Salvador Díaz Fau d3f41977b5 KioskOSRBrowser improvements and fixes
- Removed browser controls like the address bar, snapshot button, etc.
- Added a context menu option to close the app.
- Fixed the node detection. Input elements have a 'text' type by default.
- Added more code comments.
2018-08-21 08:50:02 +02:00

88 lines
2.1 KiB

object Form1: TForm1
Left = 0
Top = 0
BorderIcons = []
BorderStyle = bsNone
ClientHeight = 706
ClientWidth = 1004
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = False
Position = poDefault
WindowState = wsMaximized
OnAfterMonitorDpiChanged = FormAfterMonitorDpiChanged
OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnDestroy = FormDestroy
OnHide = FormHide
OnShow = FormShow
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object Panel1: TBufferPanel
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 1004
Height = 526
Align = alClient
Caption = 'Panel1'
TabOrder = 0
TabStop = True
OnClick = Panel1Click
OnEnter = Panel1Enter
OnExit = Panel1Exit
OnMouseDown = Panel1MouseDown
OnMouseMove = Panel1MouseMove
OnMouseUp = Panel1MouseUp
OnResize = Panel1Resize
OnMouseLeave = Panel1MouseLeave
ExplicitTop = 30
ExplicitHeight = 496
object TouchKeyboard1: TTouchKeyboard
Left = 0
Top = 526
Width = 1004
Height = 180
Align = alBottom
GradientEnd = clSilver
GradientStart = clGray
Layout = 'Standard'
Visible = False
object chrmosr: TChromium
OnProcessMessageReceived = chrmosrProcessMessageReceived
OnBeforeContextMenu = chrmosrBeforeContextMenu
OnContextMenuCommand = chrmosrContextMenuCommand
OnTooltip = chrmosrTooltip
OnBeforePopup = chrmosrBeforePopup
OnAfterCreated = chrmosrAfterCreated
OnBeforeClose = chrmosrBeforeClose
OnClose = chrmosrClose
OnGetViewRect = chrmosrGetViewRect
OnGetScreenPoint = chrmosrGetScreenPoint
OnGetScreenInfo = chrmosrGetScreenInfo
OnPopupShow = chrmosrPopupShow
OnPopupSize = chrmosrPopupSize
OnPaint = chrmosrPaint
OnCursorChange = chrmosrCursorChange
Left = 24
Top = 56
object AppEvents: TApplicationEvents
OnMessage = AppEventsMessage
Left = 24
Top = 128
object Timer1: TTimer
Enabled = False
Interval = 300
OnTimer = Timer1Timer
Left = 24
Top = 206