Salvador Díaz Fau 64d9393439 Added touch gestures to the KioskOSRBrowser demo
- Removed TCEFSentinel from the KioskOSRBrowser demo
- Added the -dUseCThreads compiler option to the Lazarus demos in Linux.
- Replaced panel by TLayout in the SimpleFMXBrowser demo.
2020-02-01 17:04:19 +01:00

92 lines
2.6 KiB

object SimpleFMXBrowserFrm: TSimpleFMXBrowserFrm
Left = 0
Top = 0
Caption = 'Initializing browser. Please wait...'
ClientHeight = 600
ClientWidth = 917
Position = ScreenCenter
FormFactor.Width = 320
FormFactor.Height = 480
FormFactor.Devices = [Desktop]
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
OnResize = FormResize
OnShow = FormShow
DesignerMasterStyle = 0
object AddressPnl: TPanel
Align = Top
Enabled = False
Padding.Left = 5.000000000000000000
Padding.Top = 5.000000000000000000
Padding.Right = 5.000000000000000000
Padding.Bottom = 5.000000000000000000
Size.Width = 917.000000000000000000
Size.Height = 35.000000000000000000
Size.PlatformDefault = False
TabOrder = 1
object AddressEdt: TEdit
Touch.InteractiveGestures = [LongTap, DoubleTap]
Align = Client
TabOrder = 0
Text = 'https://www.google.com'
Size.Width = 825.000000000000000000
Size.Height = 25.000000000000000000
Size.PlatformDefault = False
object Layout1: TLayout
Align = Right
Padding.Left = 5.000000000000000000
Position.X = 830.000000000000000000
Position.Y = 5.000000000000000000
Size.Width = 82.000000000000000000
Size.Height = 25.000000000000000000
Size.PlatformDefault = False
TabOrder = 3
object GoBtn: TButton
Align = Left
Position.X = 5.000000000000000000
Size.Width = 36.000000000000000000
Size.Height = 25.000000000000000000
Size.PlatformDefault = False
TabOrder = 0
Text = 'Go'
OnClick = GoBtnClick
object SnapShotBtn: TButton
Align = Right
StyledSettings = [Style, FontColor]
Position.X = 46.000000000000000000
Size.Width = 36.000000000000000000
Size.Height = 25.000000000000000000
Size.PlatformDefault = False
TabOrder = 2
Text = #181
TextSettings.Font.Family = 'Webdings'
TextSettings.Font.Size = 24.000000000000000000
OnClick = SnapShotBtnClick
object Timer1: TTimer
Enabled = False
Interval = 300
OnTimer = Timer1Timer
Left = 40
Top = 129
object SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog
Left = 40
Top = 192
object FMXChromium1: TFMXChromium
OnBeforeContextMenu = FMXChromium1BeforeContextMenu
OnContextMenuCommand = FMXChromium1ContextMenuCommand
OnBeforePopup = FMXChromium1BeforePopup
OnAfterCreated = FMXChromium1AfterCreated
OnBeforeClose = FMXChromium1BeforeClose
OnClose = FMXChromium1Close
Left = 40
Top = 65