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{ }
{ Delphi MVC Framework }
{ }
{ Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team }
{ }
{ https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework }
{ }
{ }
{ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); }
{ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. }
{ You may obtain a copy of the License at }
{ }
{ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 }
{ }
{ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software }
{ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, }
{ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. }
{ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and }
{ limitations under the License. }
{ }
{ This IDE expert is based off of the one included with the DUnitX }
{ project. Original source by Robert Love. Adapted by Nick Hodges. }
{ }
{ The DUnitX project is run by Vincent Parrett and can be found at: }
{ }
{ https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/DUnitX }
unit DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.Templates;
{ Delphi template code }
sDMVCDPR = 'program %0:s;'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
' {$APPTYPE CONSOLE}'#13#10 +
''#13#10 +
'uses'#13#10 +
' System.SysUtils,'#13#10 +
' Winapi.Windows,'#13#10 +
' Winapi.ShellAPI,'#13#10 +
' Web.WebReq,'#13#10 +
' Web.WebBroker,'#13#10 +
' IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge;'#13#10 +
''#13#10 +
'{$R *.res}'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'procedure RunServer(APort: Integer);'#13#10 +
'var'#13#10 +
' LInputRecord: TInputRecord;'#13#10 +
' LEvent: DWord;'#13#10 +
' LHandle: THandle;'#13#10 +
' LServer: TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge;'#13#10 +
'begin'#13#10 +
' Writeln(Format(''Starting HTTP Server or port %%d'', [APort]));'#13#10 +
' LServer := TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.Create(nil);'#13#10 +
' try'#13#10 +
' LServer.DefaultPort := APort;'#13#10 +
' LServer.Active := True;'#13#10 +
' ShellExecute(0, ''open'', pChar(''http://localhost:'' + inttostr(APort)), nil, nil, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);'#13#10 +
' Writeln(''Press ESC to stop the server'');'#13#10 +
' LHandle := GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);'#13#10 +
' while True do'#13#10 +
' begin'#13#10 +
' Win32Check(ReadConsoleInput(LHandle, LInputRecord, 1, LEvent));'#13#10 +
' if (LInputRecord.EventType = KEY_EVENT) and'#13#10 +
' LInputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown and'#13#10 +
' (LInputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode = VK_ESCAPE) then'#13#10 +
' break;'#13#10 +
' end;'#13#10 +
' finally'#13#10 +
' LServer.Free;'#13#10 +
' end;'#13#10 +
'end;'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'begin'#13#10 +
' ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True;'#13#10 +
' try'#13#10 +
' if WebRequestHandler <> nil then'#13#10 +
' WebRequestHandler.WebModuleClass := WebModuleClass;'#13#10 +
' WebRequestHandlerProc.MaxConnections := 1024;'#13#10 +
' RunServer(3000);'#13#10 +
' except'#13#10 +
' on E: Exception do'#13#10 +
' Writeln(E.ClassName, '': '', E.Message);'#13#10 +
' end;'#13#10 +
// 0 - Unit Name
// 1 - Class Name
// 2 - Index Method - Interface
// 3 - Index Method - Implementation
sControllerUnit = 'unit %0:s;'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'interface'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'uses'#13#10 +
' MVCFramework;'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'type'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
' %1:s = class(TMVCController) '#13#10 +
' public'#13#10 +
'%2:s' +
' end;'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'implementation'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'%3:s'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
sIndexMethodIntf =
' [MVCPath(''/'')]'#13#10 +
' [MVCHTTPMethod([httpGET])]'#13#10 +
' procedure Index(ctx: TWebContext);'#13#10;
// 0 - Class Name
sIndexMethodImpl =
'procedure %0:s.Index(ctx: TWebContext);'#13#10 +
'begin'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
sDefaultControllerName = 'TMyController';
sDefaultWebModuleName = 'TMyWebModule';
// 0 = unit name
// 1 = webmodule classname
// 2 = controller unit
// 3 - controller class name
sWebModuleUnit =
'unit %0:s;'#13#10 +
''#13#10 +
'interface'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'uses System.SysUtils,'#13#10 +
' System.Classes,'#13#10 +
' Web.HTTPApp,'#13#10 +
' MVCFramework;'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'type'#13#10 +
' %1:s = class(TWebModule)'#13#10 +
' procedure WebModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);'#13#10 +
' procedure WebModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject);'#13#10 +
' private'#13#10 +
' MVC: TMVCEngine;'#13#10 +
' public'#13#10 +
' { Public declarations }'#13#10 +
' end;'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'var'#13#10 +
' WebModuleClass: TComponentClass = %1:s;'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'implementation'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'{$R *.dfm}'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'uses %2:s;'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'procedure %1:s.WebModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);'#13#10 +
'begin'#13#10 +
' MVC := TMVCEngine.Create(Self);'#13#10 +
' MVC.AddController(%3:s);'#13#10 +
'end;'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
'procedure %1:s.WebModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject);'#13#10 +
'begin'#13#10 +
' MVC.Free;'#13#10 +
'end;'#13#10 +
#13#10 +
sWebModuleDFM =
'object %0:s: %1:s'#13#10 +
' OldCreateOrder = False'#13#10 +
' Height = 230'#13#10 +
' Width = 415'#13#10 +