// ************************************************************************************************** // Project Delphi-OpenCV // ************************************************************************************************** // Contributor: // Laentir Valetov // email:laex@bk.ru // Mikhail Grigorev // email:sleuthound@gmail.com // ************************************************************************************************** // You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the GitHub, // located at git://github.com/Laex/Delphi-OpenCV.git // ************************************************************************************************** // License: // The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the // License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF // ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights // and limitations under the License. // // Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the // GNU Lesser General Public License (the "LGPL License"), in which case the // provisions of the LGPL License are applicable instead of those above. // If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms // of the LGPL License and not to allow others to use your version of this file // under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and // replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL // License. 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procedure IplImage2Bitmap(iplImg: PIplImage; var bitmap: {$IFDEF VER16P}Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap{$ELSE}Graphics.TBitmap{$ENDIF VER16P}); function cvImage2Bitmap(img: PIplImage): {$IFDEF VER16P}Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap{$ELSE}Graphics.TBitmap{$ENDIF VER16P}; function ipDraw(dc: HDC; img: PIplImage; const rect: TRect; const Stretch: Boolean = true): Boolean; overload; procedure ipDraw(const x, y: Integer; const _Grab: PIplImage; const Wnd: THandle); overload; function CreateRGBBitmap(_Grab: PIplImage): HBITMAP; function c_str(const Text: String): pCVChar; function ifthen(const Cond: Boolean; const ValueTrue, ValueFalse: pCvArr): pCvArr; overload; function ifthen(const Cond: Boolean; const ValueTrue, ValueFalse: string): string; overload; function ifthen(const Cond: Boolean; const ValueTrue, ValueFalse: TCvScalar): TCvScalar; overload; function BitmapToIplImage(const bitmap: {$IFDEF VER16P}Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap{$ELSE}Graphics.TBitmap{$ENDIF VER16P}): PIplImage; function CropIplImage(const src: PIplImage; const roi: TCvRect): PIplImage; implementation uses {$IFDEF VER16P} System.SysUtils, {$ELSE} SysUtils, {$ENDIF VER16P} ocv.core_c; function BitmapToIplImage(const bitmap: {$IFDEF VER16P}Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap{$ELSE}Graphics.TBitmap{$ENDIF VER16P}): PIplImage; Var BMI: BITMAPINFO; begin Assert(bitmap.PixelFormat = pf24bit); // Пока только такой формат ZeroMemory(@BMI, sizeof(BMI)); BMI.bmiHeader.biSize := sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); BMI.bmiHeader.biWidth := bitmap.Width; BMI.bmiHeader.biHeight := -bitmap.Height; BMI.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1; BMI.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 24; // only 24-bit BMI.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB; Result := cvCreateImage(cvSize(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); // only 24-bit GetDIBits(bitmap.Canvas.Handle, bitmap.Handle, 0, bitmap.Height, Result^.ImageData, BMI, DIB_RGB_COLORS); end; // function BitmapToIplImage(const bitmap: {$IFDEF VER16P}Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap{$ELSE}Graphics.TBitmap{$ENDIF VER16P}): PIplImage; // Var // bitmapData: PByte; // begin // Assert(bitmap.PixelFormat = pf24bit); // Пока только такой формат // bitmapData := bitmap.Scanline[0]; // Result := cvCreateImage(cvSize(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3); // CopyMemory(Result^.imageData, bitmapData, Result^.imageSize); // Result^.imageDataOrigin := nil; // Result^.imageId := nil; // Result^.maskROI := nil; // Result^.roi := nil; // end; function CropIplImage(const src: PIplImage; const roi: TCvRect): PIplImage; begin // Must have dimensions of output image Result := cvCreateImage(cvSize(roi.Width, roi.Height), src^.depth, src^.nChannels); // Say what the source region is cvSetImageROI(src, roi); // Do the copy cvCopyImage(src, Result); cvResetImageROI(src); end; function ifthen(const Cond: Boolean; const ValueTrue, ValueFalse: pCvArr): pCvArr; overload; begin if Cond then Result := ValueTrue else Result := ValueFalse; end; function ifthen(const Cond: Boolean; const ValueTrue, ValueFalse: string): string; overload; begin if Cond then Result := ValueTrue else Result := ValueFalse; end; function ifthen(const Cond: Boolean; const ValueTrue, ValueFalse: TCvScalar): TCvScalar; overload; begin if Cond then Result := ValueTrue else Result := ValueFalse; end; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Создание API шного битмапа из интеловского RGB изображения // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function CreateRGBBitmap(_Grab: PIplImage): HBITMAP; function WIDTHBYTES(bits: DWORD): DWORD; {$IFDEF USE_INLINE}inline; {$ENDIF} begin Result := ((((bits) + 31) div 32) * 4); end; Var lpbi: TBitmapInfo; App: PByte; pBits: Pointer; i, j: Integer; begin lpbi.bmiHeader.biSize := sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); lpbi.bmiHeader.biWidth := _Grab^.Width; lpbi.bmiHeader.biHeight := _Grab^.Height; lpbi.bmiHeader.biPlanes := 1; lpbi.bmiHeader.biBitCount := 24; lpbi.bmiHeader.biCompression := BI_RGB; lpbi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage := WIDTHBYTES(_Grab^.Width * 8) * _Grab^.Height; lpbi.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter := 0; lpbi.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter := 0; lpbi.bmiHeader.biClrUsed := 0; lpbi.bmiHeader.biClrImportant := 0; Result := CreateDIBSection(0, lpbi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, pBits, 0, 0); if Result <> 0 then begin App := pBits; if (_Grab^.nChannels = 1) then // Серое или бинарное begin for i := 0 to _Grab^.Height - 1 do begin for j := 0 to _Grab^.Width - 1 do begin App[_Grab^.Width * 3 * (_Grab^.Height - i - 1) + j * 3] := PByte(_Grab^.ImageData)[_Grab^.Width * (i) + j]; App[_Grab^.Width * 3 * (_Grab^.Height - i - 1) + j * 3 + 1] := PByte(_Grab^.ImageData)[_Grab^.Width * (i) + j]; App[_Grab^.Width * 3 * (_Grab^.Height - i - 1) + j * 3 + 2] := PByte(_Grab^.ImageData)[_Grab^.Width * (i) + j]; end; end; end; if (_Grab^.nChannels = 3) then // Цветное begin for i := 0 to _Grab^.Height - 1 do begin CopyMemory(App + _Grab^.Width * 3 * (_Grab^.Height - i - 1), PByte(_Grab^.ImageData) + _Grab^.Width * 3 * i, _Grab^.Width * 3); // Копируем память end; end; end; end; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Функция вывода изображения на HANDLE оконного компонента // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure ipDraw(const x, y: Integer; const _Grab: PIplImage; const Wnd: THandle); overload; Var hMemDC, dc: HDC; bitmap: HBITMAP; begin dc := GetDC(Wnd); hMemDC := CreateCompatibleDC(dc); bitmap := CreateRGBBitmap(_Grab); SelectObject(hMemDC, bitmap); BitBlt(dc, x, y, _Grab^.Width, _Grab^.Height, hMemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); DeleteObject(bitmap); DeleteDC(hMemDC); DeleteDC(dc); end; function c_str(const Text: String): pCVChar; begin Result := pCVChar(@(AnsiString(Text)[1])); end; Function hsv2rgb(hue: single): TCvScalar; var rgb: array [0 .. 2] of Integer; p, sector: Integer; const sector_data: array [0 .. 5, 0 .. 2] of Integer = ((0, 2, 1), (1, 2, 0), (1, 0, 2), (2, 0, 1), (2, 1, 0), (0, 1, 2)); Begin hue := hue * 0.033333333333333333333333333333333; sector := cvFloor(hue); // p := cvRound(255 * (hue - sector)); if (sector and 1) = 1 then p := 255 else p := 0; rgb[sector_data[sector][0]] := 255; rgb[sector_data[sector][1]] := 0; rgb[sector_data[sector][2]] := p; Result := cvScalar(rgb[2], rgb[1], rgb[0], 0); End; { ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: IplImage2Bitmap Author: De Sanctis Date: 23-set-2005 Arguments: iplImg: PIplImage; bitmap: TBitmap Description: convert a IplImage to a Windows bitmap ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure IplImage2Bitmap(iplImg: PIplImage; var bitmap: {$IFDEF VER16P}Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap{$ELSE}Graphics.TBitmap{$ENDIF VER16P}); VAR i, j: Integer; offset: longint; dataByte, RowIn: PByteArray; // channelsCount: Integer; BEGIN TRY // assert((iplImg.Depth = 8) and (iplImg.NChannels = 3), // 'IplImage2Bitmap: Not a 24 bit color iplImage!'); bitmap.Height := iplImg.Height; bitmap.Width := iplImg.Width; FOR j := 0 TO bitmap.Height - 1 DO BEGIN // origin BL = Bottom-Left if (iplImg.Origin = IPL_ORIGIN_BL) then RowIn := bitmap.Scanline[bitmap.Height - 1 - j] else RowIn := bitmap.Scanline[j]; offset := longint(iplImg.ImageData) + iplImg.WidthStep * j; dataByte := PByteArray(offset); if (iplImg.ChannelSeq = 'BGR') then begin { direct copy of the iplImage row bytes to bitmap row } CopyMemory(RowIn, dataByte, iplImg.WidthStep); End else if (iplImg.ChannelSeq = 'GRAY') then FOR i := 0 TO bitmap.Width - 1 DO begin RowIn[3 * i] := dataByte[i]; RowIn[3 * i + 1] := dataByte[i]; RowIn[3 * i + 2] := dataByte[i]; End else FOR i := 0 TO 3 * bitmap.Width - 1 DO begin RowIn[i] := dataByte[i + 2]; RowIn[i + 1] := dataByte[i + 1]; RowIn[i + 2] := dataByte[i]; End; End; Except End END; { IplImage2Bitmap } function cvImage2Bitmap(img: PIplImage): {$IFDEF VER16P}Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap{$ELSE}Graphics.TBitmap{$ENDIF VER16P}; var // info: string; bmp: {$IFDEF VER16P}Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap{$ELSE}Graphics.TBitmap{$ENDIF VER16P}; deep: Integer; i, j, K, wStep, Channels: Integer; data: PByteArray; pb: PByteArray; begin Result := NIL; if (img <> NIL) then begin bmp := {$IFDEF VER16P}Vcl.Graphics.TBitmap.Create{$ELSE}Graphics.TBitmap.Create{$ENDIF VER16P}; bmp.Width := img^.Width; bmp.Height := img^.Height; deep := img^.nChannels * img^.depth; case deep of 8: bmp.PixelFormat := pf8bit; 16: bmp.PixelFormat := pf16bit; 24: bmp.PixelFormat := pf24bit; 32: bmp.PixelFormat := pf32bit; End; wStep := img^.WidthStep; Channels := img^.nChannels; data := Pointer(img^.ImageData); for i := 0 to img^.Height - 1 do begin pb := bmp.Scanline[i]; for j := 0 to img^.Width - 1 do begin for K := 0 to Channels - 1 do pb[3 * j + K] := data[i * wStep + j * Channels + K] End; End; Result := bmp; // bmp.Free; End; end; function ipDraw(dc: HDC; img: PIplImage; const rect: TRect; const Stretch: Boolean = true): Boolean; Type pCOLORREF = ^COLORREF; pBITMAPINFOHEADER = ^BITMAPINFOHEADER; Var isrgb: Boolean; isgray: Boolean; buf: array [1 .. sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + sizeof(RGBQUAD) * 256] of byte; dibhdr: pBITMAPINFOHEADER; _dibhdr: TBitmapInfo ABSOLUTE buf; _rgb: pCOLORREF; i: Integer; iResult: Integer; begin if (not Assigned(img)) or (not Assigned(img^.ImageData)) then Exit(false); isrgb := ('R' = upcase(img^.colorModel[0])) and ('G' = upcase(img^.colorModel[1])) and ('B' = upcase(img^.colorModel[2])); isgray := 'G' = upcase(img^.colorModel[0]); if (not isgray) and (not isrgb) then Exit(false); if (1 = img^.nChannels) and (not isgray) then Exit(false); dibhdr := @buf; _rgb := pCOLORREF(Integer(dibhdr) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); if (isgray) then for i := 0 to 255 do _rgb[i] := rgb(i, i, i); dibhdr^.biSize := sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); dibhdr^.biWidth := img^.Width; // Check origin for display if img^.Origin = 0 then dibhdr^.biHeight := -img^.Height else dibhdr^.biHeight := img^.Height; dibhdr^.biPlanes := 1; dibhdr^.biBitCount := 8 * img^.nChannels; dibhdr^.biCompression := BI_RGB; dibhdr^.biSizeImage := 0; // img^.imageSize; dibhdr^.biXPelsPerMeter := 0; dibhdr^.biYPelsPerMeter := 0; dibhdr^.biClrUsed := 0; dibhdr^.biClrImportant := 0; if Stretch then begin SetStretchBltMode(dc, COLORONCOLOR); SetMapMode(dc, MM_TEXT); // Stretch the image to fit the rectangle iResult := StretchDIBits(dc, rect.left, rect.top, {$IFDEF VER16P}rect.Width{$ELSE}rect.Right-rect.Left{$ENDIF}, {$IFDEF VER16P}rect.Height{$ELSE}rect.Bottom-rect.Top{$ENDIF}, 0, 0, img^.Width, img^.Height, img^.ImageData, _dibhdr, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); Result := (iResult > 0); // and (iResult <> GDI_ERROR); end else begin // Draw without scaling iResult := SetDIBitsToDevice(dc, rect.left, rect.top, img^.Width, img^.Height, 0, 0, 0, img^.Height, img^.ImageData, _dibhdr, DIB_RGB_COLORS); Result := (iResult > 0); // and (iResult <> GDI_ERROR); end; end; end.