270 lines
12 KiB
270 lines
12 KiB
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<StrRes Name="8921" Text="Build"/>
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<StrRes Name="8923" Text="Best regards"/>
<StrRes Name="8924" Text="Send mail to"/>
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<StrRes Name="9161" Text="SingleSheet must be False when exporting to chunks"/>
<StrRes Name="9162" Text="Author"/>
<StrRes Name="9163" Text="Comment"/>
<StrRes Name="9164" Text="Keywords"/>
<StrRes Name="9165" Text="Revision"/>
<StrRes Name="9166" Text="Version"/>
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<StrRes Name="9179" Text="Password confirmation does not match the password. Type the password again."/>
<StrRes Name="9180" Text="Attempting to set a password of %d characters. The maximum allowed length of a password is %d characters."/>
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<StrRes Name="9201" Text="Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 XML"/>
<StrRes Name="9203" Text="Microsoft Word 2007 XML"/>
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