.port[0] != PORT_QUIT) { quit_binding_down = FALSE; } if (cmd.port[0] == PORT_COMMAND_FULLSCREEN) { top_level->toggle_fullscreen_mode (); } else if (cmd.port[0] == PORT_COMMAND_SAVE_SPC) { top_level->save_spc_dialog (); } else if (cmd.port[0] == PORT_OPEN_ROM) { top_level->open_rom_dialog (); } else if (cmd.port[0] == PORT_PAUSE) { if (!(top_level->user_pause)) top_level->pause_from_user (); else top_level->unpause_from_user (); } else if (cmd.port[0] == PORT_REWIND) { top_level->user_rewind = FALSE; } else if (cmd.port[0] == PORT_SEEK_TO_FRAME) { top_level->movie_seek_dialog (); } else if (cmd.port[0] == PORT_SWAP_CONTROLLERS) { swap_controllers_1_2 (); } else if (cmd.port[0] == PORT_QUIT) { if (quit_binding_down) S9xExit (); } } return; } Binding S9xGetBindingByName (const char *name) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_EMU_LINKS; i++) { if (!strcasecmp (b_links[i + NUM_JOYPAD_LINKS].snes9x_name, name)) { return gui_config->shortcut[i]; } } return Binding (); } s9xcommand_t S9xGetPortCommandT (const char *name) { s9xcommand_t cmd; cmd.type = S9xButtonPort; cmd.multi_press = 0; cmd.button_norpt = 0; cmd.port[0] = 0; cmd.port[1] = 0; cmd.port[2] = 0; cmd.port[3] = 0; if (!strcasecmp (name, "GTK_fullscreen")) { cmd.port[0] = PORT_COMMAND_FULLSCREEN; } else if (!strcasecmp (name, "GTK_save_spc")) { cmd.port[0] = PORT_COMMAND_SAVE_SPC; } else if (!strcasecmp (name, "GTK_open_rom")) { cmd.port[0] = PORT_OPEN_ROM; } else if (!strcasecmp (name, "GTK_pause")) { cmd.port[0] = PORT_PAUSE; } else if (!strcasecmp (name, "GTK_seek_to_frame")) { cmd.port[0] = PORT_SEEK_TO_FRAME; } else if (!strcasecmp (name, "GTK_quit")) { cmd.port[0] = PORT_QUIT; } else if (!strcasecmp (name, "GTK_swap_controllers")) { cmd.port[0] = PORT_SWAP_CONTROLLERS; } else if (!strcasecmp (name, "GTK_rewind")) { cmd.port[0] = PORT_REWIND; } else { cmd = S9xGetCommandT (name); } return cmd; } void S9xProcessEvents (bool8 block) { #ifdef USE_JOYSTICK JoyEvent event; Binding binding; if (S9xGrabJoysticks ()) { for (int i = 0; gui_config->joystick[i]; i++) { while (gui_config->joystick[i]->get_event (&event)) { binding = Binding (i, event.parameter, 0); S9xReportButton (binding.hex (), event.state == JOY_PRESSED ? 1 : 0); gui_config->screensaver_needs_reset = TRUE; } } S9xReleaseJoysticks (); } #endif return; } #ifdef USE_JOYSTICK static void poll_joystick_events (void) { SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent (&event)) { if (event.type == SDL_JOYAXISMOTION) { gui_config->joystick[event.jaxis.which]->handle_event (&event); } else if (event.type == SDL_JOYHATMOTION) { gui_config->joystick[event.jhat.which]->handle_event (&event); } else if (event.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONUP || event.type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN) { gui_config->joystick[event.jbutton.which]->handle_event (&event); } } return; } #endif void S9xInitInputDevices (void) { #ifdef USE_JOYSTICK SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK); for (int i = 0; ; i++) { gui_config->joystick = (JoyDevice **) realloc (gui_config->joystick, sizeof (JoyDevice *) * (i + 1)); gui_config->joystick[i] = new JoyDevice (i); if (!gui_config->joystick[i]->enabled) { delete gui_config->joystick[i]; gui_config->joystick[i] = NULL; break; } else { gui_config->joystick[i]->joynum = i; } } #endif return; } void S9xDeinitInputDevices (void) { #ifdef USE_JOYSTICK for (int i = 0; gui_config->joystick[i] != NULL; i++) { delete gui_config->joystick[i]; } free (gui_config->joystick); SDL_Quit (); #endif return; } #ifdef USE_JOYSTICK JoyDevice::JoyDevice (unsigned int device_num) { enabled = false; axis = NULL; filedes = NULL; mode = JOY_MODE_INDIVIDUAL; if ((int) device_num >= SDL_NumJoysticks ()) return; filedes = SDL_JoystickOpen (device_num); if (!filedes) return; enabled = true; num_axes = SDL_JoystickNumAxes (filedes); num_hats = SDL_JoystickNumHats (filedes); axis = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * num_axes); hat = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * num_hats); calibration = (Calibration *) malloc (sizeof (Calibration) * num_axes); for (int i = 0; i < num_axes; i++) { calibration[i].min = -32767; calibration[i].max = 32767; calibration[i].center = 0; } memset (axis, 0, sizeof (int) * num_axes); return; } JoyDevice::~JoyDevice (void) { if (enabled) { SDL_JoystickClose (filedes); free (axis); free (hat); free (calibration); } enabled = false; return; } void JoyDevice::add_event (unsigned int parameter, unsigned int state) { JoyEvent event = { parameter, state }; queue.push (event); return; } void JoyDevice::register_centers (void) { for (int i = 0; i < num_axes; i++) { calibration[i].center = SDL_JoystickGetAxis (filedes, i); /* Snap centers to specific target points */ if (calibration[i].center < -24576) calibration[i].center = -32768; else if (calibration[i].center < -8192) calibration[i].center = -16384; else if (calibration[i].center < 8192) calibration[i].center = 0; else if (calibration[i].center < 24576) calibration[i].center = 16383; else calibration[i].center = 32767; } return; } void JoyDevice::handle_event (SDL_Event *event) { if (event->type == SDL_JOYAXISMOTION) { int cal_min = calibration[event->jaxis.axis].min; int cal_max = calibration[event->jaxis.axis].max; int cal_cen = calibration[event->jaxis.axis].center; int t = gui_config->joystick_threshold; int ax_min = (cal_min - cal_cen) * t / 100 + cal_cen; int ax_max = (cal_max - cal_cen) * t / 100 + cal_cen; if (mode == JOY_MODE_INDIVIDUAL) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_JOYPADS; i++) { Binding *pad = (Binding *) &(gui_config->pad[i]); for (int j = 0; j < NUM_JOYPAD_LINKS; j++) { if (pad[j].get_axis () == event->jaxis.axis && pad[j].get_device () == (unsigned int) (joynum + 1)) { t = pad[j].get_threshold (); if (pad[j].is_positive ()) { ax_max = (cal_max - cal_cen) * t / 100 + cal_cen; } else if (pad[j].is_negative ()) { ax_min = (cal_min - cal_cen) * t / 100 + cal_cen; } } } } for (int i = 0; i < NUM_EMU_LINKS; i++) { if (gui_config->shortcut[i].get_axis () == event->jaxis.axis && gui_config->shortcut[i].get_device () == (unsigned int) (joynum + 1)) { t = gui_config->shortcut[i].get_threshold (); if (gui_config->shortcut[i].is_positive ()) { ax_max = (cal_max - cal_cen) * t / 100 + cal_cen; } else if (gui_config->shortcut[i].is_negative ()) { ax_min = (cal_min - cal_cen) * t / 100 + cal_cen; } } } } else if (mode == JOY_MODE_CALIBRATE) { if (event->jaxis.value < calibration[event->jaxis.axis].min) calibration[event->jaxis.axis].min = event->jaxis.value; if (event->jaxis.value > calibration[event->jaxis.axis].max) calibration[event->jaxis.axis].min = event->jaxis.value; } /* Sanity Check */ if (ax_min >= cal_cen) ax_min = cal_cen - 1; if (ax_max <= cal_cen) ax_max = cal_cen + 1; if (event->jaxis.value <= ax_min && axis[event->jaxis.axis] > ax_min) { add_event (JOY_AXIS (event->jaxis.axis, AXIS_NEG), 1); } if (event->jaxis.value > ax_min && axis[event->jaxis.axis] <= ax_min) { add_event (JOY_AXIS (event->jaxis.axis, AXIS_NEG), 0); } if (event->jaxis.value >= ax_max && axis[event->jaxis.axis] < ax_max) { add_event (JOY_AXIS (event->jaxis.axis, AXIS_POS), 1); } if (event->jaxis.value < ax_max && axis[event->jaxis.axis] >= ax_max) { add_event (JOY_AXIS (event->jaxis.axis, AXIS_POS), 0); } axis[event->jaxis.axis] = event->jaxis.value; } else if (event->type == SDL_JOYBUTTONUP || event->type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN) { add_event (event->jbutton.button, event->jbutton.state == SDL_PRESSED ? 1 : 0); } else if (event->type == SDL_JOYHATMOTION) { if ((event->jhat.value & SDL_HAT_UP) && !(hat[event->jhat.hat] & SDL_HAT_UP)) { add_event (JOY_AXIS (num_axes + (event->jhat.hat * 2), AXIS_POS), 1); } if (!(event->jhat.value & SDL_HAT_UP) && (hat[event->jhat.hat] & SDL_HAT_UP)) { add_event (JOY_AXIS (num_axes + (event->jhat.hat * 2), AXIS_POS), 0); } if ((event->jhat.value & SDL_HAT_DOWN) && !(hat[event->jhat.hat] & SDL_HAT_DOWN)) { add_event (JOY_AXIS (num_axes + (event->jhat.hat * 2), AXIS_NEG), 1); } if (!(event->jhat.value & SDL_HAT_DOWN) && (hat[event->jhat.hat] & SDL_HAT_DOWN)) { add_event (JOY_AXIS (num_axes + (event->jhat.hat * 2), AXIS_NEG), 0); } if ((event->jhat.value & SDL_HAT_LEFT) && !(hat[event->jhat.hat] & SDL_HAT_LEFT)) { add_event (JOY_AXIS (num_axes + (event->jhat.hat * 2) + 1, AXIS_NEG), 1); } if (!(event->jhat.value & SDL_HAT_LEFT) && (hat[event->jhat.hat] & SDL_HAT_LEFT)) { add_event (JOY_AXIS (num_axes + (event->jhat.hat * 2) + 1, AXIS_NEG), 0); } if ((event->jhat.value & SDL_HAT_RIGHT) && !(hat[event->jhat.hat] & SDL_HAT_RIGHT)) { add_event (JOY_AXIS (num_axes + (event->jhat.hat * 2) + 1, AXIS_POS), 1); } if (!(event->jhat.value & SDL_HAT_RIGHT) && (hat[event->jhat.hat] & SDL_HAT_RIGHT)) { add_event (JOY_AXIS (num_axes + (event->jhat.hat * 2) + 1, AXIS_POS), 0); } hat[event->jhat.hat] = event->jhat.value; } return; } int JoyDevice::get_event (JoyEvent *event) { poll_events (); if (queue.empty ()) return 0; event->parameter = queue.front ().parameter; event->state = queue.front ().state; queue.pop (); return 1; } void JoyDevice::poll_events (void) { poll_joystick_events (); return; } void JoyDevice::flush (void) { SDL_Event event; while (SDL_PollEvent (&event)) { } while (!queue.empty ()) queue.pop (); return; } #endif