salvadordf 7f3e3415ef Added partial GTK3 support
Converted the OSRExternalPumpBrowser demo to GTK3
Converted the TinyBrowser demo to GTK3
Converted the TinyBrowser2 demo to GTK3
Moved all Lazarus demos for Linux to the Lazarus_Linux_GTK2 directory
Fixed the Copy.CEF.DLLs tool thanks to fraurino
2022-06-25 16:41:34 +02:00

117 lines
2.7 KiB

object Form1: TForm1
Left = 518
Height = 630
Top = 252
Width = 1001
Caption = ' Initializing browser. Please wait...'
ClientHeight = 630
ClientWidth = 1001
OnActivate = FormActivate
OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnDestroy = FormDestroy
OnHide = FormHide
OnShow = FormShow
LCLVersion = ''
object AddressPnl: TPanel
Left = 0
Height = 30
Top = 0
Width = 1001
Align = alTop
ClientHeight = 30
ClientWidth = 1001
Enabled = False
TabOrder = 0
object AddressEdt: TEdit
Left = 1
Height = 28
Top = 1
Width = 933
Align = alClient
OnEnter = AddressEdtEnter
TabOrder = 0
Text = 'https://www.google.com'
object Panel2: TPanel
Left = 934
Height = 28
Top = 1
Width = 66
Align = alRight
ClientHeight = 28
ClientWidth = 66
TabOrder = 1
object GoBtn: TButton
Left = 1
Height = 26
Top = 1
Width = 31
Align = alLeft
Caption = 'Go'
OnClick = GoBtnClick
OnEnter = GoBtnEnter
TabOrder = 0
object SnapshotBtn: TButton
Left = 34
Height = 26
Top = 1
Width = 31
Align = alRight
Caption = 'µ'
Font.Height = -24
Font.Name = 'Webdings'
OnClick = SnapshotBtnClick
OnEnter = GoBtnEnter
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 1
object Panel1: TBufferPanel
Left = 0
Height = 600
Top = 30
Width = 1001
Align = alClient
Caption = 'Panel1'
Color = clWhite
ParentColor = False
TabOrder = 1
OnClick = Panel1Click
OnEnter = Panel1Enter
OnExit = Panel1Exit
OnMouseDown = Panel1MouseDown
OnMouseMove = Panel1MouseMove
OnMouseUp = Panel1MouseUp
OnMouseWheel = Panel1MouseWheel
OnResize = Panel1Resize
OnMouseEnter = Panel1MouseEnter
OnMouseLeave = Panel1MouseLeave
object Chromium1: TChromium
OnTooltip = Chromium1Tooltip
OnCursorChange = Chromium1CursorChange
OnBeforePopup = Chromium1BeforePopup
OnAfterCreated = Chromium1AfterCreated
OnBeforeClose = Chromium1BeforeClose
OnOpenUrlFromTab = Chromium1OpenUrlFromTab
OnGetViewRect = Chromium1GetViewRect
OnGetScreenPoint = Chromium1GetScreenPoint
OnGetScreenInfo = Chromium1GetScreenInfo
OnPopupShow = Chromium1PopupShow
OnPopupSize = Chromium1PopupSize
OnPaint = Chromium1Paint
Left = 48
Top = 72
object SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog
Title = 'Save screenshot bitmap as'
DefaultExt = '.bmp'
Filter = 'Bitmap file|*.bmp'
Left = 48
Top = 152