{******************************************} { } { FastReport VCL } { HTML
Export } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2021 } { by Fast Reports Inc. } { } {******************************************} unit frxExportHTMLDiv; { General advice for using this export. • Avoid using vertical alignment in memos: it forces the export to create more complicated HTML. Leave the alignment vaTop whenever it's possible. • Use @-type anchors in TfrxView.URL instead of #-type, because #-type is much slower to export. } interface {$I frx.inc} uses {$IFNDEF FPC} Windows, {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Variants, Classes, {$IFDEF FPC} LCLType, LCLIntf, LCLProc, {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF FPC} ShellAPI, {$ENDIF} Graphics, frxClass, frxBaseGraphicsTypes, frxStorage, // for TCachedStream frxGradient, {$IFDEF DELPHI16} System.UITypes, {$ENDIF} frxExportHelpers, frxExportBaseDialog, frxVectorCanvas, frxCSSStyle; type { Measures actual size of a TfrxView. Example: Gauge := TfrxBoundsGauge.Create; Gauge.Obj := MemoView; Gauge.Bounds.Left; // the leftmost coordinate including the left border Gauge.Borders.Left; // the left border width } TfrxBoundsGauge = class private FObj: TfrxView; FBoundsSet: Boolean; FBounds: TRect; FBorders: TRect; FX, FY, FX1, FY1, FDX, FDY: Integer; FFrameWidth: Integer; procedure SetObj(Obj: TfrxView); procedure AddBounds(r: TRect); function GetInnerWidth: Integer; function GetInnerHeight: Integer; protected procedure BeginDraw; procedure DrawBackground; procedure DrawFrame; procedure DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, w: Integer; Side: TfrxFrameType); public property Obj: TfrxView read FObj write SetObj; property Bounds: TRect read FBounds; property Borders: TRect read FBorders; property InnerWidth: Integer read GetInnerWidth; property InnerHeight: Integer read GetInnerHeight; end; { Represents a HTML tag } TfrxHTMLItem = class private FName: string; FKeys: TStrings; FValues: TStrings; FValue: string; FRawValue: AnsiString; FChildren: TObjList; FLeft, FTop, FWidth, FHeight: Extended; FLeftSet, FTopSet, FWidthSet, FHeightSet: Boolean; FStyle: TfrxCSSStyle; FClass: string; FRotation: Integer; FAllowNegativeLeft: Boolean; FIsTransformMatrix: Boolean; FTM: array of Extended; // TransformMatrix procedure SetProp(Index: string; const Value: string); function GetProp(Index: string): string; function GetStyle: TfrxCSSStyle; procedure SetLeft(a: Extended); procedure SetTop(a: Extended); procedure SetWidth(a: Extended); procedure SetHeight(a: Extended); public constructor Create(const Name: string); destructor Destroy; override; function This: TfrxHTMLItem; procedure GaudeFrame(Obj: TfrxView); procedure Gaude(Obj: TfrxView); procedure WidenBy(Size: Extended); procedure DoPositive; class function EscapeAttribute(const s: string): string; procedure Save(Stream: TStream; Formatted: Boolean); function Add(const Tag: string): TfrxHTMLItem; overload; function Add(Item: TfrxHTMLItem): TfrxHTMLItem; overload; function AddRotated(const Tag: string; ARotation: Integer): TfrxHTMLItem; function AddTransformed(const Tag: string; ATransformMatrix: array of Extended): TfrxHTMLItem; procedure AddCSSClass(const s: string); property Prop[Index: string]: string read GetProp write SetProp; default; property Value: string write FValue; property RawValue: AnsiString write FRawValue; property Name: string write FName; { CSS style is created on demand } property Style: TfrxCSSStyle read GetStyle; { These lengths are measured in FR units (pixels) } property Left: Extended read FLeft write SetLeft; property Top: Extended read FTop write SetTop; property Width: Extended read FWidth write SetWidth; property Height: Extended read FHeight write SetHeight; property AllowNegativeLeft: Boolean read FAllowNegativeLeft write FAllowNegativeLeft; end; { Queue of automatically serialised HTML tags } TfrxHTMLItemQueue = class private FQueue: array of TfrxHTMLItem; FUsed: Integer; FStream: TStream; FFormatted: Boolean; protected procedure Flush; public constructor Create(Stream: TStream; Formatted: Boolean); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Push(Item: TfrxHTMLItem); procedure SetQueueLength(n: Integer); end; { HTML export filter } {$IFDEF DELPHI16} [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)] {$ENDIF} TfrxHTMLDivExport = class(TExportHTMLDivSVGParent) private FTitle: string; FHTML5: Boolean; FAllPictures: Boolean; FPageStyle: TfrxCSSStyle; FExportAnchors: Boolean; FPictureTag: Integer; FQueue: TfrxHTMLItemQueue; // it represents the current page FUseTemplates: Boolean; FPrint: Boolean; FGetNavTemplate: TfrxHTMLExportGetNavTemplate; FGetMainTemplate: TfrxHTMLExportGetMainTemplate; FGetToolbarTemplate: TfrxHTMLExportGetToolbarTemplate; FPreviewOutline: TfrxCustomOutline; FOutlineTree: TfrxHTMLOutlineNode; FOutlineTreeNode :TfrxHTMLOutlineNode; FOnProcessHyperLink: TOnProcessHyperLink; FParentDetailURL: String; function GetPageStyle: TfrxCSSStyle; function GetAnchor(var Page: string; const Name: string): Boolean; function GetHRef(const URL: string): string; procedure PutImg(Obj: TfrxView; Pic: TGraphic; WriteSize: Boolean); procedure EndHTML; { Handlers for specific kinds of TfrxView objects. They return "True" if they succeed to export an object, or "False" if they want to pass the object further along the handlers chain. } function ExportTaggedView(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; function ExportAllPictures(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; function ExportMemo(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; function ExportPicture(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; function ExportShape(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; function ExportLine(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; function ExportGradient(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; {$IFNDEF FPC} function ExportViaEMF(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; {$ENDIF} function ExportAsPicture(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; protected { Creates a new HTML tag and returns it. The tag don't need to be deleted or serialised to a stream: this is done automatically. } function AddTag(const Name: string): TfrxHTMLItem; { Creates an empty
tag with assigned styles } function CreateDiv(Obj: TfrxView; Widen: Integer = 0): TfrxHTMLItem; function CreateFrameDiv(Obj: TfrxView): TfrxHTMLItem; function CreateFillDiv(Obj: TfrxView): TfrxHTMLItem; procedure FillGraduienProps(Style: TfrxCSSStyle; BeginColor, EndColor: TColor; GradientStyle: TfrxGradientStyle); function FilterHTML(const Text: string): string; function EscapeText(const s: string): string; function DoHyperLink(HL: TfrxHyperlink): string; procedure DoExportAsPicture(Obj: TfrxView; Transparent: Boolean; IsVectorSource: Boolean; IsAlphaSource: Boolean; TransparentColor: TColor = clNone); function NavPageNumber(PageNumber: Integer): string; procedure StartAnchors; procedure StartNavigator; procedure CreateCSS; override; procedure StartHTML; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; class function GetDescription: String; override; class function ExportDialogClass: TfrxBaseExportDialogClass; override; { function ShowModal: TModalResult; override; } function Start: Boolean; override; procedure StartPage(Page: TfrxReportPage; Index: Integer); override; procedure FinishPage(Page: TfrxReportPage; Index: Integer); override; procedure Finish; override; { Report pages are represented as separate
tags. All these tags are associated with the same CSS style, so its possible to adjust appearance of pages by modifying this style. Example: PageStyle['border'] := '1mm solid orange'; PageStyle['margin'] := '5mm'; PageStyle.CSS3Style['box-shadow'] := '3mm 3mm 3mm gray'; PageStyle.cSS3Style['border-radius'] := '3mm'; } property PageStyle: TfrxCSSStyle read GetPageStyle; property OnProcessHyperLink: TOnProcessHyperLink read FOnProcessHyperLink write FOnProcessHyperLink; property ParentDetailURL: String read FParentDetailURL write FParentDetailURL; property Print: Boolean read FPrint write FPrint; property UseTemplates: Boolean read FUseTemplates write FUseTemplates; property OnGetMainTemplate: TfrxHTMLExportGetMainTemplate read FGetMainTemplate write FGetMainTemplate; property OnGetToolbarTemplate: TfrxHTMLExportGetToolbarTemplate read FGetToolbarTemplate write FGetToolbarTemplate; property OnGetNavTemplate: TfrxHTMLExportGetNavTemplate read FGetNavTemplate write FGetNavTemplate; published property Title: string read FTitle write FTitle; { Allows using HTML5 features } property HTML5: Boolean read FHTML5 write FHTML5; { Exports all report components as pictures } property AllPictures: Boolean read FAllPictures write FAllPictures; { Creates anchors based on TfrxView.URL property. This option is useful only if the URLs begin with the "#" sign. } property ExportAnchors: Boolean read FExportAnchors write FExportAnchors; { If not equals zero, forces the export to save all report components with this value of the Tag property export as pictures. The format of pictures is defined by PictureFormat. } property PictureTag: Integer read FPictureTag write FPictureTag; end; { HTML export that uses modern HTML5 features } {$IFDEF DELPHI16} [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)] {$ENDIF} TfrxHTML5DivExport = class(TfrxHTMLDivExport) public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; class function GetDescription: String; override; end; { HTML export that is compatible with old browsers, like IE6 } {$IFDEF DELPHI16} [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)] {$ENDIF} TfrxHTML4DivExport = class(TfrxHTMLDivExport) public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; class function GetDescription: String; override; end; implementation uses Contnrs, frxUtils, frxRes, Math, frxXML, // for access to TfrxPreviewPages.FindAnchor's results frxPreviewPages, {$IFNDEF FPC}frxEMFtoSVGExport, frxEMFAbstractExport, {$ENDIF} frxExportHTMLDivDialog; const wbFrame = 1; wbExport = 2; { Utility routines } function FRLength(a: Extended; AllowNegative: Boolean = False): string; var ra: Integer; begin ra := Round(a); Result := IfStr(not AllowNegative and (ra <= 0), '0', IntToStr(ra) + 'px'); end; function GetLineStyle(s: TfrxFrameStyle): string; begin case s of fsSolid: Result := 'solid'; fsDash: Result := 'dashed'; fsDot: Result := 'dotted'; fsDashDot: Result := 'dashed'; fsDashDotDot: Result := 'dotted'; fsDouble: Result := 'double'; fsAltDot: Result := 'dotted'; fsSquare: Result := 'dotted'; else Result := ''; end; end; function GetFrameLineStyle(w: Extended; s: TfrxFrameStyle; c: TColor): string; overload; begin if Round(w) = 0 then Result := '' else Result := FRLength(Max(w, 1.0)) + ' ' + GetLineStyle(s) + ' ' + GetColor(c) end; function GetFrameLineStyle(Line: TfrxFrameLine): string; overload; begin Result := GetFrameLineStyle(Line.Width, Line.Style, Line.Color) end; function GetHAlign(Align: TfrxHAlign): string; begin case Align of haRight: Result := 'right'; haCenter: Result := 'center'; haBlock: Result := 'justify'; else Result := ''; end; end; function GetVAlign(Align: TfrxVAlign): string; begin case Align of vaTop: Result := 'top'; vaBottom: Result := 'bottom'; vaCenter: Result := 'middle'; else Result := ''; end; end; function GetFont(Font: TFont): string; begin Result := IfStr(fsBold in Font.Style, 'bold ') + IfStr(fsItalic in Font.Style, 'italic ') + IntToStr(Font.Size) + 'pt ' + Font.Name end; function GetTextDecoration(s: TFontStyles): string; begin Result := IfStr(fsUnderline in s, 'underline ') + IfStr(fsStrikeOut in s, 'line-through') end; { TfrxHTMLDivExport } function TfrxHTMLDivExport.AddTag(const Name: string): TfrxHTMLItem; begin Result := TfrxHTMLItem.Create(Name); FQueue.Push(Result); end; constructor TfrxHTMLDivExport.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; DefaultExt := GetStr('HTMLExtension'); FilterDesc := frxGet(9301); { LIFO } AttachHandler(ExportAsPicture); AttachHandler(ExportPicture); {$IFNDEF FPC} AttachHandler(ExportViaEMF); {$ENDIF} AttachHandler(ExportGradient); AttachHandler(ExportLine); AttachHandler(ExportShape); // Without Fill (except skRectangle) AttachHandler(ExportMemo); AttachHandler(ExportAllPictures); AttachHandler(ExportTaggedView); Server := False; FUseTemplates := False; FPrint := false; FOnProcessHyperLink := nil; end; procedure TfrxHTMLDivExport.CreateCSS; begin inherited; FCSS := TfrxCSSList.Create; with FCSS do begin AddName('div, img, table')['position'] := 'absolute'; AddName('div, td')['overflow'] := 'hidden'; AddName('sub')['font-size'] := '0.67em'; with AddName('sup') do begin Style['font-size'] := '0.67em'; Style['vertical-align'] := 'top'; Style['position'] := 'relative'; Style['top'] := '-0.2em'; end; AddName('svg')['vertical-align'] := 'top'; with AddName('tr, td, table, tbody') do begin Style['text-decoration'] := 'inherit'; Style['vertical-align'] := 'inherit'; end; with AddName('table') do begin Style['width'] := '100%'; Style['height'] := '100%'; Style['border-spacing'] := '0'; if not HTML5 then begin Style['border'] := '0'; Style['padding'] := '0'; end; end; // AddName('img')['z-index'] := '1'; with AddName('.nav') do begin Style['font-family'] := 'Courier New, monospace'; Style['font-size'] := '16'; Style['font-weight'] := 'bold'; Style['margin'] := '1em'; end; with AddName('.nav a') do begin Style['text-decoration'] := 'none'; Style['margin-right'] := '1em'; Style['color'] := 'black'; end; AddName('.nav a:hover')['text-decoration'] := 'underline'; if FPageStyle <> nil then FPageStyle.AssignTo(AddName('.page')); if Outline then AddName(outlineCSS); end; end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.CreateDiv(Obj: TfrxView; Widen: Integer = 0): TfrxHTMLItem; var rBounds: TfrxRect; begin Result := AddTag('div'); Result.Gaude(Obj); Result.DoPositive; if Widen = wbFrame then Result.WidenBy(Obj.Frame.Width) else if Widen = wbExport then begin Result.AllowNegativeLeft := True; rBounds := Obj.GetExportBounds; Result.Left := rBounds.Left; Result.Width := rBounds.Right - rBounds.Left; Result.Top := rBounds.Top; Result.Height := rBounds.Bottom - rBounds.Top; if Obj is TfrxCustomMemoView then with TfrxCustomMemoView(Obj) do if not Clipped and (Page <> nil) and (Page is TfrxReportPage) then begin Result.Left := Min(Result.Left, 0); Result.Top := Min(Result.Top, 0); Result.Width := Max(Result.Width, Page.Width); Result.Height := Max(Result.Height, Page.Height); end; end; if Obj.ShowHint then Result.Prop['title'] := Obj.Hint; with Result do if Obj.URL <> '' then with Add('a') do begin Style['width'] := '100%'; Style['height'] := '100%'; Style['position'] := 'absolute'; Prop['href'] := GetHRef(Obj.URL); end; end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.CreateFillDiv(Obj: TfrxView): TfrxHTMLItem; function SVGPatternFill(XLine, YLine, Turn: Boolean; Color: TColor; Width, Height: Integer; LineWidth: Extended): string; var PatternName: string; begin PatternName := SVGUniqueID; with TTextFragment.Create(Formatted) do begin Add(''); Add(SVGPattern(Formatted, XLine, YLine, Turn, Color, LineWidth, PatternName)); Add('', [Width, Height, PatternName]); Add(''); Result := Text; Free; end; end; var Width, Height: Integer; function PF(LineColor: TColor; XLine, YLine, Turn: Boolean): string; begin PF := SVGPatternFill(XLine, YLine, Turn, LineColor, Width, Height, 1.4); end; var x, y, w2, h2: Integer; begin Result := nil; if (Obj.FillType = ftBrush) and (TfrxBrushFill(Obj.Fill).Style in [bsSolid, bsClear]) and (TfrxBrushFill(Obj.Fill).BackColor = clNone) { transparent brush } or (Obj.FillType = ftGlass) and (TfrxGlassFill(Obj.Fill).Color = clNone) { transparent glass } then Exit; Result := AddTag('div'); Result.Gaude(Obj); Width := Round(Result.Width); Height := Round(Result.Height); case Obj.FillType of ftBrush: with TfrxBrushFill(Obj.Fill) do begin with TfrxCSSStyle.Create do begin Style['background'] := GetColor(BackColor); Result.AddCSSClass(LockStyle(This)); end; case Style of bsHorizontal: Result.Value := PF(ForeColor, True, False, False); bsVertical: Result.Value := PF(ForeColor, False, True, False); bsFDiagonal: Result.Value := PF(ForeColor, True, False, True); bsBDiagonal: Result.Value := PF(ForeColor, False, True, True); bsCross: Result.Value := PF(ForeColor, True, True, False); bsDiagCross: Result.Value := PF(ForeColor, True, True, True); else // bsSolid, bsClear: end; end; ftGradient: with TfrxGradientFill(Obj.Fill) do with TfrxCSSStyle.Create do begin FillGraduienProps(This, StartColor, EndColor, TfrxGradientStyle(GradientStyle)); Result.AddCSSClass(LockStyle(This)); end; ftGlass: with TfrxGlassFill(Obj.Fill) do begin with TfrxCSSStyle.Create do begin Style['background'] := frxExportHelpers.GetColor(Color); Result.AddCSSClass(LockStyle(This)); end; x := 0; y := 0; w2 := Width; h2 := Height; CalcGlassRect(Orientation, 0, 0, x, y, w2, h2); with TTextFragment.Create(Formatted) do begin Add(''); Add('', [x, y, w2, h2, frxExportHelpers.GetColor(BlendColor)]); if Hatch then Add(PF(HatchColor, False, True, True)); Add(''); Result.Value := Text; Free; end; end; end; end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.CreateFrameDiv(Obj: TfrxView): TfrxHTMLItem; procedure FillFrameProps(Style: TfrxCSSStyle; Frame: TfrxFrame); var L, T, r, B: string; begin L := IfStr(ftLeft in Frame.Typ, GetFrameLineStyle(Frame.LeftLine)); T := IfStr(ftTop in Frame.Typ, GetFrameLineStyle(Frame.TopLine)); r := IfStr(ftRight in Frame.Typ, GetFrameLineStyle(Frame.RightLine)); B := IfStr(ftBottom in Frame.Typ, GetFrameLineStyle(Frame.BottomLine)); if (L = T) and (L = r) and (L = B) then Style['border'] := L else begin Style['border-left'] := L; Style['border-top'] := T; Style['border-right'] := r; Style['border-bottom'] := B; end; if Frame.DropShadow and HTML5 then with Style do PrefixStyle['box-shadow'] := FRLength(Frame.ShadowWidth) + ' ' + FRLength(Frame.ShadowWidth) + ' ' + FRLength(Frame.ShadowWidth) + ' ' + GetColor(Frame.ShadowColor); end; begin Result := nil; if (Obj.Frame.Typ = []) and not(Obj.Frame.DropShadow and HTML5) then Exit; Result := AddTag('div'); Result.GaudeFrame(Obj); with TfrxCSSStyle.Create do begin FillFrameProps(This, Obj.Frame); Result.AddCSSClass(LockStyle(This)); end; end; destructor TfrxHTMLDivExport.Destroy; begin FPageStyle.Free; // it's created by the getter of PageStyle inherited end; procedure TfrxHTMLDivExport.DoExportAsPicture(Obj: TfrxView; Transparent: Boolean; IsVectorSource: Boolean; IsAlphaSource: Boolean; TransparentColor: TColor = clNone); var Pic: TfrxPicture; PF: TfrxPictureFormat; Correction: Integer; begin if Transparent then PF := pfPNG else PF := PictureFormat; Correction := IfInt(Obj is TfrxShapeView, 2); { Some objects can have negative dimensions } Pic := TfrxPicture.Create(PF, Abs(Round(Obj.AbsLeft + Obj.Width) - Round(Obj.AbsLeft)) + Correction, Abs(Round(Obj.AbsTop + Obj.Height) - Round(Obj.AbsTop)) + Correction, Transparent, IsVectorSource, IsAlphaSource); if Transparent and (TransparentColor <> clNone) then begin Pic.SetTransparentColor(TransparentColor); Pic.FillColor(TransparentColor); end else Pic.FillColor(Obj.Color); Obj.DrawClipped(Pic.Canvas, 1, 1, -Obj.AbsLeft, -Obj.AbsTop); PutImg(Obj, Pic.Release, False); Pic.Free; end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.DoHyperLink(HL: TfrxHyperlink): string; function FileByAnchor: string; begin Result := IntToStr((Report.PreviewPages as TfrxPreviewPages) .GetAnchorPage(HL.Value)) + DefaultExt; end; var OHV: string; begin Result := ''; if (HL <> nil) then begin if (@FOnProcessHyperLink <> nil) then begin OHV := FOnProcessHyperLink(HL, FParentDetailURL); if (OHV <> '') then Result := Format('', [OHV]); end; if (OHV = '') then begin OHV := TfrxHTMLItem.EscapeAttribute(HL.Value); if OHV <> '' then case HL.Kind of hkURL: Result := Format('', [OHV]); hkAnchor: if MultiPage then Result := Format('', [FileByAnchor, OHV]) else Result := Format('', [OHV]); hkPageNumber: if MultiPage then Result := Format('', [OHV + DefaultExt]) else Result := Format('', [OHV]); else { hkDetailReport:, hkDetailPage:, hkCustom: } end; end; end; end; procedure TfrxHTMLDivExport.EndHTML; begin { '); end; if not Server then begin Puts(''); Puts(''); end; FreeStream; end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.EscapeText(const s: string): string; begin Result := StrFindAndReplace(s, ':', ['&:&', '<:<', '>:>', '":"', ''':'', #13':', ' :  ', #10':
']); end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.ExportAllPictures(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; begin Result := AllPictures and ExportAsPicture(Obj) end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.ExportAsPicture(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; begin DoExportAsPicture(Obj, not (Obj is TfrxPictureView), Obj.Color = clNone, False, clWhite); CreateFrameDiv(Obj); Result := True; end; class function TfrxHTMLDivExport.ExportDialogClass: TfrxBaseExportDialogClass; begin Result := TfrxHTMLDivExportDialog; end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.ExportGradient(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; var Grad: TfrxGradientView; begin Result := Obj is TfrxGradientView; if not Result then Exit; Grad := Obj as TfrxGradientView; if Result then with CreateDiv(Obj) do with TfrxCSSStyle.Create do begin FillGraduienProps(This, Grad.BeginColor, Grad.EndColor, Grad.Style); if Count > 0 then AddCSSClass(LockStyle(This)); end; CreateFrameDiv(Obj); end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.ExportLine(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; var Line: TfrxLineView; begin Result := Obj is TfrxLineView; if not Result then Exit; Line := Obj as TfrxLineView; if not Line.Diagonal then CreateFrameDiv(Line) else if HTML5 then with CreateDiv(Line, wbFrame) do with TTextFragment.Create(Formatted) do begin Add(''); Add(SVGLine(Formatted, True, FCSS, Line)); Add(''); Value := Text; Free; end; end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.ExportMemo(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; function IsMemoNeedEMF(Memo: TfrxCustomMemoView): Boolean; begin Result := {Memo.AllowHTMLTags and IsHasHTMLTags(Memo.Memo.Text) or }(Memo.ReducedAngle <> 0) or (Min(Memo.GapX, Memo.GapY) <= 0); end; var Memo: TfrxCustomMemoView; ol : string; procedure FillProps(Style: TfrxCSSStyle); begin with Style do begin Style['color'] := GetColor(Memo.Font.Color); Style['font'] := GetFont(Memo.Font); Style['text-decoration'] := GetTextDecoration(Memo.Font.Style); Style['text-align'] := GetHAlign(Memo.HAlign); Style['cursor'] := GetCursor(Memo.Cursor); { It's ok to ignore vaTop and vaCenter alignments. For vaTop a
is created which has the top alignment by default; for vaCenter a is created which has the middle alignment by default. } Style['vertical-align'] := GetVAlign(Memo.VAlign); if Memo.ParagraphGap > 0 then Style['text-indent'] := FRLength(Memo.ParagraphGap); if Memo.CharSpacing <> 0 then Style['letter-spacing'] := FRLength(Memo.CharSpacing, True); Style['line-height'] := IntToStr(Round(Memo.Font.Size * 96 / 72 + Memo.LineSpacing)) + 'px'; if Memo.GapY > 0.5 then case Memo.VAlign of vaTop: Style['padding-top'] := Format('%dpx', [Round(Memo.GapY)]); vaBottom: Style['padding-bottom'] := Format('%dpx', [Round(Memo.GapY)]); else // vaCenter: end; if Memo.GapX > 0.5 then begin if Memo.HAlign in [haLeft, haBlock] then Style['padding-left'] := Format('%dpx', [Round(Memo.GapX)]); if Memo.HAlign in [haRight, haBlock] then Style['padding-right'] := Format('%dpx', [Round(Memo.GapX)]); end; if (Memo.Hyperlink <> nil) and (Memo.Hyperlink.Value <> '') then Style['z-index'] := '1'; end; end; const WidthFactor: array [TfrxHAlign] of Integer = (1, 1, 0, 2); // (haLeft, haRight, haCenter, haBlock); HeightFactor: array [TfrxVAlign] of Integer = (1, 1, 0); // (vaTop, vaBottom, vaCenter); var Text, HL: string; InnerTag: TfrxHTMLItem; IsEmpty: Boolean; begin Result := (Obj is TfrxCustomMemoView) {$IFNDEF RAD_ED}{$IFNDEF FPC} and not IsMemoNeedEMF(TfrxCustomMemoView(Obj)) {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} ; if not Result then Exit; Memo := Obj as TfrxCustomMemoView; CreateFillDiv(Memo); if IsCJK(Memo.Lines.Text) then // Chinese, Japanese, Korean Text := {$IFDEF Delphi12} Trim(Memo.WrapText(Memo.WordWrap)) {$ELSE} Trim(UTF8Encode(Memo.WrapText(Memo.WordWrap))) {$ENDIF} else Text := {$IFDEF Delphi12} Trim(Memo.Lines.Text); {$ELSE} Trim(UTF8Encode(Memo.Lines.Text)); {$ENDIF} { Write outline id } ol := ''; if Outline and Assigned(Obj) then ol := GetIdOutlineHTML(Obj.Parent.Top - Obj.Top + Obj.Height, Obj.Height, FOutlineTreeNode, 0); IsEmpty := Memo.HideZeros and (Text = '0') or (Text = ''); if not IsEmpty then if Memo.ReducedAngle <> 0 then CreateDiv(Obj).RawValue := ExportViaVector(Obj) else with CreateDiv(Memo) do begin Width := Width - WidthFactor[Memo.HAlign] * Round(Memo.GapX); Height := Height - HeightFactor[Memo.VAlign] * Round(Memo.GapY); with TfrxCSSStyle.Create do begin FillProps(This); AddCSSClass(LockStyle(This)); end; if Memo.VAlign = vaTop then begin if ol<>'' then InnerTag := This.Add('a' + ol) else InnerTag := This; end else InnerTag := Add('table').Add('tr').Add('td' + ol); Text := EscapeText(Text); if Memo.AllowHTMLTags then Text := FilterHTML(Text); HL := DoHyperLink(Memo.Hyperlink); if (HL <> '') then Text := HL + Text + ''; InnerTag.Value := Text; end; ol :=''; CreateFrameDiv(Memo); end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.ExportPicture(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; var PictureView: TfrxPictureView; Typ: TfrxFrameTypes; begin Result := Obj is TfrxPictureView; if not Result then Exit; CreateDiv(Obj); PictureView := (Obj as TfrxPictureView); if not PictureView.IsEmpty then begin if IsPageBG(PictureView) and (Report.PreviewPages.Page[FCurrentPage - 1] <> nil) and not Report.PreviewPages.Page[FCurrentPage - 1].BackPictureStretched then PictureView.Stretched := False; if PictureView.Transparent or UnifiedPictures then begin Typ := Obj.Frame.Typ; Obj.Frame.Typ := []; DoExportAsPicture(Obj, PictureView.Transparent and (Obj.Color = clNone), PictureView.GraphicIsVector and not PictureView.GraphicIsTranslucent, (PictureView.GraphicHasAlpha or PictureView.GraphicHasMaskColor) and (Obj.Color = clNone), PictureView.GraphicTransparentColor); Obj.Frame.Typ := Typ; end else PutImg(Obj, PictureView.GetGraphic, True); end else if PictureView.Color <> clNone then CreateFillDiv(Obj); CreateFrameDiv(Obj); end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.ExportShape(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; var Shape: TfrxShapeView; begin Result := (Obj is TfrxShapeView); if not Result then Exit; Shape := Obj as TfrxShapeView; if Shape.Shape = skRectangle then CreateFillDiv(Obj); with CreateDiv(Obj, wbFrame) do if HTML5 then with TTextFragment.Create(Formatted) do begin Add(''); Add(SVGShapePath(Shape, spStroke + spHTML)); Add(''); Value := Text; Free; end; end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.ExportTaggedView(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; begin Result := (PictureTag <> 0) and (Obj.Tag = PictureTag) and ExportAsPicture(Obj); end; {$IFNDEF FPC} function TfrxHTMLDivExport.ExportViaEMF(Obj: TfrxView): Boolean; procedure SetParams(EMFtoSVG: TEMFtoSVGExport); begin // EMFtoSVG.ShowComments := True; { TODO : Debug } EMFtoSVG.LinearBarcode := (AnsiUpperCase(Obj.ClassName) = 'TFRXBARCODEVIEW'); EMFtoSVG.Formatted := Formatted; EMFtoSVG.ForceMitterLineJoin := True; EMFtoSVG.SetEmbedded(FCSS, Obj); end; var MS1, MS2: TMemoryStream; EMFtoSVG: TEMFtoSVGExport; AnsiTemp: AnsiString; begin Result := Obj.IsEMFExportable; if not Result then Exit; CreateFillDiv(Obj); if HTML5 then begin MS1 := CreateMetaStream(Obj); MS2 := nil; try MS2 := TMemoryStream.Create; EMFtoSVG := TEMFtoSVGExport.Create(MS1, MS2); try SetParams(EMFtoSVG); EMFtoSVG.PlayMetaFile; finally EMFtoSVG.Free; end; MS2.Position := 0; SetLength(AnsiTemp, MS2.Size); MS2.ReadBuffer(AnsiTemp[1], MS2.Size); CreateDiv(Obj, wbExport).RawValue := AnsiTemp; finally MS1.Free; MS2.Free; end; end; CreateFrameDiv(Obj); end; {$ENDIF} function TfrxHTMLDivExport.GetAnchor(var Page: string; const Name: string): Boolean; var a: TfrxXMLItem; begin Result := Report.PreviewPages is TfrxPreviewPages; if not Result then Exit; a := (Report.PreviewPages as TfrxPreviewPages).FindAnchor(Name); if a = nil then Exit; Page := a.Prop['page']; Result := Page <> ''; end; class function TfrxHTMLDivExport.GetDescription: String; begin Result := GetStr('9300') end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.GetHRef(const URL: string): string; var Page: string; begin if URL = '' then Result := '' else case URL[1] of '@': if MultiPage then Result := Copy(URL, 2, Length(URL)) + '.html' else Result := '#page' + Copy(URL, 2, Length(URL)); '#': if ExportAnchors and GetAnchor(Page, Copy(URL, 2, Length(URL))) then try Result := '#page' + IntToStr(StrToInt(Page) + 1) except Result := '' end; else Result := URL end end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.GetPageStyle: TfrxCSSStyle; begin if FPageStyle = nil then begin FPageStyle := TfrxCSSStyle.Create; FPageStyle.Name := '.page'; end; Result := FPageStyle; end; procedure TfrxHTMLDivExport.FillGraduienProps(Style: TfrxCSSStyle; BeginColor, EndColor: TColor; GradientStyle: TfrxGradientStyle); begin if HTML5 then case GradientStyle of gsHorizontal: Style.PrefixStyle['background'] := Format('linear-gradient(to right, %s, %s)', [GetColor(BeginColor), GetColor(EndColor)]); gsHorizCenter: Style.PrefixStyle['background'] := Format('linear-gradient(to right, %s, %s, %s)', [GetColor(BeginColor), GetColor(EndColor), GetColor(BeginColor)]); gsVertical: Style.PrefixStyle['background'] := Format('linear-gradient(%s, %s)', [GetColor(BeginColor), GetColor(EndColor)]); gsVertCenter: Style.PrefixStyle['background'] := Format('linear-gradient(%s, %s, %s)', [GetColor(BeginColor), GetColor(EndColor), GetColor(BeginColor)]); gsRectangle, gsElliptic: Style.PrefixStyle['background'] := Format('radial-gradient(ellipse, %s, %s)', [GetColor(EndColor), GetColor(BeginColor)]); end; end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.FilterHTML(const Text: string): string; function RestoreTag(const Source, Tag: string): string; const LeftBracket = '<'; RightBracket = '>'; var OutStr, SubStr, Rest: string; function IsFound(const SearchStr, ReplaceStr: string): Boolean; var p: Integer; begin p := Pos(SearchStr, Rest); Result := p > 0; if Result then begin OutStr := OutStr + Copy(Rest, 1, p - 1) + ReplaceStr; Delete(Rest, 1, p - 1 + Length(SearchStr)); end; end; begin Rest := Source; OutStr := ''; SubStr := LeftBracket + Tag; while IsFound(SubStr, '<' + Tag) and IsFound(RightBracket, '>') do; Result := OutStr + Rest; end; function Tag(T: string): string; begin Result := Format('<%s>:<%s>', [T, T]); end; begin Result := StrFindAndReplace(Text, ':', [Tag('b'), Tag('/b'), Tag('strong'), Tag('/strong'), Tag('i'), Tag('/i'), Tag('em'), Tag('/em'), Tag('u'), Tag('/u'), Tag('s'), Tag('/s'), Tag('br'), Tag('br/'), Tag('br /'), Tag('sub'), Tag('/sub'), Tag('sup'), Tag('/sup'), Tag('/font')]); Result := RestoreTag(Result, 'font'); end; procedure TfrxHTMLDivExport.FinishPage(Page: TfrxReportPage; Index: Integer); begin FQueue.Free; Puts(''); //
if FPrint then if Server then Puts('') else Puts(''); if MultiPage then EndHTML; inherited end; procedure TfrxHTMLDivExport.Finish; begin if not MultiPage then EndHTML; if not Assigned(Stream) and not EmbeddedCSS then SaveCSS(GetCSSFilePath); FCSS.Free; FOutlineTree.Free; end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.NavPageNumber(PageNumber: Integer): string; begin Result := Format('page%u', [PageNumber]); end; procedure TfrxHTMLDivExport.PutImg(Obj: TfrxView; Pic: TGraphic; WriteSize: Boolean); var HL: AnsiString; IndexImg: Integer; begin if not IsCanSavePicture(Pic) then Exit; FQueue.Flush; HL := AnsiString(DoHyperLink(Obj.Hyperlink)); if (HL <> '') then PutsRaw(HL); PutsRaw('', [IndexImg])); end else begin Puts('" src="'); if (FfrxPictureHashMap.isLastNew) then Puts(SavePicture(Pic, IndexImg)) else Puts(GetPicPath(Pic, IndexImg)); Puts('">'); end; if (HL <> '') then PutsRaw(''); end; { function TfrxHTMLDivExport.ShowModal: TModalResult; procedure DisableCB(CB: TCheckBox); begin CB.State := cbGrayed; CB.Enabled := False; end; begin Result := mrOk; if Assigned(Stream) then Exit; with TfrxHTMLDivExportDialog.Create(nil) do try if SlaveExport then begin OpenAfterExport := False; DisableCB(OpenCB); EmbeddedCSS := True; DisableCB(StylesCB); EmbeddedPictures := True; DisableCB(PicturesCB); MultiPage := False; DisableCB(MultipageCB); Navigation := False; DisableCB(NavigationCB); PictureFormat := pfPNG; PFormatCB.Enabled := False; UnifiedPictures := True; DisableCB(UnifiedPicturesCB); end; OpenCB.Checked := OpenAfterExport; StylesCB.Checked := EmbeddedCSS; PicturesCB.Checked := EmbeddedPictures; MultipageCB.Checked := MultiPage; NavigationCB.Checked := Navigation; UnifiedPicturesCB.Checked := UnifiedPictures; FormattedCB.Checked := Formatted; PFormatCB.ItemIndex := Integer(PictureFormat); if PageNumbers <> '' then begin PageNumbersE.Text := PageNumbers; PageNumbersRB.Checked := True; end; if OverwritePrompt then sd.Options := sd.Options + [ofOverwritePrompt]; sd.FileName := FileName; sd.DefaultExt := DefaultExt; sd.Filter := GetStr('9301'); if (FileName = '') and not SlaveExport then sd.FileName := ChangeFileExt( ExtractFileName(frxUnixPath2WinPath(Report.FileName)), sd.DefaultExt); Result := ShowModal; if Result = mrOk then begin OpenAfterExport := OpenCB.Checked; EmbeddedCSS := StylesCB.Checked; EmbeddedPictures := PicturesCB.Checked; MultiPage := MultipageCB.Checked; Navigation := NavigationCB.Checked; UnifiedPictures := UnifiedPicturesCB.Checked; Formatted := FormattedCB.Checked; PictureFormat := TfrxPictureFormat(PFormatCB.ItemIndex); PageNumbers := ''; CurPage := CurPageRB.Checked; if PageNumbersRB.Checked then PageNumbers := PageNumbersE.Text; if not SlaveExport then begin if DefaultPath <> '' then sd.InitialDir := DefaultPath; if sd.Execute then FileName := sd.FileName else Result := mrCancel; end; end; finally Free end; end; } procedure TfrxHTMLDivExport.StartAnchors; var AnchorRoot: TfrxXMLItem; i: Integer; stCurrentPage: String; SL: TStringList; begin SL := TStringList.Create; stCurrentPage := IntToStr(FCurrentPage - 1); AnchorRoot := (Report.PreviewPages as TfrxPreviewPages).FindAnchorRoot; if Assigned(AnchorRoot) then for i := 0 to AnchorRoot.Count - 1 do if (AnsiCompareText(AnchorRoot[i].Prop['page'], stCurrentPage) = 0) and (SL.IndexOf(AnchorRoot[i].Prop['text']) = -1) then begin SL.Add(AnchorRoot[i].Prop['text']); Puts('
', [TfrxHTMLItem.EscapeAttribute(AnchorRoot[i].Prop['text']), AnchorRoot[i].Prop['top']]); end; SL.Free; end; procedure TfrxHTMLDivExport.StartHTML; var tit, stoolbar: String; ol: String; begin if not FUseTemplates then begin if HTML5 then Puts('') else Puts(''); Puts(''); Puts(''); Puts('%s', [Title]); Puts(''); if not EmbeddedCSS then Puts('', [GetCSSFileName]); Puts(''); Puts(''); if Outline then begin ol := '
    '; if FOutlineTree.CountTree > 0 then begin { Write outline nodes } WriteHTMLOutline(TfrxHTMLOutlineNode(FOutlineTree.First),ol); ol := ol + '
'; end; Puts('
'); Puts(ol); Puts('
'); Puts('
'); if FOutlineTree.First <> nil then FOutlineTreeNode := TfrxHTMLOutlineNode(FOutlineTree.First); end; end else begin if Assigned(FGetMainTemplate) then begin stoolbar := ''; tit := ExtractFileName(Report.FileName); delete(tit, length(tit)-3, 4); FGetMainTemplate(String(UTF8Encode(tit)), // title ReverseSlash(Self.FileName), // frame folder MultiPage, // multipage Navigation, stoolbar); {$IFDEF Delphi12} //TempString := UTF8Encode(st); //Exp.Write(TempString[1], Length(TempString)); Puts(stoolbar); {$ELSE} Puts(stoolbar); {$ENDIF} end; end; end; procedure TfrxHTMLDivExport.StartNavigator; begin if Formatted then Puts(''); Puts(''); end; function TfrxHTMLDivExport.Start: Boolean; var OutlineObjId: Integer; begin Result := inherited Start; FOutlineTree := TfrxHTMLOutlineNode.Create; if Outline then begin OutlineObjId := 0; FPreviewOutline := Report.PreviewPages.Outline; FPreviewOutline.LevelRoot; PrepareHTMLOutline(FPreviewOutline, FOutlineTree, OutlineObjId); end; if Server then begin if MultiPage then StartHTML; if Formatted then Puts(''); end; end; procedure TfrxHTMLDivExport.StartPage(Page: TfrxReportPage; Index: Integer); var stoolbar: String; begin inherited; if Server then begin FreeStream(); FFilterStream := IOTransport.GetStream(ExtractFilePath(FileName) + 'index.' + IntToStr(Index+1) + '.html'); FCurrentFile := TCachedStream.Create(FFilterStream, False); FQueue := TfrxHTMLItemQueue.Create(FCurrentFile, Formatted); if Assigned(FGetToolbarTemplate) then begin stoolbar := ''; FGetToolbarTemplate(FCurrentPage, Report.PreviewPages.Count, MultiPage, Navigation, stoolbar); Puts(stoolbar); end; end else begin FQueue := TfrxHTMLItemQueue.Create(FCurrentFile, Formatted); if MultiPage or (FCurrentPage = 1) then StartHTML; if MultiPage and Navigation then StartNavigator; if Formatted then Puts('', [Index]); end; Puts('
', [Index + 1, FRLength(Page.Width), FRLength(Page.Height)]); StartAnchors; end; { TfrxHTMLItem } function TfrxHTMLItem.Add(const Tag: string): TfrxHTMLItem; begin Result := TfrxHTMLItem.Create(Tag); FChildren.Add(Result); end; function TfrxHTMLItem.Add(Item: TfrxHTMLItem): TfrxHTMLItem; begin FChildren.Add(Item); Result := Item; end; procedure TfrxHTMLItem.AddCSSClass(const s: string); begin if FClass = '' then FClass := s else FClass := FClass + ' ' + s end; function TfrxHTMLItem.AddRotated(const Tag: string; ARotation: Integer) : TfrxHTMLItem; begin Result := TfrxHTMLItem.Create(Tag); Result.FRotation := ARotation; FChildren.Add(Result); end; function TfrxHTMLItem.AddTransformed(const Tag: string; ATransformMatrix: array of Extended): TfrxHTMLItem; var i: Integer; begin Result := TfrxHTMLItem.Create(Tag); Result.FIsTransformMatrix := True; SetLength(Result.FTM, Length(ATransformMatrix)); for i := 0 to High(Result.FTM) do Result.FTM[i] := ATransformMatrix[i]; FChildren.Add(Result); end; constructor TfrxHTMLItem.Create(const Name: string); begin FName := Name; FKeys := TStringList.Create; FValues := TStringList.Create; FChildren := TObjList.Create; FAllowNegativeLeft := False; FIsTransformMatrix := False; end; destructor TfrxHTMLItem.Destroy; begin FKeys.Free; FValues.Free; FChildren.Free; FStyle.Free; inherited; end; procedure TfrxHTMLItem.DoPositive; begin if Width < 0 then Left := Left + Width; Width := Abs(Width); if Height < 0 then Top := Top + Height; Height := Abs(Height); end; class function TfrxHTMLItem.EscapeAttribute(const s: string): string; begin Result := StrFindAndReplace(s, ':', ['&:&', '<:<', '>:>', '":"', ''':'', #13, ' :  ']); end; procedure TfrxHTMLItem.Gaude(Obj: TfrxView); begin GaudeFrame(Obj); if ftLeft in Obj.Frame.Typ then Left := Left + Obj.Frame.LeftLine.Width; if ftTop in Obj.Frame.Typ then Top := Top + Obj.Frame.TopLine.Width; end; procedure TfrxHTMLItem.GaudeFrame(Obj: TfrxView); var BGauge: TfrxBoundsGauge; begin BGauge := TfrxBoundsGauge.Create; BGauge.Obj := Obj; Left := BGauge.Bounds.Left; Top := BGauge.Bounds.Top; Width := BGauge.InnerWidth; Height := BGauge.InnerHeight; BGauge.Free; end; function TfrxHTMLItem.GetProp(Index: string): string; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; i := FKeys.IndexOf(Index); if i <> -1 then Result := FValues[i]; end; function TfrxHTMLItem.GetStyle: TfrxCSSStyle; begin if FStyle = nil then FStyle := TfrxCSSStyle.Create; Result := FStyle; end; procedure TfrxHTMLItem.Save(Stream: TStream; Formatted: Boolean); procedure PutsRaw(const s: AnsiString); begin Stream.Write(s[1], Length(s)) end; procedure Puts(const s: string; IsNeedEndLine: Boolean = False); begin if s <> '' then begin {$IFDEF Delphi12} PutsRaw(AnsiString(UTF8Encode(s))); {$ELSE} PutsRaw(AnsiString(s)); {$ENDIF} if IsNeedEndLine then PutsRaw(AnsiString(#13#10)) end; end; function DontNeedEndLine(const T: string): Boolean; begin Result := (T = 'a') or (T = 'tr') or (T = 'td') end; function IsShortTag(const T: string): Boolean; begin Result := (T = 'tr') or (T = 'td') or (T = 'p') or (T = 'img') end; procedure WriteDim; begin if FLeftSet then Style['left'] := FRLength(Left, AllowNegativeLeft); if FTopSet then Style['top'] := FRLength(Top); if FWidthSet then Style['width'] := FRLength(Round(Left + Width) - Round(Left)); if FHeightSet then Style['height'] := FRLength(Round(Top + Height) - Round(Top)); if FRotation <> 0 then Style['transform'] := Format('rotate(%ddeg)', [FRotation]); if FIsTransformMatrix then Style['transform'] := Format('matrix(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', [frFloat2Str(FTM[0], 3), frFloat2Str(FTM[1], 3), frFloat2Str(FTM[2], 3), frFloat2Str(FTM[3], 3), frFloat2Str(FTM[4], 0), frFloat2Str(FTM[5], 0)]); if FStyle <> nil then Puts(' style="' + FStyle.Text + '"'); end; var ShortTag: Boolean; i: Integer; begin ShortTag := IsShortTag(FName); Puts('<' + FName); for i := 0 to FKeys.Count - 1 do Puts(' ' + FKeys[i] + '="' + string(EscapeAttribute(FValues[i])) + '"'); if FClass <> '' then Puts(' class="' + FClass + '"'); WriteDim; Puts('>', Formatted and not DontNeedEndLine(FName)); for i := 0 to FChildren.Count - 1 do TfrxHTMLItem(FChildren[i]).Save(Stream, Formatted); if FValue <> '' then Puts(FValue, Formatted); if FRawValue <> '' then PutsRaw(FRawValue); if not ShortTag then Puts('', Formatted); end; procedure TfrxHTMLItem.SetHeight(a: Extended); begin FHeightSet := True; FHeight := a; end; procedure TfrxHTMLItem.SetLeft(a: Extended); begin FLeftSet := True; FLeft := a; end; procedure TfrxHTMLItem.SetProp(Index: string; const Value: string); begin FKeys.Add(Index); FValues.Add(Value); end; procedure TfrxHTMLItem.SetTop(a: Extended); begin FTopSet := True; FTop := a; end; procedure TfrxHTMLItem.SetWidth(a: Extended); begin FWidthSet := True; FWidth := a; end; function TfrxHTMLItem.This: TfrxHTMLItem; begin Result := Self end; procedure TfrxHTMLItem.WidenBy(Size: Extended); begin Left := Left - Size / 2; Top := Top - Size / 2; Width := Width + Size; Height := Height + Size; end; { TfrxHTMLItemQueue } constructor TfrxHTMLItemQueue.Create(Stream: TStream; Formatted: Boolean); begin FStream := Stream; FFormatted := Formatted; SetQueueLength(10); end; destructor TfrxHTMLItemQueue.Destroy; begin Flush; inherited end; procedure TfrxHTMLItemQueue.Flush; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to FUsed - 1 do with FQueue[i] do begin Save(FStream, FFormatted); Free; end; FUsed := 0 end; procedure TfrxHTMLItemQueue.Push(Item: TfrxHTMLItem); begin if FUsed = Length(FQueue) then Flush; FQueue[FUsed] := Item; Inc(FUsed); end; procedure TfrxHTMLItemQueue.SetQueueLength(n: Integer); begin if FUsed > 0 then raise Exception.Create('Cannot resize a nonempty queue'); SetLength(FQueue, n) end; { TfrxBoundsGauge } procedure TfrxBoundsGauge.AddBounds(r: TRect); begin if not FBoundsSet then FBounds := r else with FBounds do begin Left := Min(Left, r.Left); Right := Max(Right, r.Right); Top := Min(Top, r.Top); Bottom := Max(Bottom, r.Bottom); end; FBoundsSet := True; end; procedure TfrxBoundsGauge.BeginDraw; begin with Obj do begin FX := Round(AbsLeft); FY := Round(AbsTop); FX1 := Round(AbsLeft + Width) - Round(ShadowSize); FY1 := Round(AbsTop + Height) - Round(ShadowSize); FDX := FX1 - FX; FDY := FY1 - FY; FFrameWidth := Round(Frame.Width); end; end; procedure TfrxBoundsGauge.DrawBackground; begin with FObj do begin AddBounds(Rect(FX, FY, FX1 - 1, FY1 - 1)); if BrushStyle <> bsSolid then AddBounds(Rect(FX, FY, FX1, FY1)); end; end; procedure TfrxBoundsGauge.DrawFrame; var d, PenWidth: Integer; procedure Line(x, y, x1, y1: Integer; Line: TfrxFrameLine; Typ: TfrxFrameType; gap1, gap2: Boolean); var g1, g2, fw: Integer; begin fw := Round(Line.Width); if Line.Style in [fsSolid, fsDouble] then begin if gap1 then g1 := 0 else g1 := 1; if gap2 then g2 := 0 else g2 := 1; if Typ in [ftTop, ftBottom] then begin x := x + (fw * g1 div 2); x1 := x1 - (fw * g2 div 2); end else begin y := y + (fw * g1 div 2); y1 := y1 - (fw * g2 div 2); end; end; DrawLine(x, y, x1, y1, fw, Typ); end; procedure SetPen(Line: TfrxFrameLine); begin if Line.Style in [fsSolid, fsDouble] then PenWidth := Round(Line.Width) else PenWidth := 1; end; begin with Obj do if (Frame.Typ <> []) and (Frame.Color <> clNone) and (Frame.Width <> 0) then begin if ftLeft in Frame.Typ then begin SetPen(Frame.LeftLine); if (PenWidth = 2) and (Frame.Style <> fsSolid) then d := 1 else d := 0; Line(FX, FY - d, FX, FY1, Frame.LeftLine, ftLeft, ftTop in Frame.Typ, ftBottom in Frame.Typ); end; if ftRight in Frame.Typ then begin SetPen(Frame.RightLine); Line(FX1, FY, FX1, FY1, Frame.RightLine, ftRight, ftTop in Frame.Typ, ftBottom in Frame.Typ); end; if ftTop in Frame.Typ then begin SetPen(Frame.TopLine); Line(FX, FY, FX1, FY, Frame.TopLine, ftTop, ftLeft in Frame.Typ, ftRight in Frame.Typ); end; if ftBottom in Frame.Typ then begin SetPen(Frame.BottomLine); if (PenWidth = 1) and (Frame.Style <> fsSolid) then d := 1 else d := 0; Line(FX, FY1, FX1 + d, FY1, Frame.BottomLine, ftBottom, ftLeft in Frame.Typ, ftRight in Frame.Typ); end; end; end; procedure TfrxBoundsGauge.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, w: Integer; Side: TfrxFrameType); var LineBounds: TRect; begin with LineBounds do begin Left := x1 - w div 2; Top := y1 - w div 2; Right := x2 + w - w div 2 - 1; Bottom := y2 + w - w div 2 - 1; end; AddBounds(LineBounds); with FBorders do case Side of ftLeft: Left := w; ftRight: Right := w; ftTop: Top := w; ftBottom: Bottom := w; end; end; function TfrxBoundsGauge.GetInnerHeight: Integer; begin if FBoundsSet then Result := FBounds.Bottom - FBounds.Top + 1 else Result := 0; Dec(Result, FBorders.Bottom + FBorders.Top); end; function TfrxBoundsGauge.GetInnerWidth: Integer; begin if FBoundsSet then Result := FBounds.Right - FBounds.Left + 1 else Result := 0; Dec(Result, FBorders.Right + FBorders.Left); end; procedure TfrxBoundsGauge.SetObj(Obj: TfrxView); begin FObj := Obj; FBoundsSet := False; FBounds := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); FBorders := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); { Simulates TfrxView.Draw, but computes bounds and borders instead of actual drawing. } BeginDraw; DrawBackground; DrawFrame; end; { TfrxHTML5DivExport } constructor TfrxHTML5DivExport.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; HTML5 := True; // use HTML5 features ExportAnchors := True; // export page anchors Navigation := True; { Make a rounded border around each page } PageStyle['border'] := '1mm solid orange'; // CSS1 style PageStyle['margin'] := '5mm'; // cSS1 style PageStyle.PrefixStyle['box-shadow'] := '3mm 3mm 3mm gray'; // CSS3 style PageStyle.PrefixStyle['border-radius'] := '2mm'; // CSS3 style end; class function TfrxHTML5DivExport.GetDescription: String; begin Result := GetStr('9303') end; { TfrxHTML4DivExport } constructor TfrxHTML4DivExport.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; ExportAnchors := True; // export page anchors EmbeddedPictures := False; // embed pictures into HTML EmbeddedCSS := False; // embed CSS into HTML end; class function TfrxHTML4DivExport.GetDescription: String; begin Result := GetStr('9304') end; end.