program avcodec_sample; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} {$include} uses Winapi.Windows, System.SysUtils, System.Classes, ffmpeglib in '..\..\ffmpeglib.pas', ctypes in '..\..\..\ctypes\ctypes.pas', avformat in '..\..\libavformat\avformat.pas', avio in '..\..\libavformat\avio.pas', avutil in '..\..\libavutil\avutil.pas', buffer in '..\..\libavutil\buffer.pas', dict in '..\..\libavutil\dict.pas', frame in '..\..\libavutil\frame.pas', log in '..\..\libavutil\log.pas', opt in '..\..\libavutil\opt.pas', pixfmt in '..\..\libavutil\pixfmt.pas', rational in '..\..\libavutil\rational.pas', samplefmt in '..\..\libavutil\samplefmt.pas', parseutils in '..\..\libavutil\parseutils.pas', swscale in '..\..\libswscale\swscale.pas', pixdesc in '..\..\libavutil\pixdesc.pas', imgutils in '..\..\libavutil\imgutils.pas', mem in '..\..\libavutil\mem.pas', error in '..\..\libavutil\error.pas', avfilter in '..\..\libavfilter\avfilter.pas', buffersink in '..\..\libavfilter\buffersink.pas', mathematics in '..\..\libavutil\mathematics.pas', libavcodec.avcodec in '..\..\libavcodec\libavcodec.avcodec.pas', buffersrc in '..\..\libavfilter\buffersrc.pas', errno in '..\..\libavutil\errno.pas'; function GetNextFrame(pFormatCtx: pAVFormatContext; pCodecCtx: pAVCodecContext; videoStream: Integer; pFrame: pAVFrame): Boolean; label loop_exit; Var packet: TAVPacket; bytesRemaining: Integer; rawData: pByte; fFirstTime: Boolean; bytesDecoded: Integer; frameFinished: Integer; begin bytesRemaining := 0; fFirstTime := true; // First time we're called, set to nil to indicate it // doesn't have to be freed if (fFirstTime) then begin fFirstTime := false; := nil; end; // Decode packets until we have decoded a complete frame while (true) do begin // Work on the current packet until we have decoded all of it while (bytesRemaining > 0) do begin // Decode the next chunk of data bytesDecoded := avcodec_decode_video2(pCodecCtx, pFrame, frameFinished, @packet); // Was there an error? if (bytesDecoded < 0) then begin Writeln('Error while decoding frame'); Exit(false); end; bytesRemaining := bytesRemaining - bytesDecoded; rawData := rawData + bytesDecoded; // Did we finish the current frame? Then we can return if (frameFinished = 0) then Exit(true); end; // Read the next packet, skipping all packets that aren't for this // stream repeat // Free old packet if Assigned( then av_free_packet(packet); // Read new packet if (av_read_frame(pFormatCtx, packet) < 0) then goto loop_exit; until (packet.stream_index = videoStream); bytesRemaining := packet.size; rawData :=; end; loop_exit: // Decode the rest of the last frame bytesDecoded := avcodec_decode_video2(pCodecCtx, pFrame, frameFinished, @packet); // Free last packet if Assigned( then av_free_packet(packet); Result := frameFinished <> 0; end; procedure SaveFrame(pFrame: pAVFrame; width: Integer; height: Integer; iFrame: Integer); Var M: TFileStream; y: Integer; A: AnsiString; begin // Open file M := TFileStream.Create(Format('frame%d.ppm', [iFrame]), fmCreate); // Write header A := Format('P6'#13#10'%d %d'#13#10'255'#13#10, [width, height]); M.WriteBuffer((@A[1])^, Length(A)); // Write pixel data for y := 0 to height - 1 do M.Write(Pointer(Integer(@pFrame^.data[0]) + y * pFrame^.linesize[0])^, width * 3); // Close file M.Free; end; Var pFormatCtx: pAVFormatContext; i, videoStream: Integer; pCodecCtx: pAVCodecContext; pCodec: pAVCodec; pFrame: pAVFrame; pFrameRGB: pAVFrame; numBytes: Integer; buffer: pByte; function open_input_file(const filename: pAnsiChar): Integer; Var ret: Integer; begin ret := avformat_open_input(pFormatCtx, filename, nil, nil); if (ret < 0) then begin // av_log(nil, AV_LOG_ERROR, 'Cannot open input file\n'); Exit(ret); end; ret := avformat_find_stream_info(pFormatCtx, nil); if (ret < 0) then begin // av_log(nil, AV_LOG_ERROR, 'Cannot find stream information\n'); Exit(ret); end; (* select the video stream *) ret := av_find_best_stream(pFormatCtx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, -1, -1, pCodec, 0); if (ret < 0) then begin // av_log(nil, AV_LOG_ERROR, 'Cannot find a video stream in the input file\n'); Exit(ret); end; videoStream := ret; pCodecCtx := pFormatCtx^.streams[videoStream]^.codec; // Inform the codec that we can handle truncated bitstreams -- i.e., // bitstreams where frame boundaries can fall in the middle of packets if (pCodec^.capabilities and CODEC_CAP_TRUNCATED) <> 0 then pCodecCtx^.flags := pCodecCtx^.flags or CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED; (* init the video decoder *) ret := avcodec_open2(pCodecCtx, pCodec, nil); if (ret < 0) then begin // av_log(nil, AV_LOG_ERROR, 'Cannot open video decoder\n'); Exit(ret); end; Result := 0; end; begin try // Register all formats and codecs av_register_all(); // Open video file if open_input_file(pAnsiChar(ParamStr(1))) <> 0 then Halt(1); // Couldn't open file // Allocate video frame pFrame := avcodec_alloc_frame(); // Allocate an AVFrame structure pFrameRGB := avcodec_alloc_frame(); if (pFrameRGB = nil) then Halt(1); // Determine required buffer size and allocate buffer numBytes := avpicture_get_size(AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, pCodecCtx^.width, pCodecCtx^.height); buffer := AllocMem(numBytes); // Assign appropriate parts of buffer to image planes in pFrameRGB avpicture_fill(pAVPicture(pFrameRGB), buffer, AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, pCodecCtx^.width, pCodecCtx^.height); // Read frames and save first five frames to disk i := 0; while GetNextFrame(pFormatCtx, pCodecCtx, videoStream, pFrame) do begin swr_convert(pAVPicture(pFrameRGB), AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24, pFrame, pCodecCtx^.pix_fmt, pCodecCtx^.width, pCodecCtx^.height); // Save the frame to disk Inc(i); if (i <= 5) then SaveFrame(pFrameRGB, pCodecCtx^.width, pCodecCtx^.height, i); end; // Free the RGB image FreeMem(buffer); av_free(pFrameRGB); // Free the YUV frame av_free(pFrame); // Close the codec avcodec_close(pCodecCtx); // Close the video file avformat_close_input(pFormatCtx); except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end.