// JCL_DEBUG_EXPERT_GENERATEJDBG OFF // JCL_DEBUG_EXPERT_INSERTJDBG OFF // JCL_DEBUG_EXPERT_DELETEMAPFILE OFF program VideoProcessing; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses System.SysUtils, {$I ..\..\uses_include.inc} ; const // declare video filename VIDEO_FILE_NAME = 'Resource\768x576.avi'; // declare escape char ESCAPE_CHAR = 27; var // declate an opencv video file capture object, users can use this object to // interact with the video file, get/set properties and also grab video frames capture: pCVCapture; // declare an opencv image pointer variable frame: pIplImage; // declate gray and threshold images gray, threshold: pIplImage; // declare a key variable to get user key pressed key: integer; // declate state variable need_creation: boolean; C: TCvSize; P: pCvArr; CC: pCvSize; begin try // set state variable need_creation := true; // create capture object for specific video filename capture := cvCreateFileCapture(VIDEO_FILE_NAME); // check if capture assigned, if not then it means that opencv can not open // the requested file, opencv uses VFW to open the files so some file formats // are not fully supported (can be enhence with FFMPEG support but this is // beyond our scope right now if Assigned(capture) then begin // create display window cvNamedWindow('video'); // create display window cvNamedWindow('threshold'); // reset user key pressed key := 0; // loop while user didn't press ESCAPE while key <> ESCAPE_CHAR do begin // start grabbing frames, single frame at a time, this method is a // combination of two methods one grab frame and the other advances to the // next frame // // REMARK: do not (!!!) release "frame" object since it is used internally // by the capture object is its memory is release when the "capture" object // is being destroyed frame := cvQueryFrame(capture); // check if frame is valid, when you reach end-of-file "frame" object // starts to be NIL (since the method advances to the next frame each time // is is called...) if Assigned(frame) then begin // check if needs creation if need_creation then begin // create images at the same size as frame (using cvGetSize) but with // a different color depth, we want erode the image and that can be // done only in greyscale so we need to create a single 8bit channel // image but both the conversion and the threshold images // P:=pCvArr(@frame); C := cvGetSize(pCvArr(frame)); gray := cvCreateImage(C, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); threshold := cvCreateImage(C, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1); // reset state variable need_creation := false; end; // convert frame into greyscale, this function can convert to many // different color types, see third parameter consts for more details cvCvtColor(frame, gray, CV_RGB2GRAY); // threshold the image, there are many threshold methods and options // but here we use a simple one, binary fixed threshold, see third // parameter consts for more options cvThreshold(gray, threshold, 128, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); // for example: replace this line with the above line and see what it does // cvThreshold(gray,threshold,128,255,CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV); // show frame in window cvShowImage('video', frame); // show erode in second window cvShowImage('threshold', threshold); end; // if // wait for user key, delay is in msec so 1000msec = 1sec wait period key := cvWaitKey(50); end; // destroy display windows cvDestroyAllWindows; // release "capture" object and its related memory cvReleaseCapture(capture); end; except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end.