{******************************************} { } { FastReport v4.0 } { Various routines } { } { Copyright (c) 1998-2008 } { by Alexander Tzyganenko, } { Fast Reports Inc. } { } {******************************************} unit FMX.frxUtils; interface {$I fmx.inc} {$I frx.inc} uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, System.Variants, System.Types, System.UITypes, FMX.Types, FMX.Forms, FMX.Dialogs, System.IniFiles, System.UIConsts, FMX.frxClass, FMX.frxFMX {$IFDEF DELPHI19} , FMX.Graphics {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DELPHI28} , FMX.BaseTypeAliases, FMX.FormTypeAliases {$ENDIF}; type TfrxRectArea = class public X, Y, X1, Y1: Extended; constructor Create(c: TfrxComponent); overload; constructor Create(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Extended); overload; function InterceptsX(a: TfrxRectArea): Boolean; function InterceptsY(a: TfrxRectArea): Boolean; function InterceptX(a: TfrxRectArea): TfrxRectArea; function InterceptY(a: TfrxRectArea): TfrxRectArea; function Max(x1, x2: Extended): Extended; function Min(x1, x2: Extended): Extended; end; function frxFindComponent(Owner: TComponent; const Name: String): TComponent; procedure frxGetComponents(Owner: TComponent; ClassRef: TClass; List: TStrings; Skip: TComponent); function frxGetFullName(Owner: TComponent; c: TComponent): String; procedure frxSetCommaText(const Text: String; sl: TStrings; Comma: Char = ';'); function frxRemoveQuotes(const s: String): String; function frxStreamToString(Stream: TStream): String; procedure frxStringToStream(const s: String; Stream: TStream); function frxStrToFloat(s: String): Extended; function frxFloatToStr(d: Extended): String; function frxRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Extended): TfrxRect; function frxPoint(X, Y: Extended): TfrxPoint; function frxGetBrackedVariable(const Str, OpenBracket, CloseBracket: AnsiString; var i, j: Integer): AnsiString; function frxGetBrackedVariableW(const Str, OpenBracket, CloseBracket: WideString; var i, j: Integer): WideString; procedure frxCommonErrorHandler(Report: TfrxReport; const Text: String); procedure frxErrorMsg(const Text: String); procedure frxInfoMsg(const Text: String); function frxConfirmMsg(const Text: String; Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons): Integer; function frxIsValidFloat(const Value: string): Boolean; procedure frxAssignImages(Bitmap: TBitmap; dx, dy: Integer; ImgList1: TfrxImageList; ImgList2: TfrxImageList = nil); procedure frxParsePageNumbers(const PageNumbers: String; List: TStrings; Total: Integer); function HTMLRGBColor(Color: TAlphaColor): string; procedure frxWriteCollection(Collection: TCollection; Writer: TWriter; Owner: TfrxComponent); procedure frxReadCollection(Collection: TCollection; Reader: TReader; Owner: TfrxComponent); function GetAppFileName: String; function GetAppPath: String; function GetTemporaryFolder: String; function GetTempFile: String; function frxCreateTempFile(const TempDir: String): String; function frFloat2Str(const Value: Extended; const Prec: Integer = 2; const Sep: Char = '.'): String; function frxReverseString(const AText: string): string; function frxStreamCRC32(Stream: TStream): Cardinal; function frxUnixPath2WinPath(const Path: string): string; function frxHAlignToTextAlign(HAlign: TfrxHAlign): TTextAlign; function frxVAlignToTextAlign(VAlign: TfrxVAlign): TTextAlign; procedure frxSaveFormPosition(Ini: TCustomIniFile; f: TForm); procedure frxRestoreFormPosition(Ini: TCustomIniFile; f: TForm); implementation uses System.TypInfo, FMX.frxXMLSerializer, FMX.frxRes, System.IOUtils; const rsForm = 'Form'; rsWidth = 'Width'; rsHeight = 'Height'; rsTop = 'Top'; rsLeft = 'Left'; rsVisible = 'Visible'; rsMaximized = 'Maximized'; rsData = 'Data'; rsSize = 'Size'; procedure frxSaveFormPosition(Ini: TCustomIniFile; f: TForm); var Name: String; begin Name := rsForm + '.' + f.ClassName; Ini.WriteInteger(Name, rsLeft, f.Left); Ini.WriteInteger(Name, rsTop, f.Top); Ini.WriteInteger(Name, rsWidth, f.Width); Ini.WriteInteger(Name, rsHeight, f.Height); Ini.WriteBool(Name, rsMaximized, f.WindowState = wsMaximized); Ini.WriteBool(Name, rsVisible, f.Visible); end; procedure frxRestoreFormPosition(Ini: TCustomIniFile; f: TForm); var Name: String; begin Name := rsForm + '.' + f.ClassName; if Ini.ReadBool(Name, rsMaximized, False) then f.WindowState := wsMaximized else f.SetBounds(Ini.ReadInteger(Name, rsLeft, f.Left), Ini.ReadInteger(Name, rsTop, f.Top), Ini.ReadInteger(Name, rsWidth, f.Width), Ini.ReadInteger(Name, rsHeight, f.Height)); // if not (f is TfrxCustomDesigner) then // f.Visible := Ini.ReadBool(Name, rsVisible, True); end; function frxHAlignToTextAlign(HAlign: TfrxHAlign): TTextAlign; begin Result := TTextAlign.taCenter; if HAlign = haLeft then Result := TTextAlign.taLeading else if HAlign = haRight then Result := TTextAlign.taTrailing; end; function frxVAlignToTextAlign(VAlign: TfrxVAlign): TTextAlign; begin Result := TTextAlign.taCenter; if VAlign = vaTop then Result := TTextAlign.taLeading else if VAlign = vaBottom then Result := TTextAlign.taTrailing; end; { TfrxRectArea } constructor TfrxRectArea.Create(c: TfrxComponent); begin Create(c.AbsLeft, c.AbsTop, c.AbsLeft + c.Width, c.AbsTop + c.Height); end; constructor TfrxRectArea.Create(Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Extended); begin X := Left; Y := Top; X1 := Right; Y1 := Bottom; end; function TfrxRectArea.InterceptsX(a: TfrxRectArea): Boolean; begin Result := False; if (a.X < X1 - 1e-4) and (a.X1 > X + 1e-4) then Result := True; end; function TfrxRectArea.InterceptsY(a: TfrxRectArea): Boolean; begin Result := False; if (a.Y < Y1 - 1e-4) and (a.Y1 > Y + 1e-4) then Result := True; end; function TfrxRectArea.InterceptX(a: TfrxRectArea): TfrxRectArea; begin Result := nil; if InterceptsX(a) then Result := TfrxRectArea.Create(Max(a.X, X), 0, Min(a.X1, X1), 0); end; function TfrxRectArea.InterceptY(a: TfrxRectArea): TfrxRectArea; begin Result := nil; if InterceptsY(a) then Result := TfrxRectArea.Create(0, Max(a.Y, Y), 0, Min(a.Y1, Y1)); end; function TfrxRectArea.Max(x1, x2: Extended): Extended; begin if x1 > x2 then Result := x1 else Result := x2; end; function TfrxRectArea.Min(x1, x2: Extended): Extended; begin if x1 < x2 then Result := x1 else Result := x2; end; const CRCTable: array [0..255] of Cardinal = ( 0000000000, 1996959894, 3993919788, 2567524794, 0124634137, 1886057615, 3915621685, 2657392035, 0249268274, 2044508324, 3772115230, 2547177864, 0162941995, 2125561021, 3887607047, 2428444049, 0498536548, 1789927666, 4089016648, 2227061214, 0450548861, 1843258603, 4107580753, 2211677639, 0325883990, 1684777152, 4251122042, 2321926636, 0335633487, 1661365465, 4195302755, 2366115317, 0997073096, 1281953886, 3579855332, 2724688242, 1006888145, 1258607687, 3524101629, 2768942443, 0901097722, 1119000684, 3686517206, 2898065728, 0853044451, 1172266101, 3705015759, 2882616665, 0651767980, 1373503546, 3369554304, 3218104598, 0565507253, 1454621731, 3485111705, 3099436303, 0671266974, 1594198024, 3322730930, 2970347812, 0795835527, 1483230225, 3244367275, 3060149565, 1994146192, 0031158534, 2563907772, 4023717930, 1907459465, 0112637215, 2680153253, 3904427059, 2013776290, 0251722036, 2517215374, 3775830040, 2137656763, 0141376813, 2439277719, 3865271297, 1802195444, 0476864866, 2238001368, 4066508878, 1812370925, 0453092731, 2181625025, 4111451223, 1706088902, 0314042704, 2344532202, 4240017532, 1658658271, 0366619977, 2362670323, 4224994405, 1303535960, 0984961486, 2747007092, 3569037538, 1256170817, 1037604311, 2765210733, 3554079995, 1131014506, 0879679996, 2909243462, 3663771856, 1141124467, 0855842277, 2852801631, 3708648649, 1342533948, 0654459306, 3188396048, 3373015174, 1466479909, 0544179635, 3110523913, 3462522015, 1591671054, 0702138776, 2966460450, 3352799412, 1504918807, 0783551873, 3082640443, 3233442989, 3988292384, 2596254646, 0062317068, 1957810842, 3939845945, 2647816111, 0081470997, 1943803523, 3814918930, 2489596804, 0225274430, 2053790376, 3826175755, 2466906013, 0167816743, 2097651377, 4027552580, 2265490386, 0503444072, 1762050814, 4150417245, 2154129355, 0426522225, 1852507879, 4275313526, 2312317920, 0282753626, 1742555852, 4189708143, 2394877945, 0397917763, 1622183637, 3604390888, 2714866558, 0953729732, 1340076626, 3518719985, 2797360999, 1068828381, 1219638859, 3624741850, 2936675148, 0906185462, 1090812512, 3747672003, 2825379669, 0829329135, 1181335161, 3412177804, 3160834842, 0628085408, 1382605366, 3423369109, 3138078467, 0570562233, 1426400815, 3317316542, 2998733608, 0733239954, 1555261956, 3268935591, 3050360625, 0752459403, 1541320221, 2607071920, 3965973030, 1969922972, 0040735498, 2617837225, 3943577151, 1913087877, 0083908371, 2512341634, 3803740692, 2075208622, 0213261112, 2463272603, 3855990285, 2094854071, 0198958881, 2262029012, 4057260610, 1759359992, 0534414190, 2176718541, 4139329115, 1873836001, 0414664567, 2282248934, 4279200368, 1711684554, 0285281116, 2405801727, 4167216745, 1634467795, 0376229701, 2685067896, 3608007406, 1308918612, 0956543938, 2808555105, 3495958263, 1231636301, 1047427035, 2932959818, 3654703836, 1088359270, 0936918000, 2847714899, 3736837829, 1202900863, 0817233897, 3183342108, 3401237130, 1404277552, 0615818150, 3134207493, 3453421203, 1423857449, 0601450431, 3009837614, 3294710456, 1567103746, 0711928724, 3020668471, 3272380065, 1510334235, 0755167117); function frxStreamCRC32(Stream: TStream): Cardinal; var OldPos: Integer; b: Byte; c: Cardinal; begin OldPos := Stream.Position; Stream.Position := 0; c := $ffffffff; while Stream.Position < Stream.Size do begin Stream.Read(b,1); c := CrcTable[(c xor Cardinal(b)) and $ff] xor (c shr 8); end; Stream.Position := OldPos; Result := c xor $ffffffff; end; function frxFindComponent(Owner: TComponent; const Name: String): TComponent; var n: Integer; s1, s2: String; begin Result := nil; n := Pos('.', Name); try if n = 0 then begin if Owner <> nil then Result := Owner.FindComponent(Name); if (Result = nil) and (Owner is TfrxReport) and (Owner.Owner <> nil) then Result := Owner.Owner.FindComponent(Name); end else begin s1 := Copy(Name, 1, n - 1); // module name s2 := Copy(Name, n + 1, 255); // component name Owner := FindGlobalComponent(s1); if Owner <> nil then begin n := Pos('.', s2); if n <> 0 then // frame name - Delphi5 begin s1 := Copy(s2, 1, n - 1); s2 := Copy(s2, n + 1, 255); Owner := Owner.FindComponent(s1); if Owner <> nil then Result := Owner.FindComponent(s2); end else Result := Owner.FindComponent(s2); end; end; except on Exception do raise EClassNotFound.Create('Missing ' + Name); end; end; {$HINTS OFF} procedure frxGetComponents(Owner: TComponent; ClassRef: TClass; List: TStrings; Skip: TComponent); var i, j: Integer; procedure EnumComponents(f: TComponent); var i: Integer; c: TComponent; begin for i := 0 to f.ComponentCount - 1 do begin c := f.Components[i]; if (c <> Skip) and (c is ClassRef) then List.AddObject(frxGetFullName(Owner, c), c); end; end; begin List.Clear; if Owner is TfrxReport then EnumComponents(Owner); for i := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do EnumComponents(Screen.Forms[i]); for i := 0 to Screen.DataModuleCount - 1 do EnumComponents(Screen.DataModules[i]); end; {$HINTS ON} function frxGetFullName(Owner: TComponent; c: TComponent): String; var o: TComponent; begin Result := ''; if c = nil then Exit; o := c.Owner; if (o = nil) or (o = Owner) or ((Owner is TfrxReport) and (o = Owner.Owner)) then Result := c.Name else if ((o is TForm) or (o is TDataModule)) then Result := o.Name + '.' + c.Name end; procedure frxSetCommaText(const Text: String; sl: TStrings; Comma: Char = ';'); var i: Integer; function ExtractCommaName(s: string; var Pos: Integer): string; var i: Integer; begin i := Pos; while (i <= Length(s)) and (s[i] <> Comma) do Inc(i); Result := Copy(s, Pos, i - Pos); if (i <= Length(s)) and (s[i] = Comma) then Inc(i); Pos := i; end; begin i := 1; sl.Clear; while i <= Length(Text) do sl.Add(ExtractCommaName(Text, i)); end; function frxRemoveQuotes(const s: String): String; begin if (Length(s) > 2) and (s[1] = '"') and (s[Length(s)] = '"') then Result := Copy(s, 2, Length(s) - 2) else Result := s; end; function frxStreamToString(Stream: TStream): String; var Size: Integer; p: PAnsiChar; begin Size := Stream.Size; SetLength(Result, Size * 2); GetMem(p, Size); Stream.Position := 0; Stream.Read(p^, Size); BinToHex(p, PChar(@Result[1]), Size); FreeMem(p, Size); end; procedure frxStringToStream(const s: String; Stream: TStream); var Size: Integer; p: PChar; begin Size := Length(s) div 2; GetMem(p, Size); HexToBin(PChar(@s[1]), p, Size * 2); Stream.Position := 0; Stream.Write(p^, Size); FreeMem(p, Size); end; function frxStrToFloat(s: String): Extended; var i: Integer; begin for i := 1 to Length(s) do if CharInSet(s[i], [',', '.']) then s[i] := FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator; while Pos(' ', s) <> 0 do Delete(s, Pos(' ', s), 1); Result := StrToFloat(s); end; function frxFloatToStr(d: Extended): String; begin if Int(d) = d then Result := FloatToStr(d) else Result := Format('%2.2f', [d]); end; function frxRect(ALeft, ATop, ARight, ABottom: Extended): TfrxRect; begin with Result do begin Left := ALeft; Top := ATop; Right := ARight; Bottom := ABottom; end; end; function frxPoint(X, Y: Extended): TfrxPoint; begin Result.X := X; Result.Y := Y; end; function frxGetBrackedVariable(const Str, OpenBracket, CloseBracket: AnsiString; var i, j: Integer): AnsiString; var c: Integer; fl1, fl2: Boolean; begin Result := ''; j := i; fl1 := True; fl2 := True; c := 0; if (Str = '') or (j > Length(Str)) then Exit; Dec(j); repeat Inc(j); // todo fmx // if isDBCSLeadByte(Byte(Str[j])) then { if DBCS then skip 2 bytes } // Inc(j, 2); if fl1 and fl2 then if Copy(Str, j, Length(OpenBracket)) = OpenBracket then begin if c = 0 then i := j; Inc(c); end else if Copy(Str, j, Length(CloseBracket)) = CloseBracket then Dec(c); if fl1 then if Str[j] = '"' then fl2 := not fl2; if fl2 then if Str[j] = '''' then fl1 := not fl1; until (c = 0) or (j >= Length(Str)); Result := Copy(Str, i + Length(OpenBracket), j - i - Length(OpenBracket)); if i <> j then Inc(j, Length(CloseBracket) - 1); end; function frxGetBrackedVariableW(const Str, OpenBracket, CloseBracket: WideString; var i, j: Integer): WideString; var c: Integer; fl1, fl2: Boolean; begin Result := ''; j := i; fl1 := True; fl2 := True; c := 0; if (Str = '') or (j > Length(Str)) then Exit; Dec(j); repeat Inc(j); if fl1 and fl2 then if Copy(Str, j, Length(OpenBracket)) = OpenBracket then begin if c = 0 then i := j; Inc(c); end else if Copy(Str, j, Length(CloseBracket)) = CloseBracket then Dec(c); if fl1 then if Str[j] = '"' then fl2 := not fl2; if fl2 then if Str[j] = '''' then fl1 := not fl1; until (c = 0) or (j >= Length(Str)); Result := Copy(Str, i + Length(OpenBracket), j - i - Length(OpenBracket)); if i <> j then Inc(j, Length(CloseBracket) - 1); end; procedure frxCommonErrorHandler(Report: TfrxReport; const Text: String); var e: Exception; begin case Report.EngineOptions.NewSilentMode of simMessageBoxes: frxErrorMsg(Text); simReThrow: begin e := Exception.Create(Text); raise e; end; end; end; procedure frxErrorMsg(const Text: String); begin MessageDlg(Text, TMsgDlgType.mtError, [TMsgDlgBtn.mbOK], -1); end; function frxConfirmMsg(const Text: String; Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons): Integer; begin // todo - buttons Result := MessageDlg(Text, TMsgDlgType.mtConfirmation, Buttons, -1); end; procedure frxInfoMsg(const Text: String); begin MessageDlg(Text, TMsgDlgType.mtInformation, [TMsgDlgBtn.mbOK], -1); end; function frxIsValidFloat(const Value: string): Boolean; begin Result := True; try frxStrToFloat(Value); except Result := False; end; end; procedure frxAssignImages(Bitmap: TBitmap; dx, dy: Integer; ImgList1: TfrxImageList; ImgList2: TfrxImageList = nil); begin { todo b := TBitmap.Create(dx, dy); x := 0; y := 0; repeat b.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, dx, dy), Bitmap.Canvas, Rect(x, y, x + dx, y + dy)); Done := y > Bitmap.Height; if not Done then begin ImgList1.AddMasked(b, b.TransparentColor); if ImgList2 <> nil then begin Inc(x, dx); b.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0, 0, dx, dy), Bitmap.Canvas, Rect(x, y, x + dx, y + dy)); ImgList2.AddMasked(b, b.TransparentColor); end; end; Inc(x, dx); if x >= Bitmap.Width then begin x := 0; Inc(y, dy); end; until Done; b.Free;} end; procedure frxParsePageNumbers(const PageNumbers: String; List: TStrings; Total: Integer); var i, j, n1, n2: Integer; s: String; IsRange: Boolean; begin List.Clear; s := PageNumbers; while Pos(' ', s) <> 0 do Delete(s, Pos(' ', s), 1); if s = '' then Exit; if s[Length(s)] = '-' then s := s + IntToStr(Total); s := s + ','; i := 1; j := 1; n1 := 1; IsRange := False; while i <= Length(s) do begin if s[i] = ',' then begin n2 := StrToInt(Copy(s, j, i - j)); j := i + 1; if IsRange then while n1 <= n2 do begin List.Add(IntToStr(n1)); Inc(n1); end else List.Add(IntToStr(n2)); IsRange := False; end else if s[i] = '-' then begin IsRange := True; n1 := StrToInt(Copy(s, j, i - j)); j := i + 1; end; Inc(i); end; end; function HTMLRGBColor(Color: TAlphaColor): string; begin if Color = claNull then Result := '#FFFFFF' else Result := '#' + Format('%.2x%.2x%.2x', [TAlphaColorRec(Color).R, TAlphaColorRec(Color).G, TAlphaColorRec(Color).B]); end; procedure ConvertOneItem(Item: TCollectionItem; ToAnsi: Boolean); var i: Integer; TypeInfo: PTypeInfo; PropCount: Integer; PropList: PPropList; function Convert(const Value: String): String; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; i := 1; while i <= Length(Value) do begin if ToAnsi then begin if Value[i] >= #128 then Result := Result + #1 + Chr(Ord(Value[i]) - 128) else Result := Result + Value[i]; end else begin if (Value[i] = #1) and (i < Length(Value)) then begin Result := Result + Chr(Ord(Value[i + 1]) + 128); Inc(i); end else Result := Result + Value[i]; end; Inc(i); end; end; procedure DoStrProp; var Value, NewValue: String; begin Value := GetStrProp(Item, PropList[i]); NewValue := Convert(Value); if Value <> NewValue then SetStrProp(Item, PropList[i], NewValue); end; procedure DoVariantProp; var Value: Variant; begin Value := GetVariantProp(Item, PropList[i]); if (TVarData(Value).VType = varString) or (TVarData(Value).VType = varOleStr) or (TVarData(Value).VType = varUString) then begin Value := Convert(Value); SetVariantProp(Item, PropList[i], Value); end; end; begin TypeInfo := Item.ClassInfo; PropCount := GetTypeData(TypeInfo).PropCount; GetMem(PropList, PropCount * SizeOf(PPropInfo)); GetPropInfos(TypeInfo, PropList); try for i := 0 to PropCount - 1 do begin case PropList[i].PropType^.Kind of tkString, tkLString, tkWString: DoStrProp; tkVariant: DoVariantProp; end; end; finally FreeMem(PropList, PropCount * SizeOf(PPropInfo)); end; end; procedure frxWriteCollection(Collection: TCollection; Writer: TWriter; Owner: TfrxComponent); var i: Integer; xs: TfrxXMLSerializer; s: String; begin if Owner.IsWriting then begin { called from SaveToStream } Writer.WriteListBegin; xs := TfrxXMLSerializer.Create(nil); try xs.Owner := Owner.Report; for i := 0 to Collection.Count - 1 do begin Writer.WriteListBegin; s := xs.ObjToXML(Collection.Items[i]); Writer.WriteString(s); Writer.WriteListEnd; end; finally Writer.WriteListEnd; xs.Free; end; end else begin { called from Delphi streamer } Writer.WriteCollection(Collection); end; end; procedure frxReadCollection(Collection: TCollection; Reader: TReader; Owner: TfrxComponent); var i: Integer; vt: TValueType; xs: TfrxXMLSerializer; s: String; Item: TCollectionItem; NeedFree: Boolean; begin vt := Reader.ReadValue; if vt <> vaCollection then begin { called from LoadFromStream } NeedFree := False; xs := nil; if Owner.Report <> nil then xs := TfrxXMLSerializer(Owner.Report.XMLSerializer); if xs = nil then begin xs := TfrxXMLSerializer.Create(nil); xs.Owner := Owner.Report; NeedFree := True; end; try Collection.Clear; while not Reader.EndOfList do begin Reader.ReadListBegin; Item := Collection.Add; s := Reader.ReadString; if NeedFree then xs.ReadPersistentStr(Owner.Report, Item, s) else xs.XMLToObj(s, Item); Reader.ReadListEnd; end; finally Reader.ReadListEnd; if NeedFree then xs.Free; end; end else begin { called from Delphi streamer } Reader.ReadCollection(Collection); for i := 0 to Collection.Count - 1 do ConvertOneItem(Collection.Items[i], False); end; end; function GetTemporaryFolder: String; begin Result := TPath.GetTempPath; end; function GetTempFile: String; {$IFDEF MACOS} var fs: TFileStream; {$ENDIF} begin Result := TPath.GetTempFileName; {$IFDEF MACOS} fs := TFile.Create(Result); fs.Free; {$ENDIF} end; function frxCreateTempFile(const TempDir: String): String; begin // TODO EngineOptions.TempDir Result := TPath.GetTempFileName; end; function GetAppFileName: String; // todo begin Result := ''; end; function GetAppPath: String; // todo begin Result := ''; end; function frFloat2Str(const Value: Extended; const Prec: Integer = 2; const Sep: Char = '.'): String; var FormatSettings: TFormatSettings; Buffer: array[0..63] of Char; begin FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator := Sep; FormatSettings.ThousandSeparator := Char(0); SetString(Result, Buffer, FloatToText(Buffer, Value, fvExtended, ffFixed, 32, Prec, FormatSettings)); end; function frxReverseString(const AText: string): string; var I: Integer; P: PChar; begin SetLength(Result, Length(AText)); P := PChar(Result); for I := Length(AText) downto 1 do begin P^ := AText[I]; Inc(P); end; end; function ChangeChars(const Str: string; FromChar, ToChar: Char): string; var I: Integer; begin Result := Str; for I := 1 to Length(Result) do if Result[I] = FromChar then Result[I] := ToChar; end; function frxUnixPath2WinPath(const Path: string): string; begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Result := ChangeChars(Path, '/', '\'); {$ELSE} Result := Path; {$ENDIF} end; end.