program FMXExternalPumpBrowser; {$I ..\..\..\source\} uses {$IFDEF DELPHI17_UP} System.StartUpCopy, {$ENDIF } FMX.Forms, uCEFApplication, uCEFTimerWorkScheduler, uCEFMacOSFunctions, uFMXExternalPumpBrowser in 'uFMXExternalPumpBrowser.pas' {FMXExternalPumpBrowserFrm}, uFMXApplicationService in 'uFMXApplicationService.pas'; {$R *.res} begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} // Copy the CEF framework and the CEF helpers locally instead of deploying // them to debug faster. // Copy the "Chromium Embedded Framework.framework" directory into the same // directory where this project is deployed on the Mac. // The 4 "helper" projects in this group should also be deployed in the same // directory as this project. // CopyCEFHelpers requires that the helper projects end with "_helper", // "_helper_gpu", "_helper_plugin" and "_helper_renderer". CopyCEFFramework; CopyCEFHelpers('FMXExternalPumpBrowser'); {$ENDIF} CreateGlobalCEFApp; if GlobalCEFApp.StartMainProcess then begin Application.Initialize; Application.CreateForm(TFMXExternalPumpBrowserFrm, FMXExternalPumpBrowserFrm); Application.Run; // The form needs to be destroyed *BEFORE* stopping the scheduler. FMXExternalPumpBrowserFrm.Free; if (GlobalCEFTimerWorkScheduler <> nil) then GlobalCEFTimerWorkScheduler.StopScheduler; end; DestroyGlobalCEFApp; DestroyGlobalCEFTimerWorkScheduler; end.