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{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.19041}\viewkind4\uc1
\pard\nowidctlpar\ri3235\b\f0\fs16 FASTREPORT\'ae VCL\par
1. Introduction\par
2. New FastReport features\par
3. Capabilities\par
FastReport\'ae VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate \par
reports quickly and efficiently. \par
FastReport\'ae provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual \par
report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in the \par
Borland\'ae Delphi \f1\lang1033 7\f0\lang1049 -2006, Borland\'ae C++Builder 2006, Turbo Delphi/C++Builder,\par
CodeGear\'ae Delphi 2007, CodeGear\'ae C++Builder 2007, CodeGear\'ae Delphi 2009, CodeGear\'ae C++Builder 2009, \par
Embarcadero\'ae Delphi 2010, Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder 2010, Embarcadero\'ae Delphi XE\f1\lang1033 , \f0\lang1049 Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder XE,\par
Embarcadero\'ae Delphi XE\f1\lang1033 2,\f0\lang1049 Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder XE\f1\lang1033 2, \f0\lang1049 Embarcadero\'ae Delphi XE\f1\lang1033 3, \f0\lang1049 Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder XE\f1\lang1033 3,\par
\f0\lang1049 Embarcadero\'ae Delphi XE\f1\lang1033 4, \f0\lang1049 Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder XE\f1\lang1033 4, \f0\lang1049 Embarcadero\'ae Delphi XE\f1\lang1033 5, \f0\lang1049 Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder XE\f1\lang1033 5,\par
Embarcadero\'ae Delphi XE6, Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder XE6,\par
Embarcadero\'ae Delphi XE7, Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder XE7,\par
Embarcadero\'ae Delphi XE8 and Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder XE8,\par
Embarcadero\'ae Delphi 10 Seattle, Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder 10 Seattle, Embarcadero\'ae Delphi 10.1 Berlin, Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder 10.1 Berlin, Embarcadero\'ae Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder 10.2 Tokyo,\par
Embarcadero\'ae Delphi 10.3 Rio and Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder 10.3 Rio,\par
Embarcadero\'ae Delphi 11 and Embarcadero \'ae C++Builder 11 \f0\lang1049 environments.\par
- New fill types available in the Memo object: gradient and glass.\par
- Memo object can have several highlight conditions. The highlight condition now includes the following style settings: frame, font, fill and an object visibility. You may turn on and off each setting.\par
- Memo object can have several format settings. When a Memo object contains multiple expressions in a text, you may specify a format for each expression.\par
- Added Filter property to data bands. You may filter out data rows without using a script.\par
- Changes in the report file format: collections like datasets, variables, formats, highlights are written as nested properties for better readability. Old files (FR VCL 3 and 4) are fully supported.\par
- Added MouseEnter, MouseLeave events to report objects.\par
- Added Visibility property (set of flags - vsPreview, vsPrint, vsExport).\par
New objects:\par
- New 2D barcodes - PDF417, DataMatrix, QR Code.\par
- New barcodes - Code128, EAN128 with auto encoding.\par
- New interactive report types: detail report and detail page. When you click an interactive object, a new report is built and displayed in a separate tab in the preview window.\par
- Added interactivity in the Chart object. Clicking on a chart element, you may build a detail report.\par
- New exports: HTML5 (div), DOCX, XLSX, PPTX.\par
- Improvements in RTF, XLS, XML, HTML, ODF exports: support of different frame lines in a single Memo object.\par
- Improved font embedding in the PDF export: font subset is embedded instead of a whole font. This will significantly reduce a file size.\par
- New icons in the designer and preview windows. \par
- Improved appearance of the Data tree: new icons for different field types.\par
- New/improved dialogs: highlight, frame, fill, hyperlink, databand editors.\par
- Band-oriented report generator.\par
- Fast, compact and flexible code allows you to extend FastReport functionality.\par
No additional DLLs needed.\par
- Built-in powerful and easy-to-use designer (also available in run-time).\par
- Full WYSIWYG\par
- Set of most useful components: Text, Line, Diagonal line, Picture, Shape, OLE, \line RichText, Chart, Barcode. You can also write your own components.\par
- Ability to export your reports to other formats (such as TXT, RTF, HTML, PDF, XLS, \line XML, JPG, BMP, TIFF). \par
- Dot matrix reports. \par
- Built-in language allows you write code without programming in Delphi. \par
It allows you to create reports that can't be created in other tools. \par
- Various fill types, shadow.\par
- Script editor with syntax highligt.\par
- One script in the report (like an unit in the Delphi). \par
- Dramatically increased performance. \par
- Strict type checking. \par
- Multi-language architecture allows you to use many script languages (Pascal, C++, \par
Basic, Java). \par
- Access to any object inside your application (in case you've allowed this). Standard \line libraries to access to base classes, controls and forms. Easily expandable library \line architecture. \par
- Debugger.\par
- Report preview with "Search text" and "Edit" functions.\par
- Text rotation 0..360 degrees.\par
- Paragraph gap. \par
- Memo object supports simple html-tags (font color, b, i, u, sub, sup). \par
- Styles. \par
- Text flow. \par
- URLs, Anchors \par
- Zooming in designer. \par
- In-place editing. \par
- Rulers, guides. \par
- Grid: mm, inches, pixels. \par
- Wizard for base type reports. \par
- Copy objects to Windows clipboard. \par
- Full Undo/Redo.\par
- reports can contain dialogue forms that you can use to ask parameters before \line prepare a report. You can have as many dialogs as you need. FastReport uses the \line same designer for dialogs and have set of standard dialog controls like Button, Edit, \line CheckBox and other.\par
- Storing reports in XML format, compressed XML format (compatible with GZip) also \line available.\par
- Set of DB engines for FastReport allow you to create table/query/database \line components in run-time. Your reports can be completely independent of your \line application!\par
- You can use FastReport in international applications.\par
- Full Bi-directional text output.\par
\b Fast Reports Inc. \par
e-mail: \tab\cf1\ul <info@fast-report.com>\cf0\ulnone\par
web site: \cf1\ul <{\cf0\ulnone{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://www.fast-report.com"}}{\fldrslt{http://www.fast-report.com\ul0\cf0}}}}\f0\fs16 >\cf0\ulnone\par