- Added TCEFWorkSchedulerQueueThread as an experimental way to handle the external message pump events for all platforms.
- Fixed backwards compatibility issues with Delphi 7.
- Split the Lazarus demos directory into "Lazarus_Windows" and "Lazarus_Linux".
- Added OSRExternalPumpBrowser and TinyBrowser2 demos to "Lazarus_Linux".
- Set TBufferPanel.GetScreenScale as virtual.
- Added DevTools to the SchemeRegistrationBrowser demo.
- Modified the SchemeRegistrationBrowser demo to receive XMLHttpRequest requests from JavaScript.
- Added GlobalCEFApp.DisableNewBrowserInfoTimeout property
- Removed remaining TCEFSentinel from all the demos.
- Fixed mouse coordinates in FMX demos with OSR browsers before sending a mouse wheel event.
- Added missing Windows messages to the application service and restored the SendCompMessage function in the FMXExternalPumpBrowser demo.
- Removed TCEFSentinel from the JSEval and JSRTTIExtension demos.
The old uCEFApplication.pas is renamed to uCEFApplicationCore.pas and a new uCEFApplication.pas is created that only contains the Controls/Forms unit related code and is backward compatible to existing code.
This allows the creation of a SubProcess executable that doesn't initialize the VCL with all its problems (GlobalAtom leak in Delphi 6-XE, Application.Handle, OleInitialize and other unnecessary init-code).
ujCEFMiscFunctions.GefCursorToWindowsCursor is renamed to >>C<<efCursorToWindowsCursor and moved to uCEFApplication.pas to prevent the inclusion of the Controls unit in Delphi 7-XE.
- Modified CefPostTask and CefPostDelayedTask to return a boolean value.
- Added CefCurrentlyOn helper function.
- Replaced all "CEF3" mentions by "CEF".
- Fixed issue #179 : Added a new EditorBrowser demo.
- Fixed issue #195 : Added VizDisplayCompositor to the disabled features list
- Fixed issue #206 : Added a context menu option to show the DevTools in SimpleFMXBrowser. Added TCEFFMXChromium.ShowDevTools and TCEFFMXChromium.CloseDevTools.
- Added a new menu option to MiniBrowser to simulate key presses in normal mode.
- Restored the GlobalCEFApp.DeleteCookies property
- Fixed the issue with the arrow keys in OSR demos
- Fixed the default return values for TCustomCookieAccessFilter.CanSendCookie and TCustomCookieAccessFilter.CandSaveCookie
- TCustomResourceRequestHandler and TCustomCookieAccessFilterwill only be created if needed by the TChromium events.