275 lines
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275 lines
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<?xml version="1.1" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Resources CodePage="1252">
<StrRes Name="propActive" Text="Specifies if a dataset is open"/>
<StrRes Name="propActive.TfrxHighlight" Text="Specifies if a highlight is active"/>
<StrRes Name="propAliasName" Text="The name of the DB alias"/>
<StrRes Name="propAlign" Text="Determines the alignment of the object relative to band or page"/>
<StrRes Name="propAlignment" Text="The alignment of the object's text"/>
<StrRes Name="propAllowAllUp" Text="Specifies if all speed buttons in the group can be unselected at the same time"/>
<StrRes Name="propAllowEdit" Text="Determines if the user may edit the prepared report pages"/>
<StrRes Name="propAllowExpressions" Text="Determines if the text object may contain expressions inside the text"/>
<StrRes Name="propAllowGrayed" Text="Allows grayed state of the control checkboxes"/>
<StrRes Name="propAllowHTMLTags" Text="Determines if the text object may contain HTML tags inside the text"/>
<StrRes Name="propAllowSplit" Text="Determines if the band may split its contents across pages"/>
<StrRes Name="propAuthor" Text="The author of the report"/>
<StrRes Name="propAutoSize.TfrxPictureView" Text="Determines if the picture should handle its size automatically"/>
<StrRes Name="propAutoWidth" Text="Determines if the text object should handle its width automatically"/>
<StrRes Name="propBackPicture" Text="The background page picture"/>
<StrRes Name="propBarType" Text="The type of the barcode"/>
<StrRes Name="propBevelInner" Text="The type of the inner bevel"/>
<StrRes Name="propBevelOuter" Text="The type of the outer bevel"/>
<StrRes Name="propBevelWidth" Text="The width of the bevel"/>
<StrRes Name="propBorder" Text="Determines if outer border is shown"/>
<StrRes Name="propBorderStyle" Text="The style of the window"/>
<StrRes Name="propBottomMargin" Text="The size of the bottom page margin"/>
<StrRes Name="propBrushStyle" Text="The style of the brush used for object's background"/>
<StrRes Name="propCalcCheckSum" Text="Determines if the barcode should calculate the checksum digit"/>
<StrRes Name="propCancel" Text="Determines if the button should be activated when Esc key pressed"/>
<StrRes Name="propCaption" Text="The caption of the control"/>
<StrRes Name="propCellFields" Text="Names of DB fields represents the cross cells"/>
<StrRes Name="propCellLevels" Text="Number of cell levels"/>
<StrRes Name="propCenter" Text="Determines if the image should be centered inside the control"/>
<StrRes Name="propCharset" Text="The font charset"/>
<StrRes Name="propCharSpacing" Text="Amount of pixels between two characters"/>
<StrRes Name="propCheckColor" Text="The color of the check mark"/>
<StrRes Name="propChecked" Text="Indicates if the control is checked"/>
<StrRes Name="propCheckStyle" Text="The style of the check mark"/>
<StrRes Name="propChild" Text="Child band connected to this band"/>
<StrRes Name="propClipped" Text="Determines if the text should be clipped inside the objects bounds"/>
<StrRes Name="propCollate" Text="Default setting of collation"/>
<StrRes Name="propColor.TFont" Text="The color of the text"/>
<StrRes Name="propColor" Text="The color of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propColor.TfrxFrame" Text="The color of the frame"/>
<StrRes Name="propColor.TfrxHighlight" Text="Determines the color of the object if highlight is active"/>
<StrRes Name="propColumnFields" Text="Names of DB fields represents the cross columns"/>
<StrRes Name="propColumnGap" Text="The gap between band columns"/>
<StrRes Name="propColumnLevels" Text="Number of column levels"/>
<StrRes Name="propColumns" Text="Number of columns in the band"/>
<StrRes Name="propColumnWidth" Text="The width of the band column"/>
<StrRes Name="propCondition" Text="The grouping condition. The group will break if value of this expression changed"/>
<StrRes Name="propCondition.TfrxHighlight" Text="Expression string. If this expression is True, the highlight will be active"/>
<StrRes Name="propConnected" Text="Indicates if the database connection is active"/>
<StrRes Name="propConvertNulls" Text="Determines if null DB values will converted to 0, False or empty string"/>
<StrRes Name="propCopies" Text="The default number of copies"/>
<StrRes Name="propCursor" Text="The cursor of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propDatabaseName" Text="The name of the database"/>
<StrRes Name="propDataField" Text="Specifies the field from which the object gets data"/>
<StrRes Name="propDataSet" Text="Links the object to the dataset that contains the field it represents"/>
<StrRes Name="propDate" Text="The date value of the control"/>
<StrRes Name="propDateFormat" Text="Specifies format in which the date is presented"/>
<StrRes Name="propDecimalSeparator" Text="The decimal separator"/>
<StrRes Name="propDefault" Text="Determines if the button is the default button"/>
<StrRes Name="propDefHeight" Text="Default height of the row"/>
<StrRes Name="propDescription.TfrxReportOptions" Text="The report description"/>
<StrRes Name="propDescription" Text="Object's description"/>
<StrRes Name="propDiagonal" Text="Indicates that the line is diagonal"/>
<StrRes Name="propDisplayFormat" Text="The format of the displayed value"/>
<StrRes Name="propDoublePass" Text="Determines if the report engine should perform the second pass"/>
<StrRes Name="propDown" Text="Determines if the speed button is pressed or not"/>
<StrRes Name="propDownThenAcross" Text="Determines how a large cross table will be split across pages"/>
<StrRes Name="propDriverName" Text="The name of the BDE driver"/>
<StrRes Name="propDropShadow" Text="Determines if the objects has a shadow"/>
<StrRes Name="propDuplex" Text="Specifies the duplex mode for the page"/>
<StrRes Name="propEditMask" Text="Specifies the mask that represents what text is valid for the masked edit control"/>
<StrRes Name="propEnabled" Text="Determines if the control is enabled"/>
<StrRes Name="propEngineOptions" Text="The engine options of the report"/>
<StrRes Name="propExpression" Text="Value of this expression will be shown in the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propExpressionDelimiters" Text="The characters that will be used for enclosing the expressions contained in the text"/>
<StrRes Name="propFieldAliases" Text="The dataset field's aliases"/>
<StrRes Name="propFilter" Text="The filtering condition for the dataset"/>
<StrRes Name="propFiltered" Text="Determines if the dataset should filter the records using the condition in the Filter property"/>
<StrRes Name="propFlowTo" Text="The text object that will show the text that not fit in the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propFont" Text="The font attributes of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propFooterAfterEach" Text="Determines if the footer band should be shown after each data row"/>
<StrRes Name="propFormatStr" Text="The formatting string"/>
<StrRes Name="propFrame" Text="The frame attributes of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propGapX" Text="The left indent of the text"/>
<StrRes Name="propGapY" Text="The top indent of the text"/>
<StrRes Name="propGlyph" Text="The image of the control"/>
<StrRes Name="propGroupIndex" Text="Allows speed buttons to work together as a group"/>
<StrRes Name="propHAlign" Text="The horizontal alignment of the text"/>
<StrRes Name="propHeight" Text="The height of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propHideZeros" Text="Determines if the text object will hide the zero values"/>
<StrRes Name="propHighlight" Text="The conditional highlight attributes"/>
<StrRes Name="propIndexName" Text="The name of the index"/>
<StrRes Name="propInitString" Text="Printer init string for dot-matrix reports"/>
<StrRes Name="propItems" Text="List items of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propKeepAspectRatio" Text="Keep the original aspect ratio of the image"/>
<StrRes Name="propKeepChild" Text="Determines if the band will be printed together with its child"/>
<StrRes Name="propKeepFooter" Text="Determines if the band will be printed together with its footer"/>
<StrRes Name="propKeepHeader" Text="Determines if the band will be printed together with its header"/>
<StrRes Name="propKeepTogether" Text="Determines if the band will be printed together with all its subbands"/>
<StrRes Name="propKind.TfrxFormat" Text="The kind of formatting"/>
<StrRes Name="propKind" Text="The kind of the button"/>
<StrRes Name="propLargeDesignHeight" Text="Determines if the page will have large height in the design mode"/>
<StrRes Name="propLayout" Text="The layout of the button glyph"/>
<StrRes Name="propLeft" Text="The left coordinate of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propLeftMargin" Text="The size of the left page margin"/>
<StrRes Name="propLines" Text="The text of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propLineSpacing" Text="The amount of pixels between two lines of text"/>
<StrRes Name="propLoginPrompt" Text="Determines if to show the login dialog"/>
<StrRes Name="propMargin" Text="Determines the number of pixels between the edge of the image and the edge of the button"/>
<StrRes Name="propMaster" Text="The master dataset"/>
<StrRes Name="propMasterFields" Text="The fields linked by master-detail relationship"/>
<StrRes Name="propMaxLength" Text="Max length of the text"/>
<StrRes Name="propMaxWidth" Text="Max width of the column"/>
<StrRes Name="propMemo" Text="The text of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propMinWidth" Text="Min width of the column"/>
<StrRes Name="propMirrorMargins" Text="Mirror the page margins on the even pages"/>
<StrRes Name="propModalResult" Text="Determines if and how the button closes its modal form"/>
<StrRes Name="propName.TFont" Text="The name of the font"/>
<StrRes Name="propName.TfrxReportOptions" Text="The name of the report"/>
<StrRes Name="propName" Text="The name of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propNumGlyphs" Text="Indicates the number of images that are in the graphic specified in the Glyph property"/>
<StrRes Name="propOpenDataSource" Text="Determines if to open datasource automatically or not"/>
<StrRes Name="propOrientation" Text="The orientation of the page"/>
<StrRes Name="propOutlineText" Text="The text that will be shown in the preview outline control"/>
<StrRes Name="propOutlineVisible" Text="The visibility of the preview outline control"/>
<StrRes Name="propOutlineWidth" Text="The width of the preview outline control"/>
<StrRes Name="propPageNumbers.TfrxPrintOptions" Text="The numbers of the pages to be printed"/>
<StrRes Name="propPaperHeight" Text="The height of the page"/>
<StrRes Name="propPaperWidth" Text="The width of the page"/>
<StrRes Name="propParagraphGap" Text="The indent of the first line of paragraph"/>
<StrRes Name="propParams.TfrxBDEDatabase" Text="The parameters of the connection"/>
<StrRes Name="propParams" Text="The parameters of the query"/>
<StrRes Name="propParentFont" Text="Determines if the object will use parent's font"/>
<StrRes Name="propPassword" Text="The report password"/>
<StrRes Name="propPasswordChar" Text="Indicates the character, if any, to display in place of the actual characters typed in the control"/>
<StrRes Name="propPicture" Text="The picture"/>
<StrRes Name="propPicture.TfrxReportOptions" Text="The description picture of the report"/>
<StrRes Name="propPosition" Text="The initial position of the window"/>
<StrRes Name="propPreviewOptions" Text="The preview options of the report"/>
<StrRes Name="propPrintable" Text="Printability of the object. Objects with the Printable=False will be previewed, but not printed"/>
<StrRes Name="propPrintChildIfInvisible" Text="Determines if the child band will be printed if its parent band is invisible"/>
<StrRes Name="propPrinter" Text="The name of the printer that will be selected when open or run this report"/>
<StrRes Name="propPrintIfDetailEmpty" Text="Determines if the databand will be printed if its subband is empty"/>
<StrRes Name="propPrintIfEmpty" Text="Determines if the page will be printed if all its datasets are empty"/>
<StrRes Name="propPrintOnFirstPage" Text="Determines if the band will be printed on the first page"/>
<StrRes Name="propPrintOnLastPage" Text="Determines if the band will be printed on the last page"/>
<StrRes Name="propPrintOnParent" Text="Determines if the subreport can print itself on parent band"/>
<StrRes Name="propPrintOnPreviousPage" Text="Determines if the page can be generated on the free space of previously generated page"/>
<StrRes Name="propPrintOptions" Text="Print options of the report"/>
<StrRes Name="propPrintPages" Text="Determines if to print all, odd or even pages"/>
<StrRes Name="propRangeBegin" Text="Determines the start point of dataset navigation"/>
<StrRes Name="propRangeEnd" Text="Determines the end point of dataset navigation"/>
<StrRes Name="propRangeEndCount" Text="Determines the number of records in the dataset if RangeEnd is reCount"/>
<StrRes Name="propReadOnly" Text="Determines if the text object is read-only"/>
<StrRes Name="propRepeatHeaders" Text="Determines if the column and row headers will be reprinted on new page"/>
<StrRes Name="propReportOptions" Text="The options of the report"/>
<StrRes Name="propReprintOnNewPage" Text="Determines if the band will be reprinted on new page"/>
<StrRes Name="propRestrictions" Text="Set of restriction flags"/>
<StrRes Name="propRightMargin" Text="The size of the right page margin"/>
<StrRes Name="propRotation.TfrxBarCodeView" Text="The orientation of the barcode"/>
<StrRes Name="propRotation" Text="The text rotation"/>
<StrRes Name="propRowCount" Text="Number of virtual records in the databand"/>
<StrRes Name="propRowFields" Text="Names of DB fields represents the cross rows"/>
<StrRes Name="propRowLevels" Text="Number of row levels"/>
<StrRes Name="propRTLReading" Text="Determines if the text object will show its text in right-to-left direction"/>
<StrRes Name="propSessionName" Text="The name of the BDE session"/>
<StrRes Name="propShadowColor" Text="The color of the shadow"/>
<StrRes Name="propShadowWidth" Text="The width of the shadow"/>
<StrRes Name="propShape" Text="The type of the shape"/>
<StrRes Name="propShiftMode" Text="Shift behavior of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propShowColumnHeader" Text="Determines if the cross will show column headers"/>
<StrRes Name="propShowColumnTotal" Text="Determines if the cross will show column grand total"/>
<StrRes Name="propShowRowHeader" Text="Determines if the cross will show row headers"/>
<StrRes Name="propShowRowTotal" Text="Determines if the cross will show row grand total"/>
<StrRes Name="propShowDialog" Text="Determines if the print dialog will be shown in the preview window"/>
<StrRes Name="propShowText" Text="Determines if the barcode object will show a readable text"/>
<StrRes Name="propSize" Text="The size of the font"/>
<StrRes Name="propSorted" Text="Determines if the items are sorted or not"/>
<StrRes Name="propSpacing" Text="Determines the number of pixels between the image and the text"/>
<StrRes Name="propSQL" Text="The SQL statement"/>
<StrRes Name="propStartNewPage" Text="Starts a new page before printing a band"/>
<StrRes Name="propStretch" Text="Stretches the picture to fit the object bounds"/>
<StrRes Name="propStretched" Text="Determines if the object can be stretched"/>
<StrRes Name="propStretchMode" Text="Stretch behavior of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propStyle.TFont" Text="The style of the font"/>
<StrRes Name="propStyle" Text="The style of the control"/>
<StrRes Name="propStyle.TfrxFrame" Text="The style of the object's frame"/>
<StrRes Name="propSuppressRepeated" Text="Suppresses repeated values"/>
<StrRes Name="propTableName" Text="The name of the data table"/>
<StrRes Name="propTag" Text="Tag number of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propTagStr" Text="Tag string of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propText" Text="The text of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propTitleBeforeHeader" Text="Determines if report title shown before page header"/>
<StrRes Name="propTop" Text="The top coordinate of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propTopMargin" Text="The size of the top page margin"/>
<StrRes Name="propTyp" Text="The type of the frame"/>
<StrRes Name="propUnderlines" Text="Determines if the text object will show under lines after each text line"/>
<StrRes Name="propURL" Text="The URL of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propUserName" Text="User name of the data object. This name will be shown in the data tree"/>
<StrRes Name="propVAlign" Text="The vertical alignment of the text"/>
<StrRes Name="propVersionBuild" Text="Version info, build"/>
<StrRes Name="propVersionMajor" Text="Version info, major version"/>
<StrRes Name="propVersionMinor" Text="Version info, minor version"/>
<StrRes Name="propVersionRelease" Text="Version info, release"/>
<StrRes Name="propVisible" Text="Visibility of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propWidth" Text="Width of the object"/>
<StrRes Name="propWidth.TfrxFrame" Text="The width of the frame"/>
<StrRes Name="propWindowState" Text="Initial state of the window"/>
<StrRes Name="propWordBreak" Text="Break russian words"/>
<StrRes Name="propWordWrap" Text="Determines if the text object inserts soft carriage returns so text wraps at the right margin"/>
<StrRes Name="propZoom.TfrxBarCodeView" Text="Zooms the barcode"/>
<StrRes Name="propConnectionName" Text="Name of the connection to the database used in the report"/>
<StrRes Name="propCurve" Text="Curvature of the roundrectangle edges"/>
<StrRes Name="propDrillDown" Text="Determines if the group can be drilled down"/>
<StrRes Name="propFontStyle" Text="Dot-matrix font style"/>
<StrRes Name="propHideIfSingleDataRecord" Text="Hide the footer if a group has only one data record"/>
<StrRes Name="propOutlineExpand" Text="Determines if the report outline expands or not"/>
<StrRes Name="propPlainCells" Text="Determines whether to print several cells side-by-side or stacked"/>
<StrRes Name="propPrintMode" Text="Print mode: normal, split big pages to small one, or print several small pages on a big one"/>
<StrRes Name="propPrintOnSheet" Text="Paper size to print report on. Used if PrintMode is not pmDefault"/>
<StrRes Name="propResetPageNumbers" Text="Reset page number/total pages numbers when print a group. Should be used with StartNewPage option set to true"/>
<StrRes Name="propReverse" Text="Determines if pages print in reverse order"/>
<StrRes Name="propShowFooterIfDrillDown" Text="Determines if group footer is shown if group is drilldown"/>
<StrRes Name="propSizeMode" Text="Display mode of the OLE object"/>
<StrRes Name="propVersion" Text="Version of the FastReport"/>
<StrRes Name="propWideBarRatio" Text="Relative with of wide bars of the barcode"/>
<StrRes Name="propWysiwyg" Text="Determines if the object should use the printer canvas to format the text. A printer should be installed and ready."/>
<StrRes Name="propArrowEnd" Text="Determines if an arrow is shown at end of a line"/>
<StrRes Name="propArrowLength" Text="Length of the arrow"/>
<StrRes Name="propArrowSolid" Text="Determines if arrow has solid-fill "/>
<StrRes Name="propArrowStart" Text="Determines if an arrow is shown at the start of a line"/>
<StrRes Name="propArrowWidth" Text="Width of the arrow"/>
<StrRes Name="propCloseDataSource" Text="Determines whether to close the dataset when report is finished"/>
<StrRes Name="propDatabase" Text="Database connection"/>
<StrRes Name="propIndexFieldNames" Text="Names of index fields"/>
<StrRes Name="propCommandTimeOut" Text="Amount of time needed to execute a query"/>
<StrRes Name="propExpandDrillDown" Text="Determines if all drill-down elements are expanded at first start of a report"/>
<StrRes Name="propWysiwyg.TfrxMemoView" Text="Determines if text is displayed in WYSIWYG mode"/>
<StrRes Name="propLeftLine" Text="Left line of a frame"/>
<StrRes Name="propTopLine" Text="Top line of a frame"/>
<StrRes Name="propRightLine" Text="Right line of a frame"/>
<StrRes Name="propBottomLine" Text="Bottom line of a frame"/>
<StrRes Name="propColor.TfrxFrameLine" Text="The color of the frame line"/>
<StrRes Name="propStyle.TfrxFrameLine" Text="The style of the frame line"/>
<StrRes Name="propWidth.TfrxFrameLine" Text="The width of the frame line"/>
<StrRes Name="propFileLink" Text="Expression or name of the file containing a picture"/>
<StrRes Name="propEndlessWidth" Text="Endless page mode. If true, page will grow depending on number of data records on it"/>
<StrRes Name="propEndlessHeight" Text="Endless page mode. If true, page will grow depending on number of data records on it"/>
<StrRes Name="propAddHeight" Text="Adds specified amount of space to the cell height"/>
<StrRes Name="propAddWidth" Text="Adds specified amount of space to the cell width"/>
<StrRes Name="propAllowDuplicates" Text="Determines if the cell can accept duplicate string values"/>
<StrRes Name="propJoinEqualCells" Text="Determines if the crosstab should join cells with equal values"/>
<StrRes Name="propNextCross" Text="Pointer to the next crosstab that will be displayed side-by-side"/>
<StrRes Name="propNextCrossGap" Text="Gap between side-by-side crosstabs"/>
<StrRes Name="propShowCorner" Text="Determines if the crosstab should display a left-top corner elements"/>
<StrRes Name="propSuppressNullRecords" Text="!Determines if the crosstab should suppress records with all NULL values"/>
<StrRes Name="propShowTitle" Text="!Determines if the crosstab should display a title"/>
<StrRes Name="propAutoSize" Text="!Determines if the crosstab should handle its size automatically"/>
<StrRes Name="propShowHint" Text="Determines if object should show hint when move cursor on it"/>
<StrRes Name="propHint" Text="Hint text"/>
<StrRes Name="propPaperSize" Text="PaperSize"/>
<StrRes Name="propPageCount" Text="Count of pages"/>
<StrRes Name="propBackPictureVisible" Text="Determines if the page should display a background picture"/>
<StrRes Name="propBackPicturePrintable" Text="Determines if the page should print a background picture"/>
<StrRes Name="propHightQuality" Text="Show picture in high quality"/>
<StrRes Name="propLockType" Text="Specifies the lock type to use when opening a dataset"/>
<StrRes Name="propIgnoreDupParams" Text="Ignore duplicate parameters in ParamEditor"/>
<StrRes Name="propTransparent" Text="Determinates if the picture can be transparent"/>
<StrRes Name="propTransparentColor" Text="Transparent color"/>
<StrRes Name="propIgnoreNulls" Text="Allow to ingnore Nulls values in Chart"/>
<StrRes Name="propShowClildIfDrillDown" Text="Determinates if child band shown if group is drilldown"/>