(* /***************************************************************** // Delphi-OpenCV Demo // Copyright (C) 2013 Project Delphi-OpenCV // **************************************************************** // Contributor: // laentir Valetov // email:laex@bk.ru // **************************************************************** // You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the GitHub, // located at git://github.com/Laex/Delphi-OpenCV.git // **************************************************************** // The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to // the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may // obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1_1Final.html // // Software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or // implied. See the License for the specific language governing // rights and limitations under the License. ******************************************************************* *) // JCL_DEBUG_EXPERT_GENERATEJDBG OFF // JCL_DEBUG_EXPERT_INSERTJDBG OFF // JCL_DEBUG_EXPERT_DELETEMAPFILE OFF program cvCodeBook; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$POINTERMATH ON} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, uLibName in '..\..\..\include\uLibName.pas', highgui_c in '..\..\..\include\highgui\highgui_c.pas', core_c in '..\..\..\include\core\core_c.pas', Core.types_c in '..\..\..\include\core\Core.types_c.pas', imgproc.types_c in '..\..\..\include\imgproc\imgproc.types_c.pas', imgproc_c in '..\..\..\include\imgproc\imgproc_c.pas', legacy in '..\..\..\include\legacy\legacy.pas', calib3d in '..\..\..\include\calib3d\calib3d.pas', imgproc in '..\..\..\include\imgproc\imgproc.pas', haar in '..\..\..\include\objdetect\haar.pas', objdetect in '..\..\..\include\objdetect\objdetect.pas', tracking in '..\..\..\include\video\tracking.pas', Core in '..\..\..\include\core\core.pas'; const NCHANNELS: Integer = 3; var ch: array [0 .. 2] of boolean = ( true, true, true ); // VARIABLES for CODEBOOK METHOD: model: pCvBGCodeBookModel; rawImage, yuvImage: pIplImage; ImaskCodeBook, ImaskCodeBookCC: pIplImage; capture: pCvCapture; c, n, v, nframes, nframesToLearnBG: Integer; pause: boolean; size: TCvSize; scalar: TCvScalar; ptr, ptr1: pByte; hdl: THandle; tmp: AnsiString; singlestep: boolean = False; procedure help; begin Writeln('h - Help'); Writeln('p - Pause (', singlestep, ')'); Writeln('s - Single step (', singlestep, ')'); Writeln('r - resume (set Pause=false, SingleStep=False'); Writeln('SPACE - clear'); Writeln('y0u1v2a3b - set CODEBOOK params'); Writeln('iokl - modify max classification bounds (max bound goes higher)'); Writeln('q or ESC - quit'); Writeln('---------------------------------------'); end; begin try nframes := 0; nframesToLearnBG := 300; pause := False; model := cvCreateBGCodeBookModel; model^.modMin[0] := 3; model^.modMin[1] := 3; model^.modMin[2] := 3; model^.modMax[0] := 10; model^.modMax[1] := 10; model^.modMax[2] := 10; model^.cbBounds[0] := 10; model^.cbBounds[1] := 10; model^.cbBounds[2] := 10; pause := False; singlestep := False; capture := cvCreateCameraCapture(CV_CAP_ANY); Assert(Assigned(capture)); help; // MAIN PROCESSING LOOP: while (true) do begin if (Not pause) then begin rawImage := cvQueryFrame(capture); Inc(nframes); if (rawImage = NIL) then break; end; if (singlestep) then pause := true; // ???? // First time: if (nframes = 1) and (rawImage <> NIL) then begin // CODEBOOK METHOD ALLOCATION yuvImage := cvCloneImage(rawImage); size := cvGetSize(rawImage); ImaskCodeBook := cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // cvSaveImage('book.png', ImaskCodeBook); ImaskCodeBookCC := cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // cvSaveImage('cc.png', ImaskCodeBookCC); scalar := cvScalar(255); cvSet(ImaskCodeBook, scalar); cvNamedWindow('Raw', 1); cvNamedWindow('ForegroundCodeBook', 1); cvNamedWindow('CodeBook_ConnectComp', 1); cvMoveWindow('ForegroundCodeBook', 450, 50); end; // If we've got an rawImage and are good to go: if (rawImage <> NIL) then begin // YUV For codebook method cvCvtColor(rawImage, yuvImage, CV_BGR2YCrCb); // This is where we build our background model // tmp := format('yuv%d.png', [nframes]); if ((Not pause) and ((nframes - 1) < nframesToLearnBG)) then cvBGCodeBookUpdate(model, yuvImage, cvZeroRect, nil); // cvSaveImage( @tmp[1], yuvImage, 0 ); if ((nframes - 1) = nframesToLearnBG) then cvBGCodeBookClearStale(model, model^.t div 2, cvZeroRect, nil); // Find the foreground if any if (nframes - 1 >= nframesToLearnBG) then begin // Find foreground by codebook method cvBGCodeBookDiff(model, yuvImage, ImaskCodeBook, cvZeroRect); // This part just to visualize bounding boxes and centers if desired cvCopy(ImaskCodeBook, ImaskCodeBookCC, NIL); cvSegmentFGMask(ImaskCodeBookCC, 0, 0, NIL, cvZeroPoint); end; // Display cvShowImage('Raw', rawImage); cvShowImage('ForegroundCodeBook', ImaskCodeBook); cvShowImage('CodeBook_ConnectComp', ImaskCodeBookCC); // tmp := '1.png'; // if nframes = 1 then // cvSaveImage( @tmp[1], ImaskCodeBookCC, 0 ); end; // User input: c := cvWaitKey(10); // End processing on ESC, q or Q if ((c = 27) or (c = Ord('q'))) then break; // Else check for user input case chr(c) of 'h': help; 'p': pause := Not pause; 's': begin singlestep := Not singlestep; pause := False; end; 'r': begin pause := False; singlestep := False; end; ' ': begin cvBGCodeBookClearStale(model, 0, cvZeroRect); nframes := 0; end; // CODEBOOK PARAMS 'y', '0', 'u', '1', 'v', '2', 'a', '3', 'b': begin ch[0] := AnsiChar(c) in ['y', '0', 'a', '3']; ch[1] := AnsiChar(c) in ['u', '1', 'a', '3', 'b']; ch[2] := AnsiChar(c) in ['v', '2', 'a', '3', 'b']; Writeln(Format('CodeBook YUV Channels active: %s, %s, %s', [BoolToStr(ch[0], true), BoolToStr(ch[1], true), BoolToStr(ch[2], true)])); end; 'i', 'o', 'k', 'l': // modify max classification bounds (max bound goes higher) begin if (AnsiChar(c) in ['i', 'o']) then ptr := @model^.modMax[0] else ptr := @model^.modMin[0]; for n := 0 to NCHANNELS - 1 do begin if (ch[n]) then begin ptr1 := ptr; Inc(ptr1, n); if (AnsiChar(c) = 'i') or (AnsiChar(c) = 'l') then begin v := ptr1^ + 1 end else v := ptr1^ - 1; ptr1^ := CV_CAST_8U(v); end; Write(Format('%d,', [ptr[n]])); end; Writeln(Format('CodeBook %s Side', [iif((c = Ord('i')) or (c = Ord('o')), 'High', 'Low')])); end; end end; cvReleaseCapture(capture); cvDestroyAllWindows; except on e: Exception do Writeln(e.ClassName, ': ', e.Message); end; end.