program metadata; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} {$i} uses System.SysUtils, ffm.lib, ffm.libavcodec.avcodec, ffm.ctypes, ffm.avformat, ffm.avio, ffm.avutil, ffm.buffer, ffm.dict, ffm.frame, ffm.log, ffm.opt, ffm.pixfmt, ffm.rational, ffm.samplefmt, ffm.parseutils, ffm.swscale, ffm.pixdesc, ffm.imgutils, ffm.mem, ffm.error, uResourcePaths; Var fmt_ctx: pAVFormatContext = nil; tag: pAVDictionaryEntry = Nil; ret: Integer; inp : AnsiString; const std_filename = cResourceMedia + 'trailer.avi'; begin try Writeln(Format('usage: %s '#13#10 + 'example program to demonstrate the use of the libavformat metadata API.'#13#10, [ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0))])); if (ParamCount < 1) then inp := std_filename else inp := ParamStr(1); av_register_all(); ret := avformat_open_input(fmt_ctx, PAnsiChar(inp), nil, nil); if ret < 0 then Halt(ret); tag := av_dict_get(fmt_ctx^.metadata, '', tag, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX); while Assigned(tag) do begin Writeln(Format('%s = %s'#13#10, [tag^.key, tag^.value])); tag := av_dict_get(fmt_ctx^.metadata, '', tag, AV_DICT_IGNORE_SUFFIX); end; avformat_close_input(fmt_ctx); except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end.