2019-03-06 12:21:46 +01:00
import subprocess
import os
from datetime import datetime
from colorama import *
init() #colorama initialization
### task setup env
DOIT_CONFIG = {'verbosity': 2, 'default_tasks': ['build']}
############## CONFIGURATION ##################################################################
projects = [
2019-06-24 20:59:33 +02:00
2019-03-06 12:21:46 +01:00
2019-06-24 20:59:33 +02:00
2019-03-06 12:21:46 +01:00
release_path = "BUILD"
############## END CONFIGURATION ##############################################################
GlobalBuildVersion = 'DEV' #if we are building an actual release, this will be replaced
def header(headers):
elements = None
if type(headers).__name__ == 'str':
elements = [headers]
elements = headers
print(Style.BRIGHT + Back.WHITE + Fore.RED + "*" * 80 + Style.RESET_ALL)
for txt in elements:
s = '{:^80}'.format(txt)
print(Style.BRIGHT + Back.WHITE + Fore.RED + s + Style.RESET_ALL)
print(Style.BRIGHT + Back.WHITE + Fore.RED + "*" * 80 + Style.RESET_ALL)
def buildProject(project, config = 'DEBUG'):
project_file, platform = project
header(["Building", project_file,"(config " + config + ")"])
p = project_file.replace('.dproj', '.cfg')
if os.path.isfile(p):
if os.path.isfile(p + '.unused'):
os.remove(p + '.unused')
os.rename(p, p + '.unused')
return subprocess.call(f"rsvars.bat & msbuild /t:Build /p:Config={config} /p:Platform={platform} \"{project_file}\"", shell=True) == 0
def buildProjects():
res = True
for project in projects:
res &= buildProject(project)
if not res:
print("Failed " + project[0])
return res
def build_unit_tests():
res = buildProject(('unittests\\UnitTests.dproj','Win32'), 'PLAINDUNITX')
return res
def create_build_tag(version):
global GlobalBuildVersion
GlobalBuildVersion = version
header("BUILD VERSION: " + GlobalBuildVersion)
f = open("VERSION.TXT","w")
f.write("VERSION " + GlobalBuildVersion + "\n")
f.write("BUILD DATETIME " + datetime.now().isoformat() + "\n")
def task_build():
'''Use: doit build -v <VERSION> -> Builds all the projects. Then creates SFX archive.'''
return {
'actions': [
"echo %%date%% %%time:~0,8%% > LOGGERPRO-BUILD-TIMESTAMP.TXT",
"unittests\\Win32\\PLAINDUNITX\\UnitTests.exe -exit:Continue"],
'verbosity': 2
def task_unittests():
'''Use: doit unittests. Builds unittests project and run it.'''
return {
'actions': [
"unittests\\Win32\\PLAINDUNITX\\UnitTests.exe -exit:Continue"
'verbosity': 2