{******************************************} { } { FastReport VCL } { Server Client } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2021 } { by Fast Reports Inc. } { } {******************************************} unit frxServerClient; {$I frx.inc} interface uses {$IFNDEF Linux} Windows, {$IFNDEF FPC} ScktComp, {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} SysUtils, Classes, Forms, Controls, frxClass, frxVariables, frxGZip, frxHTTPClient, frxMD5, frxServerUtils, frxNetUtils, frxUnicodeUtils; type {$IFDEF DELPHI16} [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)] {$ENDIF} TfrxServerConnection = class (TComponent) private FHost: String; FLogin: String; FMIC: Boolean; FPassword: String; FPort: Integer; FProxyPort: Integer; FProxyHost: String; FRetryCount: Integer; FRetryTimeout: Cardinal; FTimeout: Cardinal; FPath: String; FCompression: Boolean; procedure SetPath(const Value: String); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; published property Compression: Boolean read FCompression write FCompression; property Host: String read FHost write FHost; property Login: String read FLogin write FLogin; property MIC: Boolean read FMIC write FMIC; property Password: String read FPassword write FPassword; property Port: Integer read FPort write FPort; property ProxyHost: String read FProxyHost write FProxyHost; property ProxyPort: Integer read FProxyPort write FProxyPort; property RetryCount: Integer read FRetryCount write FRetryCount; property RetryTimeout: Cardinal read FRetryTimeout write FRetryTimeout; property Timeout: Cardinal read FTimeout write FTimeout; property Path: String read FPath write SetPath; end; {$IFDEF DELPHI16} [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)] {$ENDIF} TfrxReportClient = class (TfrxReport) private FClient: TfrxHTTPClient; FConnection: TfrxServerConnection; FReportName: String; FSessionId: String; FSecondPass: Boolean; procedure FillPreviewPages; protected procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function PrepareReport: Boolean; procedure LoadFromFile(FileName: String); procedure ShowReport; function GetServerVariable(const VariableName: String): String; procedure Close; property Client: TfrxHTTPClient read FClient write FClient; published property Connection: TfrxServerConnection read FConnection write FConnection; property ReportName: String read FReportName write FReportName; end; implementation uses frxUtils {$IFDEF Delphi6} , Variants {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF LCLGTK2} , gdk2 {$ENDIF}; type THackThread = class(TThread); { TfrxReportClient } constructor TfrxReportClient.Create(AOwner: TComponent); var FBlankPage: TfrxReportPage; begin inherited; FBlankPage := TfrxReportPage.Create(Self); FBlankPage.PrintIfEmpty := True; EngineOptions.DestroyForms := False; if not Assigned(frxCompressorClass) then frxCompressorClass := TfrxGZipCompressor; FClient := TfrxHTTPClient.Create(nil); FSecondPass := False; end; destructor TfrxReportClient.Destroy; begin if FClient.Active then FClient.Close; FClient.Free; inherited; end; procedure TfrxReportClient.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if Operation = opRemove then if AComponent = FConnection then FConnection := nil; end; procedure TfrxReportClient.ShowReport; var LVariables: TfrxVariables; begin LVariables := TfrxVariables.Create; try LVariables.Assign(Variables); Clear; Variables.Assign(LVariables); finally LVariables.Free; end; if PrepareReport then ShowPreparedReport; end; function TfrxReportClient.PrepareReport: Boolean; var s: String; i: Integer; FPage: TfrxDialogPage; FBlankPage: TfrxReportPage; LVariables: TfrxVariables; begin Result := False; if not FSecondPass then begin Errors.Clear; LVariables := TfrxVariables.Create; try LVariables.Assign(Variables); PreviewPages.Clear; Clear; FBlankPage := TfrxReportpage.Create(Self); FBlankPage.Name := 'Page_1'; Engine.TotalPages := Engine.TotalPages + 1; Variables.Assign(LVariables); finally LVariables.Free; end; end; if Assigned(FConnection) then begin try if not EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe then Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; FClient.Host := FConnection.Host; FClient.Port := FConnection.Port; FClient.ProxyHost := FConnection.ProxyHost; FClient.ProxyPort := FConnection.ProxyPort; FClient.RetryCount := FConnection.RetryCount; FClient.RetryTimeOut := FConnection.RetryTimeout; FClient.TimeOut := FConnection.Timeout; FClient.MIC := FConnection.MIC; s := ''; for i := 0 to Variables.Count - 1 do s := s + '&' + Variables.Items[i].Name + '=' + {$IFDEF Delphi12} String(Str2HTML(UTF8Encode(VarToStr(Variables.Items[i].Value)))); {$ELSE} Str2HTML(UTF8Encode(VarToStr(Variables.Items[i].Value))); {$ENDIF} if FClient.Stream.Size > 1 then s := s + '&sessionid=' + FSessionId; {$IFDEF Delphi12} FClient.ClientFields.FileName := 'result?report=' + String(Str2HTML(UTF8Encode(FReportName))) + '&format=FRP' + s; {$ELSE} FClient.ClientFields.FileName := 'result?report=' + Str2HTML(FReportName) + '&format=FRP' + s; {$ENDIF} if Connection.Path <> '' then FClient.ClientFields.FileName := Connection.Path + StringReplace(FClient.ClientFields.FileName, ' ', '%20', [rfReplaceAll]); if FConnection.Compression then FClient.ClientFields.AcceptEncoding := 'gzip' else FClient.ClientFields.AcceptEncoding := ''; if Length(FConnection.Login) > 0 then begin FClient.ClientFields.Login := FConnection.Login; FClient.ClientFields.Password := FConnection.Password; end; FClient.ClientFields.QueryType := qtGet; try FClient.Open; except FClient.Close; end; if not FClient.Breaked then begin if FClient.Errors.Count = 0 then begin if (Copy(ExtractFileExt(FClient.ClientFields.FileName), 1, 4) = '.frm') and (not EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe) and (Connection.Path = '') then begin FSessionId := FClient.ServerFields.SessionId; FPage := TfrxDialogPage.Create(Self); {$IFDEF LCLGTK2} if EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe then gdk_threads_enter; {$ENDIF} FPage.LoadFromStream(FClient.Stream); inherited PrepareReport; FClient.Stream.Clear; Pages[1].SaveToStream(FClient.Stream); Pages[1].Free; {$IFDEF LCLGTK2} if EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe then gdk_threads_leave; {$ENDIF} FSecondPass := True; PrepareReport(); end else try FillPreviewPages; except Errors.Add('Unknown server side error.'); end; if Errors.Count = 0 then Result := True; end else Errors.AddStrings(FClient.Errors); end; finally if not EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; end; if (Engine.TotalPages >= 0) and (not FSecondPass) then begin Pages[0].Free; Engine.TotalPages := Engine.TotalPages - 1; end else FSecondPass := False; FClient.Stream.Clear; end; procedure TfrxReportClient.FillPreviewPages; begin FClient.Stream.Position := 0; PreviewPages.LoadFromStream(FClient.Stream); end; procedure TfrxReportClient.LoadFromFile(FileName: String); begin FReportName := FileName; Variables.Clear; end; function TfrxReportClient.GetServerVariable(const VariableName: String): String; var Lines: TStringList; begin FClient.Errors.Clear; Errors.Clear; if Assigned(FConnection) then begin Lines := TStringList.Create; try if not EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe then Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; FClient.Host := FConnection.Host; FClient.Port := FConnection.Port; FClient.ProxyHost := FConnection.ProxyHost; FClient.ProxyPort := FConnection.ProxyPort; FClient.RetryCount := FConnection.RetryCount; FClient.RetryTimeOut := FConnection.RetryTimeout; FClient.TimeOut := FConnection.Timeout; FClient.MIC := FConnection.MIC; FClient.ClientFields.FileName := 'result?getvariable=' + VariableName; if Connection.Path <> '' then FClient.ClientFields.FileName := Connection.Path + FClient.ClientFields.FileName; if FConnection.Compression then FClient.ClientFields.AcceptEncoding := 'gzip' else FClient.ClientFields.AcceptEncoding := ''; if Length(FConnection.Login) > 0 then begin FClient.ClientFields.Login := FConnection.Login; FClient.ClientFields.Password := FConnection.Password; end; FClient.ClientFields.QueryType := qtGet; try FClient.Open; except FClient.Close; end; if not FClient.Breaked then begin if FClient.Errors.Count = 0 then begin if FClient.Stream.Size > 0 then Lines.LoadFromStream(FClient.Stream{$IFDEF Delphi12},TEncoding.UTF8{$ENDIF}); FClient.Stream.Clear; end else Errors.AddStrings(FClient.Errors); end; finally Result := Lines.Text; Lines.Free; if not EngineOptions.EnableThreadSafe then Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; end; end; procedure TfrxReportClient.Close; begin if FClient.Active then FClient.Close; end; { TfrxServerConnection } constructor TfrxServerConnection.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FHost := ''; FPort := 80; FLogin := ''; FPassword := ''; FTimeout := 120; FRetryCount := 3; FProxyHost := ''; FProxyPort := 8080; FRetryTimeout := 5; FMIC := True; FCompression := True; end; procedure TfrxServerConnection.SetPath(const Value: String); begin if (Value = '') or (Value[Length(Value)] = '/') then FPath := Value else FPath := Value + '/'; end; initialization RegisterClasses([TfrxServerConnection, TfrxReportClient]); end.