Netplay Support

Netplay does not currently work, and may not return in a future version. If you want to see it return, please upvote an existing issue or file a new issue at so we know that players are using it.

Netplay support allows up to five players to sit in front of different computers and simultaneously play the same game, or just watch someone else play a game. All the computers have to be connected to a network that allows TCP/IP traffic to flow between them; this includes a local Ethernet-style network, a direct-cable connection, or, if you're lucky and have short ping times, the Internet.

Snes9x netplay inevitably synchronizes all the computers at the sacrifice of the speed of input response. Note that netplay is not compatible between platforms - You can't play via network with Windows users.

How to Netplay

The player with the fastest Mac should act as the server. The others are clients. Server should open the port 6096/TCP.
Here is the workflow to netplay with up to five players.

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