// **************************************************************** // Delphi-OpenCV Demo // Copyright (C) 2013 Project Delphi-OpenCV // **************************************************************** // Contributor: // Laentir Valetov // email:laex@bk.ru // **************************************************************** // You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the GitHub, // located at git://github.com/Laex/Delphi-OpenCV.git // **************************************************************** // The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to // the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1_1Final.html // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or // implied. See the License for the specific language governing // rights and limitations under the License. // **************************************************************** unit ocv.comp.ViewFMX; {$I OpenCV.inc} interface uses System.Classes, System.Types, FMX.Types, {$IFDEF DELPHIXE6_UP} // Delphi XE6 and above FMX.Graphics, {$ELSE} FMX.PixelFormats, {$ENDIF} FMX.Controls, ocv.comp.Types; {$IFNDEF DELPHIXE5_UP} // Delphi XE5 and below const PixelFormatBytes: array [TPixelFormat] of Integer = ( { pfUnknown } 0, { pfA16B16G16R16 } 8, { pfA2R10G10B10 } 4, { pfA2B10G10R10 } 4, { pfA8R8G8B8 } 4, { pfX8R8G8B8 } 4, { pfA8B8G8R8 } 4, { pfX8B8G8R8 } 4, { pfR5G6B5 } 2, { pfA4R4G4B4 } 2, { pfA1R5G5B5 } 2, { pfX1R5G5B5 } 2, { pfG16R16 } 4, { pfA8L8 } 2, { pfA4L4 } 1, { pfL16 } 2, { pfL8 } 1, { pfR16F } 2, { pfG16R16F } 4, { pfA16B16G16R16F } 8, { pfR32F } 4, { pfG32R32F } 8, { pfA32B32G32R32F } 16, { pfA8 } 1, { pfV8U8 } 2, { pfL6V5U5 } 2, { pfX8L8V8U8 } 4, { pfQ8W8V8U8 } 4, { pfV16U16 } 4, { pfA2W10V10U10 } 4, { pfU8Y8_V8Y8 } 4, { pfR8G8_B8G8 } 4, { pfY8U8_Y8V8 } 4, { pfG8R8_G8B8 } 4, { pfQ16W16V16U16 } 8, { pfCxV8U8 } 2, { pfDXT1 } 8, { pfDXT2 } 16, { pfDXT3 } 16, { pfDXT4 } 16, { pfDXT5 } 16, { pfA32B32G32R32 } 16, { pfB10G11R11F } 4); {$ENDIF} type {$IFNDEF DELPHIXE5_UP} // Delphi XE5 and below TBitmapHack = class helper for TBitmap public procedure SetPixelFormat(Value: TPixelFormat); end; {$ENDIF} TocvViewFMX = class(TControl, IocvDataReceiver) private FStretch: Boolean; FocvVideoSource: IocvDataSource; FCenter: Boolean; FProportional: Boolean; FImage: IocvImage; FOnAfterPaint: TOnOcvAfterViewPaint; FOnBeforePaint: TOnOcvNotify; procedure SetOpenCVVideoSource(const Value: IocvDataSource); function isSourceEnabled: Boolean; function PaintRect: TRectF; protected BackBuffer: TBitmap; procedure Paint; override; procedure TakeImage(const IplImage: IocvImage); procedure SetVideoSource(const Value: TObject); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure DrawImage(const IplImage: IocvImage); published property VideoSource: IocvDataSource Read FocvVideoSource write SetOpenCVVideoSource; property Proportional: Boolean read FProportional write FProportional default false; property Stretch: Boolean read FStretch write FStretch default True; property Center: Boolean read FCenter write FCenter default false; property Left; property Top; property Width; property Height; property Align; property OnAfterPaint: TOnOcvAfterViewPaint read FOnAfterPaint write FOnAfterPaint; property OnBeforePaint: TOnOcvNotify read FOnBeforePaint write FOnBeforePaint; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnKeyDown; property OnKeyUp; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseUp; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnMouseWheel; property HitTest; property PopupMenu; property TabOrder; property Visible; {$IF CompilerVersion<21.0} property DesignVisible; {$ENDIF} property Opacity; property Margins; property Padding; property Position; end; implementation uses System.UITypes; {$IFNDEF DELPHIXE5_UP} // Delphi XE5 and below procedure TBitmapHack.SetPixelFormat(Value: TPixelFormat); begin Self.FPixelFormat := Value; end; {$ENDIF} { TocvVewFMX } constructor TocvViewFMX.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; {$IFDEF DELPHIXE7_UP} // Delphi XE7 and above BackBuffer := TBitmap.Create; {$ELSE ~DELPHIXE6} // Delphi XE6 BackBuffer := TBitmap.Create; BackBuffer.PixelFormat := TPixelFormat.RGB; {$ELSE} // Delphi XE5 and below BackBuffer := TBitmap.Create(0, 0); BackBuffer.SetPixelFormat(TPixelFormat.pfX8R8G8B8); {$ENDIF} Stretch := True; Proportional := false; Center := false; end; destructor TocvViewFMX.Destroy; begin BackBuffer.Free; inherited; end; procedure TocvViewFMX.DrawImage(const IplImage: IocvImage); begin FImage := IplImage; Repaint; end; function TocvViewFMX.isSourceEnabled: Boolean; begin Result := (Assigned(VideoSource) and (VideoSource.Enabled)) or Assigned(FImage); end; procedure TocvViewFMX.Paint; var M: TBitmapData; i: Integer; SrcData, DestData: pByte; nC: Integer; begin if (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin Canvas.Stroke.Thickness := 1; Canvas.Stroke.Kind := TBrushKind.bkSolid; Canvas.Stroke.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Black; Canvas.DrawRect(RectF(0, 0, Width, Height), 0, 0, AllCorners, 1); end else if (not isSourceEnabled) or (not Assigned(FImage)) then inherited else begin if Assigned(OnBeforePaint) then OnBeforePaint(Self, FImage); BackBuffer.Canvas.BeginScene; if (BackBuffer.Width <> FImage.Width) or (BackBuffer.Height <> FImage.Height) then BackBuffer.SetSize(FImage.Width, FImage.Height); if BackBuffer.Map(TMapAccess.maWrite, M) then try SrcData := pByte(FImage.IpImage^.imageData); DestData := pByte(M.Data); nC := FImage.IpImage^.nChannels; for i := 0 to M.Width * M.Height - 1 do begin DestData[i * PixelFormatBytes[BackBuffer.PixelFormat] + 0] := SrcData[i * nC + 0]; DestData[i * PixelFormatBytes[BackBuffer.PixelFormat] + 1] := SrcData[i * nC + 1]; DestData[i * PixelFormatBytes[BackBuffer.PixelFormat] + 2] := SrcData[i * nC + 2]; DestData[i * PixelFormatBytes[BackBuffer.PixelFormat] + 3] := $FF; end; finally BackBuffer.Unmap(M); end; BackBuffer.Canvas.EndScene; Canvas.DrawBitmap(BackBuffer, RectF(0, 0, BackBuffer.Width, BackBuffer.Height), PaintRect, 1, True); // Canvas.Stroke.Thickness := 1; // Canvas.Stroke.Kind := TBrushKind.bkSolid; // Canvas.Stroke.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Black; // Canvas.DrawRect(RectF(0, 0, Width, Height), 0, 0, AllCorners, 1); if Assigned(OnAfterPaint) then OnAfterPaint(Self, FImage); end; end; function TocvViewFMX.PaintRect: TRectF; var ViewWidth, ViewHeight, CliWidth, CliHeight: Integer; AspectRatio: Double; begin ViewWidth := FImage.IpImage^.Width; ViewHeight := FImage.IpImage^.Height; CliWidth := Trunc(Width); CliHeight := Trunc(Height); if (Proportional and ((ViewWidth > CliWidth) or (ViewHeight > CliHeight))) or Stretch then begin if Proportional and (ViewWidth > 0) and (ViewHeight > 0) then begin AspectRatio := ViewWidth / ViewHeight; if ViewWidth > ViewHeight then begin ViewWidth := CliWidth; ViewHeight := Trunc(CliWidth / AspectRatio); if ViewHeight > CliHeight then begin ViewHeight := CliHeight; ViewWidth := Trunc(CliHeight * AspectRatio); end; end else begin ViewHeight := CliHeight; ViewWidth := Trunc(CliHeight * AspectRatio); if ViewWidth > CliWidth then begin ViewWidth := CliWidth; ViewHeight := Trunc(CliWidth / AspectRatio); end; end; end else begin ViewWidth := CliWidth; ViewHeight := CliHeight; end; end; With Result do begin Left := 0; Top := 0; Right := ViewWidth; Bottom := ViewHeight; end; if Center then OffsetRect(Result, (CliWidth - ViewWidth) div 2, (CliHeight - ViewHeight) div 2); end; procedure TocvViewFMX.SetOpenCVVideoSource(const Value: IocvDataSource); begin if FocvVideoSource <> Value then begin if Assigned(FocvVideoSource) then FocvVideoSource.RemoveReceiver(Self); FocvVideoSource := Value; if Assigned(FocvVideoSource) then FocvVideoSource.AddReceiver(Self); end; end; procedure TocvViewFMX.SetVideoSource(const Value: TObject); begin VideoSource := Value as TocvDataSource; end; procedure TocvViewFMX.TakeImage(const IplImage: IocvImage); begin if not(csDestroying in ComponentState) then DrawImage(IplImage); end; end.