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Project Delphi-OpenCV
Laentir Valetov
Mikhail Grigorev
2018-08-16 20:29:02 +02:00
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located at git://
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unit ocv.imgproc_c;
(* ********************** Background statistics accumulation **************************** *)
/* Adds image to accumulator */
CVAPI(void) cvAcc( const CvArr* image, CvArr* sum,
const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
procedure cvAcc(const image: PCvArr; sum: PCvArr; const mask: PCvArr = nil); cdecl;
/* Adds squared image to accumulator */
CVAPI(void) cvSquareAcc( const CvArr* image, CvArr* sqsum,
const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
procedure cvSquareAcc(const image: PCvArr; sqsum: PCvArr; const mask: PCvArr = nil); cdecl;
/* Adds a product of two images to accumulator */
CVAPI(void) cvMultiplyAcc( const CvArr* image1, const CvArr* image2, CvArr* acc,
const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
procedure cvMultiplyAcc(const image1: PCvArr; const image2: PCvArr; acc: PCvArr; const mask: PCvArr = nil); cdecl;
/* Adds image to accumulator with weights: acc = acc*(1-alpha) + image*alpha */
CVAPI(void) cvRunningAvg( const CvArr* image, CvArr* acc, double alpha,
const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
procedure cvRunningAvg(const image: PCvArr; acc: PCvArr; alpha: Double; const mask: PCvArr = nil); cdecl;
// ******************************* image Processing *******************************
/* Copies source 2D array inside of the larger destination array and
makes a border of the specified type (IPL_BORDER_*) around the copied area. */
CVAPI(void) cvCopyMakeBorder(
const CvArr* src,
CvArr* dst,
CvPoint offset,
int bordertype,
CvScalar value CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)));
procedure cvCopyMakeBorder(
{ } const src: PCvArr;
{ } dst: PCvArr;
{ } offset: TCvPoint;
{ } bordertype: Integer;
{ } value: TCvScalar { * cvScalarAll(0) * } ); cdecl;
// Smoothes array (removes noise)
CVAPI(void) cvSmooth(
const CvArr* src,
CvArr* dst,
int smoothtype CV_DEFAULT(CV_GAUSSIAN),
int size1 CV_DEFAULT(3),
int size2 CV_DEFAULT(0),
double sigma1 CV_DEFAULT(0),
double sigma2 CV_DEFAULT(0));
procedure cvSmooth(
{ } const src: PCvArr;
{ } dst: PCvArr;
{ } smoothtype: Integer = CV_GAUSSIAN;
{ } size1: Integer = 3;
{ } size2: Integer = 0;
{ } sigma1: Double = 0;
{ } sigma2: Double = 0); cdecl;
/* Convolves the image with the kernel */
CVAPI(void) cvFilter2D( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, const CvMat* kernel,
CvPoint anchor CV_DEFAULT(cvPoint(-1,-1)));
procedure cvFilter2D(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const kernel: pCvMat; anchor: TCvPoint { =CV_DEFAULT(cvPoint(-1,-1)) } ); cdecl; overload;
procedure cvFilter2D(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const kernel: pCvMat); overload;
Finds integral image: SUM(X,Y) = sum(x<X,y<Y)I(x,y)
CVAPI(void) cvIntegral(
const CvArr* image,
CvArr* sum,
CvArr* sqsum CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
CvArr* tilted_sum CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
procedure cvIntegral(
{ } const image: PCvArr;
{ } sum: PCvArr;
{ } sqsum: PCvArr = NIL;
{ } tilted_sum: PCvArr = NIL); cdecl;
Smoothes the input image with gaussian kernel and then down-samples it.
dst_width = floor(src_width/2)[+1],
dst_height = floor(src_height/2)[+1]
CVAPI(void) cvPyrDown( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
int filter CV_DEFAULT(CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5) );
procedure cvPyrDown(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; filter: Integer = CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5); cdecl;
Up-samples image and smoothes the result with gaussian kernel.
dst_width = src_width*2,
dst_height = src_height*2
CVAPI(void) cvPyrUp( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
int filter CV_DEFAULT(CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5) );
procedure cvPyrUp(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; filter: Integer = CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5); cdecl;
Builds pyramid for an image
CVAPI(CvMat** ) cvCreatePyramid( const CvArr* img, int extra_layers, double rate,
const CvSize* layer_sizes CV_DEFAULT(0),
CvArr* bufarr CV_DEFAULT(0),
int calc CV_DEFAULT(1),
int filter CV_DEFAULT(CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5) );
function cvCreatePyramid(const img: PCvArr; extra_layers: Integer; rate: Double; const layer_sizes: pCvSize = nil; bufarr: PCvArr = nil; calc: Integer = 1;
filter: Integer = CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5): ppCvMat; cdecl;
Releases pyramid
CVAPI(void) cvReleasePyramid( CvMat*** pyramid, int extra_layers );
procedure cvReleasePyramid(var pyramid: ppCvMat; extra_layers: Integer); cdecl;
Filters image using meanshift algorithm
CVAPI(void) cvPyrMeanShiftFiltering( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
double sp, double sr, int max_level CV_DEFAULT(1),
CvTermCriteria termcrit CV_DEFAULT(cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER+CV_TERMCRIT_EPS,5,1)));
procedure cvPyrMeanShiftFiltering(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; sp: Double; sr: Double; max_level: Integer { = 1 };
termcrit: TCvTermCriteria { = CV_DEFAULT(cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER + CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 5, 1)) } ); cdecl;
Segments image using seed "markers"
CVAPI(void) cvWatershed( const CvArr* image, CvArr* markers );
procedure cvWatershed(const image: PCvArr; markers: PCvArr); cdecl;
/* Calculates an image derivative using generalized Sobel
(aperture_size = 1,3,5,7) or Scharr (aperture_size = -1) operator.
Scharr can be used only for the first dx or dy derivative */
CVAPI(void) cvSobel(
const CvArr* src,
CvArr* dst,
int xorder,
int yorder,
int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3));
procedure cvSobel(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; xorder: Integer; yorder: Integer; aperture_size: Integer = 3); cdecl;
/* Calculates the image Laplacian: (d2/dx + d2/dy)I */
CVAPI(void) cvLaplace(
const CvArr* src,
CvArr* dst,
int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3) );
procedure cvLaplace(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; aperture_size: Integer = 3); cdecl;
(* Converts input array pixels from one color space to another *)
// CVAPI(void) cvCvtColor( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, int code );
procedure cvCvtColor(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; code: Integer); cdecl; overload;
procedure cvCvtColor(const src: pCvMat; dst: pCvMat; code: Integer); cdecl; overload;
// procedure cvCvtColor(const src: PCvArr; dst: pCvMat; code: Integer); cdecl; overload;
// (* Resizes image (input array is resized to fit the destination array) *)
// CVAPI(procedure)cvResize(var Warps image with affine transform * )
CVAPI(void) cvResize( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
int interpolation CV_DEFAULT( CV_INTER_LINEAR ));
procedure cvResize(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; interpolation: Integer = CV_INTER_LINEAR); cdecl;
/* Warps image with affine transform */
CVAPI(void) cvWarpAffine( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, const CvMat* map_matrix,
CvScalar fillval CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)) );
procedure cvWarpAffine(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const map_matrix: pCvMat; flags: Integer { = CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS };
fillval: TCvScalar { = cvScalarAll(0) } ); cdecl;
// * Computes affine transform matrix for mapping src[i] to dst[i] (i=0,1,2) */
// CVAPI(CvMat*) cvGetAffineTransform( const CvPoint2D32f * src,
// const CvPoint2D32f * dst,
// CvMat * map_matrix );
function cvGetAffineTransform(const src: pCvPoint2D32f; const dst: pCvPoint2D32f; map_matrix: pCvMat): pCvMat; cdecl;
(* Computes rotation_matrix matrix *)
CVAPI(CvMat)cv2DRotationMatrix(CvPoint2D32f center, Double angle, Double scale, CvMat * map_matrix);
function cv2DRotationMatrix(center: TCvPoint2D32f; angle: Double; scale: Double; map_matrix: pCvMat): pCvMat; cdecl;
/* Warps image with perspective (projective) transform */
CVAPI(void) cvWarpPerspective( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, const CvMat* map_matrix,
CvScalar fillval CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)) );
procedure cvWarpPerspective(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const map_matrix: pCvMat; flags: Integer { =CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS };
fillval: TCvScalar { =cvScalarAll(0) } ); cdecl;
/* Computes perspective transform matrix for mapping src[i] to dst[i] (i=0,1,2,3) */
CVAPI(CvMat*) cvGetPerspectiveTransform( const CvPoint2D32f* src,
const CvPoint2D32f* dst,
CvMat* map_matrix );
function cvGetPerspectiveTransform(const src: pCvPoint2D32f; const dst: pCvPoint2D32f; map_matrix: pCvMat): pCvMat; cdecl;
/* Performs generic geometric transformation using the specified coordinate maps */
CVAPI(void) cvRemap(
const CvArr* src,
CvArr* dst,
const CvArr* mapx,
const CvArr* mapy,
CvScalar fillval CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)) );
procedure cvRemap(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const mapx: PCvArr; const mapy: PCvArr; flags: Integer { =CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS };
fillval: TCvScalar { =cvScalarAll(0) }
); cdecl;
/* Converts mapx & mapy from floating-point to integer formats for cvRemap */
CVAPI(void) cvConvertMaps( const CvArr* mapx, const CvArr* mapy,
CvArr* mapxy, CvArr* mapalpha );
procedure cvConvertMaps(const mapx: PCvArr; const mapy: PCvArr; mapxy: PCvArr; mapalpha: PCvArr); cdecl;
/// * Performs forward or inverse log-polar image transform */
// CVAPI(void) cvLogPolar( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
// CvPoint2D32f center, double M,
procedure cvLogPolar(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; center: TCvPoint2D32f; M: Double; flags: Integer = CV_INTER_LINEAR + CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS); cdecl;
/// * Performs forward or inverse linear-polar image transform */
// CVAPI(void) cvLinearPolar( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
// CvPoint2D32f center, double maxRadius,
procedure cvLinearPolar(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; center: TCvPoint2D32f; maxRadius: Double;
flags: Integer = CV_INTER_LINEAR + CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS); cdecl;
// * Transforms the input image to compensate lens distortion */
// CVAPI(void) cvUndistort2( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
// const CvMat* camera_matrix,
// const CvMat* distortion_coeffs,
// const CvMat* new_camera_matrix CV_DEFAULT(0) );
procedure cvUndistort2(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const camera_matrix: PCvArr; const distortion_coeffs: PCvArr;
const new_camera_matrix: PCvArr = nil); cdecl;
/* Computes transformation map from intrinsic camera parameters
that can used by cvRemap */
CVAPI(void) cvInitUndistortMap(
const CvMat* camera_matrix,
const CvMat* distortion_coeffs,
CvArr* mapx,
CvArr* mapy );
procedure cvInitUndistortMap(const camera_matrix: pCvMat; const distortion_coeffs: pCvMat; mapx: PCvArr; mapy: PCvArr); cdecl;
/* Computes undistortion+rectification map for a head of stereo camera */
CVAPI(void) cvInitUndistortRectifyMap( const CvMat* camera_matrix,
const CvMat* dist_coeffs,
const CvMat *R, const CvMat* new_camera_matrix,
CvArr* mapx, CvArr* mapy );
procedure cvInitUndistortRectifyMap(const camera_matrix: pCvMat; const dist_coeffs: pCvMat; const R: pCvMat; const new_camera_matrix: pCvMat; mapx: PCvArr;
mapy: PCvArr); cdecl;
/* Computes the original (undistorted) feature coordinates
from the observed (distorted) coordinates */
CVAPI(void) cvUndistortPoints( const CvMat* src, CvMat* dst,
const CvMat* camera_matrix,
const CvMat* dist_coeffs,
const CvMat* R CV_DEFAULT(0),
const CvMat* P CV_DEFAULT(0));
procedure cvUndistortPoints(const src: pCvMat; dst: pCvMat; const camera_matrix: pCvMat; const dist_coeffs: pCvMat; const R: pCvMat = nil;
const P: pCvMat = nil); cdecl;
// * creates structuring element used for morphological operations */
// CVAPI(IplConvKernel*) cvCreateStructuringElementEx(
// int cols, int rows, int anchor_x, int anchor_y,
// int shape, int* values CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
function cvCreateStructuringElementEx(cols: Integer; rows: Integer; anchor_x: Integer; anchor_y: Integer; shape: Integer; values: PInteger = nil)
: pIplConvKernel; cdecl;
// (* releases structuring element *)
// CVAPI(procedure) cvReleaseStructuringElement( element: array of IplConvKernel);
// CVAPI(void) cvReleaseStructuringElement( IplConvKernel** element );
procedure cvReleaseStructuringElement(Var element: pIplConvKernel); cdecl;
/* erodes input image (applies minimum filter) one or more times.
If element pointer is NULL, 3x3 rectangular element is used */
CVAPI(void) cvErode( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
IplConvKernel* element CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
int iterations CV_DEFAULT(1) );
procedure cvErode(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; element: pIplConvKernel = nil; iterations: Integer = 1); cdecl;
/* dilates input image (applies maximum filter) one or more times.
If element pointer is NULL, 3x3 rectangular element is used */
CVAPI(void) cvDilate( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
IplConvKernel* element CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
int iterations CV_DEFAULT(1) );
procedure cvDilate(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; element: pIplConvKernel = nil; iterations: Integer = 1); cdecl;
/* Performs complex morphological transformation */
CVAPI(void) cvMorphologyEx( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
CvArr* temp, IplConvKernel* element,
int operation, int iterations CV_DEFAULT(1) );
procedure cvMorphologyEx(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; temp: PCvArr; element: pIplConvKernel; operation: Integer; iterations: Integer = 1); cdecl;
/* Calculates all spatial and central moments up to the 3rd order */
CVAPI(void) cvMoments( const CvArr* arr, CvMoments* moments, int binary CV_DEFAULT(0));
procedure cvMoments(const arr: PCvArr; moments: pCvMoments; binary: Integer = 0); cdecl;
(* /* Retrieve particular spatial, central or normalized central moments */
CVAPI(double) cvGetSpatialMoment( CvMoments* moments, int x_order, int y_order ); *)
function cvGetSpatialMoment(moments: pCvMoments; x_order, y_order: Integer): Double; cdecl;
// CVAPI(double) cvGetCentralMoment( CvMoments* moments, int x_order, int y_order );
function cvGetCentralMoment(moments: pCvMoments; x_order, y_order: Integer): Double; cdecl;
// CVAPI(double) cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment( CvMoments* moments, int x_order, int y_order );
function cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment(moments: pCvMoments; x_order: Integer; y_order: Integer): Double; cdecl;
Calculates 7 Hu's invariants from precalculated spatial and central moments
CVAPI(void) cvGetHuMoments( CvMoments* moments, CvHuMoments* hu_moments );
procedure cvGetHuMoments(moments: pCvMoments; hu_moments: pCvHuMoments); cdecl;
// (*********************************** data sampling **************************************)
Fetches pixels that belong to the specified line segment and stores them to the buffer.
Returns the number of retrieved points.
CVAPI(int) cvSampleLine( const CvArr* image, CvPoint pt1, CvPoint pt2, void* buffer,
int connectivity CV_DEFAULT(8));
function cvSampleLine(const image: PCvArr; pt1: TCvPoint; pt2: TCvPoint; buffer: Pointer; connectivity: Integer = 8): Integer; cdecl;
Retrieves the rectangular image region with specified center from the input array.
dst(x,y) <- src(x + center.x - dst_width/2, y + center.y - dst_height/2).
Values of pixels with fractional coordinates are retrieved using bilinear interpolation
CVAPI(void) cvGetRectSubPix( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, CvPoint2D32f center );
procedure cvGetRectSubPix(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; center: TCvPoint2D32f); cdecl;
Retrieves quadrangle from the input array.
matrixarr = ( a11 a12 | b1 ) dst(x,y) <- src(A[x y]' + b)
( a21 a22 | b2 ) (bilinear interpolation is used to retrieve pixels
with fractional coordinates)
CVAPI(void) cvGetQuadrangleSubPix( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
const CvMat* map_matrix );
procedure cvGetQuadrangleSubPix(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const map_matrix: pCvMat); cdecl;
Measures similarity between template and overlapped windows in the source image
and fills the resultant image with the measurements
CVAPI(void) cvMatchTemplate( const CvArr* image, const CvArr* templ,
CvArr* result, int method );
procedure cvMatchTemplate(const image: PCvArr; const templ: PCvArr; result: PCvArr; method: Integer); cdecl;
Computes earth mover distance between
two weighted point sets (called signatures)
CVAPI(float) cvCalcEMD2( const CvArr* signature1,
const CvArr* signature2,
int distance_type,
CvDistanceFunction distance_func CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
const CvArr* cost_matrix CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
float* lower_bound CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
void* userdata CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
function cvCalcEMD2(const signature1: PCvArr; const signature2: PCvArr; distance_type: Integer; distance_func: TCvDistanceFunction = nil;
const cost_matrix: PCvArr = nil; flow: PCvArr = nil; lower_bound: pfloat = nil; userdata: Pointer = nil): float; cdecl;
// ****************************************************************************************
// * Contours retrieving *
// ****************************************************************************************
// * contour retrieval mode */
// * contour approximation method */
pCvContourInfo = ^TCvContourInfo;
TCvContourInfo = record
flags: Integer;
next: pCvContourInfo; // next contour with the same mark value */
parent: pCvContourInfo; // information about parent contour */
contour: pCvSeq; // corresponding contour (may be 0, if rejected) */
rect: TCvRect; // bounding rectangle */
origin: TCvPoint; // origin point (where the contour was traced from) */
is_hole: Integer; // hole flag */
Structure that is used for sequental retrieving contours from the image.
It supports both hierarchical and plane variants of Suzuki algorithm.
pCvContourScanner = ^TCvContourScanner;
TCvContourScanner = record
storage1: pCvMemStorage; // contains fetched contours */
storage2: pCvMemStorage; // contains approximated contours
// (! = storage1 if approx_method2 ! = approx_method1) * / cinfo_storage: pCvMemStorage;
// contains _CvContourInfo nodes */
cinfo_set: pCvSet; // set of _CvContourInfo nodes */
initial_pos: TCvMemStoragePos; // starting storage pos */
backup_pos: TCvMemStoragePos; // beginning of the latest approx. contour */
backup_pos2: TCvMemStoragePos; // ending of the latest approx. contour */
img0: pByte; // image origin */
img: pByte; // current image row */
img_step: Integer; // image step */
img_size: TCvSize; // ROI size */
offset: TCvPoint; // ROI offset: coordinates, added to each contour point */
pt: TCvPoint; // current scanner position */
lnbd: TCvPoint; // position of the last met contour */
nbd: Integer; // current mark val */
l_cinfo: pCvContourInfo; // information about latest approx. contour */
cinfo_temp: TCvContourInfo; // temporary var which is used in simple modes */
frame_info: TCvContourInfo; // information about frame */
frame: TCvSeq; // frame itself */
approx_method1: Integer; // approx method when tracing */
approx_method2: Integer; // final approx method */
mode: Integer; // contour scanning mode:
// 0 - external only
// 1 - all the contours w/o any hierarchy
// 2 - connected components (i.e. two-level structure -
// external contours and holes),
// 3 - full hierarchy;
// 4 - connected components of a multi-level image
subst_flag: Integer;
seq_type1: Integer; // type of fetched contours */
header_size1: Integer; // hdr size of fetched contours */
elem_size1: Integer; // elem size of fetched contours */
seq_type2: Integer; // */
header_size2: Integer; // the same for approx. contours */
elem_size2: Integer; // */
cinfo_table: array [0 .. 127] of pCvContourInfo;
/* Retrieves outer and optionally inner boundaries of white (non-zero) connected
components in the black (zero) background */
CVAPI(int) cvFindContours(
CvArr* image,
CvMemStorage* storage,
CvSeq** first_contour,
int header_size CV_DEFAULT(sizeof(CvContour)),
CvPoint offset CV_DEFAULT(cvPoint(0,0)));
function cvFindContours(
{ } image: PCvArr;
{ } storage: pCvMemStorage;
{ } first_contour: pCvSeq;
{ } header_size: Integer { = SizeOf(TCvContour) };
{ } mode: Integer { = CV_RETR_LIST };
{ } method: Integer { = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE };
{ } offset: TCvPoint { =cvPoint(0,0) } ): Integer; cdecl;
(* Initalizes contour retrieving process.
Calls cvStartFindContours.
Calls cvFindNextContour until null pointer is returned
or some other condition becomes true.
Calls cvEndFindContours at the end. *)
// CVAPI(CvContourScanner) cvStartFindContours( CvArr* image, CvMemStorage* storage,
// int header_size CV_DEFAULT(sizeof(CvContour)),
// CvPoint offset CV_DEFAULT(cvPoint(0,0)));
function cvStartFindContours(image: PCvArr; storage: pCvMemStorage; header_size: Integer { =sizeof(TCvContour)) }; mode: Integer { = CV_RETR_LIST };
method: Integer { =CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE }; offset: TCvPoint { =cvPoint(0,0) } ): pCvContourScanner; cdecl;
// * Retrieves next contour */
// CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvFindNextContour( CvContourScanner scanner );
function cvFindNextContour(scanner: pCvContourScanner): pCvSeq; cdecl;
(* Substitutes the last retrieved contour with the new one
(if the substitutor is null, the last retrieved contour is removed from the tree) *)
// CVAPI(void) cvSubstituteContour( CvContourScanner scanner, CvSeq* new_contour );
procedure cvSubstituteContour(scanner: pCvContourScanner; new_contour: pCvSeq); cdecl;
// * Releases contour scanner and returns pointer to the first outer contour */
// CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvEndFindContours( CvContourScanner* scanner );
function cvEndFindContours(Var scanner: pCvContourScanner): pCvSeq; cdecl;
Approximates a single Freeman chain or a tree of chains to polygonal curves
CVAPI(CvSeq* ) cvApproxChains( CvSeq* src_seq, CvMemStorage* storage,
double parameter CV_DEFAULT(0),
int minimal_perimeter CV_DEFAULT(0),
int recursive CV_DEFAULT(0));
function cvApproxChains(src_seq: pCvSeq; storage: pCvMemStorage; method: Integer = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE; parameter: Double = 0;
minimal_perimeter: Integer = 0; recursive: Integer = 0): pCvSeq; cdecl;
Initializes Freeman chain reader.
The reader is used to iteratively get coordinates of all the chain points.
If the Freeman codes should be read as is, a simple sequence reader should be used
CVAPI(void) cvStartReadChainPoints( CvChain* chain, CvChainPtReader* reader );
procedure cvStartReadChainPoints(chain: pCvChain; reader: pCvChainPtReader); cdecl;
Retrieves the next chain point
CVAPI(CvPoint) cvReadChainPoint( CvChainPtReader* reader );
function cvReadChainPoint(reader: pCvChainPtReader): TCvPoint; cdecl;
// (****************************************************************************************\
// * Contour Processing and Shape Analysis *
// *************************************************************************************** *)
/* Approximates a single polygonal curve (contour) or
a tree of polygonal curves (contours) */
CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvApproxPoly(
const void* src_seq,
int header_size,
CvMemStorage* storage,
int method,
double eps,
int recursive CV_DEFAULT(0));
function cvApproxPoly(
{ } const src_seq: pCvSeq;
{ } header_size: Integer;
{ } storage: pCvMemStorage;
{ } method: Integer;
{ } eps: Double;
{ } recursive: Integer = 0): pCvSeq; cdecl;
/* Calculates perimeter of a contour or length of a part of contour */
CVAPI(double) cvArcLength( const void* curve,
int is_closed CV_DEFAULT(-1));
function cvArcLength(const curve: Pointer; slice: TCvSlice { = CV_WHOLE_SEQ }; is_closed: Integer { = 1 } ): Double; cdecl;
CV_INLINE double cvContourPerimeter( const void* contour )
return cvArcLength( contour, CV_WHOLE_SEQ, 1 );
function cvContourPerimeter(const contour: Pointer): Double; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
// * Calculates contour boundning rectangle (update=1) or
// just retrieves pre-calculated rectangle (update=0) */
// CVAPI(CvRect) cvBoundingRect( CvArr* points, int update CV_DEFAULT(0) );
function cvBoundingRect(points: PCvArr; update: Integer = 0): TCvRect; cdecl;
// * Calculates area of a contour or contour segment */
// CVAPI(double) cvContourArea( const CvArr* contour,
// CvSlice slice CV_DEFAULT(CV_WHOLE_SEQ),
// int oriented CV_DEFAULT(0));
function cvContourArea(const contour: PCvArr; slice: TCvSlice { = CV_WHOLE_SEQ }; oriented: Integer = 0): Double; cdecl;
// (* Finds minimum area rotated rectangle bounding a set of points *)
// CVAPI(CvBox2D) cvMinAreaRect2( const CvArr* points, CvMemStorage* storage CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
function cvMinAreaRect2(points: PCvArr; storage: pCvMemStorage = nil): TCvBox2D; cdecl;
// (* Finds minimum enclosing circle for a set of points *)
// CVAPI(int) cvMinEnclosingCircle( const CvArr* points,CvPoint2D32f* center, float* radius );
function cvMinEnclosingCircle(points: PCvArr; center: pCvPoint2D32f; radius: pSingle): Integer; cdecl;
/* Compares two contours by matching their moments */
CVAPI(double) cvMatchShapes( const void* object1, const void* object2,
int method, double parameter CV_DEFAULT(0));
function cvMatchShapes(const object1: Pointer; const object2: Pointer; method: Integer; parameter: Double = 0): Double; cdecl;
/* Calculates exact convex hull of 2d point set */
CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvConvexHull2( const CvArr* input,
void* hull_storage CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
int orientation CV_DEFAULT(CV_CLOCKWISE),
int return_points CV_DEFAULT(0));
function cvConvexHull2(const input: pCvSeq; hull_storage: Pointer = nil; orientation: Integer = CV_CLOCKWISE; return_points: Integer = 0): pCvSeq; cdecl;
/* Checks whether the contour is convex or not (returns 1 if convex, 0 if not) */
CVAPI(int) cvCheckContourConvexity( const CvArr* contour );
function cvCheckContourConvexity(const contour: pCvSeq): Integer; cdecl;
(* Finds convexity defects for the contour *)
CVAPI(CvSeq) cvConvexityDefects( CvArr* contour, CvArr* convexhull,
CvMemStorage* storage CV_DEFAULT(0)): Pointer;
function cvConvexityDefects(contour: pCvSeq; convexhull: pCvSeq; storage: pCvMemStorage = nil): pCvSeq; cdecl;
Fits ellipse into a set of 2d points
CVAPI(CvBox2D) cvFitEllipse2( const CvArr* points );
function cvFitEllipse2(const points: PCvArr): TCvBox2D; cdecl;
Finds minimum rectangle containing two given rectangles
CVAPI(CvRect) cvMaxRect( const CvRect* rect1, const CvRect* rect2 );
function cvMaxRect(const rect1: pCvRect; const rect2: pCvRect): TCvRect; cdecl;
TBoxPoints = array [0 .. 3] of TCvPoint2D32f;
// (* Finds coordinates of the box vertices *)
// CVAPI(void) cvBoxPoints( CvBox2D box, CvPoint2D32f pt[4] );
procedure cvBoxPoints(box: TCvBox2D; pt: TBoxPoints); cdecl;
Initializes sequence header for a matrix (column or row vector) of points -
a wrapper for cvMakeSeqHeaderForArray (it does not initialize bounding rectangle!!!)
CVAPI(CvSeq* ) cvPointSeqFromMat( int seq_kind, const CvArr* mat,
CvContour* contour_header,
CvSeqBlock* block );
function cvPointSeqFromMat(seq_kind: Integer; const mat: PCvArr; contour_header: pCvContour; block: pCvSeqBlock): pCvSeq; cdecl;
Checks whether the point is inside polygon, outside, on an edge (at a vertex).
Returns positive, negative or zero value, correspondingly.
Optionally, measures a signed distance between
the point and the nearest polygon edge (measure_dist=1)
CVAPI(double) cvPointPolygonTest( const CvArr* contour,
CvPoint2D32f pt, int measure_dist );
function cvPointPolygonTest(const contour: PCvArr; pt: TCvPoint2D32f; measure_dist: Integer): Double; cdecl;
// (****************************************************************************************\
// * Histogram functions *
// *************************************************************************************** *)
/* Creates new histogram */
CVAPI(CvHistogram*) cvCreateHist( int dims, int* sizes, int type,
float** ranges CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
int uniform CV_DEFAULT(1));
function cvCreateHist(dims: Integer; sizes: PInteger; _type: Integer; ranges: Pointer = nil; uniform: Integer = 1): pCvHistogram; cdecl;
/* Assignes histogram bin ranges */
CVAPI(void) cvSetHistBinRanges( CvHistogram* hist, float** ranges,
int uniform CV_DEFAULT(1));
// WARNING! "float** ranges" is matrix
procedure cvSetHistBinRanges(hist: pCvHistogram; ranges: pSingle; uniform: Integer = 1); cdecl;
Creates histogram header for array
CVAPI(CvHistogram* ) cvMakeHistHeaderForArray(
int dims, int* sizes, CvHistogram* hist,
float* data, float** ranges CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
int uniform CV_DEFAULT(1));
function cvMakeHistHeaderForArray(dims: Integer; sizes: PInteger; hist: pCvHistogram; data: pfloat; ranges: ppfloat = nil; uniform: Integer = 1)
: pCvHistogram; cdecl;
// * Releases histogram */
// CVAPI(void) cvReleaseHist( CvHistogram** hist );
procedure cvReleaseHist(Var hist: pCvHistogram); cdecl;
// * Clears all the histogram bins */
// CVAPI(void) cvClearHist( CvHistogram* hist );
procedure cvClearHist(hist: pCvHistogram); cdecl;
/* Finds indices and values of minimum and maximum histogram bins */
CVAPI(void) cvGetMinMaxHistValue( const CvHistogram* hist,
float* min_value, float* max_value,
int* min_idx CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
int* max_idx CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
procedure cvGetMinMaxHistValue(const hist: pCvHistogram; min_value: pSingle; max_value: pSingle; min_idx: PInteger = nil; max_idx: PInteger = nil); cdecl;
/* Normalizes histogram by dividing all bins by sum of the bins, multiplied by <factor>.
After that sum of histogram bins is equal to <factor> */
CVAPI(void) cvNormalizeHist( CvHistogram* hist, double factor );
procedure cvNormalizeHist(hist: pCvHistogram; factor: Double); cdecl;
/* Clear all histogram bins that are below the threshold */
CVAPI(void) cvThreshHist( CvHistogram* hist, double threshold );
procedure cvThreshHist(hist: pCvHistogram; threshold: Double); cdecl;
(* /* Compares two histogram */
CVAPI(Double) cvCompareHist( CvHistogram* hist1,
CvHistogram* hist2,
Integer method);
function cvCompareHist(hist1: pCvHistogram; hist2: pCvHistogram; method: Integer): Double; cdecl;
/* Copies one histogram to another. Destination histogram is created if
the destination pointer is NULL */
CVAPI(void) cvCopyHist( const CvHistogram* src, CvHistogram** dst );
procedure cvCopyHist(const src: pCvHistogram; Var dst: pCvHistogram); cdecl;
/* Calculates bayesian probabilistic histograms
(each or src and dst is an array of <number> histograms */
CVAPI(void) cvCalcBayesianProb( CvHistogram** src, int number,
CvHistogram** dst);
procedure cvCalcBayesianProb(Var src: pCvHistogram; number: Integer; Var dst: pCvHistogram); cdecl;
// * Does some sort of template matching but compares histograms of
// template and each window location */
// CVAPI(void) cvCalcArrBackProjectPatch( CvArr** image, CvArr* dst, CvSize range,
// CvHistogram* hist, int method,
// double factor );
//procedure cvCalcArrBackProjectPatch(var image: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; range: TCvSize; hist: pCvHistogram; method: Integer; factor: Double); cdecl;
// #define cvCalcBackProjectPatch( image, dst, range, hist, method, factor ) cvCalcArrBackProjectPatch( (CvArr**)image, dst, range, hist, method, factor )
/* Calculates array histogram */
CVAPI(void) cvCalcArrHist( CvArr** arr, CvHistogram* hist,
int accumulate CV_DEFAULT(0),
const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) );
procedure cvCalcArrHist(var arr: PCvArr; hist: pCvHistogram; accumulate: Integer = 0; const mask: PCvArr = nil); cdecl; overload;
procedure cvCalcArrHist(var arr: pIplImage; hist: pCvHistogram; accumulate: Integer = 0; const mask: pIplImage = nil); cdecl; overload;
procedure cvCalcArrHist(var arr: pCvMat; hist: pCvHistogram; accumulate: Integer = 0; const mask: pCvMat = nil); cdecl; overload;
// CV_INLINE void cvCalcHist(
// IplImage** image,
// CvHistogram* hist,
// int accumulate CV_DEFAULT(0),
// const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL) )
// {
// cvCalcArrHist( (CvArr**)image, hist, accumulate, mask );
// }
procedure cvCalcHist(var image: PCvArr; hist: pCvHistogram; accumulate: Integer = 0; const mask: PCvArr = nil);
{$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF} overload;
procedure cvCalcHist(var image: pIplImage; hist: pCvHistogram; accumulate: Integer = 0; const mask: PCvArr = nil);
{$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF} overload;
procedure cvCalcHist(var image: pCvMat; hist: pCvHistogram; accumulate: Integer = 0; const mask: PCvArr = nil);
{$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF} overload;
/* Calculates back project */
CVAPI(void) cvCalcArrBackProject( CvArr** image, CvArr* dst,
const CvHistogram* hist );
#define cvCalcBackProject(image, dst, hist) cvCalcArrBackProject((CvArr**)image, dst, hist)
procedure cvCalcArrBackProject(var image: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const hist: pCvHistogram); cdecl;
/* Does some sort of template matching but compares histograms of
template and each window location */
procedure cvCalcBackProject(var image: pIplImage; dst: PCvArr; const hist: pCvHistogram); cdecl; overload;
procedure cvCalcBackProject(var image: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const hist: pCvHistogram); cdecl; overload;
/* calculates probabilistic density (divides one histogram by another) */
CVAPI(void) cvCalcProbDensity( const CvHistogram* hist1, const CvHistogram* hist2,
CvHistogram* dst_hist, double scale CV_DEFAULT(255) );
procedure cvCalcProbDensity(const hist1: pCvHistogram; const hist2: pCvHistogram; dst_hist: pCvHistogram; scale: Double = 255); cdecl;
/* equalizes histogram of 8-bit single-channel image */
CVAPI(void) cvEqualizeHist( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst );
procedure cvEqualizeHist(const src, dst: PCvArr); cdecl;
(* Applies distance transform to binary image *)
CVAPI(void) cvDistTransform( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst,
int distance_type CV_DEFAULT(CV_DIST_L2),
int mask_size CV_DEFAULT(3),
const float* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
CvArr* labels CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
procedure cvDistTransform(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; distance_type: Integer = CV_DIST_L2; mask_size: Integer = 3; const mask: pfloat = nil;
labels: PCvArr = nil; labelType: Integer = CV_DIST_LABEL_CCOMP); cdecl;
// (* Applies fixed-level threshold to grayscale image.
// This is a basic operation applied before retrieving contours *)
// CVAPI(double) cvThreshold( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, double threshold, double max_value, int threshold_type );
function cvThreshold(const src, dst: PCvArr; threshold, max_value: Double; threshold_type: Integer): Double; cdecl;
/* Applies adaptive threshold to grayscale image.
The two parameters for methods CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C and
neighborhood size (3, 5, 7 etc.),
and a constant subtracted from mean (...,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...) */
CVAPI(void) cvAdaptiveThreshold(
const CvArr* src,
CvArr* dst,
double max_value,
int threshold_type CV_DEFAULT(CV_THRESH_BINARY),
int block_size CV_DEFAULT(3),
double param1 CV_DEFAULT(5));
procedure cvAdaptiveThreshold(
{ } const src: PCvArr;
{ } dst: PCvArr;
{ } max_value: Double;
{ } adaptive_method: Integer = CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C;
{ } threshold_type: Integer = CV_THRESH_BINARY;
{ } block_size: Integer = 3;
{ } param1: Double = 5); cdecl;
/* Fills the connected component until the color difference gets large enough */
CVAPI(void) cvFloodFill(
CvArr* image,
CvPoint seed_point,
CvScalar new_val,
CvScalar lo_diff CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)),
CvScalar up_diff CV_DEFAULT(cvScalarAll(0)),
CvConnectedComp* comp CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
int flags CV_DEFAULT(4),
CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL));
procedure cvFloodFill(
{ } image: PCvArr;
{ } seed_point: TCvPoint;
{ } new_val: TCvScalar;
{ } lo_diff: TCvScalar { * cvScalarAll(0) * };
{ } up_diff: TCvScalar { * cvScalarAll(0) * };
{ } comp: pCvConnectedComp = NIL;
{ } flags: Integer = 4;
{ } mask: PCvArr = NIL); cdecl;
// ****************************************************************************************
// * Feature detection *
// ****************************************************************************************
/* Runs canny edge detector */
CVAPI(void) cvCanny(
const CvArr* image,
CvArr* edges,
double threshold1,
double threshold2,
int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3) );
procedure cvCanny(const image: PCvArr; edges: PCvArr; threshold1: Double; threshold2: Double; aperture_size: Integer = 3); cdecl;
/* Calculates constraint image for corner detection
Dx^2 * Dyy + Dxx * Dy^2 - 2 * Dx * Dy * Dxy.
Applying threshold to the result gives coordinates of corners */
CVAPI(void) cvPreCornerDetect( const CvArr* image, CvArr* corners,
int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3) );
procedure cvPreCornerDetect(const image: PCvArr; corners: PCvArr; aperture_size: Integer = 3); cdecl;
/* Calculates eigen values and vectors of 2x2
gradient covariation matrix at every image pixel */
CVAPI(void) cvCornerEigenValsAndVecs( const CvArr* image, CvArr* eigenvv,
int block_size, int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3) );
procedure cvCornerEigenValsAndVecs(const image: PCvArr; eigenvv: PCvArr; block_size: Integer; aperture_size: Integer = 3); cdecl;
/* Calculates minimal eigenvalue for 2x2 gradient covariation matrix at
every image pixel */
CVAPI(void) cvCornerMinEigenVal( const CvArr* image, CvArr* eigenval,
int block_size, int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3) );
procedure cvCornerMinEigenVal(const image: PCvArr; eigenval: PCvArr; block_size: Integer; aperture_size: Integer = 3); cdecl;
/* Harris corner detector:
Calculates det(M) - k*(trace(M)^2), where M is 2x2 gradient covariation matrix for each pixel */
CVAPI(void) cvCornerHarris( const CvArr* image, CvArr* harris_response,
int block_size, int aperture_size CV_DEFAULT(3),
double k CV_DEFAULT(0.04) );
procedure cvCornerHarris(const image: PCvArr; harris_response: PCvArr; block_size: Integer; aperture_size: Integer = 3; k: Double = 0.04); cdecl;
/* Adjust corner position using some sort of gradient search */
CVAPI(void) cvFindCornerSubPix(
const CvArr* image,
CvPoint2D32f* corners,
int count,
CvSize win,
CvSize zero_zone,
CvTermCriteria criteria );
procedure cvFindCornerSubPix(const image: PCvArr; corners: pCvPoint2D32f; count: Integer; win: TCvSize; zero_zone: TCvSize; criteria: TCvTermCriteria); cdecl;
/* Finds a sparse set of points within the selected region
that seem to be easy to track */
CVAPI(void) cvGoodFeaturesToTrack( const CvArr* image, CvArr* eig_image,
CvArr* temp_image, CvPoint2D32f* corners,
int* corner_count, double quality_level,
double min_distance,
const CvArr* mask CV_DEFAULT(NULL),
int block_size CV_DEFAULT(3),
int use_harris CV_DEFAULT(0),
double k CV_DEFAULT(0.04) );
procedure cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(const image: PCvArr; eig_image: PCvArr; temp_image: PCvArr; corners: pCvPoint2D32f; corner_count: PInteger;
quality_level: Double; min_distance: Double; const mask: PCvArr = nil; block_size: Integer = 3; use_harris: Integer = 0; k: Double = 0.04); cdecl;
/* Finds lines on binary image using one of several methods.
line_storage is either memory storage or 1 x <max number of lines> CvMat, its
number of columns is changed by the function.
method is one of CV_HOUGH_*;
rho, theta and threshold are used for each of those methods;
param1 ~ line length, param2 ~ line gap - for probabilistic,
param1 ~ srn, param2 ~ stn - for multi-scale */
CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvHoughLines2(
CvArr* image,
void* line_storage,
int method,
double rho,
double theta,
int threshold,
double param1 CV_DEFAULT(0),
double param2 CV_DEFAULT(0));
function cvHoughLines2(
{ } image: PCvArr;
{ } line_storage: Pointer;
{ } method: Integer;
{ } rho: Double;
{ } theta: Double;
{ } threshold: Integer;
{ } param1: Double = 0;
{ } param2: Double = 0): pCvSeq; cdecl;
/* Finds circles in the image */
CVAPI(CvSeq*) cvHoughCircles(
CvArr* image,
void* circle_storage,
int method,
double dp,
double min_dist,
double param1 CV_DEFAULT(100),
double param2 CV_DEFAULT(100),
int min_radius CV_DEFAULT(0),
int max_radius CV_DEFAULT(0));
function cvHoughCircles(
{ } image: PCvArr;
{ } circle_storage: Pointer;
{ } method: Integer;
{ } dp: Double;
{ } min_dist: Double;
{ } param1: Double = 100;
{ } param2: Double = 100;
{ } min_radius: Integer = 0;
{ } max_radius: Integer = 0): pCvSeq; cdecl;
/* Fits a line into set of 2d or 3d points in a robust way (M-estimator technique) */
CVAPI(void) cvFitLine( const CvArr* points, int dist_type, double param,
double reps, double aeps, float* line );
procedure cvFitLine(const points: PCvArr; dist_type: Integer; param: Double; reps: Double; aeps: Double; Var line: Single); cdecl;
uses ocv.lib;
// procedure cvCvtColor(const src: pIplImage; dst: pIplImage; code: Integer); external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvCvtColor(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; code: Integer); cdecl; external imgproc_lib name 'cvCvtColor';
procedure cvCvtColor(const src: pCvMat; dst: pCvMat; code: Integer); cdecl; external imgproc_lib name 'cvCvtColor';
// procedure cvCvtColor(const src: PCvArr; dst: pCvMat; code: Integer); external imgproc_lib name 'cvCvtColor';
function cvThreshold(const src, dst: PCvArr; threshold, max_value: Double; threshold_type: Integer): Double; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvSmooth(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; smoothtype: Integer = CV_GAUSSIAN; size1: Integer = 3; size2: Integer = 0; sigma1: Double = 0;
sigma2: Double = 0); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvResize(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; interpolation: Integer = CV_INTER_LINEAR); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvCreateStructuringElementEx(cols: Integer; rows: Integer; anchor_x: Integer; anchor_y: Integer; shape: Integer; values: PInteger = nil)
: pIplConvKernel; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvErode(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; element: pIplConvKernel = nil; iterations: Integer = 1); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvDilate(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; element: pIplConvKernel = nil; iterations: Integer = 1); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvReleaseStructuringElement(Var element: pIplConvKernel); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvMorphologyEx(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; temp: PCvArr; element: pIplConvKernel; operation: Integer; iterations: Integer = 1); cdecl;
external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvFloodFill(image: PCvArr; seed_point: TCvPoint; new_val: TCvScalar; lo_diff: TCvScalar { * cvScalarAll(0) * };
up_diff: TCvScalar { * cvScalarAll(0) * }; comp: pCvConnectedComp = NIL; flags: Integer = 4; mask: PCvArr = NIL); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvAdaptiveThreshold(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; max_value: Double; adaptive_method: Integer = CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C;
threshold_type: Integer = CV_THRESH_BINARY; block_size: Integer = 3; param1: Double = 5); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvCopyMakeBorder(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; offset: TCvPoint; bordertype: Integer; value: TCvScalar { * cvScalarAll(0) * } ); cdecl;
external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvSobel(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; xorder: Integer; yorder: Integer; aperture_size: Integer = 3); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvLaplace(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; aperture_size: Integer = 3); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvCanny(const image: PCvArr; edges: PCvArr; threshold1: Double; threshold2: Double; aperture_size: Integer = 3); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvHoughLines2(image: PCvArr; line_storage: Pointer; method: Integer; rho: Double; theta: Double; threshold: Integer; param1: Double = 0;
param2: Double = 0): pCvSeq; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvHoughCircles(image: PCvArr; circle_storage: Pointer; method: Integer; dp: Double; min_dist: Double; param1: Double = 100; param2: Double = 100;
min_radius: Integer = 0; max_radius: Integer = 0): pCvSeq; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvIntegral(const image: PCvArr; sum: PCvArr; sqsum: PCvArr = NIL; tilted_sum: PCvArr = NIL); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvFindContours(image: PCvArr; storage: pCvMemStorage; first_contour: pCvSeq; header_size: Integer { = SizeOf(TCvContour) };
mode: Integer { = CV_RETR_LIST }; method: Integer { = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE }; offset: TCvPoint { =cvPoint(0,0) } ): Integer; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvApproxPoly(const src_seq: pCvSeq; header_size: Integer; storage: pCvMemStorage; method: Integer; eps: Double; recursive: Integer = 0): pCvSeq; cdecl;
external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvEqualizeHist(const src, dst: PCvArr); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvFindCornerSubPix(const image: PCvArr; corners: pCvPoint2D32f; count: Integer; win: TCvSize; zero_zone: TCvSize; criteria: TCvTermCriteria); cdecl;
external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvInitUndistortMap(const camera_matrix: pCvMat; const distortion_coeffs: pCvMat; mapx: PCvArr; mapy: PCvArr); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvRemap(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const mapx: PCvArr; const mapy: PCvArr; flags: Integer { =CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS };
fillval: TCvScalar { =cvScalarAll(0) }
); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvArcLength(const curve: Pointer; slice: TCvSlice { = CV_WHOLE_SEQ }; is_closed: Integer { = 1 } ): Double; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvContourPerimeter(const contour: Pointer): Double; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF}
result := cvArcLength(contour, CV_WHOLE_SEQ, 1);
function cvMatchShapes(const object1: Pointer; const object2: Pointer; method: Integer; parameter: Double = 0): Double; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cv2DRotationMatrix(center: TCvPoint2D32f; angle: Double; scale: Double; map_matrix: pCvMat): pCvMat; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvWarpAffine(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const map_matrix: pCvMat; flags: Integer { = CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS };
fillval: TCvScalar { = cvScalarAll(0) } ); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvGetPerspectiveTransform(const src: pCvPoint2D32f; const dst: pCvPoint2D32f; map_matrix: pCvMat): pCvMat; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvWarpPerspective(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const map_matrix: pCvMat; flags: Integer { =CV_INTER_LINEAR+CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS };
fillval: TCvScalar { =cvScalarAll(0) } ); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvBoundingRect(points: PCvArr; update: Integer = 0): TCvRect; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvContourArea(const contour: PCvArr; slice: TCvSlice { = CV_WHOLE_SEQ }; oriented: Integer = 0): Double; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvConvexHull2(const input: pCvSeq; hull_storage: Pointer = nil; orientation: Integer = CV_CLOCKWISE; return_points: Integer = 0): pCvSeq; cdecl;
external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvConvexityDefects(contour: pCvSeq; convexhull: pCvSeq; storage: pCvMemStorage = nil): pCvSeq; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvPyrDown(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; filter: Integer = CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvPyrUp(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; filter: Integer = CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvCheckContourConvexity(const contour: pCvSeq): Integer; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvCreateHist(dims: Integer; sizes: PInteger; _type: Integer; ranges: Pointer = nil; uniform: Integer = 1): pCvHistogram; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvCalcHist(var image: PCvArr; hist: pCvHistogram; accumulate: Integer = 0; const mask: PCvArr = nil);
{$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF} overload;
cvCalcArrHist(image, hist, accumulate, mask);
procedure cvCalcHist(var image: pIplImage; hist: pCvHistogram; accumulate: Integer = 0; const mask: PCvArr = nil);
{$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF} overload;
cvCalcArrHist(PCvArr(image), hist, accumulate, mask);
procedure cvCalcHist(var image: pCvMat; hist: pCvHistogram; accumulate: Integer = 0; const mask: PCvArr = nil);
{$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF} overload;
cvCalcArrHist(PCvArr(image), hist, accumulate, mask);
// procedure cvCalcHist;
// begin
// cvCalcArrHist(image, hist, accumulate, mask);
// end;
procedure cvGetMinMaxHistValue(const hist: pCvHistogram; min_value: pSingle; max_value: pSingle; min_idx: PInteger = nil; max_idx: PInteger = nil); cdecl;
external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
// procedure cvCalcArrHist; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvCalcArrHist(var arr: PCvArr; hist: pCvHistogram; accumulate: Integer = 0; const mask: PCvArr = nil); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF}; overload;
procedure cvCalcArrHist(var arr: pIplImage; hist: pCvHistogram; accumulate: Integer = 0; const mask: pIplImage = nil); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF}; overload;
procedure cvCalcArrHist(var arr: pCvMat; hist: pCvHistogram; accumulate: Integer = 0; const mask: pCvMat = nil); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF}; overload;
procedure cvCalcArrBackProject(var image: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const hist: pCvHistogram); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
//procedure cvCalcBackProject; external imgproc_lib name 'cvCalcArrBackProject';
procedure cvCalcBackProject(var image: pIplImage; dst: PCvArr; const hist: pCvHistogram); cdecl; external imgproc_lib name 'cvCalcArrBackProject'; overload;
procedure cvCalcBackProject(var image: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const hist: pCvHistogram); cdecl; external imgproc_lib name 'cvCalcArrBackProject'; overload;
procedure cvGoodFeaturesToTrack(const image: PCvArr; eig_image: PCvArr; temp_image: PCvArr; corners: pCvPoint2D32f; corner_count: PInteger;
quality_level: Double; min_distance: Double; const mask: PCvArr = nil; block_size: Integer = 3; use_harris: Integer = 0; k: Double = 0.04); cdecl;
external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvMinAreaRect2(points: PCvArr; storage: pCvMemStorage = nil): TCvBox2D; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvMinEnclosingCircle(points: PCvArr; center: pCvPoint2D32f; radius: pSingle): Integer; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvBoxPoints(box: TCvBox2D; pt: TBoxPoints); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvLogPolar(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; center: TCvPoint2D32f; M: Double; flags: Integer = CV_INTER_LINEAR + CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS); cdecl;
external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvLinearPolar(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; center: TCvPoint2D32f; maxRadius: Double; flags: Integer = CV_INTER_LINEAR + CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS);
cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvReleaseHist(Var hist: pCvHistogram); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvClearHist(hist: pCvHistogram); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvMoments(const arr: PCvArr; moments: pCvMoments; binary: Integer = 0); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvGetSpatialMoment(moments: pCvMoments; x_order, y_order: Integer): Double; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvMatchTemplate(const image: PCvArr; const templ: PCvArr; result: PCvArr; method: Integer); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvGetCentralMoment(moments: pCvMoments; x_order, y_order: Integer): Double; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvUndistort2(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const camera_matrix: PCvArr; const distortion_coeffs: PCvArr; const new_camera_matrix: PCvArr = nil);
cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvGetAffineTransform(const src: pCvPoint2D32f; const dst: pCvPoint2D32f; map_matrix: pCvMat): pCvMat; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvUndistortPoints(const src: pCvMat; dst: pCvMat; const camera_matrix: pCvMat; const dist_coeffs: pCvMat; const R: pCvMat = nil;
const P: pCvMat = nil); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvStartFindContours(image: PCvArr; storage: pCvMemStorage; header_size: Integer { =sizeof(TCvContour)) }; mode: Integer { = CV_RETR_LIST };
method: Integer { =CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE }; offset: TCvPoint { =cvPoint(0,0) } ): pCvContourScanner; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvFindNextContour(scanner: pCvContourScanner): pCvSeq; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvSubstituteContour(scanner: pCvContourScanner; new_contour: pCvSeq); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvEndFindContours(Var scanner: pCvContourScanner): pCvSeq; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvCompareHist(hist1: pCvHistogram; hist2: pCvHistogram; method: Integer): Double; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvAcc(const image: PCvArr; sum: PCvArr; const mask: PCvArr = nil); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvSquareAcc(const image: PCvArr; sqsum: PCvArr; const mask: PCvArr = nil); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvMultiplyAcc(const image1: PCvArr; const image2: PCvArr; acc: PCvArr; const mask: PCvArr = nil); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvRunningAvg(const image: PCvArr; acc: PCvArr; alpha: Double; const mask: PCvArr = nil); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvFilter2D(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const kernel: pCvMat; anchor: TCvPoint); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvFilter2D(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const kernel: pCvMat);
cvFilter2D(src, dst, kernel, CvPoint(-1, -1));
function cvCreatePyramid(const img: PCvArr; extra_layers: Integer; rate: Double; const layer_sizes: pCvSize = nil; bufarr: PCvArr = nil; calc: Integer = 1;
filter: Integer = CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5): ppCvMat; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvReleasePyramid(var pyramid: ppCvMat; extra_layers: Integer); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvPyrMeanShiftFiltering(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; sp: Double; sr: Double; max_level: Integer { = 1 };
termcrit: TCvTermCriteria { = CV_DEFAULT(cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER + CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 5, 1)) } ); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvWatershed(const image: PCvArr; markers: PCvArr); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvConvertMaps(const mapx: PCvArr; const mapy: PCvArr; mapxy: PCvArr; mapalpha: PCvArr); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvInitUndistortRectifyMap(const camera_matrix: pCvMat; const dist_coeffs: pCvMat; const R: pCvMat; const new_camera_matrix: pCvMat; mapx: PCvArr;
mapy: PCvArr); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvGetNormalizedCentralMoment(moments: pCvMoments; x_order: Integer; y_order: Integer): Double; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvGetHuMoments(moments: pCvMoments; hu_moments: pCvHuMoments); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvSampleLine(const image: PCvArr; pt1: TCvPoint; pt2: TCvPoint; buffer: Pointer; connectivity: Integer = 8): Integer; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvGetRectSubPix(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; center: TCvPoint2D32f); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvGetQuadrangleSubPix(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; const map_matrix: pCvMat); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvCalcEMD2(const signature1: PCvArr; const signature2: PCvArr; distance_type: Integer; distance_func: TCvDistanceFunction = nil;
const cost_matrix: PCvArr = nil; flow: PCvArr = nil; lower_bound: pfloat = nil; userdata: Pointer = nil): float; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvApproxChains(src_seq: pCvSeq; storage: pCvMemStorage; method: Integer = CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE; parameter: Double = 0;
minimal_perimeter: Integer = 0; recursive: Integer = 0): pCvSeq; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvStartReadChainPoints(chain: pCvChain; reader: pCvChainPtReader); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvReadChainPoint(reader: pCvChainPtReader): TCvPoint; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvFitEllipse2(const points: PCvArr): TCvBox2D; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvMaxRect(const rect1: pCvRect; const rect2: pCvRect): TCvRect; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvPointSeqFromMat(seq_kind: Integer; const mat: PCvArr; contour_header: pCvContour; block: pCvSeqBlock): pCvSeq; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvPointPolygonTest(const contour: PCvArr; pt: TCvPoint2D32f; measure_dist: Integer): Double; cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvSetHistBinRanges(hist: pCvHistogram; ranges: pSingle; uniform: Integer = 1); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
function cvMakeHistHeaderForArray(dims: Integer; sizes: PInteger; hist: pCvHistogram; data: pfloat; ranges: ppfloat = nil; uniform: Integer = 1): pCvHistogram;
cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvNormalizeHist(hist: pCvHistogram; factor: Double); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvThreshHist(hist: pCvHistogram; threshold: Double); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvCopyHist(const src: pCvHistogram; Var dst: pCvHistogram); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvCalcBayesianProb(Var src: pCvHistogram; number: Integer; Var dst: pCvHistogram); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvCalcArrBackProjectPatch(var image: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; range: TCvSize; hist: pCvHistogram; method: Integer; factor: Double); cdecl;
external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvCalcProbDensity(const hist1: pCvHistogram; const hist2: pCvHistogram; dst_hist: pCvHistogram; scale: Double = 255); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvDistTransform(const src: PCvArr; dst: PCvArr; distance_type: Integer = CV_DIST_L2; mask_size: Integer = 3; const mask: pfloat = nil;
labels: PCvArr = nil; labelType: Integer = CV_DIST_LABEL_CCOMP); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvPreCornerDetect(const image: PCvArr; corners: PCvArr; aperture_size: Integer = 3); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvCornerEigenValsAndVecs(const image: PCvArr; eigenvv: PCvArr; block_size: Integer; aperture_size: Integer = 3); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvCornerMinEigenVal(const image: PCvArr; eigenval: PCvArr; block_size: Integer; aperture_size: Integer = 3); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvCornerHarris(const image: PCvArr; harris_response: PCvArr; block_size: Integer; aperture_size: Integer = 3; k: Double = 0.04); cdecl;
external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};
procedure cvFitLine(const points: PCvArr; dist_type: Integer; param: Double; reps: Double; aeps: Double; Var line: Single); cdecl; external imgproc_lib{$IFDEF DELAYEDLOADLIB} delayed{$ENDIF};