unit ffm.cls.videoencoder; {$POINTERMATH ON} interface Uses ffm.libavcodec.avcodec, ffm.pixfmt, ffm.avformat, ffm.swscale, ffm.avio, ffm.frame; Type TFFMVideoEncoder = class private const MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE = (128 * 1024); private // output file name outputFilename: string; // output format. pOutFormat: pAVOutputFormat; // format context pFormatContext: pAVFormatContext; // video stream context pVideoStream: pAVStream; // audio streams context pAudioStream: pAVStream; // convert context context pImgConvertCtx: pSwsContext; // encode buffer and size pVideoEncodeBuffer: pByte; nSizeVideoEncodeBuffer: Integer; // audio buffer and size pAudioEncodeBuffer: pByte; nSizeAudioEncodeBuffer: Integer; // count of sample audioInputSampleSize: Integer; // current picture pCurrentPicture: pAVFrame; // audio buffer. Save rest samples in audioBuffer from previous audio frame. audioBuffer: pByte; nAudioBufferSize: Integer; nAudioBufferSizeCurrent: Integer; W_VIDEO: Integer; H_VIDEO: Integer; protected // Add video stream function AddVideoStream(const pContext: pAVFormatContext; const codec_id: TAVCodecID): pAVStream; // Open Video Stream function OpenVideo(const oc: pAVFormatContext; const pStream: pAVStream): boolean; // Allocate memory function CreateFFmpegPicture(const pix_fmt: TAVPixelFormat; const nWidth, nHeight: Integer): pAVFrame; // Close video stream procedure CloseVideo(const pContext: pAVFormatContext; const pStream: pAVStream); // Add audio stream function AddAudioStream(const pContext: pAVFormatContext; const codec_id: TAVCodecID): pAVStream; // Open audio stream function OpenAudio(const pContext: pAVFormatContext; const pStream: pAVStream): boolean; // close audio stream procedure CloseAudio(const pContext: pAVFormatContext; const pStream: pAVStream); // Add video frame function AddVideoFrame(const pOutputFrame: pAVFrame; const pVideoCodec: pAVCodecContext): boolean; // Add audio samples function AddAudioSample(const pFormatContext: pAVFormatContext; const pStream: pAVStream; const soundBuffer: pByte; const soundBufferSize: Integer): boolean; // Free resourses. procedure Free; function NeedConvert(const framepixfmt: TAVPixelFormat): boolean; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; // init output file function InitFile(const inputFile: AnsiString; const container: AnsiString; const AW_VIDEO: Integer = 320; const AH_VIDEO: Integer = 200): boolean; // Add video and audio data function AddFrame(const frame: pAVFrame; const soundBuffer: pByte; const soundBufferSize: Integer; const framepixfmt: TAVPixelFormat = AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24): boolean; // end of output function Finish: boolean; end; implementation Uses System.SysUtils, Winapi.Windows, System.Math, ffm.mem, ffm.avutil, ffm.samplefmt, ffm.mathematics; {TNVRVideoEncoder} function TFFMVideoEncoder.AddAudioSample(const pFormatContext: pAVFormatContext; const pStream: pAVStream; const soundBuffer: pByte; const soundBufferSize: Integer): boolean; Var pCodecCxt: pAVCodecContext; packSizeInSize: DWORD; nCountSamples: Integer; nCurrentSize: Integer; nWriteSamples: Integer; pSoundBuffer: pByte; pAudioFrame: pAVFrame; nBufferShift: Integer; nCurrentBufferSize: Integer; pkt: TAVPacket; nOutputSize, error: Integer; begin pCodecCxt := nil; Result := true; pCodecCxt := pStream^.codec; // Size of packet on bytes. // FORMAT s16 packSizeInSize := soundBufferSize; nCountSamples := soundBufferSize div av_get_bytes_per_sample(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16); // Add current audio frame to previos. CopyMemory(@audioBuffer[nAudioBufferSizeCurrent], soundBuffer, soundBufferSize); nAudioBufferSizeCurrent := nAudioBufferSizeCurrent + soundBufferSize; nCurrentSize := nAudioBufferSizeCurrent; nWriteSamples := 0; pSoundBuffer := audioBuffer; while (nCurrentSize >= packSizeInSize) do begin pAudioFrame := nil; pAudioFrame := avcodec_alloc_frame(); // Audio frame should be equal or smaller pCodecCxt^.frame_size. pAudioFrame^.nb_samples := min(pCodecCxt^.frame_size div av_get_bytes_per_sample(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16), nCountSamples); nBufferShift := nWriteSamples * av_get_bytes_per_sample(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16); nCurrentBufferSize := pAudioFrame^.nb_samples * av_get_bytes_per_sample(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16); if avcodec_fill_audio_frame(pAudioFrame, 1, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, pSoundBuffer, nCurrentBufferSize, 1) <> 0 then begin Result := false; break; end; av_init_packet(@pkt); pkt.flags := pkt.flags or AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY; pkt.stream_index := pStream^.index; pkt.data := pAudioEncodeBuffer; pkt.size := nSizeAudioEncodeBuffer; nOutputSize := 0; // Create encoded packet from audio frame. error := avcodec_encode_audio2(pCodecCxt, @pkt, pAudioFrame, nOutputSize); if (error = 0) and (nOutputSize > 0) then begin if Assigned(pCodecCxt^.coded_frame) and (pCodecCxt^.coded_frame^.pts <> AV_NOPTS_VALUE) then pkt.pts := av_rescale_q(pCodecCxt^.coded_frame^.pts, pCodecCxt^.time_base, pStream^.time_base); pkt.stream_index := pStream^.index; // Write the compressed frame in the media file. if (av_interleaved_write_frame(pFormatContext, @pkt) <> 0) then begin Result := false; break; end; end; nCurrentSize := nCurrentSize - nCurrentBufferSize; pSoundBuffer := pSoundBuffer + nCurrentBufferSize; nWriteSamples := nWriteSamples + pAudioFrame^.nb_samples; avcodec_free_frame(pAudioFrame); end; // save excess CopyMemory(audioBuffer, @audioBuffer[nAudioBufferSizeCurrent - nCurrentSize], nCurrentSize); nAudioBufferSizeCurrent := nCurrentSize; end; function TFFMVideoEncoder.AddAudioStream(const pContext: pAVFormatContext; const codec_id: TAVCodecID): pAVStream; Var pCodecCxt: pAVCodecContext; begin pCodecCxt := nil; Result := nil; // Try create stream. Result := avformat_new_stream(pContext, nil); if not Assigned(Result) then begin // printf("Cannot add new audio stream\n"); Exit(nil); end; // Codec. pCodecCxt := Result^.codec; pCodecCxt^.codec_id := codec_id; pCodecCxt^.codec_type := AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; // Set format pCodecCxt^.bit_rate := 128000; pCodecCxt^.sample_rate := 44100; pCodecCxt^.channels := 1; // mono pCodecCxt^.sample_fmt := AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16; nSizeAudioEncodeBuffer := 4 * MAX_AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE; if not Assigned(pAudioEncodeBuffer) then pAudioEncodeBuffer := av_malloc(nSizeAudioEncodeBuffer); // Some formats want stream headers to be separate. if (pContext^.oformat^.flags and AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) <> 0 then pCodecCxt^.flags := pCodecCxt^.flags or CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; end; function TFFMVideoEncoder.AddFrame(const frame: pAVFrame; const soundBuffer: pByte; const soundBufferSize: Integer; const framepixfmt: TAVPixelFormat): boolean; Var nOutputSize: Integer; pVideoCodec: pAVCodecContext; begin Result := true; nOutputSize := 0; pVideoCodec := nil; if Assigned(pVideoStream) and Assigned(frame) and Assigned(frame^.data[0]) then begin pVideoCodec := pVideoStream^.codec; if NeedConvert(framepixfmt) then begin // RGB to YUV420P. if not Assigned(pImgConvertCtx) then begin pImgConvertCtx := sws_getContext(pVideoCodec^.width, pVideoCodec^.height, framepixfmt, pVideoCodec^.width, pVideoCodec^.height, pVideoCodec^.pix_fmt, SWS_BICUBLIN, nil, nil, nil); end; // Allocate picture. pCurrentPicture := CreateFFmpegPicture(pVideoCodec^.pix_fmt, pVideoCodec^.width, pVideoCodec^.height); // if NeedConvert(framepixfmt) and Assigned(pImgConvertCtx) then // begin // Convert RGB to YUV. sws_scale(pImgConvertCtx, @frame^.data, @frame^.linesize, 0, pVideoCodec^.height, @pCurrentPicture^.data, @pCurrentPicture^.linesize); // end; Result := AddVideoFrame(pCurrentPicture, pVideoStream^.codec); // Free temp frame av_free(pCurrentPicture^.data[0]); av_free(pCurrentPicture); pCurrentPicture := nil; end else Result := AddVideoFrame(frame, pVideoStream^.codec); end; // Add sound if Assigned(soundBuffer) and (soundBufferSize > 0) then Result := AddAudioSample(pFormatContext, pAudioStream, soundBuffer, soundBufferSize); end; function TFFMVideoEncoder.AddVideoFrame(const pOutputFrame: pAVFrame; const pVideoCodec: pAVCodecContext): boolean; Var pkt: TAVPacket; packet: TAVPacket; nOutputSize: Integer; error: Integer; begin Result := false; if (pFormatContext^.oformat^.flags and AVFMT_RAWPICTURE) <> 0 then begin // Raw video case. The API will change slightly in the near // future for that. av_init_packet(@pkt); pkt.flags := pkt.flags or AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY; pkt.stream_index := pVideoStream^.index; pkt.data := pByte(pOutputFrame); pkt.size := sizeof(TAVPicture); av_interleaved_write_frame(pFormatContext, @pkt); Result := true; end else begin // Encode av_init_packet(@packet); packet.data := pVideoEncodeBuffer; packet.size := nSizeVideoEncodeBuffer; nOutputSize := 0; // Encode frame to packet. error := avcodec_encode_video2(pVideoCodec, @packet, pOutputFrame, nOutputSize); if (error = 0) and (nOutputSize > 0) then begin // AVPacket pkt; av_init_packet(@pkt); if Assigned(pVideoCodec^.coded_frame) and (pVideoCodec^.coded_frame^.pts <> AV_NOPTS_VALUE) then pkt.pts := AV_NOPTS_VALUE; if Assigned(pVideoCodec^.coded_frame) and (pVideoCodec^.coded_frame^.key_frame <> 0) then pkt.flags := pkt.flags or AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY; pkt.stream_index := pVideoStream^.index; pkt.data := pVideoEncodeBuffer; pkt.size := packet.size; // Write packet with frame. Result := av_interleaved_write_frame(pFormatContext, @pkt) = 0; end else Result := false; end; end; function TFFMVideoEncoder.AddVideoStream(const pContext: pAVFormatContext; const codec_id: TAVCodecID): pAVStream; Var pCodecCxt: pAVCodecContext; begin pCodecCxt := nil; Result := nil; Result := avformat_new_stream(pContext, 0); if not Assigned(Result) then begin // printf("Cannot add new vidoe stream\n"); Exit(nil); end; pCodecCxt := Result^.codec; pCodecCxt^.codec_id := codec_id; pCodecCxt^.codec_type := AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; pCodecCxt^.frame_number := 0; // Put sample parameters. pCodecCxt^.bit_rate := 2000000; // Resolution must be a multiple of two. pCodecCxt^.width := W_VIDEO; pCodecCxt^.height := H_VIDEO; (*time base: this is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms of which frame timestamps are represented. for fixed-fps content, timebase should be 1/framerate and timestamp increments should be identically 1.*) pCodecCxt^.time_base.den := 25; pCodecCxt^.time_base.num := 1; pCodecCxt^.gop_size := 12; // emit one intra frame every twelve frames at most pCodecCxt^.pix_fmt := AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P; if (pCodecCxt^.codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO) then begin // Just for testing, we also add B frames pCodecCxt^.max_b_frames := 2; end; if (pCodecCxt^.codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG1VIDEO) then begin (*Needed to avoid using macroblocks in which some coeffs overflow.This does not happen with normal video, it just happens here as the motion of the chroma plane does not match the luma plane.*) pCodecCxt^.mb_decision := 2; end; // Some formats want stream headers to be separate. if (pContext^.oformat^.flags and AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) <> 0 then begin pCodecCxt^.flags := pCodecCxt^.flags or CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER; end; end; procedure TFFMVideoEncoder.CloseAudio(const pContext: pAVFormatContext; const pStream: pAVStream); begin avcodec_close(pStream^.codec); if Assigned(pAudioEncodeBuffer) then begin av_free(pAudioEncodeBuffer); pAudioEncodeBuffer := Nil; end; nSizeAudioEncodeBuffer := 0; end; procedure TFFMVideoEncoder.CloseVideo(const pContext: pAVFormatContext; const pStream: pAVStream); begin avcodec_close(pStream^.codec); if Assigned(pCurrentPicture) then begin if Assigned(pCurrentPicture^.data[0]) then begin av_free(pCurrentPicture^.data[0]); pCurrentPicture^.data[0] := nil; end; av_free(pCurrentPicture); pCurrentPicture := nil; end; if Assigned(pVideoEncodeBuffer) then begin av_free(pVideoEncodeBuffer); pVideoEncodeBuffer := nil; end; nSizeVideoEncodeBuffer := 0; end; constructor TFFMVideoEncoder.Create; begin pOutFormat := nil; pFormatContext := nil; pVideoStream := nil; pImgConvertCtx := nil; pCurrentPicture := nil; pVideoEncodeBuffer := nil; nSizeVideoEncodeBuffer := 0; pAudioEncodeBuffer := nil; nSizeAudioEncodeBuffer := 0; nAudioBufferSize := 1024 * 1024 * 4; audioBuffer := AllocMem(nAudioBufferSize); nAudioBufferSizeCurrent := 0; end; function TFFMVideoEncoder.CreateFFmpegPicture(const pix_fmt: TAVPixelFormat; const nWidth, nHeight: Integer): pAVFrame; Var picture_buf: pByte; size: Integer; begin picture_buf := nil; Result := avcodec_alloc_frame(); if not Assigned(Result) then begin // printf("Cannot create frame\n"); Exit(nil); end; size := avpicture_get_size(pix_fmt, nWidth, nHeight); picture_buf := av_malloc(size); if not Assigned(picture_buf) then begin av_free(Result); // printf("Cannot allocate buffer\n"); Exit(nil); end; avpicture_fill(pAVPicture(Result), picture_buf, pix_fmt, nWidth, nHeight); end; destructor TFFMVideoEncoder.Destroy; begin Finish; inherited; end; function TFFMVideoEncoder.Finish: boolean; begin Result := true; // Todo: Maybe you need write audio samples from audioBuffer to file before cloasing. if Assigned(pFormatContext) then begin av_write_trailer(pFormatContext); Free; end; if Assigned(audioBuffer) then begin FreeMem(audioBuffer); audioBuffer := nil; end; end; procedure TFFMVideoEncoder.Free; Var i: Integer; begin if Assigned(pFormatContext) then begin // close video stream if Assigned(pVideoStream) then CloseVideo(pFormatContext, pVideoStream); // close audio stream. if Assigned(pAudioStream) then CloseAudio(pFormatContext, pAudioStream); // Free the streams. for i := 0 to pFormatContext^.nb_streams - 1 do begin av_freep(pFormatContext^.streams[i]^.codec); // av_freep(pFormatContext^.streams[i]); end; if ((pFormatContext^.flags and AVFMT_NOFILE) = 0) and Assigned(pFormatContext^.pb) then avio_close(pFormatContext^.pb); // Free the stream. av_free(pFormatContext); pFormatContext := nil; end; end; function TFFMVideoEncoder.InitFile(const inputFile, container: AnsiString; const AW_VIDEO, AH_VIDEO: Integer): boolean; Var filename: PAnsiChar; begin Result := false; W_VIDEO := AW_VIDEO; H_VIDEO := AH_VIDEO; filename := PAnsiChar(inputFile); outputFilename := inputFile; // Initialize libavcodec av_register_all(); if SameText(container, 'auto') then // Create format pOutFormat := av_guess_format(nil, filename, nil) else // use contanier pOutFormat := av_guess_format(PAnsiChar(container), nil, nil); if Assigned(pOutFormat) then begin // allocate context pFormatContext := avformat_alloc_context(); if Assigned(pFormatContext) then begin pFormatContext^.oformat := pOutFormat; CopyMemory(@pFormatContext^.filename, filename, min(strlen(filename), sizeof(pFormatContext^.filename))); // Add video and audio stream pVideoStream := AddVideoStream(pFormatContext, pOutFormat^.video_codec); pAudioStream := AddAudioStream(pFormatContext, pOutFormat^.audio_codec); // Set the output parameters (must be done even if no parameters). av_dump_format(pFormatContext, 0, filename, 1); // Open Video and Audio stream Result := false; if Assigned(pVideoStream) then Result := OpenVideo(pFormatContext, pVideoStream); if Assigned(pAudioStream) then Result := OpenAudio(pFormatContext, pAudioStream); if Result and ((pOutFormat^.flags and AVFMT_NOFILE) = 0) and (avio_open(pFormatContext^.pb, filename, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) < 0) then begin Result := false; // printf(" Cannot open file\ n "); end; if Result then // Write file header. avformat_write_header(pFormatContext, nil); end; end; if not Result then begin Free(); // printf(" Cannot init file\ n "); end; end; function TFFMVideoEncoder.NeedConvert(const framepixfmt: TAVPixelFormat): boolean; begin if Assigned(pVideoStream) and Assigned(pVideoStream^.codec) then Result := pVideoStream^.codec^.pix_fmt <> framepixfmt // AV_PIX_FMT_RGB24 else Result := false; end; function TFFMVideoEncoder.OpenAudio(const pContext: pAVFormatContext; const pStream: pAVStream): boolean; Var pCodecCxt: pAVCodecContext; pCodec: pAVCodec; begin pCodecCxt := nil; pCodec := nil; pCodecCxt := pStream^.codec; // Find the audio encoder. pCodec := avcodec_find_encoder(pCodecCxt^.codec_id); if not Assigned(pCodec) then begin // printf("Cannot open audio codec\n"); Exit(false); end; // Open it. if (avcodec_open2(pCodecCxt, pCodec, nil) < 0) then begin // printf("Cannot open audio codec\n"); Exit(false); end; if (pCodecCxt^.frame_size <= 1) then begin // Ugly hack for PCM codecs (will be removed ASAP with new PCM // support to compute the input frame size in samples. audioInputSampleSize := nSizeAudioEncodeBuffer div pCodecCxt^.channels; case pStream^.codec^.codec_id of AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE, AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_S16BE, AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U16LE, AV_CODEC_ID_PCM_U16BE: audioInputSampleSize := audioInputSampleSize shr 1; end; pCodecCxt^.frame_size := audioInputSampleSize; end else audioInputSampleSize := pCodecCxt^.frame_size; Result := true; end; function TFFMVideoEncoder.OpenVideo(const oc: pAVFormatContext; const pStream: pAVStream): boolean; Var pCodec: pAVCodec; pContext: pAVCodecContext; begin pContext := pStream^.codec; // Find the video encoder. pCodec := avcodec_find_encoder(pContext^.codec_id); if not Assigned(pCodec) then begin // printf("Cannot found video codec\n"); Exit(false); end; // Open the codec. if (avcodec_open2(pContext, pCodec, nil) < 0) then begin // printf("Cannot open video codec\n"); Exit(false); end; pVideoEncodeBuffer := nil; if (pFormatContext^.oformat^.flags and AVFMT_RAWPICTURE) = 0 then begin // allocate output buffer nSizeVideoEncodeBuffer := 10000000; pVideoEncodeBuffer := av_malloc(nSizeVideoEncodeBuffer); end; Result := true; end; end.