type TCefBoxLayoutSettings = record
Initialization settings. Specify NULL or 0 to get the recommended default values. Many of these and other settings can also configured using command- line switches.
<see href="https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/src/master/include/internal/cef_types.h">CEF source file: /include/internal/cef_types.h (cef_box_layout_settings_t))
horizontal: Integer; |
inside_border_horizontal_spacing: Integer; |
inside_border_vertical_spacing: Integer; |
inside_border_insets: TCefInsets; |
between_child_spacing: Integer; |
main_axis_alignment: TCefAxisAlignment; |
cross_axis_alignment: TCefAxisAlignment; |
minimum_cross_axis_size: Integer; |
default_flex: Integer; |
horizontal: Integer; |
If true (1) the layout will be horizontal, otherwise the layout will be vertical. |
inside_border_horizontal_spacing: Integer; |
Adds additional horizontal space between the child view area and the host view border. |
inside_border_vertical_spacing: Integer; |
Adds additional vertical space between the child view area and the host view border. |
inside_border_insets: TCefInsets; |
Adds additional space around the child view area. |
between_child_spacing: Integer; |
Adds additional space between child views. |
main_axis_alignment: TCefAxisAlignment; |
Specifies where along the main axis the child views should be laid out. |
cross_axis_alignment: TCefAxisAlignment; |
Specifies where along the cross axis the child views should be laid out. |
minimum_cross_axis_size: Integer; |
Minimum cross axis size. |