*It is not needed to download the git repository*. Just download the [latest version as a zip file](https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework/releases/latest) and you are ok.
If you want to participate to the testing phase (which usually contains brand new features) you can get the [latest Release Candidate version](https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework/releases).
> We started the process of migrating our systems to micro services and are loving the DMVCFramework "DMVCFramework is definitely part of our lives right now". -- E. Costa
* Simple to use, check the ["Getting Started: 5 minutes guide"](https://danieleteti.gitbooks.io/delphimvcframework/content/chapter_getting_started.html) (it is quite old) and you will be up and running in 5 minutes or less! (the guide is a bit outdated - a new book is being written by Daniele Teti. Let us know if you are interested in [DMVCFramework Handbook](https://leanpub.com/delphimvcframework))
* JSON-RPC 2.0 Support with automatic objects remotization (check [sample](https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework/tree/master/samples/jsonrpc_with_published_objects))
* There is a sample for each functionality (check the [dmvcframework_(yourversion)_samples.zip](https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework/releases))
* Server side generated pages using [Mustache for Delphi](https://github.com/synopse/dmustache) or [TemplatePro](https://github.com/danieleteti/templatepro)
> WARNING! Considering the huge amount of features added in 3.1.1-beryllium during its RC phase, the dmvcframework-3.1.1-beryllium has been renamed to dmvcframework-3.2.0-boron
- New! Attribute `MVCDoNotDeserialize`. If marked with this RTTI attribute, a property or a field is not deserialized and its value remain the same as was before the object deserialization.
- New! **ObjectDict** function is the suggested way to render all the most common data types. It returns a `IMVCObjectDictionary` which is automatically rendered by the renders. Check the `renders.dproj` sample. Here's some example of the shining new `ObjectDict()`
**Example 1: Rendering a list of objects not freeing them after rendering**
.Add('title', 'Details for ' + TPerson(APerson).FullName);
.Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
.Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
.Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');
`ObjectDict` is able to render multiple data sources (datasets, objectlists, objects or StrDict) at the same time using different casing, HATEOAS callbacks and modes.
- New! *MVCNameAs* attribute has got a new parameter named `Fixed` (default: false). If `Fixed` is true, then the name is not processed by the `MVCNameCase` attribute assigned to the owner type.
- New! Added support for interfaces serialization - now it is possible to serialize Spring4D collections (thanks to [João Antônio Duarte](https://github.com/joaoduarte19)).
- New! Added support for Spring4D Nullable Types serialization - check sample (thanks to [João Antônio Duarte](https://github.com/joaoduarte19)).
- New! Added `OnRouterLog` event to log custom information for each request (thanks to [Andrea Ciotti](https://github.com/andreaciotti) for the first implementation and its PR).
- New! Optionally load system controllers (those who provide `/describeserver.info`, `/describeplatform.info` and `/serverconfig.info` system actions) setting `Config[TMVCConfigKey.LoadSystemControllers] := 'false';` in the configuration block.
- Improved! Greatly improved support for [HATEOAS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HATEOAS) in renders. Check `TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOS` and all the others actions end with `HATEOS` in `renders.dproj` sample)
- New! `TMVCActiveRecord.Count` method (e.g. `TMVCActiveRecord.Count(TCustomer)` returns the number of records for the entity mapped by the class `TCustomer`)
- Change! `TMVCACtiveRecord.GetByPK<T>` raises an exception by default if the record is not found - optionally can returns `nil` using new parameter `RaiseExceptionIfNotFound`
- New! `TMVCAnalyticsMiddleware` to do automatic analytics on the API (generates a CSV file). Based on an idea by Nirav Kaku (https://www.facebook.com/nirav.kaku). Check the sample in `\samples\middleware_analytics\`
- New! Microsoft SQLServer Support in `MVCActiveRecord` and RQL (*thanks to one of the biggest Delphi based company in Italy which heavily uses DMVCFramework* and *[DMSContainer](http://www.bittimeprofessionals.it/prodotti/dmscontainer)*)
- New! SQLite support in `MVCActiveRecord` and RQL, so that `MVCActiveRecord` can be used also for Delphi mobile projects!
- Improved! All `ActiveRecord` methods which retrieve records can now specify the data type of each parameter (using Delphi's `TFieldType` enumeration).
- Improved! In case of unhandled exception `TMVCEngine` is compliant with the default response content-type (usually it did would reply using `text/plain`).
- Added! New overloads for all the Log\* calls. Now it is possible to call `LogD(lMyObject)` to get logged `lMyObject` as JSON (custom type serializers not supported in log).
- New! `StrDict(array of string, array of string)` function allows to render a dictionary of strings in a really simple way. See the following action sample.
procedure TMy.GetPeople(const Value: Integer);
if Value mod 2 <> 0 then
raise EMVCException.Create(HTTP_STATUS.NotAcceptable, 'We don''t like odd numbers');
['id', 'message'],
['123', 'We like even numbers, thank you for your ' + Value.ToString]
- New! Custom Exception Handling (Based on work of [David Moorhouse](https://github.com/fastbike)). Sample "custom_exception_handling" show how to use it.
- Improved! Datasets serialization speed improvement. In some case the performance [improves of 2 order of magnitude](https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework/issues/205#issuecomment-479513158). (Thanks to https://github.com/pedrooliveira01)
- New! Added `TMVCActiveRecord.Count<T>(RQL)` to count record based on RQL criteria.
- New! Added in `TMVCActiveRecordController` new `count` parameter. When in a "Get List" request is used a RQL filter, sending a "count=true" parameter, the response will contains also the count of the record matching filter.
- Added new method in the dataset helper to load data into a dataset from a specific JSONArray property of a JSONObject `procedure TDataSetHelper.LoadJSONArrayFromJSONObjectProperty(const AJSONObjectString: string; const aPropertyName: String);`
- New! Added support for `TArray<String>`, `TArray<Integer>` and `TArray<Double>` in default JSON serializer (Thank you [Pedro Oliveira](https://github.com/pedrooliveira01))
- Improved JWT Standard Compliance! Thanks to [Vinicius Sanchez](https://github.com/viniciussanchez) for his work on [issue #241](https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework/issues/241)
- Added de/serializing iterables (e.g. generic lists) support without `MVCListOf` attribute (Thank you to [João Antônio Duarte](https://github.com/joaoduarte19)).
- New! The **MVCAREntitiesGenerator** can optionally register all the generated entities also in the `ActiveRecordMappingRegistry` (Thanks to [Fabrizio Bitti](https://twitter.com/fabriziobitti) from [bit Time Software](http://www.bittime.it))
- Compression through `TMVCCompressionMiddleware` is not enabled is DMVCFramework service is compiled as Apache module or IIS ISAPI. The host webserver should handle the actual compression.
- New! Children objects lifecycle management in `TMVCActiveRecord` (methods `AddChildren` and `RemoveChildren`). Really useful to manage child objects such relations or derived properties and are safe in case of multiple addition of the same object as children.
- Added ability to serialize/deserialize types enumerated by an array of mapped values (Thanks to [João Antônio Duarte](https://github.com/joaoduarte19))
- In `MVCActiveRecord` attribute `MVCPrimaryKey` has been removed and merged with `MVCTableField`, so now `TMVCActiveRecordFieldOption` is a set of `foPrimaryKey`, `foAutoGenerated`, `foTransient` (check `activerecord_showcase.dproj` sample).
- Middleware `OnAfterControllerAction` are now invoked in the same order of `OnBeforeControllerAction` (previously were invoked in reversed order).
-`TMVCEngine` is no more responsible for static file serving. If you need static files used the new `TMVCStaticFilesMiddleware` (check the sample). As consequence `TMVCConfigKey.DocumentRoot`, `TMVCConfigKey.IndexDocument` and `TMVCConfigKey.FallbackResource` are no more available.
-`TMVCEngine.Config` property is now read-only. Can be changed only in the anonymous method injected in the constructor.
- Fixed! [issue379](https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework/issues/379) (Thanks to [João Antônio Duarte](https://github.com/joaoduarte19) and [Maincosi](https://github.com/maiconsi) for their work)
- Fixed! Has been patched a serious security bug affecting deployment configurations which uses internal WebServer to serve static files (do not affect all Apache, IIS or proxied deployments). Thanks to **Stephan Munz** to have discovered it. *Update to dmvcframework-3.2-RC5+ is required for all such kind of deployments.*
-`TDataSetHolder` is a new render able to render a dataset with a set of custom metadata (eg `count`,`page` etc). Check [issue #137](https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework/issues/137)
- Removed the old JSON serializer based on `System.JSON.pas', now the only available JSON serializer is based on [JsonDataObjects](https://github.com/ahausladen/JsonDataObjects) parser (Thank you Andreas Hausladen).
- Changed! Custom Types Serializer *must* be registered by media-type only, without charset definition (e.g. just `application/json` and not `application/json;charset=utf-8`)
- Changed! `IMVCTypeSerializer` is more powerful and simple to use!
If you need trainings, consultancy or custom developments on DelphiMVCFramework, send an email to *dmvcframework at bittime dot it*. Alternatively you can send a request using the [contacts forms](http://www.bittimeprofessionals.it/contatti) on [bit Time Professionals website](http://www.bittimeprofessionals.it). bit Time Professionals is the company behind DelphiMVCFramework, all the main developers works there.
Below the is a basic sample of a DMVCFramework server wich can be deployed as standa-alone application, as an Apache module or as ISAPI dll. This flexibility is provided by the Delphi WebBroker framework (built-in in Delphi since Delphi 4).
The project contains an IDE Expert which make creating DMVCFramework project a breeze. However not all the Delphi version are supported, so here's the manual version (which is not complicated at all).
To create this server, you have to create a new ```Delphi Projects -> WebBroker -> WebServerApplication```. Then add the following changes to the webmodule.
If you dont plan to deploy your DMVCFramework server behind a webserver (apache or IIS) you can also pack more than one listener application server into one single executable. In this case, the process is a bit different and involves the creation of a listener context. However, create a new server is a simple task:
Resource Query Language (RQL) is a query language designed for use in URIs with object style data structures. DMVCFramework supports RQL natively and the included MVCActiveRecord micro-framework, implement a large subset of the RQL specs.
RQL can be thought as basically a set of nestable named operators which each have a set of arguments. RQL is designed to have an extremely simple, but extensible grammar that can be written in a URL friendly query string. A simple RQL query with a single operator that indicates a search for any resources with a property of "foo" that has value of 5 could be written:
A more complex filter can include an arbitrary number of chained functions
limit(count,start,maxCount) - Returns the given range of objects from the result set
contains(<property>,<value|expression>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is an array and the array contains any value that equals the provided value or satisfies the provided expression.
in(<property>,<array-of-values>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is in the provided array
out(<property>,<array-of-values>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is not in the provided array
##### Not Yet Availables
select(<property>,<property>,...) - Trims each object down to the set of properties defined in the arguments
values(<property>) - Returns an array of the given property value for each object
aggregate(<property|function>,...) - Aggregates the array, grouping by objects that are distinct for the provided properties, and then reduces the remaining other property values using the provided functions
distinct() - Returns a result set with duplicates removed
excludes(<property>,<value|expression>) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is an array and the array does not contain any of value that equals the provided value or satisfies the provided expression.
rel(<relationname?>,<query>) - Applies the provided query against the linked data of the provided relation name.
sum(<property?>) - Finds the sum of every value in the array or if the property argument is provided, returns the sum of the value of property for every object in the array
mean(<property?>) - Finds the mean of every value in the array or if the property argument is provided, returns the mean of the value of property for every object in the array
max(<property?>) - Finds the maximum of every value in the array or if the property argument is provided, returns the maximum of the value of property for every object in the array
min(<property?>) - Finds the minimum of every value in the array or if the property argument is provided, returns the minimum of the value of property for every object in the array
recurse(<property?>) - Recursively searches, looking in children of the object as objects in arrays in the given property value
first() - Returns the first record of the query's result set
one() - Returns the first and only record of the query's result set, or produces an error if the query's result set has more or less than one record in it.
count() - Returns the count of the number of records in the query's result set