{******************************************} { } { FastScript v1.9 } { Resources } { } { (c) 2003-2007 by Alexander Tzyganenko, } { Fast Reports Inc } { } {******************************************} //VCL uses section {$IFNDEF FMX} unit fs_iconst; {$ENDIF} interface {$i fs.inc} var SLangNotFound: String; SInvalidLanguage: String; SIdRedeclared: String; SUnknownType: String; SIncompatibleTypes: String; SIdUndeclared: String; SClassRequired: String; SIndexRequired: String; SStringError: String; SClassError: String; SArrayRequired: String; SVarRequired: String; SNotEnoughParams: String; STooManyParams: String; SLeftCantAssigned: String; SForError: String; SEventError: String; SComponentError: String; SComponentAssignError: String; implementation initialization SLangNotFound := 'Language ''%s'' not found'; SInvalidLanguage := 'Invalid language definition'; SIdRedeclared := 'Identifier redeclared: '; SUnknownType := 'Unknown type: '; SIncompatibleTypes := 'Incompatible types'; SIdUndeclared := 'Undeclared identifier: '; SClassRequired := 'Class type required'; SIndexRequired := 'Index required'; SStringError := 'Strings doesn''t have properties or methods'; SClassError := 'Class %s does not have a default property'; SArrayRequired := 'Array type required'; SVarRequired := 'Variable required'; SNotEnoughParams := 'Not enough actual parameters'; STooManyParams := 'Too many actual parameters'; SLeftCantAssigned := 'Left side cannot be assigned to'; SForError := 'For loop variable must be numeric variable'; SEventError := 'Event handler must be a procedure'; SComponentError := 'Component with name %s not found'; SComponentAssignError := 'Can not assign value to component field %s'; end.