- Create the CefApp handlers only when they are needed in SingleProcess mode.
- Added several "RemoveReferences" procedures to disable events when the application is shutting down in the CefApp handlers.
The old uCEFApplication.pas is renamed to uCEFApplicationCore.pas and a new uCEFApplication.pas is created that only contains the Controls/Forms unit related code and is backward compatible to existing code.
This allows the creation of a SubProcess executable that doesn't initialize the VCL with all its problems (GlobalAtom leak in Delphi 6-XE, Application.Handle, OleInitialize and other unnecessary init-code).
ujCEFMiscFunctions.GefCursorToWindowsCursor is renamed to >>C<<efCursorToWindowsCursor and moved to uCEFApplication.pas to prevent the inclusion of the Controls unit in Delphi 7-XE.
Added optional TCefApplication.DestroyApplicationObject:Boolean property that causes the VCL's Application object to be destroyed. This will undo all the code from TApplication.Create. The Default value is "False" because if user code accesses the Application object in a sub-process it will cause NullReferenceExceptions.
- Modified CefPostTask and CefPostDelayedTask to return a boolean value.
- Added CefCurrentlyOn helper function.
- Replaced all "CEF3" mentions by "CEF".
- Fixed issue #179 : Added a new EditorBrowser demo.
- Fixed issue #195 : Added VizDisplayCompositor to the disabled features list
- Fixed issue #206 : Added a context menu option to show the DevTools in SimpleFMXBrowser. Added TCEFFMXChromium.ShowDevTools and TCEFFMXChromium.CloseDevTools.
- Added a new menu option to MiniBrowser to simulate key presses in normal mode.
- Restored the GlobalCEFApp.DeleteCookies property
- Fixed the issue with the arrow keys in OSR demos
- Fixed the default return values for TCustomCookieAccessFilter.CanSendCookie and TCustomCookieAccessFilter.CandSaveCookie
- TCustomResourceRequestHandler and TCustomCookieAccessFilterwill only be created if needed by the TChromium events.
- Copied the GlobalCEFApp_OnWebKitInitializedEvent fix for D2007 made by jepp to other demos.
- Added TChromium.DownloadImage and TChromium.OnDownloadImageFinished to download images
- Added a TChromium.DownloadImage example to the MiniBrowser demo.
- Modified some parameters in TCefImageRef
- Added context menu option in JSDemo to get the vertical scroll position.
- Now TChromium uses the same keyboard events for the browser and the DevTools.
- Fixed a MiniBrowser issue with the F12 keyboard shortcut. Now you can press F12 to hide and show the DevTools correctly.
- The FMX demos now load the initial web page using the TFMXChromium.DefaultUrl property.
- Added the $(FrameworkType) conditional define to all the FMX demos.
- Added the $(FrameworkType) conditional define to the CEF4Delphi_FMX project.