{******************************************} { } { FastReport VCL } { PDF export filter } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2021 } { by Fast Reports Inc. } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2021 } { PDF/A by Anton Khayrudinov } { } { After Service support by alman } { } { Fast Reports Inc. } { } {******************************************} unit frxExportAPDF; interface {$I frx.inc} uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComObj, Printers, ShellAPI, ComCtrls, {$IFDEF Delphi10} WideStrings, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF Delphi12} AnsiStrings, {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF Delphi6} Variants, {$ENDIF} JPEG, frxStorage, frxOTF, frxClass, frxRC4; type TfrxPDFEncBit = (ePrint, eModify, eCopy, eAnnot); TfrxPDFEncBits = set of TfrxPDFEncBit; TfrxAPDFExportDialog = class(TForm) PageControl1: TPageControl; ExportPage: TTabSheet; InfoPage: TTabSheet; SecurityPage: TTabSheet; ViewerPage: TTabSheet; OkB: TButton; CancelB: TButton; SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog; OpenCB: TCheckBox; GroupQuality: TGroupBox; CompressedCB: TCheckBox; EmbeddedCB: TCheckBox; PrintOptCB: TCheckBox; OutlineCB: TCheckBox; BackgrCB: TCheckBox; GroupPageRange: TGroupBox; DescrL: TLabel; AllRB: TRadioButton; CurPageRB: TRadioButton; PageNumbersRB: TRadioButton; PageNumbersE: TEdit; SecGB: TGroupBox; OwnPassL: TLabel; UserPassL: TLabel; OwnPassE: TEdit; UserPassE: TEdit; PermGB: TGroupBox; PrintCB: TCheckBox; ModCB: TCheckBox; CopyCB: TCheckBox; AnnotCB: TCheckBox; DocInfoGB: TGroupBox; TitleL: TLabel; TitleE: TEdit; AuthorE: TEdit; AuthorL: TLabel; SubjectL: TLabel; SubjectE: TEdit; KeywordsL: TLabel; KeywordsE: TEdit; CreatorE: TEdit; CreatorL: TLabel; ProducerL: TLabel; ProducerE: TEdit; ViewerGB: TGroupBox; HideToolbarCB: TCheckBox; HideMenubarCB: TCheckBox; HideWindowUICB: TCheckBox; FitWindowCB: TCheckBox; CenterWindowCB: TCheckBox; PrintScalingCB: TCheckBox; cbPDFA: TCheckBox; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure PageNumbersEChange(Sender: TObject); procedure PageNumbersEKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); end; TfrxPDFCharClass = (ccRegular, ccWhitespace, ccDelimiter); TfrxPDFFontInfo = record FontBox: TFontBox; Ascent: Integer; Descent: Integer; AvgWidth: Integer; MaxWidth: Integer; ItalicAngle: Integer; MissingWidth: Integer; StemV: Integer; CapHeight: Integer; Leading: Integer; Flags: Word; end; TfrxPDFFontView = class private FView: TView; FCollection: Boolean; FData: TMemoryStream; function FindFont(Name: string): TFontView; procedure CreateView; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Load(Handle: HFont); overload; procedure Load(Src: TStream); overload; function GetFontsCount: Integer; function GetFont(Index: Integer): TFontView; overload; function GetFont(Name: string): TFontView; overload; end; TfrxPDFFont = class private FEmbedSubset: Boolean; FSourceFont: TFont; FReference: Longint; FSaved: Boolean; FName: AnsiString; FSubsetTag: AnsiString; FFontName: AnsiString; FView: TfrxPDFFontView; FFontView: TFontView; FUsedChars: TBitArray; FUsedGlyphs: TBitArray; FFontInfo: TfrxPDFFontInfo; FChars: array of Word; FGlyphs: array of Word; procedure MarkCharAsUsed(Char: Word); procedure MarkAllCharsAsUsed(const s: WideString); procedure LoadFontInfo; procedure CreateMapping; function GetFontFile: TStream; function GetFontName: AnsiString; function GetFontInfo: TfrxPDFFontInfo; function GetSubsetTag: AnsiString; function IsBuilt: Boolean; function GetCMapType: Integer; function GetCMapName: string; function GetCMapRegistry: string; function GetCMapOrdering: string; function GetCMapSupplement: Integer; public constructor Create(Font: TFont; EmbedSubset: Boolean); destructor Destroy; override; function RemapString(str: WideString; rtl: Boolean): WideString; procedure BuildFont; { Writes mapping from charcodes to CIDs. This stream is the content of the /Encoding key. } procedure WriteCharToCIDMap(Stream: TStream); { Writes a mapping from charcodes to unicodes } procedure WriteCharToUnicodeMap(Stream: TStream); { Writes mapping from CID to GID indices. This stream is the contents of the /CIDToGID key. } procedure WriteCIDToGIDMap(Stream: TStream); { Writes widths of used characters. This data is the value of the /W key. } procedure WriteCharWidths(Stream: TStream); { Writes a bit array of used CIDs } procedure WriteCIDSet(Stream: TStream); property FontName: AnsiString read GetFontName; property FontFile: TStream read GetFontFile; property FontInfo: TfrxPDFFontInfo read GetFontInfo; property CMapName: string read GetCMapName; property CMapOrdering: string read GetCMapOrdering; property CMapRegistry: string read GetCMapRegistry; property CMapSupplement: Integer read GetCMapSupplement; property PDFName: AnsiString read FName write FName; property Saved: Boolean read FSaved write FSaved; property Reference: Integer read FReference write FReference; property SourceFont: TFont read FSourceFont; end; TfrxPDFOutlineNode = class public Number: Integer; Dest: Integer; // Index to a page referred to by this outline node Top: Integer; // Position on the referred to page CountTree: Integer; // Number of all descendant nodes Count: Integer; // Number of all first-level descendants Title: string; First: TfrxPDFOutlineNode; // The first first-level descendant Last: TfrxPDFOutlineNode; // The last first-level descendant Next: TfrxPDFOutlineNode; // The next neighbouring node Prev: TfrxPDFOutlineNode; // The previous neighbouring node Parent: TfrxPDFOutlineNode; // The parent node of this node constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; TfrxPDFPage = class public Height: Double; end; TfrxPDFXObjectHash = array[0..15] of Byte; // MD5 TfrxPDFXObject = record ObjId: Integer; // id that appears in 'id 0 R' Hash: TfrxPDFXObjectHash; end; TfrxPDFBinaryStreamOption = (bsoEncrypt, bsoCompress, bsoHexEncode); TfrxPDFBinaryStreamOptions = set of TfrxPDFBinaryStreamOption; TfrxAPDFExport = class(TfrxCustomExportFilter) private FCompressed: Boolean; FEmbedded: Boolean; FOpenAfterExport: Boolean; FPrintOpt: Boolean; FPages: TList; FOutline: Boolean; FPreviewOutline: TfrxCustomOutline; FSubject: WideString; FAuthor: WideString; FBackground: Boolean; FCreator: WideString; FKeywords: WideString; FTitle: WideString; FProducer: WideString; FTags: Boolean; FProtection: Boolean; FUserPassword: AnsiString; FOwnerPassword: AnsiString; FProtectionFlags: TfrxPDFEncBits; FPrintScaling: Boolean; FFitWindow: Boolean; FHideMenubar: Boolean; FCenterWindow: Boolean; FHideWindowUI: Boolean; FHideToolbar: Boolean; pdf: TStream; FRootNumber: longint; FPagesNumber: longint; FInfoNumber: longint; FStartXRef: longint; FFonts: TList; FPageFonts: TList; FXRef: TStringList; FPagesRef: TStringList; FWidth: Extended; FHeight: Extended; FMarginLeft: Extended; FMarginWoBottom: Extended; FMarginTop: Extended; FEncKey: AnsiString; FOPass: AnsiString; FUPass: AnsiString; FEncBits: Cardinal; FFileID: AnsiString; FDivider: Extended; FLastColor: TColor; FLastColorResult: String; FID: AnsiString; FPDFA: Boolean; OutStream: TMemoryStream; FXObjects: array of TfrxPDFXObject; FUsedXObjects: array of Integer; // XObjects' ids used within the current page { These fields are used for debugging/profiling } FPicTotalSize: Cardinal; // size occupied by all pictures FFontTotalSize: Cardinal; // size occupied by all embedded fonts { When an anchor is being added, two changes are made: - a link object is written to the document - a reference to the link object is added to /Annots field of the page FAnnots contains text of /Annots field. This stream is updated by WriteLink and its auxiliary routines. } FAnnots: TMemoryStream; { Writes to Res an object with Src inside. Performs compression and encryption if needed. Returns the id of the written object. } function WriteDataStream(Res, Src: TStream; const Ext: string; IsText: Boolean): Integer; function GetBinaryStreamOptions: TfrxPDFBinaryStreamOptions; function PrepXrefPos(pos: Longint): String; function GetID: AnsiString; function CryptStr(Source: AnsiString; Key: AnsiString; Enc: Boolean; id: Integer): AnsiString; function CryptStream(Source: TStream; Target: TStream; Key: AnsiString; id: Integer): AnsiString; function PrepareString(const Text: WideString; Key: AnsiString; Enc: Boolean; id: Integer): AnsiString; function EscapeSpecialChar(TextStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; function StrToUTF16(const Value: WideString): AnsiString; function PMD52Str(p: Pointer): AnsiString; function PadPassword(Password: AnsiString): AnsiString; procedure PrepareKeys; procedure SetProtectionFlags(const Value: TfrxPDFEncBits); procedure Clear; procedure WriteFont(pdfFont: TfrxPDFFont); procedure AddObject(const Obj: TfrxView); function StrToHex(const Value: WideString): AnsiString; function AddPage(Page: TfrxReportPage): TfrxPDFPage; function ObjNumber(FNumber: longint): String; function ObjNumberRef(FNumber: longint): String; function UpdateXRef: longint; function GetPDFColor(const Color: TColor): String; procedure GetStreamHash(out Hash: TfrxPDFXObjectHash; S: TStream); function FindXObject(const Hash: TfrxPDFXObjectHash): Integer; function AddXObject(Id: Integer; const Hash: TfrxPDFXObjectHash): Integer; { Writes the output profile. Returns id of the written PDF object. } function WriteOutputProfile: Integer; { Writes a PDF object with a specified id to the stream and writes to this object XMP metadata. } function WriteMetaData: Integer; { Formats a time in the PDF format. Acceptable modes: Mode Sample formatted time D D:19950325125439 DZ D:19950325125439Z TZ 1995-03-25T12:54:39Z } function FormatTime(Time: Extended; Mode: string): string; { Writes /OutputIntents entry. The entry has a subentry /DestOutputProfile. If OutputProfileId is not negative, then this subentry is written. } procedure WriteOutputIntents(OutputProfileId: Integer); { Writes /ViewerPreferences entry } procedure WriteViewerPreferences; { Writes /StructTreeRoot enrty } procedure WriteStructTreeRoot; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; class function GetDescription: String; override; function ShowModal: TModalResult; override; function Start: Boolean; override; procedure ExportObject(Obj: TfrxComponent); override; procedure Finish; override; procedure StartPage(Page: TfrxReportPage; Index: Integer); override; procedure FinishPage(Page: TfrxReportPage; Index: Integer); override; published property Compressed: Boolean read FCompressed write FCompressed default True; property EmbeddedFonts: Boolean read FEmbedded write FEmbedded default False; property OpenAfterExport: Boolean read FOpenAfterExport write FOpenAfterExport default False; property PrintOptimized: Boolean read FPrintOpt write FPrintOpt; property Outline: Boolean read FOutline write FOutline; property Background: Boolean read FBackground write FBackground; property HTMLTags: Boolean read FTags write FTags; property OverwritePrompt; property PDFA: Boolean read FPDFA write FPDFA; property ID: AnsiString read FID write FID; property Title: WideString read FTitle write FTitle; property Author: WideString read FAuthor write FAuthor; property Subject: WideString read FSubject write FSubject; property Keywords: WideString read FKeywords write FKeywords; property Creator: WideString read FCreator write FCreator; property Producer: WideString read FProducer write FProducer; property UserPassword: AnsiString read FUserPassword write FUserPassword; property OwnerPassword: AnsiString read FOwnerPassword write FOwnerPassword; property ProtectionFlags: TfrxPDFEncBits read FProtectionFlags write SetProtectionFlags; property HideToolbar: Boolean read FHideToolbar write FHideToolbar; property HideMenubar: Boolean read FHideMenubar write FHideMenubar; property HideWindowUI: Boolean read FHideWindowUI write FHideWindowUI; property FitWindow: Boolean read FFitWindow write FFitWindow; property CenterWindow: Boolean read FCenterWindow write FCenterWindow; property PrintScaling: Boolean read FPrintScaling write FPrintScaling; end; { Returns a color in PDF form. } function PdfColor(Color: TColor): AnsiString; { Returns a pair of coordinates in PDF form. } function PdfPoint(x, y: Double): AnsiString; { Moves the pen to the specified point. } function PdfMove(x, y: Double): AnsiString; { Draws a line to the specified point. } function PdfLine(x, y: Double): AnsiString; { Changes the current color. } function PdfSetColor(Color: TColor): AnsiString; { Changes width of the line drawed by the pen. The width is measured in points (1/72 of an inch). } function PdfSetLineWidth(Width: Double): AnsiString; { Changes the color of the pen. } function PdfSetLineColor(Color: TColor): AnsiString; { Fills the latest contoured area. } function PdfFill: AnsiString; { Fills a rectangle area. } function PdfFillRect(Left, Bottom, Right, Top: Double; Color: TColor): AnsiString; { Returns either (...) or <...> sequence. } function PdfString(const Str: WideString): AnsiString; implementation uses SyncObjs, Math, frxUtils, frxUnicodeUtils, frxFileUtils, frxRes, frxrcExports, frxPreviewPages, frxGraphicUtils, frxGZip, frxMD5, ActiveX, {$IFDEF DBGLOG} frxDebug, frxOTFPrinter, {$ENDIF} frxXML, frxCryptoUT, frxCrypto; const PDF_VER = '1.5'; PDF_DIVIDER = 0.75; PDF_MARG_DIVIDER = 0.05; PDF_PRINTOPT = 3; PDF_PK: array [ 1..32 ] of Byte = ( $28, $BF, $4E, $5E, $4E, $75, $8A, $41, $64, $00, $4E, $56, $FF, $FA, $01, $08, $2E, $2E, $00, $B6, $D0, $68, $3E, $80, $2F, $0C, $A9, $FE, $64, $53, $69, $7A ); KAPPA1 = 1.5522847498; KAPPA2 = 2 - KAPPA1; iccprofile: array[0..3143] of Byte = ( $00,$00,$0C,$48,$4C,$69,$6E,$6F,$02,$10,$00,$00,$6D,$6E,$74,$72, $52,$47,$42,$20,$58,$59,$5A,$20,$07,$CE,$00,$02,$00,$09,$00,$06, $00,$31,$00,$00,$61,$63,$73,$70,$4D,$53,$46,$54,$00,$00,$00,$00, $49,$45,$43,$20,$73,$52,$47,$42,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$F6,$D6,$00,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$D3,$2D, $48,$50,$20,$20,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, $00,$00,$00,$11,$63,$70,$72,$74,$00,$00,$01,$50,$00,$00,$00,$33, $64,$65,$73,$63,$00,$00,$01,$84,$00,$00,$00,$6C,$77,$74,$70,$74, $00,$00,$01,$F0,$00,$00,$00,$14,$62,$6B,$70,$74,$00,$00,$02,$04, $00,$00,$00,$14,$72,$58,$59,$5A,$00,$00,$02,$18,$00,$00,$00,$14, $67,$58,$59,$5A,$00,$00,$02,$2C,$00,$00,$00,$14,$62,$58,$59,$5A, $00,$00,$02,$40,$00,$00,$00,$14,$64,$6D,$6E,$64,$00,$00,$02,$54, $00,$00,$00,$70,$64,$6D,$64,$64,$00,$00,$02,$C4,$00,$00,$00,$88, $76,$75,$65,$64,$00,$00,$03,$4C,$00,$00,$00,$86,$76,$69,$65,$77, $00,$00,$03,$D4,$00,$00,$00,$24,$6C,$75,$6D,$69,$00,$00,$03,$F8, $00,$00,$00,$14,$6D,$65,$61,$73,$00,$00,$04,$0C,$00,$00,$00,$24, $74,$65,$63,$68,$00,$00,$04,$30,$00,$00,$00,$0C,$72,$54,$52,$43, $00,$00,$04,$3C,$00,$00,$08,$0C,$67,$54,$52,$43,$00,$00,$04,$3C, $00,$00,$08,$0C,$62,$54,$52,$43,$00,$00,$04,$3C,$00,$00,$08,$0C, $74,$65,$78,$74,$00,$00,$00,$00,$43,$6F,$70,$79,$72,$69,$67,$68, $74,$20,$28,$63,$29,$20,$31,$39,$39,$38,$20,$48,$65,$77,$6C,$65, $74,$74,$2D,$50,$61,$63,$6B,$61,$72,$64,$20,$43,$6F,$6D,$70,$61, $6E,$79,$00,$00,$64,$65,$73,$63,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$12, $73,$52,$47,$42,$20,$49,$45,$43,$36,$31,$39,$36,$36,$2D,$32,$2E, $31,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$12,$73,$52,$47, $42,$20,$49,$45,$43,$36,$31,$39,$36,$36,$2D,$32,$2E,$31,$00,$00, $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00, 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$00,$DB,$00,$E0,$00,$E5,$00,$EB,$00,$F0,$00,$F6,$00,$FB,$01,$01, $01,$07,$01,$0D,$01,$13,$01,$19,$01,$1F,$01,$25,$01,$2B,$01,$32, $01,$38,$01,$3E,$01,$45,$01,$4C,$01,$52,$01,$59,$01,$60,$01,$67, $01,$6E,$01,$75,$01,$7C,$01,$83,$01,$8B,$01,$92,$01,$9A,$01,$A1, $01,$A9,$01,$B1,$01,$B9,$01,$C1,$01,$C9,$01,$D1,$01,$D9,$01,$E1, $01,$E9,$01,$F2,$01,$FA,$02,$03,$02,$0C,$02,$14,$02,$1D,$02,$26, $02,$2F,$02,$38,$02,$41,$02,$4B,$02,$54,$02,$5D,$02,$67,$02,$71, $02,$7A,$02,$84,$02,$8E,$02,$98,$02,$A2,$02,$AC,$02,$B6,$02,$C1, $02,$CB,$02,$D5,$02,$E0,$02,$EB,$02,$F5,$03,$00,$03,$0B,$03,$16, $03,$21,$03,$2D,$03,$38,$03,$43,$03,$4F,$03,$5A,$03,$66,$03,$72, $03,$7E,$03,$8A,$03,$96,$03,$A2,$03,$AE,$03,$BA,$03,$C7,$03,$D3, $03,$E0,$03,$EC,$03,$F9,$04,$06,$04,$13,$04,$20,$04,$2D,$04,$3B, $04,$48,$04,$55,$04,$63,$04,$71,$04,$7E,$04,$8C,$04,$9A,$04,$A8, $04,$B6,$04,$C4,$04,$D3,$04,$E1,$04,$F0,$04,$FE,$05,$0D,$05,$1C, $05,$2B,$05,$3A,$05,$49,$05,$58,$05,$67,$05,$77,$05,$86,$05,$96, $05,$A6,$05,$B5,$05,$C5,$05,$D5,$05,$E5,$05,$F6,$06,$06,$06,$16, $06,$27,$06,$37,$06,$48,$06,$59,$06,$6A,$06,$7B,$06,$8C,$06,$9D, $06,$AF,$06,$C0,$06,$D1,$06,$E3,$06,$F5,$07,$07,$07,$19,$07,$2B, $07,$3D,$07,$4F,$07,$61,$07,$74,$07,$86,$07,$99,$07,$AC,$07,$BF, $07,$D2,$07,$E5,$07,$F8,$08,$0B,$08,$1F,$08,$32,$08,$46,$08,$5A, $08,$6E,$08,$82,$08,$96,$08,$AA,$08,$BE,$08,$D2,$08,$E7,$08,$FB, $09,$10,$09,$25,$09,$3A,$09,$4F,$09,$64,$09,$79,$09,$8F,$09,$A4, $09,$BA,$09,$CF,$09,$E5,$09,$FB,$0A,$11,$0A,$27,$0A,$3D,$0A,$54, $0A,$6A,$0A,$81,$0A,$98,$0A,$AE,$0A,$C5,$0A,$DC,$0A,$F3,$0B,$0B, $0B,$22,$0B,$39,$0B,$51,$0B,$69,$0B,$80,$0B,$98,$0B,$B0,$0B,$C8, $0B,$E1,$0B,$F9,$0C,$12,$0C,$2A,$0C,$43,$0C,$5C,$0C,$75,$0C,$8E, $0C,$A7,$0C,$C0,$0C,$D9,$0C,$F3,$0D,$0D,$0D,$26,$0D,$40,$0D,$5A, $0D,$74,$0D,$8E,$0D,$A9,$0D,$C3,$0D,$DE,$0D,$F8,$0E,$13,$0E,$2E, $0E,$49,$0E,$64,$0E,$7F,$0E,$9B,$0E,$B6,$0E,$D2,$0E,$EE,$0F,$09, $0F,$25,$0F,$41,$0F,$5E,$0F,$7A,$0F,$96,$0F,$B3,$0F,$CF,$0F,$EC, $10,$09,$10,$26,$10,$43,$10,$61,$10,$7E,$10,$9B,$10,$B9,$10,$D7, $10,$F5,$11,$13,$11,$31,$11,$4F,$11,$6D,$11,$8C,$11,$AA,$11,$C9, $11,$E8,$12,$07,$12,$26,$12,$45,$12,$64,$12,$84,$12,$A3,$12,$C3, $12,$E3,$13,$03,$13,$23,$13,$43,$13,$63,$13,$83,$13,$A4,$13,$C5, $13,$E5,$14,$06,$14,$27,$14,$49,$14,$6A,$14,$8B,$14,$AD,$14,$CE, $14,$F0,$15,$12,$15,$34,$15,$56,$15,$78,$15,$9B,$15,$BD,$15,$E0, $16,$03,$16,$26,$16,$49,$16,$6C,$16,$8F,$16,$B2,$16,$D6,$16,$FA, $17,$1D,$17,$41,$17,$65,$17,$89,$17,$AE,$17,$D2,$17,$F7,$18,$1B, $18,$40,$18,$65,$18,$8A,$18,$AF,$18,$D5,$18,$FA,$19,$20,$19,$45, $19,$6B,$19,$91,$19,$B7,$19,$DD,$1A,$04,$1A,$2A,$1A,$51,$1A,$77, $1A,$9E,$1A,$C5,$1A,$EC,$1B,$14,$1B,$3B,$1B,$63,$1B,$8A,$1B,$B2, $1B,$DA,$1C,$02,$1C,$2A,$1C,$52,$1C,$7B,$1C,$A3,$1C,$CC,$1C,$F5, $1D,$1E,$1D,$47,$1D,$70,$1D,$99,$1D,$C3,$1D,$EC,$1E,$16,$1E,$40, $1E,$6A,$1E,$94,$1E,$BE,$1E,$E9,$1F,$13,$1F,$3E,$1F,$69,$1F,$94, $1F,$BF,$1F,$EA,$20,$15,$20,$41,$20,$6C,$20,$98,$20,$C4,$20,$F0, $21,$1C,$21,$48,$21,$75,$21,$A1,$21,$CE,$21,$FB,$22,$27,$22,$55, $22,$82,$22,$AF,$22,$DD,$23,$0A,$23,$38,$23,$66,$23,$94,$23,$C2, $23,$F0,$24,$1F,$24,$4D,$24,$7C,$24,$AB,$24,$DA,$25,$09,$25,$38, $25,$68,$25,$97,$25,$C7,$25,$F7,$26,$27,$26,$57,$26,$87,$26,$B7, $26,$E8,$27,$18,$27,$49,$27,$7A,$27,$AB,$27,$DC,$28,$0D,$28,$3F, $28,$71,$28,$A2,$28,$D4,$29,$06,$29,$38,$29,$6B,$29,$9D,$29,$D0, $2A,$02,$2A,$35,$2A,$68,$2A,$9B,$2A,$CF,$2B,$02,$2B,$36,$2B,$69, $2B,$9D,$2B,$D1,$2C,$05,$2C,$39,$2C,$6E,$2C,$A2,$2C,$D7,$2D,$0C, $2D,$41,$2D,$76,$2D,$AB,$2D,$E1,$2E,$16,$2E,$4C,$2E,$82,$2E,$B7, $2E,$EE,$2F,$24,$2F,$5A,$2F,$91,$2F,$C7,$2F,$FE,$30,$35,$30,$6C, $30,$A4,$30,$DB,$31,$12,$31,$4A,$31,$82,$31,$BA,$31,$F2,$32,$2A, $32,$63,$32,$9B,$32,$D4,$33,$0D,$33,$46,$33,$7F,$33,$B8,$33,$F1, $34,$2B,$34,$65,$34,$9E,$34,$D8,$35,$13,$35,$4D,$35,$87,$35,$C2, $35,$FD,$36,$37,$36,$72,$36,$AE,$36,$E9,$37,$24,$37,$60,$37,$9C, $37,$D7,$38,$14,$38,$50,$38,$8C,$38,$C8,$39,$05,$39,$42,$39,$7F, $39,$BC,$39,$F9,$3A,$36,$3A,$74,$3A,$B2,$3A,$EF,$3B,$2D,$3B,$6B, $3B,$AA,$3B,$E8,$3C,$27,$3C,$65,$3C,$A4,$3C,$E3,$3D,$22,$3D,$61, $3D,$A1,$3D,$E0,$3E,$20,$3E,$60,$3E,$A0,$3E,$E0,$3F,$21,$3F,$61, $3F,$A2,$3F,$E2,$40,$23,$40,$64,$40,$A6,$40,$E7,$41,$29,$41,$6A, $41,$AC,$41,$EE,$42,$30,$42,$72,$42,$B5,$42,$F7,$43,$3A,$43,$7D, $43,$C0,$44,$03,$44,$47,$44,$8A,$44,$CE,$45,$12,$45,$55,$45,$9A, $45,$DE,$46,$22,$46,$67,$46,$AB,$46,$F0,$47,$35,$47,$7B,$47,$C0, $48,$05,$48,$4B,$48,$91,$48,$D7,$49,$1D,$49,$63,$49,$A9,$49,$F0, $4A,$37,$4A,$7D,$4A,$C4,$4B,$0C,$4B,$53,$4B,$9A,$4B,$E2,$4C,$2A, $4C,$72,$4C,$BA,$4D,$02,$4D,$4A,$4D,$93,$4D,$DC,$4E,$25,$4E,$6E, $4E,$B7,$4F,$00,$4F,$49,$4F,$93,$4F,$DD,$50,$27,$50,$71,$50,$BB, $51,$06,$51,$50,$51,$9B,$51,$E6,$52,$31,$52,$7C,$52,$C7,$53,$13, $53,$5F,$53,$AA,$53,$F6,$54,$42,$54,$8F,$54,$DB,$55,$28,$55,$75, $55,$C2,$56,$0F,$56,$5C,$56,$A9,$56,$F7,$57,$44,$57,$92,$57,$E0, $58,$2F,$58,$7D,$58,$CB,$59,$1A,$59,$69,$59,$B8,$5A,$07,$5A,$56, $5A,$A6,$5A,$F5,$5B,$45,$5B,$95,$5B,$E5,$5C,$35,$5C,$86,$5C,$D6, $5D,$27,$5D,$78,$5D,$C9,$5E,$1A,$5E,$6C,$5E,$BD,$5F,$0F,$5F,$61, $5F,$B3,$60,$05,$60,$57,$60,$AA,$60,$FC,$61,$4F,$61,$A2,$61,$F5, $62,$49,$62,$9C,$62,$F0,$63,$43,$63,$97,$63,$EB,$64,$40,$64,$94, $64,$E9,$65,$3D,$65,$92,$65,$E7,$66,$3D,$66,$92,$66,$E8,$67,$3D, $67,$93,$67,$E9,$68,$3F,$68,$96,$68,$EC,$69,$43,$69,$9A,$69,$F1, $6A,$48,$6A,$9F,$6A,$F7,$6B,$4F,$6B,$A7,$6B,$FF,$6C,$57,$6C,$AF, $6D,$08,$6D,$60,$6D,$B9,$6E,$12,$6E,$6B,$6E,$C4,$6F,$1E,$6F,$78, $6F,$D1,$70,$2B,$70,$86,$70,$E0,$71,$3A,$71,$95,$71,$F0,$72,$4B, $72,$A6,$73,$01,$73,$5D,$73,$B8,$74,$14,$74,$70,$74,$CC,$75,$28, $75,$85,$75,$E1,$76,$3E,$76,$9B,$76,$F8,$77,$56,$77,$B3,$78,$11, $78,$6E,$78,$CC,$79,$2A,$79,$89,$79,$E7,$7A,$46,$7A,$A5,$7B,$04, $7B,$63,$7B,$C2,$7C,$21,$7C,$81,$7C,$E1,$7D,$41,$7D,$A1,$7E,$01, $7E,$62,$7E,$C2,$7F,$23,$7F,$84,$7F,$E5,$80,$47,$80,$A8,$81,$0A, $81,$6B,$81,$CD,$82,$30,$82,$92,$82,$F4,$83,$57,$83,$BA,$84,$1D, $84,$80,$84,$E3,$85,$47,$85,$AB,$86,$0E,$86,$72,$86,$D7,$87,$3B, $87,$9F,$88,$04,$88,$69,$88,$CE,$89,$33,$89,$99,$89,$FE,$8A,$64, $8A,$CA,$8B,$30,$8B,$96,$8B,$FC,$8C,$63,$8C,$CA,$8D,$31,$8D,$98, $8D,$FF,$8E,$66,$8E,$CE,$8F,$36,$8F,$9E,$90,$06,$90,$6E,$90,$D6, $91,$3F,$91,$A8,$92,$11,$92,$7A,$92,$E3,$93,$4D,$93,$B6,$94,$20, $94,$8A,$94,$F4,$95,$5F,$95,$C9,$96,$34,$96,$9F,$97,$0A,$97,$75, $97,$E0,$98,$4C,$98,$B8,$99,$24,$99,$90,$99,$FC,$9A,$68,$9A,$D5, $9B,$42,$9B,$AF,$9C,$1C,$9C,$89,$9C,$F7,$9D,$64,$9D,$D2,$9E,$40, $9E,$AE,$9F,$1D,$9F,$8B,$9F,$FA,$A0,$69,$A0,$D8,$A1,$47,$A1,$B6, $A2,$26,$A2,$96,$A3,$06,$A3,$76,$A3,$E6,$A4,$56,$A4,$C7,$A5,$38, $A5,$A9,$A6,$1A,$A6,$8B,$A6,$FD,$A7,$6E,$A7,$E0,$A8,$52,$A8,$C4, $A9,$37,$A9,$A9,$AA,$1C,$AA,$8F,$AB,$02,$AB,$75,$AB,$E9,$AC,$5C, $AC,$D0,$AD,$44,$AD,$B8,$AE,$2D,$AE,$A1,$AF,$16,$AF,$8B,$B0,$00, $B0,$75,$B0,$EA,$B1,$60,$B1,$D6,$B2,$4B,$B2,$C2,$B3,$38,$B3,$AE, $B4,$25,$B4,$9C,$B5,$13,$B5,$8A,$B6,$01,$B6,$79,$B6,$F0,$B7,$68, $B7,$E0,$B8,$59,$B8,$D1,$B9,$4A,$B9,$C2,$BA,$3B,$BA,$B5,$BB,$2E, $BB,$A7,$BC,$21,$BC,$9B,$BD,$15,$BD,$8F,$BE,$0A,$BE,$84,$BE,$FF, $BF,$7A,$BF,$F5,$C0,$70,$C0,$EC,$C1,$67,$C1,$E3,$C2,$5F,$C2,$DB, $C3,$58,$C3,$D4,$C4,$51,$C4,$CE,$C5,$4B,$C5,$C8,$C6,$46,$C6,$C3, $C7,$41,$C7,$BF,$C8,$3D,$C8,$BC,$C9,$3A,$C9,$B9,$CA,$38,$CA,$B7, $CB,$36,$CB,$B6,$CC,$35,$CC,$B5,$CD,$35,$CD,$B5,$CE,$36,$CE,$B6, $CF,$37,$CF,$B8,$D0,$39,$D0,$BA,$D1,$3C,$D1,$BE,$D2,$3F,$D2,$C1, $D3,$44,$D3,$C6,$D4,$49,$D4,$CB,$D5,$4E,$D5,$D1,$D6,$55,$D6,$D8, $D7,$5C,$D7,$E0,$D8,$64,$D8,$E8,$D9,$6C,$D9,$F1,$DA,$76,$DA,$FB, $DB,$80,$DC,$05,$DC,$8A,$DD,$10,$DD,$96,$DE,$1C,$DE,$A2,$DF,$29, $DF,$AF,$E0,$36,$E0,$BD,$E1,$44,$E1,$CC,$E2,$53,$E2,$DB,$E3,$63, $E3,$EB,$E4,$73,$E4,$FC,$E5,$84,$E6,$0D,$E6,$96,$E7,$1F,$E7,$A9, $E8,$32,$E8,$BC,$E9,$46,$E9,$D0,$EA,$5B,$EA,$E5,$EB,$70,$EB,$FB, $EC,$86,$ED,$11,$ED,$9C,$EE,$28,$EE,$B4,$EF,$40,$EF,$CC,$F0,$58, $F0,$E5,$F1,$72,$F1,$FF,$F2,$8C,$F3,$19,$F3,$A7,$F4,$34,$F4,$C2, $F5,$50,$F5,$DE,$F6,$6D,$F6,$FB,$F7,$8A,$F8,$19,$F8,$A8,$F9,$38, $F9,$C7,$FA,$57,$FA,$E7,$FB,$77,$FC,$07,$FC,$98,$FD,$29,$FD,$BA, $FE,$4B,$FE,$DC,$FF,$6D,$FF,$FF); var pdfCS: TCriticalSection; {$R *.dfm} { See section 3.1.1 in the PDF reference } function GetCharClass(c: AnsiChar): TfrxPDFCharClass; begin case c of #0, #9, #10, #12, #13, #32: Result := ccWhitespace; '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '/', '%': Result := ccDelimiter; else Result := ccRegular; end; end; procedure EndLine(Stream: TStream); begin Stream.Write(AnsiString(#13#10), 2); end; procedure Write(Stream: TStream; const s: AnsiString); overload; begin if s <> '' then Stream.Write(s[1], Length(s)) end; procedure Writeln(Stream: TStream; const s: AnsiString); overload; begin Write(Stream, s); EndLine(Stream); end; procedure Write(Stream: TStream; const Fmt: string; const Args: array of const); overload; begin Write(Stream, AnsiString(Format(Fmt, Args))) end; procedure Writeln(Stream: TStream; const Fmt: string; const Args: array of const); overload; begin Writeln(Stream, AnsiString(Format(Fmt, Args))) end; procedure Write(Stream: TStream; const s: WideString); overload; begin Write(Stream, AnsiString(s)) end; procedure Writeln(Stream: TStream; const s: WideString); overload; begin Writeln(Stream, AnsiString(s)) end; procedure WriteTitle(Stream: TStream; Title: string; TitleLen: Integer = 120); const Prefix: string = '% ==='; Postfix: string = '=== %'; var i: Integer; begin if Title <> '' then Title := ' ' + Title + ' '; Writeln(Stream, ''); Write(Stream, Prefix); Write(Stream, Title); for i := 1 to TitleLen - Length(Prefix) - Length(Postfix) - Length(Title) do Write(Stream, '='); Writeln(Stream, Postfix); Writeln(Stream, ''); end; procedure BeginObj(Stream: TStream; ObjId: Integer; ObjGen: Integer = 0); begin Writeln(Stream, IntToStr(ObjId) + ' ' + IntToStr(ObjGen) + ' obj') end; procedure EndObj(Stream: TStream); begin Writeln(Stream, 'endobj'); {$IFDEF DEBUG} WriteTitle(Stream, ''); {$ENDIF} end; procedure BeginStream(Res: TStream); begin Write(Res, 'stream'#13#10); // 'stream'#10 is also valid end; procedure EndStream(Res: TStream); begin Write(Res, #13#10'endstream'#13#10); end; { PDF commands } function PdfSetLineColor(Color: TColor): AnsiString; begin Result := PdfColor(Color) + ' RG'#13#10; end; function PdfSetLineWidth(Width: Double): AnsiString; begin Result := AnsiString(frFloat2Str(Width, 2) + ' w'#13#10); end; function PdfFillRect(Left, Bottom, Right, Top: Double; Color: TColor): AnsiString; begin Result := PdfSetLineWidth(0) + PdfSetLineColor(Color) + PdfSetColor(Color) + PdfMove(Left, Bottom) + PdfLine(Right, Bottom) + PdfLine(Right, Top) + PdfLine(Left, Top) + PdfFill; end; function PdfSetColor(Color: TColor): AnsiString; begin Result := PdfColor(Color) + ' rg'#13#10; end; function PdfFill: AnsiString; begin Result := 'B'#13#10; end; function PdfPoint(x, y: Double): AnsiString; begin Result := AnsiString(frFloat2Str(x, 2) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(y, 2)); end; function PdfLine(x, y: Double): AnsiString; begin Result := PdfPoint(x, y) + ' l'#13#10; end; function PdfMove(x, y: Double): AnsiString; begin Result := PdfPoint(x, y) + ' m'#13#10; end; function PdfColor(Color: TColor): AnsiString; function c(x: Integer): AnsiString; begin if x < 1 then Result := '0' else if x > 254 then Result := '1' else Result := AnsiString('0.' + IntToStr(x * 100 shr 8)); { Actually, Result = x * 100 div 255, but division by 255 works much slower then division by 256. } end; var r, g, b, rgb: Integer; begin rgb := ColorToRGB(Color); r := rgb and $ff; g := rgb shr 8 and $ff; b := rgb shr 16 and $ff; Result := c(r) + ' ' + c(g) + ' ' + c(b); end; function PdfString(const Str: WideString): AnsiString; { A string is literal if parentheses in it are balanced and all characters are within the printable ASCII characters set. } function IsLiteralString(const s: WideString): Boolean; var i: Integer; nop: Integer; // number of opened parentheses begin Result := False; nop := 0; for i := 1 to Length(s) do if s[i] = '(' then Inc(nop) else if s[i] = ')' then if nop > 0 then Dec(nop) else Exit // printable ASCII characters are those with codes 32..126 else if (Word(s[i]) < 32) or (Word(s[i]) > 126) then Exit; Result := nop = 0; end; function GetLiteralString(const s: WideString): AnsiString; begin Result := '(' + AnsiString(s) + ')' end; function GetHexString(const s: WideString): AnsiString; var i: Integer; hs: AnsiString; begin SetLength(Result, 2 + Length(s) * 4); Result[1] := '<'; Result[Length(Result)] := '>'; for i := 1 to Length(s) do begin hs := AnsiString(IntToHex(Word(s[i]), 4)); Result[i*4 - 3 + 1] := hs[1]; Result[i*4 - 3 + 2] := hs[2]; Result[i*4 - 3 + 3] := hs[3]; Result[i*4 - 3 + 4] := hs[4]; end; end; begin if IsLiteralString(Str) then Result := GetLiteralString(Str) else Result := GetHexString(Str) end; { TfrxPDFOutlineNode } constructor TfrxPDFOutlineNode.Create; begin inherited; Dest := -1; end; destructor TfrxPDFOutlineNode.Destroy; begin Next.Free; First.Free; inherited; end; { TfrxAPDFExport } constructor TfrxAPDFExport.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FAnnots := TMemoryStream.Create; FCompressed := True; FPrintOpt := False; FAuthor := 'FastReport'; FSubject := 'FastReport PDF export'; FBackground := False; FCreator := 'FastReport'; FTags := True; FProtection := False; FUserPassword := ''; FOwnerPassword := ''; FProducer := ''; FKeywords := ''; FProtectionFlags := [ePrint, eModify, eCopy, eAnnot]; FilterDesc := frxGet(8707); DefaultExt := frxGet(8708); FCreator := Application.Name; FPrintScaling := False; FFitWindow := False; FHideMenubar := False; FCenterWindow := False; FHideWindowUI := False; FHideToolbar := False; FRootNumber := 0; FPagesNumber := 0; FInfoNumber := 0; FStartXRef := 0; FPages := TList.Create; FFonts := TList.Create; FPageFonts := TList.Create; FXRef := TStringList.Create; FPagesRef := TStringList.Create; FMarginLeft := 0; FMarginWoBottom := 0; FEncKey := ''; FOPass := ''; FUPass := ''; FEncBits := 0; FDivider := frxDrawText.DefPPI / frxDrawText.ScrPPI; FLastColor := clBlack; FLastColorResult := '0 0 0'; end; function TfrxAPDFExport.FormatTime(Time: Extended; Mode: string): string; function F(Fmt: string): string; begin Result := FormatDateTime(Fmt, Time) end; function FT(Fmt: string): string; begin Result := Format(Fmt, [F('yyyy'), F('mm'), F('dd'), F('hh'), F('nn'), F('ss')]) end; begin if Mode = 'TZ' then Result := FT('%s-%s-%sT%s:%s:%sZ') else if Mode = 'D' then Result := FT('D:%s%s%s%s%s%s') else if Mode = 'DZ' then Result := FT('D:%s%s%s%s%s%sZ') else Result := '' end; destructor TfrxAPDFExport.Destroy; begin Clear; FAnnots.Free; FFonts.Free; FPageFonts.Free; FXRef.Free; FPagesRef.Free; FPages.Free; inherited; end; class function TfrxAPDFExport.GetDescription: String; begin Result := frxResources.Get('APDFexport'); end; function TfrxAPDFExport.ShowModal: TModalResult; var s: String; begin if (FTitle = '') and Assigned(Report) then FTitle := Report.ReportOptions.Name; if not Assigned(Stream) then begin if Assigned(Report) then FOutline := Report.PreviewOptions.OutlineVisible else FOutline := True; with TfrxAPDFExportDialog.Create(nil) do begin OpenCB.Visible := not SlaveExport; if OverwritePrompt then SaveDialog1.Options := SaveDialog1.Options + [ofOverwritePrompt]; if SlaveExport then FOpenAfterExport := False; if (FileName = '') and (not SlaveExport) then begin s := ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(frxUnixPath2WinPath(Report.FileName)), SaveDialog1.DefaultExt); SaveDialog1.FileName := s; end else SaveDialog1.FileName := FileName; OpenCB.Checked := FOpenAfterExport; CompressedCB.Checked := FCompressed; EmbeddedCB.Checked := FEmbedded; PrintOptCB.Checked := FPrintOpt; OutlineCB.Checked := FOutline; OutlineCB.Enabled := FOutline; BackgrCB.Checked := FBackground; if PageNumbers <> '' then begin PageNumbersE.Text := PageNumbers; PageNumbersRB.Checked := True; end; OwnPassE.Text := String(FOwnerPassword); UserPassE.Text := String(FUserPassword); PrintCB.Checked := ePrint in FProtectionFlags; CopyCB.Checked := eCopy in FProtectionFlags; ModCB.Checked := eModify in FProtectionFlags; AnnotCB.Checked := eAnnot in FProtectionFlags; //cbPDFA.Checked := PDFA; TitleE.Text := FTitle; AuthorE.Text := FAuthor; SubjectE.Text := FSubject; KeywordsE.Text := FKeywords; CreatorE.Text := FCreator; ProducerE.Text := FProducer; PrintScalingCB.Checked := FPrintScaling; FitWindowCB.Checked := FFitWindow; HideMenubarCB.Checked := FHideMenubar; CenterWindowCB.Checked := FCenterWindow; HideWindowUICB.Checked := FHideWindowUI; HideToolbarCB.Checked := FHideToolbar; Result := ShowModal; if Result = mrOk then begin FOwnerPassword := AnsiString(OwnPassE.Text); FUserPassword := AnsiString(UserPassE.Text); FProtectionFlags := []; if PrintCB.Checked then FProtectionFlags := FProtectionFlags + [ePrint]; if CopyCB.Checked then FProtectionFlags := FProtectionFlags + [eCopy]; if ModCB.Checked then FProtectionFlags := FProtectionFlags + [eModify]; if AnnotCB.Checked then FProtectionFlags := FProtectionFlags + [eAnnot]; SetProtectionFlags(FProtectionFlags); PageNumbers := ''; CurPage := False; if CurPageRB.Checked then CurPage := True else if PageNumbersRB.Checked then PageNumbers := PageNumbersE.Text; FOpenAfterExport := OpenCB.Checked; FCompressed := CompressedCB.Checked; FEmbedded := EmbeddedCB.Checked; FPrintOpt := PrintOptCB.Checked; FOutline := OutlineCB.Checked; FBackground := BackgrCB.Checked; PDFA := cbPDFA.Checked; FTitle := TitleE.Text; FAuthor := AuthorE.Text; FSubject := SubjectE.Text; FKeywords := KeywordsE.Text; FCreator := CreatorE.Text; FProducer := ProducerE.Text; FPrintScaling := PrintScalingCB.Checked; FFitWindow := FitWindowCB.Checked; FHideMenubar := HideMenubarCB.Checked; FCenterWindow := CenterWindowCB.Checked; FHideWindowUI := HideWindowUICB.Checked; FHideToolbar := HideToolbarCB.Checked; if not SlaveExport then begin if DefaultPath <> '' then SaveDialog1.InitialDir := DefaultPath; if SaveDialog1.Execute then FileName := SaveDialog1.FileName else Result := mrCancel; end; end; Free; end; end else Result := mrOk; end; procedure TfrxAPDFExport.Clear; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to FFonts.Count - 1 do TfrxPDFFont(FFonts[i]).Free; for i := 0 to FPages.Count - 1 do TObject(FPages[i]).Free; FPages.Clear; FFonts.Clear; FPageFonts.Clear; FXRef.Clear; FAnnots.Clear; FPagesRef.Clear; SetLength(FXObjects, 0); end; function TfrxAPDFExport.WriteDataStream(Res, Src: TStream; const Ext: string; IsText: Boolean): Integer; {$IFDEF DBGLOG} function GetDir(Path: string): string; var i: Integer; begin for i := Length(Path) downto 1 do if Path[i] = '\' then begin Result := Copy(Path, 1, i); Exit; end; Result := ''; end; function GetFilePath(Hash: AnsiString; Ext: string): string; var DirPath: string; begin DirPath := GetDir(FileName) + 'fonts\'; if not DirectoryExists(DirPath) then Createdir(DirPath); Result := DirPath + string(Copy(Hash, 1, 6)); if Ext <> '' then Result := Result + '.' + Ext; end; procedure SaveStream(Data: TStream; const FilePath: string); begin with TFileStream.Create(FilePath, fmCreate) do try CopyFrom(Src, 0); finally Free; end; end; procedure WriteDebugInfo(Data: TStream); var Hash: AnsiString; begin Hash := HashStream('SHA1', Src); if not IsText then begin SaveStream(Data, GetFilePath(Hash, Ext)); Writeln(Res, '%% Location %s', [GetFilePath(Hash, Ext)]); end; Writeln(Res, '%% Length %d', [Src.Size]); Writeln(Res, '%% SHA1 %s', [Hash]); if (Ext = 'ttf') or (Ext = 'ttc') then begin Writeln(Res, '%% Analysis saved to %s', [GetFilePath(Hash, 'log')]); PrintFontInfo(Src, GetFilePath(Hash, 'log')) end; end; {$ENDIF} procedure WriteStreamHeader(Data: TStream; Options: TfrxPDFBinaryStreamOptions); begin Write(Res, '<< '); Write(Res, '/Length %d ', [Data.Size]); Write(Res, '/Length1 %d ', [Src.Size]); if Options <> [] then begin Write(Res, '/Filter [ '); if bsoHexEncode in Options then Write(Res, '/ASCIIHexDecode '); if bsoCompress in Options then Write(Res, '/FlateDecode '); Write(Res, '] '); end; Writeln(Res, '>>'); end; procedure EncryptStream(Data: TStream; Id: Integer); var s: TStream; begin s := TMemoryStream.Create; try CryptStream(Data, s, FEncKey, Id); Data.Size := 0; Data.CopyFrom(s, 0); finally s.Free; end; end; procedure CompressStream(Data: TStream); var Temp: TStream; begin Temp := TMemoryStream.Create; try Temp.CopyFrom(Data, 0); Data.Size := 0; frxDeflateStream(Temp, Data, gzFastest); finally Temp.Free; end; end; procedure HexEncodeStream(Data: TStream); var Hex: THexEncoder; Splitter: TLineSplitter; Temp: TStream; begin Splitter := TLineSplitter.Create(Data, 120); Hex := THexEncoder.Create(Splitter); Temp := TMemoryStream.Create; try Temp.CopyFrom(Data, 0); Data.Size := 0; Hex.CopyFrom(Temp, 0); finally Hex.Free; Splitter.Free; Temp.Free; end; end; var Data: TStream; Options: TfrxPDFBinaryStreamOptions; begin Options := GetBinaryStreamOptions; // {$IFNDEF DEBUG} // Why debug was here? if not IsText then Options := Options + [bsoCompress]; if not (bsoEncrypt in Options) then if not IsText or (bsoCompress in Options) then Options := Options + [bsoHexEncode]; // {$ENDIF} Result := UpdateXRef; BeginObj(Res, Result); Data := TMemoryStream.Create; try Data.CopyFrom(Src, 0); if bsoCompress in Options then CompressStream(Data); if bsoEncrypt in Options then EncryptStream(Data, Result); if bsoHexEncode in Options then HexEncodeStream(Data); {$IFDEF DBGLOG} WriteDebugInfo(Data); {$ENDIF} WriteStreamHeader(Data, Options); BeginStream(Res); Res.CopyFrom(Data, 0); EndStream(Res); finally Data.Free; EndObj(Res); end; end; function TfrxAPDFExport.GetBinaryStreamOptions: TfrxPDFBinaryStreamOptions; begin Result := []; if FCompressed then Result := Result + [bsoCompress]; if FProtection then Result := Result + [bsoEncrypt]; end; function TfrxAPDFExport.GetID: AnsiString; var AGUID: TGUID; AGUIDString: widestring; begin if ID <> '' then Result := ID else begin CoCreateGUID(AGUID); SetLength(AGUIDString, 39); StringFromGUID2(AGUID, PWideChar(AGUIDString), 39); Result := AnsiString(PWideChar(AGUIDString)); end end; function TfrxAPDFExport.Start: Boolean; begin if SlaveExport and (FileName = '') then begin if Report.FileName <> '' then FileName := ChangeFileExt(GetTemporaryFolder + ExtractFileName(Report.FileName), frxGet(8708)) else FileName := ChangeFileExt(GetTempFile, frxGet(8708)) end; if (FileName <> '') or Assigned(Stream) then begin if (ExtractFilePath(FileName) = '') and (DefaultPath <> '') then FileName := DefaultPath + '\' + FileName; FProtection := (FOwnerPassword <> '') or (FUserPassword <> ''); if Assigned(Stream) then pdf := Stream else pdf := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate); Result := True; Clear; FFileID := MD5String(GetID); FPicTotalSize := 0; FFontTotalSize := 0; { PDF/A denies encryption and requires fonts embdedding } if PDFA then begin FProtection := False; FEmbedded := True; end; if FProtection then begin PrepareKeys; FEmbedded := True; // document encryption requires fonts embdedded end; if FOutline then FPreviewOutline := Report.PreviewPages.Outline; WriteLn(pdf, '%PDF-' + PDF_VER); WriteLn(pdf, '%'#128#128#128#128); // required by PDF/A UpdateXRef; end else Result := False; end; procedure TfrxAPDFExport.StartPage(Page: TfrxReportPage; Index: Integer); const mm2p: Double = 1.0 / 25.4 * 72; // millimeters to points begin SetLength(FUsedXObjects, 0); AddPage(Page); FWidth := Page.Width * PDF_DIVIDER; FHeight := Page.Height * PDF_DIVIDER; FMarginLeft := Page.LeftMargin * PDF_MARG_DIVIDER; FMarginTop := Page.TopMargin * PDF_MARG_DIVIDER; OutStream := TMemoryStream.Create; with Page do if Color <> clNone then Write(OutStream, PdfFillRect(LeftMargin * mm2p, BottomMargin * mm2p, FWidth - RightMargin * mm2p, FHeight - TopMargin * mm2p, Color)); end; procedure TfrxAPDFExport.FinishPage(Page: TfrxReportPage; Index: Integer); var FContentsPos, FPagePos: Integer; i: Integer; begin FContentsPos := WriteDataStream(pdf, OutStream, '.page', True); OutStream.Free; if FPageFonts.Count > 0 then for i := 0 to FPageFonts.Count - 1 do if not TfrxPDFFont(FPageFonts[i]).Saved then begin TfrxPDFFont(FPageFonts[i]).Reference := UpdateXRef; TfrxPDFFont(FPageFonts[i]).Saved := true; end; FPagePos := UpdateXRef(); FPagesRef.Add(IntToStr(FPagePos)); WriteLn(pdf, ObjNumber(FPagePos)); WriteLn(pdf, '<<'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Type /Page'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Parent 1 0 R'); WriteLn(pdf, '/MediaBox [0 0 ' + frFloat2Str(FWidth) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(FHeight) + ' ]'); { Write the list of references to anchor objects } if FAnnots.Size > 0 then begin WriteLn(PDF, '/Annots ['); FAnnots.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); PDF.CopyFrom(FAnnots, FAnnots.Size); WriteLn(PDF, ']'); FAnnots.Clear; end; WriteLn(pdf, '/Resources <<'); Write(pdf, '/Font << '); for i := 0 to FPageFonts.Count - 1 do {$IFDEF Delphi12} Write(pdf, TfrxPDFFont(FPageFonts[i]).PDFName + AnsiString(' ' + ObjNumberRef(TfrxPDFFont(FPageFonts[i]).Reference) + ' ')); {$ELSE} Write(pdf, TfrxPDFFont(FPageFonts[i]).PDFName + ' ' + ObjNumberRef(TfrxPDFFont(FPageFonts[i]).Reference) + ' '); {$ENDIF} WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); { Enumerate used XObjects } if Length(FUsedXObjects) > 0 then begin Write(pdf, '/XObject << '); for i := 0 to High(FUsedXObjects) do begin Write(pdf, '/Im' + IntToStr(FUsedXObjects[i]) + ' '); Write(pdf, ObjNumberRef(FXObjects[FUsedXObjects[i]].ObjId) + ' '); end; Writeln(pdf, '>>'); end; WriteLn(pdf, '/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageC ]'); WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Contents ' + ObjNumberRef(FContentsPos)); WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); EndObj(pdf); end; procedure TfrxAPDFExport.ExportObject(Obj: TfrxComponent); begin if (Obj is TfrxView) and (ExportNotPrintable or TfrxView(Obj).Printable) then AddObject(Obj as TfrxView); end; function TfrxAPDFExport.FindXObject(const Hash: TfrxPDFXObjectHash): Integer; begin for Result := 0 to High(FXObjects) do if CompareMem(@Hash, @FXObjects[Result].Hash, SizeOf(Hash)) then Exit; Result := -1; end; procedure TfrxAPDFExport.Finish; var i: Integer; FInfoNumber, FRootNumber: Integer; OutlineTree: TfrxPDFOutlineNode; pgN: TStringList; OutlineObjId: Integer; MetadataObjId: Integer; OutputProfileObjId: Integer; function IsPageInRange(const PageN: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (PageN >= 0) and (PageN < FPages.Count) and ((pgN.Count = 0) or (pgN.IndexOf(IntToStr(PageN + 1)) >= 0)); end; { Converts TfrxCustomOutline to a tree of TfrxPDFOutlineNode nodes. The last argument represents the number of already added objects to FXRef. This value is needed to correctly assign object numbers to TfrxPDFOutlineNode nodes. } procedure PrepareOutline(Outline: TfrxCustomOutline; Node: TfrxPDFOutlineNode; ObjNum: Integer); var i: Integer; p: TfrxPDFOutlineNode; Prev: TfrxPDFOutlineNode; Text: string; Page, Top: Integer; begin Prev := nil; p := nil; for i := 0 to Outline.Count - 1 do begin Outline.GetItem(i, Text, Page, Top); if not IsPageInRange(Page) then Continue; p := TfrxPDFOutlineNode.Create; p.Title := Text; p.Dest := Page; p.Top := Top; p.Prev := Prev; Inc(ObjNum); p.Number := ObjNum; if Prev <> nil then Prev.Next := p else Node.First := p; Prev := p; p.Parent := Node; Outline.LevelDown(i); PrepareOutline(Outline, p, ObjNum); Inc(ObjNum, p.CountTree); Node.Count := Node.Count + 1; Node.CountTree := Node.CountTree + p.CountTree + 1; Outline.LevelUp; end; Node.Last := p; end; procedure WriteOutline(Node: TfrxPDFOutlineNode); var Page, y: Integer; Dest: string; begin { Actually, the following line of code does nothing: UpdateXRef returns a number that was predicted by PrepareOutline. } Node.Number := UpdateXRef; WriteLn(pdf, IntToStr(Node.Number) + ' 0 obj'); WriteLn(pdf, '<<'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Title ' + PrepareString(Node.Title, FEncKey, FProtection, Node.Number)); WriteLn(pdf, '/Parent ' + IntToStr(Node.Parent.Number) + ' 0 R'); if Node.Prev <> nil then WriteLn(pdf, '/Prev ' + IntToStr(Node.Prev.Number) + ' 0 R'); if Node.Next <> nil then WriteLn(pdf, '/Next ' + IntToStr(Node.Next.Number) + ' 0 R'); if Node.First <> nil then begin WriteLn(pdf, '/First ' + IntToStr(Node.First.Number) + ' 0 R'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Last ' + IntToStr(Node.Last.Number) + ' 0 R'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Count ' + IntToStr(Node.Count)); end; if IsPageInRange(Node.Dest) then begin if pgN.Count > 0 then Page := pgN.IndexOf(IntToStr(Node.Dest + 1)) else Page := Node.Dest; y := Round(TfrxPDFPage(FPages[Page]).Height - Node.Top * PDF_DIVIDER); Dest := FPagesRef[Page]; WriteLn(pdf, '/Dest [' + Dest + ' 0 R /XYZ 0 ' + IntToStr(y) + ' 0]'); end; WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); EndObj(pdf); if Node.First <> nil then WriteOutline(Node.First); if Node.Next <> nil then WriteOutline(Node.Next); end; begin {$IFDEF DBGLOG} DbgPrintTitle('Fonts'); {$ENDIF} for i := 0 to FFonts.Count - 1 do begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} WriteTitle(pdf, 'font ' + IntToStr(i)); {$ENDIF} WriteFont(TfrxPDFFont(FFonts[i])); end; FPagesNumber := 1; FXRef[0] := PrepXrefPos(pdf.Position); WriteLn(pdf, ObjNumber(FPagesNumber)); WriteLn(pdf, '<<'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Type /Pages'); Write(pdf, '/Kids ['); for i := 0 to FPagesRef.Count - 1 do Write(pdf, FPagesRef[i] + ' 0 R '); WriteLn(pdf, ']'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Count ' + IntTOStr(FPagesRef.Count)); WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); EndObj(pdf); FInfoNumber := UpdateXRef(); WriteLn(pdf, ObjNumber(FInfoNumber)); WriteLn(pdf, '<<'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Title ' + PrepareString(FTitle, FEncKey, FProtection, FInfoNumber)); WriteLn(pdf, '/Author ' + PrepareString(FAuthor, FEncKey, FProtection, FInfoNumber)); WriteLn(pdf, '/Subject ' + PrepareString(FSubject, FEncKey, FProtection, FInfoNumber)); WriteLn(pdf, '/Keywords ' + PrepareString(FKeywords, FEncKey, FProtection, FInfoNumber)); WriteLn(pdf, '/Creator ' + PrepareString(FCreator, FEncKey, FProtection, FInfoNumber)); WriteLn(pdf, '/Producer ' + PrepareString(FProducer, FEncKey, FProtection, FInfoNumber)); if FProtection then begin WriteLn(pdf, '/CreationDate ' + PrepareString(FormatTime(CreationTime, 'DZ'), FEncKey, FProtection, FInfoNumber)); WriteLn(pdf, '/ModDate ' + PrepareString(FormatTime(CreationTime, 'DZ'), FEncKey, FProtection, FInfoNumber)); end else begin WriteLn(pdf, '/CreationDate (' + FormatTime(CreationTime, 'DZ') + ')'); WriteLn(pdf, '/ModDate (' + FormatTime(CreationTime, 'DZ') + ')'); end; WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); EndObj(pdf); { Write the document outline } OutlineTree := TfrxPDFOutlineNode.Create; pgN := TStringList.Create; OutlineObjId := 0; if FOutline then begin frxParsePageNumbers(PageNumbers, pgN, Report.PreviewPages.Count); FPreviewOutline.LevelRoot; { PrepareOutline needs to know the exact number of objects that will be written before the first outline node object. The number of already written objects is FXRef.Count, and one object (/Type /Outlines) will be written before the first outline node. That's why PrepareOutline is given FXRef.Count + 1. } PrepareOutline(FPreviewOutline, OutlineTree, FXRef.Count + 1); end; if OutlineTree.CountTree > 0 then begin OutlineObjId := UpdateXRef; OutlineTree.Number := OutlineObjId; { It's important to write the /Outlines object first, because object numbers for outline nodes was calculated in assumption that /Outlines will be written first. } WriteLn(pdf, IntToStr(OutlineObjId) + ' 0 obj'); WriteLn(pdf, '<<'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Type /Outlines'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Count ' + IntToStr(OutlineTree.Count)); WriteLn(pdf, '/First ' + IntToStr(OutlineTree.First.Number) + ' 0 R'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Last ' + IntToStr(OutlineTree.Last.Number) + ' 0 R'); WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); EndObj(pdf); { Write outline nodes } WriteOutline(OutlineTree.First); end; OutlineTree.Free; pgN.Free; { Write metadata and the ICC profile } MetadataObjId := 0; OutputProfileObjId := 0; if PDFA then begin MetadataObjId := WriteMetaData; OutputProfileObjId := WriteOutputProfile; end; { Write the catalog } FRootNumber := UpdateXRef; WriteLn(pdf, ObjNumber(FRootNumber)); WriteLn(pdf, '<<'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Type /Catalog'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Pages ' + ObjNumberRef(FPagesNumber)); Writeln(pdf, '/MarkInfo<>'); if PDFA then begin Writeln(pdf, '/Metadata ' + ObjNumberRef(MetadataObjId)); WriteOutputIntents(OutputProfileObjId); end; if not FOutline then WriteLn(pdf, '/PageMode /UseNone') else begin WriteLn(pdf, '/PageMode /UseOutlines'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Outlines ' + ObjNumberRef(OutlineObjId)); end; WriteStructTreeRoot; WriteViewerPreferences; WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); EndObj(pdf); { Write XRef } FStartXRef := pdf.Position; WriteLn(pdf, 'xref'); WriteLn(pdf, '0 ' + IntToStr(FXRef.Count + 1)); WriteLn(pdf, '0000000000 65535 f'); for i := 0 to FXRef.Count - 1 do WriteLn(pdf, FXRef[i] + ' 00000 n'); { Write the trailer } WriteLn(pdf, 'trailer'); WriteLn(pdf, '<<'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Size ' + IntToStr(FXRef.Count + 1)); WriteLn(pdf, '/Root ' + ObjNumberRef(FRootNumber)); WriteLn(pdf, '/Info ' + ObjNumberRef(FInfoNumber)); WriteLn(pdf, '/ID [<' + FFileID + '><' + FFileID + '>]'); if FProtection then begin WriteLn(pdf, '/Encrypt <<'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Filter /Standard' ); WriteLn(pdf, '/V 2'); WriteLn(pdf, '/R 3'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Length 128'); WriteLn(pdf, '/P ' + IntToStr(Integer(FEncBits))); WriteLn(pdf, '/O (' + EscapeSpecialChar(FOPass) + ')'); WriteLn(pdf, '/U (' + EscapeSpecialChar(FUPass) + ')'); WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); end; WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); WriteLn(pdf, 'startxref'); WriteLn(pdf, IntToStr(FStartXRef)); WriteLn(pdf, '%%EOF'); { Open the file if needed } Clear; if not Assigned(Stream) then pdf.Free; {$IFDEF DBGLOG} DbgPrint('Fonts total size: %d'#10, [FFontTotalSize]); DbgPrint('Pictures total size: %d'#10, [FPicTotalSize]); {$ENDIF} if FOpenAfterExport and not Assigned(Stream) then ShellExecute(GetDesktopWindow, 'open', PChar(FileName), nil, nil, SW_SHOW); end; procedure TfrxAPDFExport.WriteViewerPreferences; begin WriteLn(pdf, '/ViewerPreferences <<'); if FTitle <> '' then WriteLn(pdf, '/DisplayDocTitle true'); if FHideToolbar then WriteLn(pdf, '/HideToolbar true'); if FHideMenubar then WriteLn(pdf, '/HideMenubar true'); if FHideWindowUI then WriteLn(pdf, '/HideWindowUI true'); if FFitWindow then WriteLn(pdf, '/FitWindow true'); if FCenterWindow then WriteLn(pdf, '/CenterWindow true'); if not FPrintScaling then WriteLn(pdf, '/PrintScaling /None'); WriteOutputIntents(-1); WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); end; function TfrxAPDFExport.WriteMetaData: Integer; var XMP: TfrxXMLItem; Writer: TfrxXMLWriter; Stream: TStream; begin XMP := TfrxXMLItem.Create; XMP.Name := 'x:xmpmeta'; with XMP do begin Prop['xmlns:x'] := 'adobe:ns:meta/'; Prop['x:xmptk'] := 'Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c041 52.342996, 2008/05/07-20:48:00'; with Add('rdf:RDF') do begin Prop['xmlns:rdf'] := 'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'; with Add('rdf:Description') do begin Prop['rdf:about'] := ''; Prop['xmlns:dc'] := 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/'; Add('dc:format').Value := 'application/pdf'; Add('dc:creator').Add('rdf:Seq').Add('rdf:li').Value := string(UTF8Encode(Author)); with Add('dc:description').Add('rdf:Alt').Add('rdf:li') do begin Value := FSubject; Prop['xml:lang'] := 'x-default'; end; with Add('dc:title').Add('rdf:Alt').Add('rdf:li') do begin Prop['xml:lang'] := 'x-default'; end; end; with Add('rdf:Description') do begin Prop['rdf:about'] := ''; Prop['xmlns:xmp'] := 'http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/'; Add('xmp:CreatorTool').Value := string(UTF8Encode(Creator)); Add('xmp:CreateDate').Value := FormatTime(CreationTime, 'TZ'); Add('xmp:ModifyDate').Value := FormatTime(CreationTime, 'TZ'); Add('xmp:MetadataDate').Value := FormatTime(CreationTime, 'TZ'); end; with Add('rdf:Description') do begin Prop['rdf:about'] := ''; Prop['xmlns:pdf'] := 'http://ns.adobe.com/pdf/1.3/'; Add('pdf:Keywords'); Add('pdf:Producer'); end; with Add('rdf:Description') do begin Prop['rdf:about'] := ''; Prop['xmlns:xmpMM'] := 'http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/mm/'; { These two values were generated by Adobe Reader for one document. } Add('xmpMM:DocumentID').Value := 'uuid:5b7f0115-34d9-4038-b3ef-9d13b830f2ad'; Add('xmpMM:InstanceID').Value := 'uuid:fd19f723-4cc0-4ea4-99fa-3616bfbe1e92'; end; with Add('rdf:Description') do begin Prop['rdf:about'] := ''; Prop['xmlns:pdfaid'] := 'http://www.aiim.org/pdfa/ns/id/'; Add('pdfaid:part').Value := '1'; Add('pdfaid:conformance').Value := 'A'; end; with Add('rdf:Description') do begin Prop['rdf:about'] := ''; Prop['xmlns:pdfaExtension'] := 'http://www.aiim.org/pdfa/ns/extension/'; Prop['xmlns:pdfaSchema'] := 'http://www.aiim.org/pdfa/ns/schema#'; Prop['xmlns:pdfaProperty'] := 'http://www.aiim.org/pdfa/ns/property#'; with Add('pdfaExtension:schemas').Add('rdf:Bag') do begin With Add('rdf:li') do begin Prop['rdf:parseType'] := 'Resource'; Add('pdfaSchema:namespaceURI').Value := 'http://ns.adobe.com/pdf/1.3/'; Add('pdfaSchema:prefix').Value := 'pdf'; Add('pdfaSchema:schema').Value := 'Adobe PDF Schema'; with Add('pdfaSchema:property').Add('rdf:Seq').Add('rdf:li') do begin Prop['rdf:parseType'] := 'Resource'; Add('pdfaProperty:category').Value := 'internal'; Add('pdfaProperty:description').Value := 'A name object indicating whether ' + 'the document has been modified to include trapping information'; Add('pdfaProperty:name').Value := 'Trapped'; Add('pdfaProperty:valueType').Value := 'Text'; end; end; With Add('rdf:li') do begin Prop['rdf:parseType'] := 'Resource'; Add('pdfaSchema:namespaceURI').Value := 'http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/mm/'; Add('pdfaSchema:prefix').Value := 'xmpMM'; Add('pdfaSchema:schema').Value := 'XMP Media Management Schema'; with Add('pdfaSchema:property').Add('rdf:Seq').Add('rdf:li') do begin Prop['rdf:parseType'] := 'Resource'; Add('pdfaProperty:category').Value := 'internal'; Add('pdfaProperty:description').Value := 'UUID based identifier for ' + 'specific incarnation of a document'; Add('pdfaProperty:name').Value := 'InstanceID'; Add('pdfaProperty:valueType').Value := 'URI'; end; end; With Add('rdf:li') do begin Prop['rdf:parseType'] := 'Resource'; Add('pdfaSchema:namespaceURI').Value := 'http://www.aiim.org/pdfa/ns/id/'; Add('pdfaSchema:prefix').Value := 'pdfaid'; Add('pdfaSchema:schema').Value := 'PDF/A ID Schema'; with Add('pdfaSchema:property').Add('rdf:Seq') do begin with Add('rdf:li') do begin Prop['rdf:parseType'] := 'Resource'; Add('pdfaProperty:category').Value := 'internal'; Add('pdfaProperty:description').Value := 'Part of PDF/A standard'; Add('pdfaProperty:name').Value := 'part'; Add('pdfaProperty:valueType').Value := 'Integer'; end; with Add('rdf:li') do begin Prop['rdf:parseType'] := 'Resource'; Add('pdfaProperty:category').Value := 'internal'; Add('pdfaProperty:description').Value := 'Amendment of PDF/A standard'; Add('pdfaProperty:name').Value := 'amd'; Add('pdfaProperty:valueType').Value := 'Text'; end; with Add('rdf:li') do begin Prop['rdf:parseType'] := 'Resource'; Add('pdfaProperty:category').Value := 'internal'; Add('pdfaProperty:description').Value := 'Conformance level of PDF/A standard'; Add('pdfaProperty:name').Value := 'conformance'; Add('pdfaProperty:valueType').Value := 'Text'; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; { Save the built XML tree to a stream. } Stream := TMemoryStream.Create; Writer := TfrxXMLWriter.Create(Stream); Writer.AutoIndent := True; Writeln(Stream, ''); Writer.WriteRootItem(XMP); Writeln(Stream, ''); Writer.Free; XMP.Free; { Write a PDF object with the XMP metadata. } Result := UpdateXRef; Writeln(pdf, ObjNumber(Result)); Writeln(pdf, '<>'); BeginStream(pdf); Stream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); pdf.CopyFrom(Stream, Stream.Size); Stream.Free; EndStream(pdf); EndObj(pdf); end; procedure TfrxAPDFExport.WriteOutputIntents(OutputProfileId: Integer); begin Writeln(pdf, '/OutputIntents[<<'); Writeln(pdf, '/Type/OutputIntent'); Writeln(pdf, '/S/GTS_PDFA1'); Writeln(pdf, '/RegistryName(http://www.color.org)'); Writeln(pdf, '/OutputConditionIdentifier(Custom)'); Writeln(pdf, '/OutputCondition()'); Writeln(pdf, '/Info(sRGB IEC61966-2.1)'); if OutputProfileId >= 0 then Writeln(pdf, '/DestOutputProfile ' + ObjNumberRef(OutputProfileId)); Writeln(pdf, '>>]'); end; function TfrxAPDFExport.WriteOutputProfile: Integer; const ICCFile = 'pdfaprofile.icc'; var Stream: TStream; sz: Integer; begin {$IF FALSE} if not FileExists(ICCFile) then Stream := TMemoryStream.Create // empty stream else try Stream := TFileStream.Create(ICCFile, 0); // ICC profile required by PDF/A except Stream := TMemoryStream.Create; // empty stream end; {$ELSE} Stream := TMemoryStream.Create; sz := SizeOf(iccprofile); Stream.WriteBuffer( iccprofile, sz ); Stream.Seek(0, TSeekOrigin.soBeginning ); sz := Stream.Size; {$IFEND} Result := UpdateXRef; Writeln(pdf, ObjNumber(Result)); Writeln(pdf, '<< /N 4 /Length ' + IntToStr(sz) + '>>'); BeginStream(pdf); pdf.CopyFrom(Stream, sz); EndStream(pdf); EndObj(pdf); Stream.Free; end; procedure TfrxAPDFExport.WriteStructTreeRoot; begin Writeln(pdf, '/StructTreeRoot<<'); Writeln(pdf, '/Type /StructTreeRoot'); Writeln(pdf, '>>'); end; function TfrxAPDFExport.EscapeSpecialChar(TextStr: AnsiString): AnsiString; var I: Integer; begin Result := ''; for I := 1 to Length ( TextStr ) do case TextStr [ I ] of '(': Result := Result + '\('; ')': Result := Result + '\)'; '\': Result := Result + '\\'; #13: Result := result + '\r'; #10: Result := result + '\n'; else Result := Result + AnsiChar(chr ( Ord ( textstr [ i ] ) )); end; end; function TfrxAPDFExport.CryptStr(Source: AnsiString; Key: AnsiString; Enc: Boolean; id: Integer): AnsiString; var k: array [ 1..21 ] of Byte; rc4: TfrxRC4; s, s1, ss: AnsiString; begin if Enc then begin rc4 := TfrxRC4.Create; try s := Key; FillChar(k, 21, 0); Move(s[1], k, 16); Move(id, k [17], 3); SetLength(s1, 21); MD5Buf(@k, 21, @s1[1]); ss := Source; SetLength(Result, Length(ss)); rc4.Start(@s1[1], 16); rc4.Crypt(@ss[1], @Result[1], Length(ss)); Result := EscapeSpecialChar(Result); finally rc4.Free; end; end else Result := EscapeSpecialChar(Source); end; function TfrxAPDFExport.CryptStream(Source: TStream; Target: TStream; Key: AnsiString; id: Integer): AnsiString; var s: AnsiString; k: array [ 1..21 ] of Byte; rc4: TfrxRC4; m1, m2: TMemoryStream; begin FillChar(k, 21, 0); Move(Key[1], k, 16); Move(id, k[17], 3); SetLength(s, 16); MD5Buf(@k, 21, @s[1]); m1 := TMemoryStream.Create; m2 := TMemoryStream.Create; rc4 := TfrxRC4.Create; try m1.LoadFromStream(Source); m2.SetSize(m1.Size); rc4.Start(@s[1], 16); rc4.Crypt(m1.Memory, m2.Memory, m1.Size); m2.SaveToStream(Target); finally m1.Free; m2.Free; rc4.Free; end; end; function TfrxAPDFExport.StrToUTF16(const Value: WideString): AnsiString; var i: integer; pwc: ^Word; begin result := 'FEFF'; for i := 1 to Length(Value) do begin pwc := @Value[i]; result := result + AnsiString(IntToHex(pwc^, 4)); end; end; function TfrxAPDFExport.PrepareString(const Text: WideString; Key: AnsiString; Enc: Boolean; id: Integer): AnsiString; begin if Enc then Result := '(' + CryptStr(AnsiString(Text), Key, Enc, id) + ')' else Result := '<' + StrToUTF16(Text) + '>' end; function TfrxAPDFExport.PMD52Str(p: Pointer): AnsiString; begin SetLength(Result, 16); Move(p^, Result[1], 16); end; function TfrxAPDFExport.PadPassword(Password: AnsiString): AnsiString; var i: Integer; begin i := Length(Password); Result := Copy(Password, 1, i); SetLength(Result, 32); if i < 32 then Move(PDF_PK, Result[i + 1], 32 - i); end; procedure TfrxAPDFExport.PrepareKeys; var s, s1, p, p1, fid: AnsiString; i, j: Integer; rc4: TfrxRC4; md5: TfrxMD5; begin // OWNER KEY if FOwnerPassword = '' then FOwnerPassword := FUserPassword; p := PadPassword(FOwnerPassword); md5 := TfrxMD5.Create; try md5.Init; md5.Update(@p[1], 32); md5.Finalize; s := PMD52Str(md5.Digest); for i := 1 to 50 do begin md5.Init; md5.Update(@s[1], 16); md5.Finalize; s := PMD52Str(md5.Digest); end; finally md5.Free; end; rc4 := TfrxRC4.Create; try p := PadPassword(FUserPassword); SetLength(s1, 32); rc4.Start(@s[1], 16); rc4.Crypt(@p[1], @s1[1], 32); SetLength(p1, 16); for i := 1 to 19 do begin for j := 1 to 16 do p1[j] := AnsiChar(Byte(s[j]) xor i); rc4.Start(@p1[1], 16); rc4.Crypt(@s1[1], @s1[1], 32); end; FOPass := s1; finally rc4.Free; end; // ENCRYPTION KEY p := PadPassword(FUserPassword); md5 := TfrxMD5.Create; try md5.Init; md5.Update(@p[1], 32); md5.Update(@FOPass[1], 32); md5.Update(@FEncBits, 4); fid := ''; for i := 1 to 16 do fid := fid + AnsiChar(chr(Byte(StrToInt('$' + String(FFileID[i * 2 - 1] + FFileID[i * 2]))))); md5.Update(@fid[1], 16); md5.Finalize; s := PMD52Str(md5.Digest); for i := 1 to 50 do begin md5.Init; md5.Update(@s[1], 16); md5.Finalize; s := PMD52Str(md5.Digest); end; finally md5.Free; end; FEncKey := s; // USER KEY md5 := TfrxMD5.Create; try md5.Update(@PDF_PK, 32); md5.Update(@fid[1], 16); md5.Finalize; s := PMD52Str(md5.Digest); s1 := FEncKey; rc4 := TfrxRC4.Create; try rc4.Start(@s1[1], 16 ); rc4.Crypt(@s[1], @s[1], 16 ); SetLength(p1, 16); for i := 1 to 19 do begin for j := 1 to 16 do p1[j] := AnsiChar(Byte(s1[j]) xor i); rc4.Start(@p1[1], 16 ); rc4.Crypt(@s[1], @s[1], 16 ); end; FUPass := s; finally rc4.Free; end; SetLength(FUPass, 32); FillChar(FUPass[17], 16, 0); finally md5.Free; end; end; procedure TfrxAPDFExport.SetProtectionFlags(const Value: TfrxPDFEncBits); begin FProtectionFlags := Value; FEncBits := $FFFFFFC0; FEncBits := FEncBits + (Cardinal(ePrint in Value) shl 2 + Cardinal(eModify in Value) shl 3 + Cardinal(eCopy in Value) shl 4 + Cardinal(eAnnot in Value) shl 5); end; procedure TfrxAPDFExport.WriteFont(pdfFont: TfrxPDFFont); { Writes an object with the font file inside } function WriteFontFile: Integer; begin Inc(FFontTotalSize, pdfFont.FontFile.Size); Result := WriteDataStream(pdf, pdfFont.FontFile, 'ttf', False); end; { Writes CMap (char to glyph mapping) } function WriteCMap: Integer; var CMap: TStream; begin Result := UpdateXRef; BeginObj(pdf, Result); CMap := TMemoryStream.Create; try PDFFont.WriteCharToCIDMap(CMap); Writeln(pdf, '<<'); Writeln(pdf, '/Type /CMap'); Writeln(pdf, '/CMapName /%s', [PDFFont.CMapName]); Writeln(pdf, '/CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (%s) /Ordering (%s) /Supplement %d >>', [PDFFont.CMapRegistry, PDFFont.CMapOrdering, PDFFont.CMapSupplement]); Writeln(pdf, '/WMode 0'); Writeln(pdf, '/Length %d', [CMap.Size]); Writeln(pdf, '>>'); BeginStream(pdf); pdf.CopyFrom(CMap, 0); EndStream(pdf); finally CMap.Free; EndObj(pdf); end; end; { Writes FontDescriptor } function WriteFontDescriptor(CIDSetId: Integer): Integer; var FontFileId: Integer; begin FontFileId := 0; // to suppress W1036 compiler warning if FEmbedded then FontFileId := WriteFontFile; Result := UpdateXRef; BeginObj(pdf, Result); WriteLn(pdf, '<<'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Type /FontDescriptor'); WriteLn(pdf, '/FontName /' + pdffont.fontName); WriteLn(pdf, '/FontFamily /' + pdffont.fontName); with pdfFont.FontInfo do begin with FontBox do WriteLn(pdf, '/FontBBox [%d %d %d %d]', [XMin, YMin, XMax, YMax]); WriteLn(pdf, '/ItalicAngle %d', [ItalicAngle]); WriteLn(pdf, '/Ascent %d', [Ascent]); WriteLn(pdf, '/Descent %d', [Descent]); WriteLn(pdf, '/CapHeight %d', [CapHeight]); WriteLn(pdf, '/StemV %d', [StemV]); WriteLn(pdf, '/Flags %d', [32]); end; Writeln(pdf, '/CIDSet %s', [ObjNumberRef(CIDSetId)]); if FEmbedded then WriteLn(pdf, '/FontFile2 ' + ObjNumberRef(FontFileId)); WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); EndObj(pdf); end; { Writes CIDSystemInfo } function WriteCIDSystemInfo: Integer; begin Result := UpdateXRef; BeginObj(pdf, Result); WriteLn(pdf, '<< /Registry (%s) /Ordering (%s) /Supplement %d >>', [PDFFont.CMapRegistry, PDFFont.CMapOrdering, PDFFont.CMapSupplement]); EndObj(pdf); end; { Writes CID to GID mapping } function WriteCIDToGID: Integer; var Map: TStream; begin Map := TMemoryStream.Create; try pdfFont.WriteCIDToGIDMap(Map); Result := WriteDataStream(pdf, Map, 'cidtogid', False); finally Map.Free; end; end; { Writes CIDFontType2 } function WriteDescendantFonts(CIDSystemInfoId, DescriptorId: Integer): Integer; var CIDToGIDMapId: Integer; begin CIDToGIDMapId := WriteCIDToGID; Result := UpdateXRef; BeginObj(pdf, Result); WriteLn(pdf, '<<'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Type /Font'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Subtype /CIDFontType2'); //Writeln(pdf, '/CIDToGIDMap /Identity'); Writeln(pdf, '/CIDToGIDMap %s', [ObjNumberRef(CIDToGIDMapId)]); WriteLn(pdf, '/BaseFont /' + pdffont.fontName); WriteLn(pdf, '/CIDSystemInfo ' + ObjNumberRef(cIDSystemInfoId)); WriteLn(pdf, '/FontDescriptor ' + ObjNumberRef(descriptorId)); Write(pdf, '/W '); PDFFont.WriteCharWidths(pdf); WriteLn(pdf, ''); WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); EndObj(pdf); end; { Writes char to unicode map } function WriteUnicodeMap: Integer; var CMap: TStream; begin CMap := TMemoryStream.Create; try pdfFont.WriteCharToUnicodeMap(CMap); Result := WriteDataStream(pdf, CMap, 'cmap', True); finally CMap.Free; end; end; { Writes a bitmask of used CIDs } function WriteCIDSet: Integer; var s: TStream; begin s := TMemoryStream.Create; try pdfFont.WriteCIDSet(s); Result := WriteDataStream(pdf, s, 'cidset', False); finally s.Free; end; end; var //CMapId: Integer; DescendantFontId: Integer; CIDSystemInfoId: Integer; FontDescriptorId: Integer; UnicodeMapId: Integer; CIDSetId: Integer; begin pdfFont.BuildFont; //CMapId := WriteCMap; CIDSetId := WriteCIDSet; UnicodeMapId := WriteUnicodeMap; CIDSystemInfoId := WriteCIDSystemInfo; FontDescriptorId := WriteFontDescriptor(CIDSetId); DescendantFontId := WriteDescendantFonts(CIDSystemInfoId, FontDescriptorId); FXRef[pdfFont.Reference - 1] := PrepXrefPos(pdf.Position); WriteLn(pdf, ObjNumber(pdfFont.Reference)); WriteLn(pdf, '<<'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Type /Font'); WriteLn(pdf, '/Subtype /Type0'); WriteLn(pdf, '/BaseFont /%s', [pdffont.fontName]); //WriteLn(pdf, '/Encoding %s', [ObjNumberRef(CMapId)]); WriteLn(pdf, '/Encoding /Identity-H % char to CID'); WriteLn(pdf, '/DescendantFonts [' + ObjNumberRef(DescendantFontId) + ']'); WriteLn(pdf, '/ToUnicode %s', [ObjNumberRef(UnicodeMapId)]); WriteLn(pdf, '>>'); EndObj(pdf); end; function TfrxAPDFExport.AddPage(Page: TfrxReportPage): TfrxPDFPage; var p: TfrxPDFPage; begin p := TfrxPDFPage.Create; p.Height := Page.Height * PDF_DIVIDER; FPages.Add(p); Result := p; end; function TfrxAPDFExport.AddXObject(Id: Integer; const Hash: TfrxPDFXObjectHash): Integer; var X: TfrxPDFXObject; begin X.ObjId := Id; Move(Hash, X.Hash, SizeOf(Hash)); SetLength(FXObjects, Length(FXObjects) + 1); FXObjects[High(FXObjects)] := X; Result := High(FXObjects); end; function TfrxAPDFExport.StrToHex(const Value: WideString): AnsiString; var i: integer; begin result := ''; for i := 1 to Length(Value) do result := result + AnsiString(IntToHex(Word(Value[i]), 4)); end; function TfrxAPDFExport.ObjNumber(FNumber: longint): String; begin result := IntToStr(FNumber) + ' 0 obj'; end; function TfrxAPDFExport.ObjNumberRef(FNumber: longint): String; begin result := IntToStr(FNumber) + ' 0 R'; end; function TfrxAPDFExport.PrepXrefPos(pos: Longint): String; begin result := StringOfChar('0', 10 - Length(IntToStr(pos))) + IntToStr(pos) end; function TfrxAPDFExport.UpdateXRef: longint; begin FXRef.Add(PrepXrefPos(pdf.Position)); result := FXRef.Count; end; function TfrxAPDFExport.GetPDFColor(const Color: TColor): String; var TheRgbValue : TColorRef; begin if Color = clBlack then Result := '0 0 0' else if Color = clWhite then Result := '1 1 1' else if Color = FLastColor then Result := FLastColorResult else begin TheRgbValue := ColorToRGB(Color); Result:= frFloat2Str(Byte(TheRGBValue) / 255) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(Byte(TheRGBValue shr 8) / 255) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(Byte(TheRGBValue shr 16) / 255); FLastColor := Color; FLastColorResult := Result; end; end; procedure TfrxAPDFExport.GetStreamHash(out Hash: TfrxPDFXObjectHash; S: TStream); var H: TCryptoHash; begin H := TCryptoMD5.Create; try H.Push(S); H.GetDigest(Hash[0], SizeOf(Hash)); finally H.Free end; end; procedure TfrxAPDFExport.AddObject(const Obj: TfrxView); var FontIndex: Integer; x, y, dx, dy, fdx, fdy, PGap, FCharSpacing, ow, oh: Extended; i, iz: Integer; Jpg: TJPEGImage; s: AnsiString; su: WideString; Lines: TWideStrings; TempBitmap: TBitmap; OldFrameWidth: Extended; TempColor: TColor; Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Width, Height, BWidth, BHeight: String; FUnderlinePosition: Double; FStrikeoutPosition: Double; FRealBounds: TfrxRect; FLineHeight: Extended; FLineWidth: Extended; FHeightWoMargin: Extended; pdfFont: TfrxPDFFont; textObj: TfrxCustomMemoView; bx, by, bx1, by1, wx1, wx2, wy1, wy2, gx1, gy1: Integer; FTextRect: TRect; angle, a_sin, a_cos, a_x, a_y: Extended; rx, ry: Extended; XObjectId: Integer; XObjectHash: TfrxPDFXObjectHash; XObjectStream: TStream; PicIndex: Integer; function GetLeft(const Left: Extended): Extended; begin Result := FMarginLeft + Left * PDF_DIVIDER end; function GetTop(const Top: Extended): Extended; begin Result := FHeightWoMargin - Top * PDF_DIVIDER end; function GetVTextPos(const Top: Extended; const Height: Extended; const Align: TfrxVAlign; const Line: Integer = 0; const Count: Integer = 1): Extended; var i: Integer; begin if Line <= Count then i := Line else i := 0; if Align = vaBottom then Result := Top + Height - FLineHeight * (Count - i - 1) else if Align = vaCenter then Result := Top + (Height - (FLineHeight * Count)) / 2 + FLineHeight * (i + 1) else Result := Top + FLineHeight * (i + 1); end; function GetVTextPosR(const Height: Extended; const Align: TfrxVAlign; const Line: Integer = 0; const Count: Integer = 1): Extended; var i: Integer; begin if Line <= Count then i := Line else i := 0; if Align = vaBottom then Result := Height - FLineHeight * (Count - i - 1) else if Align = vaCenter then Result := -FLineHeight * Count / 2 + FLineHeight * (i + 1) else Result := - Height + FLineHeight * (i + 1); end; function GetHTextPos(const Left: Extended; const Width: Extended; const Text: WideString; const Align: TfrxHAlign): Extended; var txt: TWideStrings; begin {$IFDEF Delphi10} txt := TfrxWideStrings.Create; {$ELSE} txt := TWideStrings.Create; {$ENDIF} try txt.Add(Text); frxDrawText.SetText(txt); FLineWidth := frxDrawText.CalcWidth; finally txt.Free; end; case Align of haLeft: Result := Left; haRight: Result := Left + Width - FLineWidth; haCenter: Result := Left + (Width - FLineWidth) / 2; haBlock: Result := Left; else Result := Left; end; end; function GetHTextPosR(const Width: Extended; const Text: WideString; const Align: TfrxHAlign): Extended; var txt: TWideStrings; begin {$IFDEF Delphi10} txt := TfrxWideStrings.Create; {$ELSE} txt := TWideStrings.Create; {$ENDIF} try txt.Add(Text); frxDrawText.SetText(txt); FLineWidth := frxDrawText.CalcWidth; finally txt.Free; end; case Align of haRight: Result := Width - FLineWidth; haCenter: Result := -FLineWidth / 2; else Result := -Width; end; end; function GetPDFDash(const LineStyle: TfrxFrameStyle; Width: Extended): String; var dash, dot: String; begin if LineStyle = fsSolid then Result := '[] 0 d' else begin dash := frFloat2Str(Width * 6) + ' '; dot := frFloat2Str(Width * 2) + ' '; if LineStyle = fsDash then Result := '[' + dash + '] 0 d' else if LineStyle = fsDashDot then Result := '[' + dash + dash + dot + dash + '] 0 d' else if LineStyle = fsDashDotDot then Result := '[' + dash + dash + dot + dash + dot + dash + '] 0 d' else if LineStyle = fsDot then Result := '[' + dot + dash + '] 0 d' else Result := '[] 0 d'; end; end; procedure MakeUpFrames; begin if (Obj.Frame.Typ <> []) and (Obj.Frame.Color <> clNone) then begin Write(OutStream, GetPDFColor(Obj.Frame.Color) + ' RG'#13#10); if ftTop in Obj.Frame.Typ then begin WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFDash(Obj.Frame.TopLine.Style, Obj.Frame.TopLine.Width)); Write(OutStream, frFloat2Str(Obj.Frame.TopLine.Width * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' w'#13#10); Write(OutStream, Left + ' ' + Top + ' m'#13#10 + Right + ' ' + Top + ' l'#13#10'S'#13#10); end; if ftRight in Obj.Frame.Typ then begin WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFDash(Obj.Frame.RightLine.Style, Obj.Frame.RightLine.Width)); Write(OutStream, frFloat2Str(Obj.Frame.RightLine.Width * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' w'#13#10); Write(OutStream, Right + ' ' + Top + ' m'#13#10 + Right + ' ' + Bottom + ' l'#13#10'S'#13#10); end; if ftBottom in Obj.Frame.Typ then begin WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFDash(Obj.Frame.BottomLine.Style, Obj.Frame.BottomLine.Width)); Write(OutStream, frFloat2Str(Obj.Frame.BottomLine.Width * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' w'#13#10); Write(OutStream, Left + ' ' + Bottom + ' m'#13#10 + Right + ' ' + Bottom + ' l'#13#10'S'#13#10); end; if ftLeft in Obj.Frame.Typ then begin WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFDash(Obj.Frame.LeftLine.Style, Obj.Frame.LeftLine.Width)); Write(OutStream, frFloat2Str(Obj.Frame.LeftLine.Width * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' w'#13#10); Write(OutStream, Left + ' ' + Top + ' m'#13#10 + Left + ' ' + Bottom + ' l'#13#10'S'#13#10); end; end; end; function HTMLTags(const View: TfrxCustomMemoView): Boolean; begin if View.AllowHTMLTags then Result := FTags and (Pos('<' ,View.Memo.Text) > 0) else Result := False; end; function CheckOutPDFChars(const Str: WideString): WideString; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; for i := 1 to Length(Str) do if Str[i] = '\' then Result := Result + '\\' else if Str[i] = '(' then Result := Result + '\(' else if Str[i] = ')' then Result := Result + '\)' else Result := Result + Str[i]; end; procedure DrawArrow(Obj: TfrxCustomLineView; x1, y1, x2, y2: Extended); var k1, a, b, c, D: Double; xp, yp, x3, y3, x4, y4, ld, wd: Extended; begin wd := Obj.ArrowWidth * PDF_DIVIDER; ld := Obj.ArrowLength * PDF_DIVIDER; if abs(x2 - x1) > 0 then begin k1 := (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); a := Sqr(k1) + 1; b := 2 * (k1 * ((x2 * y1 - x1 * y2) / (x2 - x1) - y2) - x2); c := Sqr(x2) + Sqr(y2) - Sqr(ld) + Sqr((x2 * y1 - x1 * y2) / (x2 - x1)) - 2 * y2 * (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2) / (x2 - x1); D := Sqr(b) - 4 * a * c; xp := (-b + Sqrt(D)) / (2 * a); if (xp > x1) and (xp > x2) or (xp < x1) and (xp < x2) then xp := (-b - Sqrt(D)) / (2 * a); yp := xp * k1 + (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2) / (x2 - x1); if y2 <> y1 then begin x3 := xp + wd * sin(ArcTan(k1)); y3 := yp - wd * cos(ArcTan(k1)); x4 := xp - wd * sin(ArcTan(k1)); y4 := yp + wd * cos(ArcTan(k1)); end else begin x3 := xp; y3 := yp - wd; x4 := xp; y4 := yp + wd; end; end else begin xp := x2; yp := y2 - ld; if (yp > y1) and (yp > y2) or (yp < y1) and (yp < y2) then yp := y2 + ld; x3 := xp - wd; y3 := yp; x4 := xp + wd; y4 := yp; end; WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFDash(Obj.Frame.Style, Obj.Frame.Width)); WriteLn(OutStream, frFloat2Str(x3) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(y3) + ' m'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(x2) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(y2) + ' l'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(x4) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(y4) + ' l'); if Obj.ArrowSolid then WriteLn(OutStream, '1 j'#13#10 + GetPDFColor(Obj.Frame.Color) + ' rg'#13#10'b') else WriteLn(OutStream, 'S'); end; function GetGlobalFont(const Font: TFont): TfrxPDFFont; var i: Integer; Font2: TFont; begin for i := 0 to FFonts.Count - 1 do begin Font2 := TfrxPDFFont(FFonts[i]).SourceFont; if (Font.Name = Font2.Name) and (Font.Style = Font2.Style) then break; end; if i < FFonts.Count then result := TfrxPDFFont(FFonts[i]) else begin result := TfrxPDFFont.Create(Font, FEmbedded); FFonts.Add(result); result.PDFName := AnsiString('/F' + IntToStr(FFonts.Count - 1)); end; end; function GetObjFontNumber(const Font: TFont): integer; var i: Integer; Font2: TFont; begin for i := 0 to FPageFonts.Count - 1 do begin Font2 := TfrxPDFFont(FPageFonts[i]).SourceFont; if (Font.Name = Font2.Name) and (Font.Style = Font2.Style) then break; end; if i < FPageFonts.Count then result := i else begin FPageFonts.Add(GetGlobalFont(Font)); result := FPageFonts.Count - 1; end; end; procedure Cmd(const Args: string; const Name: string = ''); begin if Name = '' then WriteLn(OutStream, Args) else if Args = '' then WriteLn(OutStream, Name) else WriteLn(OutStream, Args + ' ' + Name); end; function CmdCoords(x, y: Extended): string; begin Result := frFloat2Str(GetLeft(x)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(y)); end; procedure CmdMove(x, y: Extended); begin Cmd(CmdCoords(x, y), 'm'); end; procedure CmdLine(x, y: Extended); begin Cmd(CmdCoords(x, y), 'l'); end; procedure CmdBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3: Extended); begin Cmd(CmdCoords(x1, y1) + ' ' + CmdCoords(x2, y2) + ' ' + CmdCoords(x3, y3), 'c'); end; { Rounded rectangle can be drawed using the following PDF commands: - m - start a new path - v - add a bezier curve - l - add a straight line - S - stroke the path - B - fill and stroke the path } procedure WriteRoundedRect(RoundedRect: TfrxShapeView); var rad, rf, l, t, r, b, w, h: Extended; begin with RoundedRect do begin with Frame do begin Cmd(GetPDFDash(Style, Width)); Cmd(GetPDFColor(Color), 'RG'); Cmd(frFloat2Str(Width * PDF_DIVIDER), 'w'); end; if Curve = 0 then rad := 2 * 3.74 else rad := Curve * 3.74; rf := 0.5 * rad; l := AbsLeft; t := AbsTop; w := Width; h := Height; r := l + w; b := t + h; Cmd(GetPDFColor(Color), 'rg'); CmdMove(l + rad, b); CmdLine(r - rad, b); CmdBezier(r - rf, b, r, b - rf, r, b - rad); // right-bottom CmdLine(r, t + rad); CmdBezier(r, t + rf, r - rf, t, r - rad, t); // right-top CmdLine(l + rad, t); CmdBezier(l + rf, t, l, t + rf, l, t + rad); // left-top CmdLine(l, b - rad); CmdBezier(l, b - rf, l + rf, b, l + rad, b); // left-bottom if Color = clNone then Cmd('', 'S') else Cmd('', 'B'); end; end; { An external link is a URL like http://company.com/index.html } procedure WriteExternalLink(const URI: string); var ObjId: Integer; begin ObjId := UpdateXRef; Writeln(FAnnots, ObjNumberRef(ObjId)); // for /Annots array in the page object Writeln(pdf, ObjNumber(ObjId)); Writeln(pdf, '<<'); Writeln(pdf, '/Subtype /Link'); Writeln(pdf, '/Rect [' + Left + ' ' + Bottom + ' ' + Right + ' ' + Top + ']'); Writeln(pdf, '/BS << /W 0 >>'); Writeln(pdf, '/A <<'); Writeln(pdf, '/URI ' + PdfString(WideString(URI))); Writeln(pdf, '/Type /Action'); Writeln(pdf, '/S /URI'); Writeln(pdf, '>>'); Writeln(pdf, '>>'); EndObj(pdf); end; { Writes an anchor to the PDF document. This kind of links make a jump to a specified location within the current document. Arguments: - Page - an index of a page whither the anchor jumps - Pos - a vertical position of the destination within the page } procedure WritePageAnchor(Page: Integer; Pos: Double); var s, r: string; i: Integer; begin i := UpdateXRef; r := Format('%d 0 R ', [i]); s := Format('%d 0 obj'#10'<>' + #10'endobj', [i, Left, Bottom, Right, Top, Page, GetTop(Pos)]); WriteLn(PDF, s); WriteLn(FAnnots, r); end; { Writes a link object to the PDF document } procedure WriteLink(a: string); var x: TfrxXMLItem; begin if a = '' then Exit; { Anchors. This kind of links make a jump to a specified location within the current document. Anchors begin with '#' sign. } if a[1] = '#' then begin a := Copy(a, 2, Length(a) - 1); x := (Report.PreviewPages as TfrxPreviewPages).FindAnchor(a); if x <> nil then try WritePageAnchor(StrToInt(x.Prop['page']), StrToFloat(x.Prop['top'])); except // StrToInt will fail if a is not a properly formed number end end else { Page anchors. This kind of links make a jump to a specified page. } if a[1] = '@' then begin a := Copy(a, 2, Length(a) - 1); try WritePageAnchor(StrToInt(a) - 1, 0.0); except // StrToInt will fail if a is not a properly formed number end end else { External links. An external link is a URL like http://company.com/index.html. } WriteExternalLink(a) end; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} Writeln(OutStream, ''); Writeln(OutStream, '%%------------ object %s : %s', [Obj.Name, Obj.ClassName]); Writeln(OutStream, ''); {$ENDIF} FHeightWoMargin := FHeight - FMarginTop; Left := frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft)); Top := frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop)); Right := frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + Obj.Width)); Bottom := frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + Obj.Height)); Width := frFloat2Str(Obj.Width * PDF_DIVIDER); Height := frFloat2Str(Obj.Height * PDF_DIVIDER); OldFrameWidth := 0; WriteLink(Obj.URL); { Memo object will be written to a pdf file as text if the following conditions are satisfied. All other memo objects will be saved as pictures: - brush style is "solid" or "clear" - "wordwrap" option is disabled - clipping is disabled - html formatting is disabled } if (Obj is TfrxCustomMemoView) and (TfrxCustomMemoView(Obj).BrushStyle in [bsSolid, bsClear]) and not HTMLTags(TfrxCustomMemoView(Obj)) then begin // save clip to stack Write(OutStream, 'q'#13#10); Write(OutStream, frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft - Obj.Frame.Width)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + Obj.Height + Obj.Frame.Width)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str((Obj.Width + Obj.Frame.Width * 2) * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' ' + frFloat2Str((Obj.Height + Obj.Frame.Width * 2) * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' re'#13#10'W'#13#10'n'#13#10); ow := Obj.Width - Obj.Frame.ShadowWidth; oh := Obj.Height - Obj.Frame.ShadowWidth; // Shadow if Obj.Frame.DropShadow then begin Width := frFloat2Str(ow * PDF_DIVIDER); Height := frFloat2Str(oh * PDF_DIVIDER); Right := frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + ow)); Bottom := frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + oh)); s := AnsiString(GetPDFColor(Obj.Frame.ShadowColor)); Write(OutStream, s + ' rg'#13#10 + s + ' RG'#13#10 + AnsiString(frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + ow)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + oh + Obj.Frame.ShadowWidth)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(Obj.Frame.ShadowWidth * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(oh * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' re'#13#10'B'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + Obj.Frame.ShadowWidth)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + oh + Obj.Frame.ShadowWidth)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(ow * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(Obj.Frame.ShadowWidth * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' re'#13#10'B'#13#10)); end; textObj := TfrxCustomMemoView(Obj); {$IFDEF PDF_LOG_TEXTS} DbgPrintln(Obj.Name + ': ' + string(PdfString(TextObj.Memo.Text))); {$ENDIF} frxDrawText.Lock; pdfCS.Enter; try if textObj.Highlight.Active and Assigned(textObj.Highlight.Font) then begin textObj.Font.Assign(textObj.Highlight.Font); textObj.Color := textObj.Highlight.Color; end; frxDrawText.SetFont(textObj.Font); frxDrawText.SetOptions(textObj.WordWrap, textObj.AllowHTMLTags, textObj.RTLReading, textObj.WordBreak, textObj.Clipped, textObj.Wysiwyg, textObj.Rotation); frxDrawText.SetGaps(textObj.ParagraphGap, textObj.CharSpacing, textObj.LineSpacing); wx1 := Round((textObj.Frame.Width - 1) / 2); wx2 := Round(textObj.Frame.Width / 2); wy1 := Round((textObj.Frame.Width - 1) / 2); wy2 := Round(textObj.Frame.Width / 2); bx := Round(textObj.AbsLeft); by := Round(textObj.AbsTop); bx1 := Round(textObj.AbsLeft + textObj.Width); by1 := Round(textObj.AbsTop + textObj.Height); if ftLeft in textObj.Frame.Typ then Inc(bx, wx1); if ftRight in textObj.Frame.Typ then Dec(bx1, wx2); if ftTop in textObj.Frame.Typ then Inc(by, wy1); if ftBottom in textObj.Frame.Typ then Dec(by1, wy2); gx1 := Round(textObj.GapX); gy1 := Round(textObj.GapY); FTextRect := Rect(bx + gx1, by + gy1, bx1 - gx1 + 1, by1 - gy1 + 1); frxDrawText.SetDimensions(1, 1, 1, FTextRect, FTextRect); frxDrawText.SetText(textObj.Memo); FLineHeight := frxDrawText.LineHeight; if textObj.Color <> clNone then Write(OutStream, GetPDFColor(textObj.Color) + ' rg'#13#10 + Left + ' ' + Bottom + ' ' + Width + ' ' + Height + ' re'#13#10'f'#13#10); // Frames MakeUpFrames; if TextObj.Rotation > 0 then begin Angle := TextObj.Rotation * Pi / 180; a_sin := Sin(Angle); a_cos := Cos(Angle); case TextObj.Rotation of 90, 180, 270: begin a_x := GetLeft(TextObj.AbsLeft + TextObj.Width/2); a_y := GetTop(TextObj.AbsTop + TextObj.Height/2); end else begin case TextObj.Rotation of 45..135, 225..315: begin rx := TextObj.Height; ry := TextObj.Width; end else begin rx := TextObj.Width; ry := TextObj.Height; end end; a_x := GetLeft(TextObj.AbsLeft + 0.5 * (rx * a_cos + ry * a_sin)); a_y := GetTop(TextObj.AbsTop + 0.5 * (rx * a_sin + ry * a_cos)); end end; WriteLn(OutStream, frFloat2Str(a_cos) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(a_sin) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(-a_sin) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(a_cos) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(a_x) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(a_y) + ' cm'); end; if textObj.Underlines then begin iz := Trunc(textObj.Height / FLineHeight); for i:= 0 to iz - 1 do begin y := GetTop(textObj.AbsTop + textObj.GapY + 1 + FLineHeight * (i + 1)); Write(OutStream, GetPDFColor(textObj.Frame.Color) + ' RG'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(textObj.Frame.Width * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' w'#13#10 + Left + ' ' + frFloat2Str(y) + ' m'#13#10 + Right + ' ' + frFloat2Str(y) + ' l'#13#10'S'#13#10); end; end; {$IFDEF Delphi10} Lines := TfrxWideStrings.Create; {$ELSE} Lines := TWideStrings.Create; {$ENDIF} Lines.Text := frxDrawText.WrappedText; if Lines.Count > 0 then begin FontIndex := GetObjFontNumber(textObj.Font); pdfFont := TfrxPDFFont(FPageFonts[FontIndex]); {$IFDEF Delphi12} Write(OutStream, TfrxPDFFont(FFonts[FontIndex]).PDFName + AnsiString(' ' + IntToStr(textObj.Font.Size) + ' Tf'#13#10)); {$ELSE} Write(OutStream, TfrxPDFFont(FFonts[FontIndex]).Name + ' ' + IntToStr(textObj.Font.Size) + ' Tf'#13#10); {$ENDIF} if textObj.Font.Color <> clNone then TempColor := textObj.Font.Color else TempColor := clBlack; Write(OutStream, GetPDFColor(TempColor) + ' rg'#13#10); FCharSpacing := textObj.CharSpacing * PDF_DIVIDER; if FCharSpacing <> 0 then Write(OutStream, frFloat2Str(FCharSpacing) + ' Tc'#13#10); // output lines of memo FUnderlinePosition := textObj.Font.Size * 0.12; FStrikeoutPosition := textObj.Font.Size * 0.28; frxDrawText.SetGaps(0, TfrxCustomMemoView(Obj).CharSpacing, TfrxCustomMemoView(Obj).LineSpacing); for i := 0 to Lines.Count - 1 do begin if i = 0 then PGap := textObj.ParagraphGap else PGap := 0; if Length(Lines[i]) > 0 then begin // Text output if textObj.HAlign <> haRight then FCharSpacing := 0; if textObj.Rotation > 0 then begin if ((textObj.Rotation >= 45) and (textObj.Rotation <= 135)) or ((textObj.Rotation >= 225 ) and (textObj.Rotation <= 315)) then begin rx := oh; ry := ow; end else begin rx := ow; ry := oh; end; x := FCharSpacing + (GetHTextPosR(rx / 2, Lines[i], textObj.HAlign)) * PDF_DIVIDER; y := -(GetVTextPosR(ry / 2, textObj.VAlign, i, Lines.Count)) * PDF_DIVIDER + textObj.Font.Size * 0.4; end else begin x := FCharSpacing + GetLeft(GetHTextPos(textObj.AbsLeft + textObj.GapX + textObj.Font.Size * 0.01 + textObj.GapX / 2 + PGap, ow - textObj.GapX * 2 - PGap, Lines[i], textObj.HAlign)); y := GetTop(GetVTextPos(textObj.AbsTop + textObj.GapY - textObj.Font.Size * 0.1, oh - textObj.GapY * 2, textObj.VAlign, i, Lines.Count)); end; Write(OutStream, 'BT'#13#10); Write(OutStream, frFloat2Str(x) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(y) + ' Td'#13#10); Write(OutStream, '<' + StrToHex(pdfFont.RemapString(Lines[i], textObj.RTLReading)) + '> Tj'#13#10'ET'#13#10); { underlined text } with textObj do if fsUnderline in Font.Style then begin Cmd(GetPDFColor(Font.Color), 'RG'); Cmd(frFloat2Str(Font.Size * 0.08), 'w'); Cmd(frFloat2Str(x) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(y - FUnderlinePosition), 'm'); Cmd(frFloat2Str(x + FLineWidth * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(y - FUnderlinePosition), 'l'); Cmd('', 'S'); end; { struck out text } if fsStrikeout in (textObj.Font.Style) then Write(OutStream, GetPDFColor(textObj.Font.Color) + ' RG'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(textObj.Font.Size * 0.08) + ' w'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(x) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(y + FStrikeoutPosition) + ' m'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(x + FLineWidth * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(y + FStrikeoutPosition) + ' l'#13#10'S'#13#10); end; end; end; finally frxDrawText.Unlock; pdfCS.Leave; end; // restore clip Write(OutStream, 'Q'#13#10); Lines.Free; end // Lines else if Obj is TfrxCustomLineView then begin WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFDash(Obj.Frame.Style, Obj.Frame.Width)); Write(OutStream, GetPDFColor(Obj.Frame.Color) + ' RG'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(Obj.Frame.Width * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' w'#13#10 + Left + ' ' + Top + ' m'#13#10 + Right + ' ' + Bottom + ' l'#13#10'S'#13#10); if TfrxCustomLineView(Obj).ArrowStart then DrawArrow(TfrxCustomLineView(Obj), GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + Obj.Width), GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + Obj.Height), GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft), GetTop(Obj.AbsTop)); if TfrxCustomLineView(Obj).ArrowEnd then DrawArrow(TfrxCustomLineView(Obj), GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft), GetTop(Obj.AbsTop), GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + Obj.Width), GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + Obj.Height)); end // Rects else if (Obj is TfrxShapeView) and (TfrxShapeView(Obj).Shape = skRectangle) then begin WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFDash(Obj.Frame.Style, Obj.Frame.Width)); Write(OutStream, GetPDFColor(Obj.Frame.Color) + ' RG'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(Obj.Frame.Width * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' w'#13#10 + GetPDFColor(Obj.Color) + ' rg'#13#10 + Left + ' ' + Bottom + ' '#13#10 + Width + ' ' + Height + ' re'#13#10); if Obj.Color <> clNone then Write(OutStream, 'B'#13#10) else Write(OutStream, 'S'#13#10); end { Rounded rectangle } else if (Obj is TfrxShapeView) and (TfrxShapeView(Obj).Shape = skRoundRectangle) then WriteRoundedRect(TfrxShapeView(Obj)) // Shape line 1 else if (Obj is TfrxShapeView) and (TfrxShapeView(Obj).Shape = skDiagonal1) then begin WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFDash(Obj.Frame.Style, Obj.Frame.Width)); Write(OutStream, GetPDFColor(Obj.Frame.Color) + ' RG'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(Obj.Frame.Width * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' w'#13#10 + Left + ' ' + Bottom + ' m'#13#10 + Right + ' ' + Top + ' l'#13#10'S'#13#10) end // Shape line 2 else if (Obj is TfrxShapeView) and (TfrxShapeView(Obj).Shape = skDiagonal2) then begin WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFDash(Obj.Frame.Style, Obj.Frame.Width)); Write(OutStream, GetPDFColor(Obj.Frame.Color) + ' RG'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(Obj.Frame.Width * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' w'#13#10 + Left + ' ' + Top + ' m'#13#10 + Right + ' ' + Bottom + ' l'#13#10'S'#13#10) end // Shape diamond else if (Obj is TfrxShapeView) and (TfrxShapeView(Obj).Shape = skDiamond) then begin WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFDash(Obj.Frame.Style, Obj.Frame.Width)); WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFColor(Obj.Frame.Color) + ' RG'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(Obj.Frame.Width * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' w'#13#10 + GetPDFColor(Obj.Color) + ' rg'); WriteLn(OutStream, frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + Obj.Width / 2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop)) + ' m ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + Obj.Width)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + Obj.Height / 2)) + ' l ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + Obj.Width / 2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + Obj.Height)) + ' l ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + Obj.Height / 2)) + ' l ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + Obj.Width / 2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop)) + ' l'); if Obj.Color <> clNone then Write(OutStream, 'B'#13#10) else Write(OutStream, 'S'#13#10); end // Shape triangle else if (Obj is TfrxShapeView) and (TfrxShapeView(Obj).Shape = skTriangle) then begin WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFDash(Obj.Frame.Style, Obj.Frame.Width)); WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFColor(Obj.Frame.Color) + ' RG'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(Obj.Frame.Width * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' w'#13#10 + GetPDFColor(Obj.Color) + ' rg'); WriteLn(OutStream, frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + Obj.Width / 2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop)) + ' m ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + Obj.Width)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + Obj.Height)) + ' l ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + Obj.Height)) + ' l ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + Obj.Width / 2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop)) + ' l'); if Obj.Color <> clNone then Write(OutStream, 'B'#13#10) else Write(OutStream, 'S'#13#10); end // Shape ellipse else if (Obj is TfrxShapeView) and (TfrxShapeView(Obj).Shape = skEllipse) then begin WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFDash(Obj.Frame.Style, Obj.Frame.Width)); WriteLn(OutStream, GetPDFColor(Obj.Frame.Color) + ' RG'#13#10 + frFloat2Str(Obj.Frame.Width * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' w'#13#10 + GetPDFColor(Obj.Color) + ' rg'); rx := Obj.Width / 2; ry := Obj.Height / 2; WriteLn(OutStream, frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + rx * 2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + ry)) + ' m'); WriteLn(OutStream, frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + rx * 2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + ry * KAPPA1)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + rx * KAPPA1)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + ry * 2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + rx)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + ry * 2)) + ' c'); WriteLn(OutStream, frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + rx * KAPPA2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + ry * 2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + ry * KAPPA1)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + ry)) + ' c'); WriteLn(OutStream, frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + ry * KAPPA2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + rx * KAPPA2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + rx)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop)) + ' c'); WriteLn(OutStream, frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + rx * KAPPA1)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + rx * 2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + ry * KAPPA2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft + rx * 2)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop + ry)) + ' c'); if Obj.Color <> clNone then Write(OutStream, 'B'#13#10) else Write(OutStream, 'S'#13#10); end else // Bitmaps if not ((Obj.Name = '_pagebackground') and (not Background)) and (Obj.Height > 0) and (Obj.Width > 0) then begin if Obj.Frame.Width > 0 then begin OldFrameWidth := Obj.Frame.Width; Obj.Frame.Width := 0; end; FRealBounds := Obj.GetRealBounds; dx := FRealBounds.Right - FRealBounds.Left; dy := FRealBounds.Bottom - FRealBounds.Top; if (dx = Obj.Width) or (Obj.AbsLeft = FRealBounds.Left) then fdx := 0 else if (Obj.AbsLeft + Obj.Width) = FRealBounds.Right then fdx := (dx - Obj.Width) else fdx := (dx - Obj.Width) / 2; if (dy = Obj.Height) or (Obj.AbsTop = FRealBounds.Top) then fdy := 0 else if (Obj.AbsTop + Obj.Height) = FRealBounds.Bottom then fdy := (dy - Obj.Height) else fdy := (dy - Obj.Height) / 2; TempBitmap := TBitmap.Create; try TempBitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; if (PrintOptimized or (Obj is TfrxCustomMemoView)) and (Obj.BrushStyle in [bsSolid, bsClear]) then i := PDF_PRINTOPT else i := 1; iz := 0; if (Obj.ClassName = 'TfrxBarCodeView') and not PrintOptimized then begin i := 2; iz := i; end; TempBitmap.Width := Round(dx * i) + i; TempBitmap.Height := Round(dy * i) + i; try Obj.Draw(TempBitmap.Canvas, i, i, -Round((Obj.AbsLeft - fdx) * i) + iz, -Round((Obj.AbsTop - fdy)* i)); except // charts throw exceptions when numbers are malformed end; { Write XObject with a picture inside } Jpg := TJPEGImage.Create; try if (Obj.ClassName = 'TfrxBarCodeView') or (Obj is TfrxCustomLineView) or (Obj is TfrxShapeView) then begin Jpg.PixelFormat := jf8Bit; Jpg.CompressionQuality := 95; end else begin Jpg.PixelFormat := jf24Bit; Jpg.CompressionQuality := 90; end; Jpg.Assign(TempBitmap); XObjectStream := TMemoryStream.Create; try Jpg.SaveToStream(XObjectStream); GetStreamHash(XObjectHash, XObjectStream); PicIndex := FindXObject(XObjectHash); if PicIndex < 0 then begin XObjectId := UpdateXRef; PicIndex := AddXObject(XObjectId, XObjectHash); Writeln(pdf, ObjNumber(XObjectId)); Writeln(pdf, '<<'); Writeln(pdf, '/Type /XObject'); Writeln(pdf, '/Subtype /Image'); Writeln(pdf, '/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB'); Writeln(pdf, '/BitsPerComponent 8'); Writeln(pdf, '/Filter /DCTDecode'); Writeln(pdf, '/Width ' + IntToStr(Jpg.Width)); Writeln(pdf, '/Height ' + IntToStr(Jpg.Height)); Writeln(pdf, '/Length ' + IntToStr(XObjectStream.Size)); Writeln(pdf, '>>'); BeginStream(pdf); pdf.CopyFrom(XObjectStream, 0); EndStream(pdf); Inc(FPicTotalSize, XObjectStream.Size); EndObj(pdf); end; finally XObjectStream.Free end; finally Jpg.Free; end; finally TempBitmap.Free; end; { Reference to this XObject } SetLength(FUsedXObjects, Length(FUsedXObjects) + 1); FUsedXObjects[High(FUsedXObjects)] := PicIndex; Writeln(OutStream, 'q'); Writeln(OutStream, frFloat2Str(dx * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' ' + '0 ' + '0 ' + frFloat2Str(dy * PDF_DIVIDER) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetLeft(Obj.AbsLeft - fdx)) + ' ' + frFloat2Str(GetTop(Obj.AbsTop - fdy + dy)) + ' ' + 'cm'); Writeln(OutStream, '/Im' + IntToStr(PicIndex) + ' Do'); Writeln(OUtStream, 'Q'); if OldFrameWidth > 0 then Obj.Frame.Width := OldFrameWidth; MakeUpFrames; end; end; { TfrxAPDFExportDialog } procedure TfrxAPDFExportDialog.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Caption := frxGet(8700); OkB.Caption := frxGet(1); CancelB.Caption := frxGet(2); GroupPageRange.Caption := frxGet(7); AllRB.Caption := frxGet(3); CurPageRB.Caption := frxGet(4); PageNumbersRB.Caption := frxGet(5); DescrL.Caption := frxGet(9); GroupQuality.Caption := frxGet(8); CompressedCB.Caption := frxGet(8701); EmbeddedCB.Caption := frxGet(8702); PrintOptCB.Caption := frxGet(8703); OutlineCB.Caption := frxGet(8704); BackgrCB.Caption := frxGet(8705); OpenCB.Caption := frxGet(8706); SaveDialog1.Filter := frxGet(8707); SaveDialog1.DefaultExt := frxGet(8708); ExportPage.Caption := frxGet(107); DocInfoGB.Caption := frxGet(8971); InfoPage.Caption := frxGet(8972); TitleL.Caption := frxGet(8973); AuthorL.Caption := frxGet(8974); SubjectL.Caption := frxGet(8975); KeywordsL.Caption := frxGet(8976); CreatorL.Caption := frxGet(8977); ProducerL.Caption := frxGet(8978); SecurityPage.Caption := frxGet(8962); SecGB.Caption := frxGet(8979); PermGB.Caption := frxGet(8980); OwnPassL.Caption := frxGet(8964); UserPassL.Caption := frxGet(8965); PrintCB.Caption := frxGet(8966); ModCB.Caption := frxGet(8967); CopyCB.Caption := frxGet(8968); AnnotCB.Caption := frxGet(8969); ViewerPage.Caption := frxGet(8981); ViewerGB.Caption := frxGet(8982); HideToolbarCB.Caption := frxGet(8983); HideMenubarCB.Caption := frxGet(8984); HideWindowUICB.Caption := frxGet(8985); FitWindowCB.Caption := frxGet(8986); CenterWindowCB.Caption := frxGet(8987); PrintScalingCB.Caption := frxGet(8988); if UseRightToLeftAlignment then FlipChildren(True); end; procedure TfrxAPDFExportDialog.PageNumbersEChange(Sender: TObject); begin PageNumbersRB.Checked := True; end; procedure TfrxAPDFExportDialog.PageNumbersEKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin case key of '0'..'9':; #8, '-', ',':; else key := #0; end; end; procedure TfrxAPDFExportDialog.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if Key = VK_F1 then frxResources.Help(Self); end; { TfrxPDFFontView } constructor TfrxPDFFontView.Create; begin FData := TMemoryStream.Create end; destructor TfrxPDFFontView.Destroy; begin FView.Free; FData.Free; end; procedure TfrxPDFFontView.CreateView; begin FView.Free; FView := OpenFont(FData); FCollection := FView is TFontCollectionView; end; procedure TfrxPDFFontView.Load(Handle: HFont); const ttcf = $66637474; var DC: HDC; Tag: Cardinal; begin DC := CreateDC('DISPLAY', nil, nil, nil); try SelectObject(DC, Handle); if GetFontData(DC, ttcf, 0, nil, 0) = GDI_ERROR { -1 } then Tag := 0 else Tag := ttcf; FData.Size := GetFontData(DC, Tag, 0, nil, 0); GetFontData(DC, Tag, 0, FData.Memory, FData.Size); finally DeleteDC(DC); end; CreateView; end; procedure TfrxPDFFontView.Load(Src: TStream); begin FData.Size := 0; FData.LoadFromStream(Src); CreateView; end; function TfrxPDFFontView.GetFontsCount: Integer; begin if FCollection then Result := TFontCollectionView(FView).FontsCount else Result := 1 end; function TfrxPDFFontView.GetFont(Index: Integer): TFontView; begin if FCollection then Result := TFontCollectionView(FView).Font[Index] else Result := TFontView(FView) end; function TfrxPDFFontView.GetFont(Name: string): TFontView; begin if FCollection then Result := FindFont(Name) else if TFontView(FView).FamilyName = AnsiString(Name) then Result := TFontView(FView) else Result := nil end; function TfrxPDFFontView.FindFont(Name: string): TFontView; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to GetFontsCount - 1 do if GetFont(i).FamilyName = AnsiString(Name) then begin Result := GetFont(i); Exit; end; Result := nil; end; { TfrxPDFFont } constructor TfrxPDFFont.Create(Font: TFont; EmbedSubset: Boolean); begin FView := TfrxPDFFontView.Create; FUsedChars := TBitArray.Create; FSourceFont := TFont.Create; FSourceFont.Assign(Font); FEmbedSubset := EmbedSubset; end; destructor TfrxPDFFont.Destroy; begin FView.Free; FUsedGlyphs.Free; FUsedChars.Free; FSourceFont.Free; inherited; end; procedure TfrxPDFFont.CreateMapping; var i, j, n: Integer; begin Assert(IsBuilt); n := FUsedChars.GetNumOfSetBits; SetLength(FChars, n); SetLength(FGlyphs, n); j := 0; for i := 0 to FUsedChars.Length - 1 do if FUsedChars[i] then begin FChars[j] := i; FGlyphs[j] := FFontView.GetGlyphIndex(i); Inc(j); end; end; procedure TfrxPDFFont.LoadFontInfo; begin Assert(IsBuilt); with FFontView do begin with HeadTable.Header do begin FFontInfo.FontBox := FontBox; FFontInfo.Flags := Flags; end; with HMetricsInfoTable.Header do begin FFontInfo.Ascent := Ascent; FFontInfo.Descent := Descent; FFontInfo.Leading := LineGap; FFontInfo.MaxWidth := MaxWidth; end; end; end; procedure TfrxPDFFont.MarkAllCharsAsUsed(const s: WideString); var i: Integer; begin for i := 1 to Length(s) do MarkCharAsUsed(Word(s[i])) end; procedure TfrxPDFFont.MarkCharAsUsed(Char: Word); begin Assert(not IsBuilt, 'Font is already built. New chars cannot be added to it.'); if FUsedChars.Length <= Char then FUsedChars.Length := Char + 1; FUsedChars[Char] := True; end; function TfrxPDFFont.GetFontFile: TStream; begin Assert(IsBuilt); Result := FFontView.Stream; end; procedure TfrxPDFFont.BuildFont; {$IFDEF DBGLOG} procedure PrintIndices(Title: string; b: TBitArray); var i, j: Integer; begin DbgPrint('%s (%d):', [Title, b.GetNumOfSetBits]); j := -1; for i := 0 to b.Length - 1 do if b[i] then if j < 0 then // new range is begun begin DbgPrint(' ' + IntToStr(i)); j := i; end else // range is continued { do nothing } else if j >= 0 then // range is breaked begin if i > j + 1 then // long range is breaked DbgPrint('-' + IntToStr(i - 1)) else // short range is breaked { do nothing }; j := -1; end; DbgPrintln; end; procedure ProcessFont(Font: TStream; FontName: string); var Name, Path, Log: string; begin Name := string(SHA1(Font, 6)); Path := 'fonts\' + Name + '.ttf'; Log := 'fonts\' + Name + '.log'; with TFileStream.Create(Path, fmCreate) do try CopyFrom(Font, 0) finally Free end; DbgPrint('font %s (%s) saved to %s'#10, [Name, FontName, Path]); PrintFontInfo(Font, Log); end; {$ENDIF} function SelectFontView: TFontView; begin Result := FView.GetFont(SourceFont.Name); if Result = nil then Result := FView.GetFont(0) end; procedure EmbedFontSubset; var Builder: TFontBuilder; FontData: TMemoryStream; begin Builder := PackFont(FFontView, FUsedChars) as TFontBuilder; Assert(Builder <> nil); try FontData := TMemoryStream.Create; try Builder.SaveToStream(FontData); FView.Load(FontData); finally FontData.Free; end; FUsedGlyphs := Builder.GetUsedGlyphs; finally Builder.Free; end; FFontView := SelectFontView; {$IFDEF DBGLOG} PrintIndices('chars', FUsedChars); PrintIndices('glyphs', FUsedGlyphs); {$ENDIF} end; begin if IsBuilt then Exit; {$IFDEF DBGLOG} if not DirectoryExists('fonts') then CreateDir('fonts'); {$ENDIF} FView.Load(SourceFont.Handle); FFontView := SelectFontView; {$IFDEF DBGLOG} ProcessFont(FView.FData, SourceFont.Name); {$ENDIF} if FEmbedSubset then EmbedFontSubset; FFontView.SelectMapping(3, 1); // Unicode BMP (UCS-2) LoadFontInfo; end; function TfrxPDFFont.GetFontInfo: TfrxPDFFontInfo; begin Assert(IsBuilt); Result := FFontInfo; end; function TfrxPDFFont.RemapString(str: WideString; rtl: Boolean): WideString; begin MarkAllCharsAsUsed(Str); Result := Str; end; function TfrxPDFFont.GetFontName: AnsiString; function Encode(const s: AnsiString): AnsiString; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; for i := 1 to Length(s) do if Ord(s[i]) in [32..126] then begin if GetCharClass(s[i]) = ccRegular then Result := Result + s[i] else Result := Result + '#20'; end; end; begin Assert(IsBuilt); if FFontName = '' then begin FFontName := FFontView.FamilyName; if FEmbedSubset then FFontName := GetSubsetTag + '+' + FFontName; with SourceFont do begin if fsBold in Style then FFontName := FFontName + ',Bold'; if fsItalic in Style then FFontName := FFontName + ',Italic'; end; FFontName := Encode(FFontName); end; Result := FFontName; end; { Font subset tag is arbitrary 6 uppercase letters. This function constructs the tag from the SHA1 of the font. } function TfrxPDFFont.GetSubsetTag: AnsiString; var h: TCryptoSHA1; d: array of Byte; i: Integer; begin Assert(IsBuilt); if FSubsetTag = '' then begin h := TCryptoSHA1.Create; try h.Push(FontFile); SetLength(d, h.DigestSize); h.GetDigest(d[0], Length(d)); finally h.Free; end; SetLength(FSubsetTag, 6); for i := 1 to 6 do FSubsetTag[i] := AnsiChar(Ord('A') + d[i] mod (Ord('Z') - Ord('A') + 1)); end; Result := FSubsetTag; end; function TfrxPDFFont.IsBuilt: Boolean; begin Result := FFontView <> nil end; function TfrxPDFFont.GetCMapName: string; begin Result := 'CMap' + string(GetSubsetTag) end; function TfrxPDFFont.GetCMapRegistry: string; begin Result := 'Adobe' end; function TfrxPDFFont.GetCMapOrdering: string; begin Result := 'Identity' end; function TfrxPDFFont.GetCMapSupplement: Integer; begin Result := 0 end; function TfrxPDFFont.GetCMapType: Integer; begin Result := 1 end; procedure TfrxPDFFont.WriteCharToCIDMap(Stream: TStream); function GetCMapVersion: string; begin Result := '1' end; procedure WriteComment(const s: AnsiString); overload; begin Write(Stream, '%%'); Writeln(Stream, s); end; procedure WriteComment(const Fmt: string; const Args: array of const); overload; begin WriteComment(AnsiString(Format(Fmt, Args))) end; procedure WriteHeader; begin Writeln(Stream, '%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap'); WriteComment('DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit)'); WriteComment('IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit)'); WriteComment('BeginResource: CMap (%s)', [GetCMapName]); WriteComment('Title: (%s %s %s %d)', [GetCMapName, GetCMapRegistry, GetCMapOrdering, GetCMapSupplement]); WriteComment('Version: %s', [GetCMapVersion]); WriteComment('EndComments'); Writeln(Stream, ''); end; procedure WriteFooter; begin WriteComment('EndResource'); WriteComment('EOF'); end; procedure WriteCIDSystemInfo; begin Writeln(Stream, '3 dict dup begin'); Writeln(Stream, '/Registry (%s) def', [GetCMapRegistry]); Writeln(Stream, '/Ordering (%s) def', [GetCMapOrdering]); Writeln(Stream, '/Supplement %d def', [GetCMapSupplement]); Writeln(Stream, 'end def'); end; procedure WriteCodespace; begin Writeln(Stream, '1 begincodespacerange'); Writeln(Stream, '<0000> '); Writeln(Stream, 'endcodespacerange'); end; procedure WriteMapping(First, Count: Integer); const MaxCount = 100; // defined by the CMap standard var i: Integer; begin if Count > MaxCount then begin while Count > 0 do begin WriteMapping(First, Min(Count, MaxCount)); Inc(First, MaxCount); Dec(Count, MaxCount); end; Exit; end; Assert(Count <= MaxCount); Writeln(Stream, '%d begincidchar', [Count]); for i := First to First + Count - 1 do Writeln(Stream, '<%X> %d', [FChars[i], FGlyphs[i]]); Writeln(Stream, 'endcidchar'); end; begin CreateMapping; WriteHeader; Writeln(Stream, '/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin'); Writeln(Stream, '12 dict begin'); Writeln(Stream, 'begincmap'); WriteCIDSystemInfo; Writeln(Stream, '/CMapName /%s', [GetCMapName]); Writeln(Stream, '/CMapVersion %s def', [GetCMapVersion]); Writeln(Stream, '/CMapType %d def', [GetCMapType]); Writeln(Stream, '/UIDOffset 0 def'); Writeln(Stream, '/XUID [0 0 0] def'); Writeln(Stream, '/WMode 0 def'); WriteCodespace; WriteMapping(0, Length(FChars)); Writeln(Stream, 'endcmap'); Writeln(Stream, 'CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop'); Writeln(Stream, 'end'); Writeln(Stream, 'end'); WriteFooter; end; procedure TfrxPDFFont.WriteCharToUnicodeMap(Stream: TStream); procedure WriteCodespace; begin Writeln(Stream, '1 begincodespacerange'); Writeln(Stream, '<0000> '); Writeln(Stream, 'endcodespacerange'); end; procedure WriteMapping; begin Writeln(Stream, '1 beginbfrange'); Writeln(Stream, '<0000> <0000>'); Writeln(Stream, 'endbfrange'); end; begin Writeln(Stream, '/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin'); Writeln(Stream, '12 dict begin'); Writeln(Stream, 'begincmap'); Writeln(Stream, '/CIDSystemInfo << /Registry (%s) /Ordering (%s) /Supplement %d >> def', [GetCMapRegistry, GetCMapOrdering, GetCMapSupplement]); Writeln(Stream, '/CMapName /%s def', [GetCMapName]); Writeln(Stream, '/CMapType %d def', [GetCMapType]); WriteCodespace; WriteMapping; Writeln(Stream, 'endcmap'); Writeln(Stream, 'CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop'); Writeln(Stream, 'end'); Writeln(Stream, 'end'); end; procedure TfrxPDFFont.WriteCharWidths(Stream: TStream); function GetWidth(g: TGlyphIndex): Extended; var AW, UPEM: Integer; begin AW := FFontView.GlyphMetrics[g].AdvWidth; // glyph width in font units UPEM := FFontView.HeadTable.Header.UnitsPerEm; // font units per em Result := 1000 * AW / UPEM; end; var i, g: Integer; begin Assert(IsBuilt); Write(Stream, '[ '); for i := 0 to FUsedChars.Length - 1 do if FUsedChars[i] then begin g := FFontView.GetGlyphIndex(i); Write(Stream, IntToStr(i) + ' [' + FormatFloat('00', GetWidth(g)) + '] '); end; Write(Stream, ']'); end; procedure TfrxPDFFont.WriteCIDSet(Stream: TStream); type TSBox = array[0..255] of Byte; function SwapBits(b: Byte): Byte; var i: Integer; r: Byte; begin r := 0; for i := 0 to 7 do begin r := r shl 1; r := r xor (b and 1); b := b shr 1; end; Result := r; end; procedure InitSBox(var SBox: TSBox); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to 255 do SBox[i] := SwapBits(i) end; var Temp: TMemoryStream; b: Byte; SBox: TSBox; begin Assert(IsBuilt); InitSBox(SBox); Temp := TMemoryStream.Create; try FUsedChars.SaveToStream(Temp); with Temp do begin Position := 0; while Read(b, 1) = 1 do begin b := SBox[b]; Stream.WriteBuffer(b, 1); end; end; finally Temp.Free; end; end; procedure TfrxPDFFont.WriteCIDToGIDMap(Stream: TStream); var c, g: Word; begin Assert(IsBuilt); for c := 0 to FUsedChars.Length - 1 do begin if FUsedChars[c] then g := FFontView.GetGlyphIndex(c) else g := 0; g := (g and $ff shl 8) or (g shr 8); // swap bytes Stream.WriteBuffer(g, 2); end; end; initialization pdfCS := TCriticalSection.Create; finalization pdfCS.Free; end.