type ICefTaskManager = interface(ICefBaseRefCounted)
Interface that facilitates managing the browser-related tasks. The functions of this structure may only be called on the UI thread.
<see href="https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/src/master/include/capi/cef_task_manager_capi.h">CEF source file: /include/capi/cef_task_manager_capi.h (cef_task_manager_t))
function GetTasksCount: NativeUInt; |
function GetTaskIdsList(var task_ids: TCefCustomInt64Array): boolean; |
function GetTaskInfo(const task_id: int64; var info: TCustomTaskInfo): boolean; |
function KillTask(task_id: int64): boolean; |
function GetTaskIdForBrowserId(browser_id: Integer): int64; |
function GetTasksCount: NativeUInt; |
Returns the number of tasks currently tracked by the task manager. Returns 0 if the function was called from the incorrect thread. Attributes
function GetTaskIdsList(var task_ids: TCefCustomInt64Array): boolean; |
Gets the list of task IDs currently tracked by the task manager. Tasks that share the same process id will always be consecutive. The list will be sorted in a way that reflects the process tree: the browser process will be first, followed by the gpu process if it exists. Related processes (e.g., a subframe process and its parent) will be kept together if possible. Callers can expect this ordering to be stable when a process is added or removed. The task IDs are unique within the application lifespan. Returns false (0) if the function was called from the incorrect thread. |
function GetTaskInfo(const task_id: int64; var info: TCustomTaskInfo): boolean; |
Gets information about the task with |task_id|. Returns true (1) if the information about the task was successfully retrieved and false (0) if the |task_id| is invalid or the function was called from the incorrect thread. |