
274 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// ***************************************************************************
// Delphi MVC Framework
// Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team
// ***************************************************************************
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// This IDE expert is based off of the one included with the DUnitX
// project. Original source by Robert Love. Adapted by Nick Hodges.
// The DUnitX project is run by Vincent Parrett and can be found at:
// ***************************************************************************
unit DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.Templates;
{ Delphi template code }
// 0 - project name
// 1 - http/s port
sDMVCDPR = 'program %0:s;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
' {$APPTYPE CONSOLE}' + sLineBreak +
'' + sLineBreak +
'uses' + sLineBreak +
' System.SysUtils,' + sLineBreak +
2016-11-27 23:17:20 +01:00
' MVCFramework.Logger,' + sLineBreak +
' MVCFramework.Commons,' + sLineBreak +
' Winapi.Windows,' + sLineBreak +
' Winapi.ShellAPI,' + sLineBreak +
' ReqMulti, {enables files upload}' + sLineBreak +
' Web.WebReq,' + sLineBreak +
' Web.WebBroker,' + sLineBreak +
' IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge;' + sLineBreak +
'' + sLineBreak +
'{$R *.res}' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'procedure RunServer(APort: Integer);' + sLineBreak +
'var' + sLineBreak +
' LInputRecord: TInputRecord;' + sLineBreak +
' LEvent: DWord;' + sLineBreak +
' LHandle: THandle;' + sLineBreak +
' LServer: TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge;' + sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' Writeln(''** DMVCFramework Server ** build '' + DMVCFRAMEWORK_VERSION);' + sLineBreak +
' Writeln(Format(''Starting HTTP Server on port %%d'', [APort]));' + sLineBreak +
' LServer := TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.Create(nil);' + sLineBreak +
' try' + sLineBreak +
' LServer.DefaultPort := APort;' + sLineBreak +
' LServer.Active := True;' + sLineBreak +
2016-11-27 23:17:20 +01:00
' LogI(Format(''Server started on port %d'', [APort]));' + sLineBreak +
' { more info about MaxConnections ' + sLineBreak +
+ sLineBreak +
' LServer.MaxConnections := 0;' + sLineBreak +
' { more info about ListenQueue ' + sLineBreak +
+ sLineBreak +
' LServer.ListenQueue := 200;' + sLineBreak +
' { Comment the next line to avoid the default browser startup }' + sLineBreak +
' ShellExecute(0, ''open'', PChar(''http://localhost:'' + inttostr(APort)), nil, nil, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);'
+ sLineBreak +
' Writeln(''Press ESC to stop the server'');' + sLineBreak +
' LHandle := GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);' + sLineBreak +
' while True do' + sLineBreak +
' begin' + sLineBreak +
' Win32Check(ReadConsoleInput(LHandle, LInputRecord, 1, LEvent));' + sLineBreak +
' if (LInputRecord.EventType = KEY_EVENT) and' + sLineBreak +
' LInputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown and' + sLineBreak +
' (LInputRecord.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode = VK_ESCAPE) then' + sLineBreak +
' break;' + sLineBreak +
' end;' + sLineBreak +
' finally' + sLineBreak +
' LServer.Free;' + sLineBreak +
' end;' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True;' + sLineBreak +
' IsMultiThread := True;' + sLineBreak +
' try' + sLineBreak +
' if WebRequestHandler <> nil then' + sLineBreak +
' WebRequestHandler.WebModuleClass := WebModuleClass;' + sLineBreak +
' WebRequestHandlerProc.MaxConnections := 1024;' + sLineBreak +
' RunServer(%1:d);' + sLineBreak +
' except' + sLineBreak +
' on E: Exception do' + sLineBreak +
' Writeln(E.ClassName, '': '', E.Message);' + sLineBreak +
' end;' + sLineBreak +
'end.' + sLineBreak;
// 0 - Unit Name
// 1 - Class Name
// 2 - Sample Methods - Interface
// 3 - Sample Methods - Implementation
// 4 - Action Filters - Interface
// 5 - Action Filters - Implementation
sControllerUnit = 'unit %0:s;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'interface' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'uses' + sLineBreak +
' MVCFramework, MVCFramework.Commons;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'type' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
' [MVCPath(''/'')]' + sLineBreak +
' %1:s = class(TMVCController) ' + sLineBreak +
' public' + sLineBreak +
'%2:s' +
'%4:s' +
' end;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'implementation' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak +
'uses' + sLineBreak +
' MVCFramework.Logger;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'%3:s' + sLineBreak +
'%5:s' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'end.' + sLineBreak;
sIndexMethodIntf =
' [MVCPath(''/'')]' + sLineBreak +
' [MVCHTTPMethod([httpGET])]' + sLineBreak +
' procedure Index;' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak +
' [MVCPath(''/hellos/($FirstName)'')]' + sLineBreak +
' [MVCHTTPMethod([httpGET])]' + sLineBreak +
' procedure GetSpecializedHello(const FirstName: String);' + sLineBreak;
// 0 - Class Name
sIndexMethodImpl =
'procedure %0:s.Index;' + sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' //use Context property to access to the HTTP request and response ' + sLineBreak +
' Render(''Hello DelphiMVCFramework World'');' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak +
'procedure %0:s.GetSpecializedHello(const FirstName: String);' + sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' Render(''Hello '' + FirstName);' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak;
sActionFiltersIntf =
' protected' + sLineBreak +
' procedure OnBeforeAction(Context: TWebContext; const AActionName: string; var Handled: Boolean); override;'
+ sLineBreak +
' procedure OnAfterAction(Context: TWebContext; const AActionName: string); override;' +
sActionFiltersImpl =
'procedure %0:s.OnAfterAction(Context: TWebContext; const AActionName: string); ' + sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' { Executed after each action }' + sLineBreak +
' inherited;' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'procedure %0:s.OnBeforeAction(Context: TWebContext; const AActionName: string; var Handled: Boolean);'
+ sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' { Executed before each action' + sLineBreak +
' if handled is true (or an exception is raised) the actual' + sLineBreak +
' action will not be called }' + sLineBreak +
' inherited;' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak;
sDefaultControllerName = 'TMyController';
sDefaultWebModuleName = 'TMyWebModule';
sDefaultServerPort = '8080';
// 0 = unit name
// 1 = webmodule classname
// 2 = controller unit
// 3 - controller class name
sWebModuleUnit =
'unit %0:s;' + sLineBreak +
'' + sLineBreak +
'interface' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'uses System.SysUtils,' + sLineBreak +
' System.Classes,' + sLineBreak +
' Web.HTTPApp,' + sLineBreak +
' MVCFramework;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'type' + sLineBreak +
' %1:s = class(TWebModule)' + sLineBreak +
' procedure WebModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);' + sLineBreak +
' procedure WebModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject);' + sLineBreak +
' private' + sLineBreak +
' FMVC: TMVCEngine;' + sLineBreak +
' public' + sLineBreak +
' { Public declarations }' + sLineBreak +
' end;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'var' + sLineBreak +
' WebModuleClass: TComponentClass = %1:s;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'implementation' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'{$R *.dfm}' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'uses %2:s, MVCFramework.Commons;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'procedure %1:s.WebModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);' + sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' FMVC := TMVCEngine.Create(Self,' + sLineBreak +
' procedure(Config: TMVCConfig)' + sLineBreak +
' begin' + sLineBreak +
' //enable static files' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.DocumentRoot] := ExtractFilePath(GetModuleName(HInstance)) + ''\www'';'
+ sLineBreak +
' // session timeout (0 means session cookie)' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.SessionTimeout] := ''0'';' + sLineBreak +
' //default content-type' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.DefaultContentType] := TMVCConstants.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE;' +
sLineBreak +
' //default content charset' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.DefaultContentCharset] := TMVCConstants.DEFAULT_CONTENT_CHARSET;' +
sLineBreak +
' //unhandled actions are permitted?' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.AllowUnhandledAction] := ''false'';' + sLineBreak +
' //default view file extension' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.DefaultViewFileExtension] := ''html'';' + sLineBreak +
' //view path' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.ViewPath] := ''templates'';' + sLineBreak +
' //Enable STOMP messaging controller' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.Messaging] := ''false'';' + sLineBreak +
' //Enable Server Signature in response' + sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.ExposeServerSignature] := ''true'';' + sLineBreak +
' // Define a default URL for requests that don''t map to a route or a file (useful for client side web app)' +
sLineBreak +
' Config[TMVCConfigKey.FallbackResource] := ''index.html'';' + sLineBreak +
' end);' + sLineBreak +
' FMVC.AddController(%3:s);' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'procedure %1:s.WebModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject);' + sLineBreak +
'begin' + sLineBreak +
' FMVC.Free;' + sLineBreak +
'end;' + sLineBreak +
sLineBreak +
'end.' + sLineBreak;
sWebModuleDFM =
'object %0:s: %1:s' + sLineBreak +
' OldCreateOrder = False' + sLineBreak +
' OnCreate = WebModuleCreate' + sLineBreak +
' OnDestroy = WebModuleDestroy' + sLineBreak +
' Height = 230' + sLineBreak +
' Width = 415' + sLineBreak +