###Delphi-OpenCV * OpenCV version - 2.4.9
* Development environment - Delphi XE2-XE6
Requires installed [Visual C++ redistributable for Visual Studio 2013][2]
#####Contributors: ``` Laentir Valetov (email: laex@bk.ru) Mikhail Grigorev (email: sleuthhound@gmail.com) ``` ####How to install: Download the archive [link][1].
Unzip it to a convenient directory, thus get the following directory structure.
``` - Directory, such as "C:\OpenCV\" <3rdParty> ``` Add the search path for the modules of the project in Delphi IDE (Tools-Options-Delphi Options-Library-Library path) ``` \include \include\calib3d \include\core \include\features2d \include\highgui \include\imgproc \include\legacy \include\ml \include\nonfree \include\objdetect \include\video \component ``` where `````` directory, which was unzipped project.
Additionally, you can specify the path to the library header files FFMPEG ``` \3rdParty\ffmpeg \3rdParty\ffmpeg\ctypes \3rdParty\ffmpeg\libavcodec \3rdParty\ffmpeg\libavfilter \3rdParty\ffmpeg\libavformat \3rdParty\ffmpeg\libavutil \3rdParty\ffmpeg\libswresample \3rdParty\ffmpeg\libswscale ``` Examples of using FFMPEG library header files are in the ``` \samples\FFMpeg ``` Open in Delphi IDE and compile:
Examples of the use of certain functions and procedures ``` \samples\LibDemo\LibDemo.groupproj ``` Examples of the use of video processing algorithms ``` \samples\MultiDemo\MultiDemo.groupproj ``` Examples of the use of video processing algorithms using VCL.Forms ``` \samples\VCLDemo\VCLDemo.groupproj ``` Examples of use of components.
To install the components, open and install ``` \include\component\OpenCV.dpk ``` When installing the components in your PATH variable must be available should the library "opencv_*.dll". Must also be installed visual C + + redistributable for Visual Studio 2013 is available on the [link][2]
Examples of the use of components - open: ``` \samples\Components\cCameraCapture\cCameraCapture.dproj \samples\Components\cMatchTemplate\cMatchTemplate.dproj ``` [1]: https://github.com/Laex/Delphi-OpenCV/archive/master.zip [2]: http://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=40784