diff --git a/packages/d110/dmvcframeworkDT.dpk b/packages/d110/dmvcframeworkDT.dpk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3dd1072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/d110/dmvcframeworkDT.dpk
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+package dmvcframeworkDT;
+{$R *.res}
+{$R *.dres}
+{$IFDEF IMPLICITBUILDING This IFDEF should not be used by users}
+{$ALIGN 8}
+{$IMAGEBASE $400000}
+{$DESCRIPTION 'DelphiMVCFramework 3.x - Design Time Support'}
+{$LIBSUFFIX '110'}
+ rtl,
+ designide,
+ ExpertsCreators,
+ IndySystem,
+ IndyProtocols,
+ IndyCore,
+ dbrtl,
+ dmvcframeworkRT;
+ DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.NewControllerUnit in '..\..\ideexpert\DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.NewControllerUnit.pas',
+ DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.NewDMVCProject in '..\..\ideexpert\DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.NewDMVCProject.pas',
+ DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.NewProject in '..\..\ideexpert\DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.NewProject.pas',
+ DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.NewUnit in '..\..\ideexpert\DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.NewUnit.pas',
+ DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.NewWebModuleUnit in '..\..\ideexpert\DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.NewWebModuleUnit.pas',
+ DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.SourceFile in '..\..\ideexpert\DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.SourceFile.pas',
+ DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.Templates in '..\..\ideexpert\DMVC.Expert.CodeGen.Templates.pas',
+ DMVC.Expert.Forms.NewProjectWizard in '..\..\ideexpert\DMVC.Expert.Forms.NewProjectWizard.pas' {frmDMVCNewProject},
+ DMVC.Expert.Forms.NewUnitWizard in '..\..\ideexpert\DMVC.Expert.Forms.NewUnitWizard.pas' {frmDMVCNewUnit},
+ DMVC.Expert.NewUnitWizardEx in '..\..\ideexpert\DMVC.Expert.NewUnitWizardEx.pas',
+ DMVC.Expert.ProjectWizardEx in '..\..\ideexpert\DMVC.Expert.ProjectWizardEx.pas',
+ DMVC.Expert.Registration in '..\..\ideexpert\DMVC.Expert.Registration.pas',
+ DMVC.Splash.Registration in '..\..\ideexpert\DMVC.Splash.Registration.pas';
diff --git a/packages/d110/dmvcframeworkDT.dproj b/packages/d110/dmvcframeworkDT.dproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58e2778f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/d110/dmvcframeworkDT.dproj
@@ -0,0 +1,1254 @@
+ {84344511-1DC2-41BA-8689-9F36C1D475BE}
+ dmvcframeworkDT.dpk
+ 19.3
+ None
+ True
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ 1
+ Package
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_1
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_2
+ true
+ true
+ .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
+ .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ All
+ dmvcframeworkDT
+ 1040
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=$(MSBuildProjectName);FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProgramID=com.embarcadero.$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductName=$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ DelphiMVCFramework IDE Expert
+ Winapi;System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ Debug
+ true
+ 1033
+ rtl;IndySystem;IndyProtocols;IndyCore;dbrtl;dmvcframeworkRT;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ ..\..\sources;$(DCC_UnitSearchPath)
+ DelphiMVCFramework 3.x - Design Time Support
+ 110
+ rtl;IndySystem;IndyProtocols;IndyCore;dbrtl;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ DEBUG;$(DCC_Define)
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ 1033
+ false
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=$(MSBuildProjectName);FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team;LegalTrademarks=DelphiMVCFramework;OriginalFilename=;ProgramID=com.embarcadero.$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductName=$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ false
+ RELEASE;$(DCC_Define)
+ 0
+ 0
+ true
+ 1033
+ MainSource
+ DMVCNewProjectIcon
+ DMVCNewUnitIcon
+ SplashScreen
+ Base
+ Cfg_1
+ Base
+ Cfg_2
+ Base
+ Delphi.Personality.12
+ Package
+ Embarcadero C++Builder Office 2000 Servers Package
+ Embarcadero C++Builder Office XP Servers Package
+ Microsoft Office 2000 Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components
+ Microsoft Office XP Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ dmvcframeworkDT.bpl
+ true
+ true
+ 1
+ 0
+ classes
+ 64
+ classes
+ 64
+ classes
+ 1
+ classes
+ 1
+ res\xml
+ 1
+ res\xml
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\mips
+ 1
+ library\lib\mips
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\arm64-v8a
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values-v21
+ 1
+ res\values-v21
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-ldpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-ldpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-small
+ 1
+ res\drawable-small
+ 1
+ res\drawable-normal
+ 1
+ res\drawable-normal
+ 1
+ res\drawable-large
+ 1
+ res\drawable-large
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xlarge
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xlarge
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ .framework
+ 1
+ .framework
+ 1
+ .framework
+ 0
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 0
+ .dll;.bpl
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 0
+ .bpl
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ Contents\Resources
+ 1
+ Contents\Resources
+ 1
+ Contents\Resources
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\arm64-v8a
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ False
+ True
+ False
+ 12
diff --git a/packages/d110/dmvcframeworkRT.dpk b/packages/d110/dmvcframeworkRT.dpk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e5677ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/d110/dmvcframeworkRT.dpk
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+package dmvcframeworkRT;
+{$R *.res}
+{$IFDEF IMPLICITBUILDING This IFDEF should not be used by users}
+{$ALIGN 8}
+{$IMAGEBASE $400000}
+{$DESCRIPTION 'DMVCFramework - CopyRight (2010-2021) Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team'}
+{$LIBSUFFIX '110'}
+ rtl,
+ inet,
+ FireDAC,
+ IndyCore,
+ IndyProtocols,
+ FireDACIBDriver,
+ FireDACMySQLDriver,
+ loggerproRT,
+ FireDACPgDriver,
+ FireDACSqliteDriver;
+ Web.HTTPDImpl,
+ JsonDataObjects in '..\..\sources\JsonDataObjects.pas',
+ MVCFramework.ActiveRecord in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.ActiveRecord.pas',
+ MVCFramework.ActiveRecordController in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.ActiveRecordController.pas',
+ MVCFramework.ApplicationSession in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.ApplicationSession.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Cache in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Cache.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Commons in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Commons.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Console in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Console.pas',
+ MVCFramework.DataSet.Utils in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.DataSet.Utils.pas',
+ MVCFramework.DuckTyping in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.DuckTyping.pas',
+ MVCFramework.FireDAC.Utils in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.FireDAC.Utils.pas',
+ MVCFramework.HMAC in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.HMAC.pas',
+ MVCFramework.JSONRPC.Client in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.JSONRPC.Client.pas',
+ MVCFramework.JSONRPC in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.JSONRPC.pas',
+ MVCFramework.JWT in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.JWT.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Logger in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Logger.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Middleware.Analytics in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Middleware.Analytics.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Middleware.Authentication in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Middleware.Authentication.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Middleware.Authentication.RoleBasedAuthHandler in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Middleware.Authentication.RoleBasedAuthHandler.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Middleware.Compression in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Middleware.Compression.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Middleware.CORS in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Middleware.CORS.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Middleware.JWT in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Middleware.JWT.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Middleware.SecurityHeaders in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Middleware.SecurityHeaders.pas',
+ MVCFramework.MultiMap in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.MultiMap.pas',
+ MVCFramework in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Patches in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Patches.pas',
+ MVCFramework.RESTAdapter in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.RESTAdapter.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Router in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Router.pas',
+ MVCFramework.RQL.AST2FirebirdSQL in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.RQL.AST2FirebirdSQL.pas',
+ MVCFramework.RQL.AST2InterbaseSQL in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.RQL.AST2InterbaseSQL.pas',
+ MVCFramework.RQL.AST2MySQL in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.RQL.AST2MySQL.pas',
+ MVCFramework.RQL.AST2PostgreSQL in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.RQL.AST2PostgreSQL.pas',
+ MVCFramework.RQL.AST2SQLite in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.RQL.AST2SQLite.pas',
+ MVCFramework.RQL.Parser in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.RQL.Parser.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Rtti.Utils in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Rtti.Utils.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Serializer.Abstract in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Serializer.Abstract.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Serializer.Commons in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Serializer.Commons.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Serializer.Defaults in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Serializer.Defaults.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Serializer.Intf in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Serializer.Intf.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Serializer.JsonDataObjects.CustomTypes in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Serializer.JsonDataObjects.CustomTypes.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Serializer.JsonDataObjects in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Serializer.JsonDataObjects.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Session in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Session.pas',
+ MVCFramework.SysControllers in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.SysControllers.pas',
+ MVCFramework.SystemJSONUtils in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.SystemJSONUtils.pas',
+ MVCFramework.View.Cache in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.View.Cache.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Controllers.Register in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Controllers.Register.pas',
+ MVCFramework.SQLGenerators.Firebird in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.SQLGenerators.Firebird.pas',
+ MVCFramework.SQLGenerators.Interbase in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.SQLGenerators.Interbase.pas',
+ MVCFramework.SQLGenerators.MySQL in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.SQLGenerators.MySQL.pas',
+ MVCFramework.SQLGenerators.PostgreSQL in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.SQLGenerators.PostgreSQL.pas',
+ MVCFramework.SQLGenerators.Sqlite in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.SQLGenerators.Sqlite.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Swagger.Commons in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Swagger.Commons.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Middleware.Swagger in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Middleware.Swagger.pas',
+ Json.Common.Helpers in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Json.Common.Helpers.pas',
+ Json.Schema.Common.Types in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Json.Schema.Common.Types.pas',
+ Json.Schema.Field.Arrays in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Json.Schema.Field.Arrays.pas',
+ Json.Schema.Field.Booleans in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Json.Schema.Field.Booleans.pas',
+ Json.Schema.Field.DateTimes in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Json.Schema.Field.DateTimes.pas',
+ Json.Schema.Field.Enums in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Json.Schema.Field.Enums.pas',
+ Json.Schema.Field.Numbers in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Json.Schema.Field.Numbers.pas',
+ Json.Schema.Field.Objects in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Json.Schema.Field.Objects.pas',
+ Json.Schema.Field in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Json.Schema.Field.pas',
+ Json.Schema.Field.Strings in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Json.Schema.Field.Strings.pas',
+ Json.Schema in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Json.Schema.pas',
+ Swag.Common.Consts in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Common.Consts.pas',
+ Swag.Common.Types.Helpers in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Common.Types.Helpers.pas',
+ Swag.Common.Types in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Common.Types.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.Definition in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.Definition.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.FileLoader in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.FileLoader.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.Info.Contact in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.Info.Contact.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.Info.License in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.Info.License.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.Info in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.Info.pas',
+ Swag.Doc in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.Path.Operation in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.Path.Operation.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.Path.Operation.RequestParameter in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.Path.Operation.RequestParameter.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.Path.Operation.Response in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.Path.Operation.Response.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.Path.Operation.ResponseHeaders in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.Path.Operation.ResponseHeaders.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.Path in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.Path.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.SecurityDefinition in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.SecurityDefinition.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.SecurityDefinitionApiKey in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.SecurityDefinitionApiKey.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.SecurityDefinitionBasic in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.SecurityDefinitionBasic.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.SecurityDefinitionOAuth2 in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.SecurityDefinitionOAuth2.pas',
+ Swag.Doc.Tags in '..\..\lib\swagdoc\Source\Swag.Doc.Tags.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Middleware.Trace in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Middleware.Trace.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Nullables in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Nullables.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Serializer.HTML in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Serializer.HTML.pas',
+ MVCFramework.LRUCache in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.LRUCache.pas',
+ MVCFramework.RESTClient.Commons in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.RESTClient.Commons.pas',
+ MVCFramework.RESTClient.Indy in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.RESTClient.Indy.pas',
+ MVCFramework.RESTClient.Intf in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.RESTClient.Intf.pas',
+ MVCFramework.RESTClient in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.RESTClient.pas',
+ MVCFramework.Utils in '..\..\sources\MVCFramework.Utils.pas';
diff --git a/packages/d110/dmvcframeworkRT.dproj b/packages/d110/dmvcframeworkRT.dproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4b9e3682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/d110/dmvcframeworkRT.dproj
@@ -0,0 +1,1308 @@
+ {96D17257-AF74-48CB-9893-7BCCB56A069D}
+ dmvcframeworkRT.dpk
+ 19.3
+ None
+ True
+ Debug
+ Win32
+ 1
+ Package
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ true
+ Cfg_1
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ Base
+ true
+ .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
+ .\$(Platform)\$(Config)
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ System;Xml;Data;Datasnap;Web;Soap;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ All
+ dmvcframeworkRT
+ true
+ 1040
+ CompanyName=;FileDescription=$(MSBuildProjectName);FileVersion=;InternalName=;LegalCopyright=;LegalTrademarks=;OriginalFilename=;ProgramID=com.embarcadero.$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductName=$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductVersion=;Comments=
+ DMVCFramework - CopyRight (2010-2020) Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team
+ Winapi;System.Win;Data.Win;Datasnap.Win;Web.Win;Soap.Win;Xml.Win;Bde;$(DCC_Namespace)
+ Debug
+ true
+ 1033
+ DMVCFramework - CopyRight (2010-2021) Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team
+ rtl;dbrtl;IndySystem;IndyProtocols;IndyCore;dmvcframeworkDT;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ 110
+ rtl;dbrtl;IndySystem;IndyProtocols;IndyCore;$(DCC_UsePackage)
+ DEBUG;$(DCC_Define)
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ 1033
+ 3
+ true
+ false
+ true
+ CompanyName=Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team;FileDescription=DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.2-nitrogen;FileVersion=;InternalName=DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.2-nitrogen;LegalCopyright=Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team - Apache License 2;LegalTrademarks=DelphiMVCFramework;OriginalFilename=$(MSBuildProjectName);ProgramID=com.embarcadero.$(MSBuildProjectName);ProductName=DelphiMVCFramework;ProductVersion=3.2.2;Comments=
+ 3
+ 2
+ 2
+ false
+ RELEASE;$(DCC_Define)
+ 0
+ 0
+ MainSource
+ Base
+ Cfg_1
+ Base
+ Cfg_2
+ Base
+ Delphi.Personality.12
+ Package
+ dmvcframeworkRT.dpk
+ Embarcadero C++Builder Office 2000 Servers Package
+ Embarcadero C++Builder Office XP Servers Package
+ Microsoft Office 2000 Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components
+ Microsoft Office XP Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components
+ true
+ true
+ dmvcframeworkRT.bpl
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ 1
+ 0
+ classes
+ 64
+ classes
+ 64
+ classes
+ 1
+ classes
+ 1
+ res\xml
+ 1
+ res\xml
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\mips
+ 1
+ library\lib\mips
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\arm64-v8a
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values-v21
+ 1
+ res\values-v21
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-ldpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-ldpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-mdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-hdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xxxhdpi
+ 1
+ res\drawable-small
+ 1
+ res\drawable-small
+ 1
+ res\drawable-normal
+ 1
+ res\drawable-normal
+ 1
+ res\drawable-large
+ 1
+ res\drawable-large
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xlarge
+ 1
+ res\drawable-xlarge
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ res\values
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ 1
+ .framework
+ 1
+ .framework
+ 1
+ .framework
+ 0
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 0
+ .dll;.bpl
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 1
+ .dylib
+ 0
+ .bpl
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\LaunchScreenImage.imageset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).launchscreen\Assets\AppIcon.appiconset
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ 1
+ ..\$(PROJECTNAME).app.dSYM\Contents\Resources\DWARF
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ Contents\Resources
+ 1
+ Contents\Resources
+ 1
+ Contents\Resources
+ 1
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ library\lib\arm64-v8a
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0
+ library\lib\armeabi-v7a
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ Assets
+ 1
+ False
+ True
+ False
+ 12
diff --git a/packages/d110/dmvcframework_group.groupproj b/packages/d110/dmvcframework_group.groupproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55e7c2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/d110/dmvcframework_group.groupproj
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ {EA879EE4-1245-4456-AED9-57FDF63577E6}
+ Default.Personality.12