{ This file is part of Synopse framework. Synopse framework. Copyright (C) 2022 Arnaud Bouchez Synopse Informatique - https://synopse.info *** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is Synopse framework. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Arnaud Bouchez. Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2022 the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Alfred Glaenzer (alf) Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** } (********************** User-Trigerred Conditionals **********************) { Those conditionals below can be enabled in your project Options, to tune the compilation depending your setup or your project expectations. } {.$define PUREPASCAL} // define this if your compiler doesn't support Delphi's x86 asm // - is set automaticaly in case of a 64 bits compiler (only FPC exists now) {$define USENORMTOUPPER} // if defined, text functions will use the NormToUpper[] array, as defined // in our custom SysUtils.pas (not the LVCL version) -> when using LVCL, // define the global LVCL compiler directive, and this unit will initialize // its own NormToUpper[] array // -> define ENHANCEDRTL conditional below if our Enhanced RTL IS installed // -> in practice, this conditional is ALWAYS DEFINED, since needed by SQLite3 {.$define ENHANCEDRTL} // define this if you DID install our Enhanced Runtime library or the LVCL: // - it's better to define this conditional globaly in the Project/Options window // - we need to hack the "legacy" LoadResString() procedure and add a // LoadResStringTranslate() function, for on the fly resourcestring i18n // - it will also define the TwoDigitLookup[] array and some very fast x86 asm // IntToStr() and other functions, available in our Enhanced Runtime library // (and our LVCL library) // - it will be unset automaticaly (see below) for Delphi 2009 and up // - this conditional must be defined in both SQLite3Commons and SQLite3i18n units, // or (even better) globally in the Project options {.$define USEPACKAGES} // define this if you compile the unit within a Delphi package // - it will avoid error like "[DCC Error] E2201 Need imported data reference ($G) // to access 'VarCopyProc' from unit 'SynCommons'" // - shall be set at the package options level, and left untouched by default // - note: you should probably also set "Generate DCUs only" in Project Options // -> Delphi Compiler -> Output C/C++ -> C/C++ output file generation {.$define DOPATCHTRTL} // if defined, some low-level patches are applied to Delphi or FPC RTL // - you should better use it, but we have unset it by default {.$define NEWRTTINOTUSED} // if defined, the new RTTI (available since Delphi 2010) won't be linked to // the executable: resulting file size will be much smaller, and mORMot won't // be affected (unless you use the enhanced RTTI for record/dynamic array JSON // serialization) - left undefined by default to ensure minimal impact {.$define NOSETTHREADNAME} // if defined, SetThreadName() would not raise the exception used to set the // thread name: to be defined if you have issues when debugging your application {.$define NOEXCEPTIONINTERCEPT} // if defined, exceptions shall not be intercepted and logged {.$define USELOCKERDEBUG} // by default, some IAutoLocker instances would use TAutoLocker, unless this // conditional is defined to use more verbose TAutoLockerDebug // (may be used for race condition debugging, in multi-threaded apps) {.$define OLDTEXTWRITERFORMAT} // force TTextWriter.Add(Format) to handle the alternate deprecated $ % tags {.$define FORCE_STRSSE42} // sse4.2 string instructions may read up to 16 bytes after the actual end buffer // -> define this if you want StrLen/StrComp/strspn/strcspn to use SSE4.2 opcodes // but you would eventually experiment weird random GPF in your project, raising // unexpected SIGABRT/SIGSEGV under POSIX system: so is disabled below for our // LINUX conditional - and use at your own risk under Windows! {.$define DISABLE_SSE42} // if defined, no SSE4.2 nor AES-NI instruction will be used, i.e. disable // FORCE_STRSSE42 and all crc32c opcodes - is set for FPC DARWIN target {.$define WITH_ERMS} // you may define this to enable REP MOVSB/STOSB for Fillchar/Move if cfERMS // flag is available in Intel's CpuFeatures // -> disabled by default, since in practice it is (much) slower for small blocks {.$define NOXPOWEREDNAME} // define this to avoid sending "X-Powered-By: Synopse mORMot" HTTP header {.$define SQLVIRTUALLOGS} // enable low-level logging of SQlite3 virtual table query planner costs // -> to be defined only for internal debugging {.$define NOSYNDBZEOS} // made SynDBZeos.pas a "void" unit - defined for FPC/Lazarus packages only {.$define DDDNOSYNDB} // SynDB / external SQL DB won't be linked to the executable by dddInfraSettings {.$define DDDNOMONGODB} // Mongo DB client won't be linked to the executable by dddInfraSettings {$ifdef FPC} (********************** FPC Conditionals **********************) { Free Pascal adaptation notes: - we use the Delphi compatibility mode - from system.pp use these constants (Win32/64 values listed): LineEnding = #13#10; DirectorySeparator = '\'; - for Cross-Platform and all CPU: integer is NOT CPU-dependent (thanks to objpas), i.e. always 32 bits cardinal is NOT CPU-dependent (thanks to objpas), i.e. always 32 bits PtrUInt is an unsigned integer type of same size as a pointer / register -> must be used for pointer arithmetic -> may be used in loops PtrInt is a signed integer type of same size as a pointer / register -> must be used for pointer arithmetic -> may be used in loops all 32 bits x86 asm code is replaced by a pascal only version, if the conditional PUREPASCAL is defined (e.g. for CPUX64) } {$ifndef FPC_DELPHI} {$MODE DELPHI} // e.g. for asm syntax - disabled for FPC 2.6 compatibility {$endif} {$INLINE ON} {$MINENUMSIZE 1} {$PACKRECORDS DEFAULT} // force normal alignment {$PACKSET 1} {$PACKENUM 1} {$CODEPAGE UTF8} // otherwise unexpected behavior occurs in most cases {$undef ENHANCEDRTL} // there is no version of our Enhanced RTL for FPC {$define HASINLINE} {$define HASUINT64} {$define HASINLINENOTX86} {$define NODELPHIASM} // ignore low-level System.@LStrFromPCharLen calls {$define HASTTHREADSTART} {$define HASINTERFACEASTOBJECT} {$define EXTENDEDTOSHORT_USESTR} // FloatToText uses str() in FPC {$define DOUBLETOSHORT_USEGRISU} // fast double to text {$define DELPHI5ORFPC} {$define FPC_OR_PUREPASCAL} {$define FPC_OR_KYLIX} {$define FPC_OR_UNICODE} {$define USERECORDWITHMETHODS} {$define FPC_OR_DELPHIXE} {$define FPC_OR_DELPHIXE4} {$define FPC_ENUMHASINNER} {$define USE_VTYPE_STATIC} // in our inlined VarClear() // $if FPC_FULLVERSION>20700 breaks Delphi 6-7 and SynProject :( {$ifdef VER2_7} {$define ISFPC27} {$endif} {$ifdef VER3_0} {$define ISFPC27} {$define ISFPC30} {$define HASDIRECTTYPEINFO} // PTypeInfo would be stored with no pointer de-reference // => Delphi and newer FPC uses a pointer reference to ease exe linking {$endif} {$ifdef VER3_1} // trunk before 3.2 {$define ISFPC27} {$define ISFPC30} {.$define HASDIRECTTYPEINFO} // define this for trunk revisions older than June 2016 - see // http://wiki.freepascal.org/User_Changes_Trunk#RTTI_Binary_format_change {$endif} {$ifdef VER3_1_1} // if FPC_FULLVERSION>30100 ... ifend is not Delphi 5 compatible :( {$define ISFPC32} {$endif} {$ifdef VER3_2} {$define ISFPC27} {$define ISFPC30} {$define ISFPC32} {$ifdef VER3_2_2} {$define HASTTHREADTERMINATESET} // introduced TThread.TerminateSet {$endif VER3_2_2} {$endif} {$ifdef VER3_3} // trunk before 3.4 {$define ISFPC27} {$define ISFPC30} {$define ISFPC32} {$define HASTTHREADTERMINATESET} // introduced TThread.TerminateSet {$endif} {$ifdef VER3_4} {$define ISFPC27} {$define ISFPC30} {$define ISFPC32} {$define ISFPC34} {$define FPC_PROVIDE_ATTR_TABLE} // introducing TTypeData.AttributeTable {$define STRCNT32} // 32-bit TAnsiRec.RefCnt even on 64-bit CPU {$define HASTTHREADTERMINATESET} // introduced TThread.TerminateSet {$endif} {$if not defined(VER3_0) and not defined(VER3_2) and not defined(VER2)} {.$define FPC_PROVIDE_ATTR_TABLE} // to be defined since SVN 42356-42411 // on compilation error in SynFPCTypInfo, undefine the above conditional // see https://lists.freepascal.org/pipermail/fpc-announce/2019-July/000612.html {$define STRCNT32} // 32-bit TAnsiRec.RefCnt even on 64-bit CPU // see https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpc/source/-/issues/38018 {$ifend} {$ifdef ANDROID} {$define LINUX} // a Linux-based system {$endif} // define FPCSQLITE3STATIC to enable static-linked SQLite3 engine for FPC // -> expect *.o files download from https://synopse.info/files/sqlite3fpc.7z // -> could be disabled to force external .so/.dll linking {$ifdef MSWINDOWS} {$ifdef CPUX86} {$define FPCSQLITE3STATIC} // use static\i386-win32\sqlite3.o {$else} {$define FPCSQLITE3STATIC} // use static\x86_64-win64\sqlite3.o {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef LINUX} {$ifdef CPUX86} {$define FPCSQLITE3STATIC} // use static/i386-linux\sqlite3.o {$endif} {$ifdef CPUX64} {$define FPCSQLITE3STATIC} // use static/x86_64-linux\sqlite3.o {$endif} {$ifdef CPUARM} {$define FPCSQLITE3STATIC} // use static/arm-linux\sqlite3.o {$endif} {$ifdef CPUAARCH64} {$define FPCSQLITE3STATIC} // use:static/aarch64-linux\sqlite3.o {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef BSD} // LINUX conditional includes Darwin and BSD family like FreeBSD {$define LINUX} // not true, but a POSIX/BSD system - see LINUXNOTBSD {$undef FORCE_STRSSE42} // fails otherwise for sure {$define ABSOLUTEPASCAL} // NO asm nor redirection (until stabilized) {$ifdef DARWIN} {$define FPCSQLITE3STATIC} // we supply Darwin static libs {$ifdef CPUINTEL} {$define FPC_PIC} // may have not be defined by the compiler options {$endif} {$else} {$define BSDNOTDARWIN} // OSX has some non-standard API calls {$endif} {$ifdef FREEBSD} {$ifdef CPUX86} {$define FPCSQLITE3STATIC} // we supply i386 static libs {$endif CPUX86} {$ifdef CPUX64} {$define FPCSQLITE3STATIC} // we supply x64 static libs {$endif CPUX64} {$endif} {$ifdef OPENBSD} {$ifdef CPUX86} {$define FPCSQLITE3STATIC} // we supply i386 static libs {$endif CPUX86} {$ifdef CPUX64} {$define FPCSQLITE3STATIC} // we supply x64 static libs {$endif CPUX64} {$endif} {$else} {$ifdef LINUX} {$define LINUXNOTBSD} // e.g. to disable epoll API {$define FPCLINUXNOTBSD} {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef LINUX} {$undef FORCE_STRSSE42} // avoid fatal SIGABRT/SIGSEGV on POSIX systems {$define FPCLINUX} {$ifdef CPUX64} {$define CPUX64LINUX} // e.g. for tuned server-side asm {$endif CPUX64} {$endif} {$ifdef FPC_PIC} {$define PUREPASCAL} // most asm code is not PIC-safe with global constants {$endif} {$ifdef MSWINDOWS} {$ifdef FPC_X64MM} {$ifndef FPC_X64MM_WIN} // SynFPCx64MM not yet fully validated on Windows {$undef FPC_X64MM} {$endif FPC_X64MM_WIN} {$endif FPC_X64MM} {$endif MSWINDOWS} {$ifdef CPU64} {$define FPC_64} {$define PUREPASCAL} // e.g. x64, AARCH64 {$ifdef CPUX64} {$define CPUINTEL} {$define FPC_CPUINTEL} {$ifndef BSD} {$define CPUX64ASM} // Delphi XE4 or Darwin asm are buggy :( {$define ASMX64AVX} // only FPC supports AVX/AVX2/AVX512 {$define HASAESNI} // SynCrypto rejected by Darwin asm {$endif BSD} {$define FPC_X64} // supports AVX/AVX2/AVX512 - which Delphi doesn't {$ASMMODE INTEL} // to share asm code with Delphi {$endif CPUX64} {$ifdef CPUAARCH64} {$define CPUARM3264} {$endif CPUAARCH64} {$else} {$define FPC_32} {$define STRCNT32} // 32-bit TAnsiRec.RefCnt on 32-bit CPU {$define DACNT32} // 32-bit dynarray refcnt on 32-bit CPU {$ifdef CPUARM} {$define PUREPASCAL} // ARM32 {$define CPUARM3264} {$endif CPUARM} {$ifdef CPUX86} {$define CPUINTEL} {$define FPC_CPUINTEL} {$define FPC_X86} {$define TSYNEXTENDED80} // only 32-bit has a true x87 extended type {$ASMMODE INTEL} // as Delphi expects {$define HASAESNI} // should be commented to test project with valgrind {$ifndef FPC_PIC} {$define CPUX86NOTPIC} // use "absolute" instead of local register {$endif FPC_PIC} {$ifndef OPENBSD} {$define FPC_X86ASM} // if assembler knows popcnt/crc32c opcodes {$endif OPENBSD} {$endif CPUX86} {$endif CPU64} {$ifdef CPUARM3264} {$ifdef BSD} {$undef USE_VTYPE_STATIC} // circumvent bug in VarClear() on BSD + ARM {$endif BSD} {$endif CPUARM3264} {$ifdef ISFPC30} {$ifndef MSWINDOWS} // define FPCUSEVERSIONINFO to link low-level executable file information // units in SynCommons.pas // => disabled by default, to reduce the executable overhead {.$define FPCUSEVERSIONINFO} {$endif MSWINDOWS} {$endif ISFPC30} {$ifdef ISFPC32} // FPC has its own RTTI layout only since late 3.x {$define FPC_NEWRTTI} // when http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=26774 has been fixed {$ifdef CPUINTEL} {$define HASINTERFACERTTI} {$endif} {$ifdef CPUARM3264} {$define HASINTERFACERTTI} {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef FPC_NEWRTTI} {$define ISDELPHI2010_OR_FPC_NEWRTTI} {$else} {$define DELPHI_OR_FPC_OLDRTTI} {$define FPC_OLDRTTI} {$endif} {$define ISDELPHI2010_OR_FPC} // eltype2 field {$ifdef FPC_HAS_CPSTRING} // see http://wiki.freepascal.org/FPC_Unicode_support {$define HASCODEPAGE} // UNICODE means {$mode delphiunicode} {$endif} {$ifdef ISFPC27} {$define ISFPC271} {$define HASVARUSTRING} {$define HASVARUSTRARG} // defined if the http://mantis.freepascal.org/view.php?id=26773 bug is fixed // you should use 2.7.1/trunk branch in revision 28995 from 2014-11-05T22:17:54 // => this will change the TInvokeableVariantType.SetProperty() signature {$define FPC_VARIANTSETVAR} {$endif ISFPC27} {$ifdef FPC_PROVIDE_ATTR_TABLE} {$define HASALIGNTYPEDATA} // to ignore attributes RTTI table {$endif FPC_PROVIDE_ATTR_TABLE} {$ifdef FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} {$define FPC_ENUMHASINNER} {$define HASALIGNTYPEDATA} // to ensure proper RTTI alignment {$endif FPC_REQUIRES_PROPER_ALIGNMENT} {$else FPC} (********************** Delphi Conditionals **********************) {$define DELPHI_OR_FPC_OLDRTTI} {$define USE_VTYPE_STATIC} // "and VTYPE_STATIC" test before VarClear() {$define STRCNT32} // always 32-bit TAnsiRec.RefCnt on Delphi {$define DACNT32} // always 32-bit dynarray refcnt on Delphi {$undef FPC_X64MM} // this is a FPC-specific memory manager {$A+} // force normal alignment {$ifdef LVCL} {$define OWNNORMTOUPPER} // NormToUpper[] exists only in our enhanced RTL {$define NOVARIANTS} // LVCL does not support variants {$define EXTENDEDTOSHORT_USESTR} // no FloatToText implemented in LVCL {$endif LVCL} {$ifdef UNICODE} {$undef ENHANCEDRTL} // Delphi 2009 and up don't have our Enhanced Runtime library {$define HASVARUSTRING} {$define HASCODEPAGE} {$define FPC_OR_UNICODE} {$define USERECORDWITHMETHODS} { due to a bug in Delphi 2009+, we need to fake inheritance of record, since TDynArrayHashed = object(TDynArray) fails to initialize http://blog.synopse.info/post/2011/01/29/record-and-object-issue-in-Delphi-2010 } {$define UNDIRECTDYNARRAY} {$endif UNICODE} {$ifndef PUREPASCAL} {$define CPUINTEL} // Delphi only for Intel by now {$endif} {$ifdef CPUX64} {$define CPU64} // Delphi compiler for 64 bit CPU {$define CPU64DELPHI} {$undef CPU32} {$define PUREPASCAL} // no x86 32 bit asm to be used {$define EXTENDEDTOSHORT_USESTR} // FloatToText() much slower in x64 mode {$define DOUBLETOSHORT_USEGRISU} // fast double to text {$else CPUX64} {$define CPU32} // Delphi compiler for 32 bit CPU {$define CPU32DELPHI} {$undef CPU64} {$define CPUX86} // for compatibility with older versions of Delphi {$define CPUX86NOTPIC} // use "absolute" instead of local register {$define TSYNEXTENDED80} // only 32-bit has a true x87 extended type {$endif CPUX64} {$IFDEF CONDITIONALEXPRESSIONS} // Delphi 6 or newer {$define HASINTERFACERTTI} // interface RTTI (not FPC) {$ifdef LINUX} {$if RTLVersion = 14.5} {$define KYLIX3} {$define FPC_OR_KYLIX} // Kylix 3 will be handled just like Delphi 7 {$undef ENHANCEDRTL} // Enhanced Runtime library not fully tested yet {$define EXTENDEDTOSHORT_USESTR} {$define DOPATCHTRTL} // nice speed up for server apps {$define NOVARCOPYPROC} {$define NOSQLITE3STATIC} // Kylix will use external sqlite3.so {$define LINUXNOTBSD} // e.g. to disable epoll API {$else} Kylix1/2 or Delphi Tokyo/ARC are unsupported {$ifend} {$else} {$ifdef VER140} {$define ISDELPHI6ANDUP} // Delphi 6 or newer {$define DELPHI6OROLDER} {$define NOVARCOPYPROC} {$undef ENHANCEDRTL} // Delphi 6 doesn't have our Enhanced Runtime library {$define EXTENDEDTOSHORT_USESTR} // no TFormatSettings before Delphi 7 {$else} {$define ISDELPHI7ANDUP} // Delphi 7 or newer {$define WITHUXTHEME} // VCL handle UI theming {$define HASUINT64} {$warn UNSAFE_CODE OFF} // Delphi for .Net does not exist any more! {$warn UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} {$warn UNSAFE_CAST OFF} {$warn DUPLICATE_CTOR_DTOR OFF} // avoid W1029 unneeded hints {$endif} {$ifdef USEPACKAGES} {$undef DOPATCHTRTL} {$endif} {$endif LINUX} {$if CompilerVersion >= 17} {$define ISDELPHI2005ANDUP} // Delphi 2005 or newer {$if CompilerVersion >= 18} {$define ISDELPHI2006ANDUP} // Delphi 2006 or newer {$define HASNEWFILEAGE} {$define HASINLINE} {$define HASINLINEDELPHI} {$define HASINLINENOTX86} {$define HASREGION} {$define HASFASTMM4} // try to define this so that GetMemoryInfo/TSynMonitorMemory returns // low-level FastMM4 information {.$define WITH_FASTMM4STATS} {$ifend} {$ifdef VER180} {$define ISDELPHI20062007} // to circumvent some specific bugs {$endif} {$ifdef VER185} {$define ISDELPHI20062007} {$endif} {$if CompilerVersion > 18} {$define ISDELPHI2007ANDUP} // Delphi 2007 or newer {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion = 20} {$define ISDELPHI20092010} // specific compilation issues {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion = 21} {$define ISDELPHI20092010} //specific compilation issues {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 21.0} {$define ISDELPHI2010} {$define ISDELPHI2010_OR_FPC} // eltype2 field {$define ISDELPHI2010_OR_FPC_NEWRTTI} {$define HASTTHREADSTART} {$define HASINTERFACEASTOBJECT} {$ifdef NEWRTTINOTUSED} // option reduce EXE size by disabling much RTTI {$WEAKLINKRTTI ON} {$RTTI EXPLICIT METHODS([]) PROPERTIES([]) FIELDS([])} {$endif NEWRTTINOTUSED} {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 22.0} {$define FPC_OR_DELPHIXE} // Delphi 2007/2009/2010 inlining bugs {$define ISDELPHIXE} {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 23.0} // Delphi XE2 has some cross-platform features // e.g. {$ifdef ISDELPHIXE2}VCL.Graphics{$else}Graphics{$endif} {$define ISDELPHIXE2} {$define HASVARUSTRARG} {$define HASTTHREADTERMINATESET} // introduced TThread.TerminateSet {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 24.0} {$define ISDELPHIXE3} {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 25.0} {$define ISDELPHIXE4} {$define FPC_OR_DELPHIXE4} // circumvent Internal Error: C2130 on XE3 {$define HASAESNI} {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 26.0} {$define ISDELPHIXE5} {$define PUBLISHRECORD} // if defined, will handle RTTI available only since Delphi XE5 for // record published properties {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 27.0} {$define ISDELPHIXE6} {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 28.0} {$define ISDELPHIXE7} {$ifdef CPU64} {$define CPUX64ASM} // e.g. Delphi XE4 SSE asm is buggy :( {$endif} {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 29.0} {$define ISDELPHIXE8} {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 30.0} {$define ISDELPHI10} {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 31.0} {$define ISDELPHI101} {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 32.0} {$define ISDELPHI102} {$ifdef CPUX64} {$ifdef VER320withoutAprilUpdate} // circumvent early Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Win64 compiler bug {$undef HASINLINE} {$define HASINLINENOTX86} {$endif} {$endif} {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 33.0} {$define ISDELPHI103} {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 34.0} {$define ISDELPHI104} {$ifend} {$if CompilerVersion >= 35.0} {$define ISDELPHI11} {$ifend} {$ifend CompilerVersion >= 17} {$ifopt O-} // if we don't expect fast code, don't optimize the framework {$undef ENHANCEDRTL} {$undef DOPATCHTRTL} {$endif} {$ELSE} // Delphi 5 or older {$define DELPHI6OROLDER} {$define DELPHI5OROLDER} {$define DELPHI5ORFPC} {$define MSWINDOWS} {$define NOVARIANTS} {$define NOVARCOPYPROC} {$undef ENHANCEDRTL} // Delphi 5 doesn't have our Enhanced Runtime library {$define EXTENDEDTOSHORT_USESTR} // no TFormatSettings before Delphi 7 {$undef DOPATCHTRTL} {$ENDIF CONDITIONALEXPRESSIONS} {$endif FPC} (********************** Shared Conditionals **********************) {$ifdef PUREPASCAL} {$define NODELPHIASM} {$define FPC_OR_PUREPASCAL} {$else} {$endif PUREPASCAL} {$H+} // we use long strings {$R-} // disable Range checking in our code {$S-} // disable Stack checking in our code {$X+} // expect extended syntax {$W-} // disable stack frame generation {$Q-} // disable overflow checking in our code {$B-} // expect short circuit boolean {$V-} // disable Var-String Checking {$T-} // Typed @ operator {$Z1} // enumerators stored as byte by default {$ifndef FPC} {$P+} // Open string params {$ifdef VER150} {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED OFF} {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} {$WARN UNSAFE_CODE OFF} {$WARN UNSAFE_CAST OFF} {$ENDIF} {$ifdef CONDITIONALEXPRESSIONS} // Delphi 6 or newer {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} {$WARN UNIT_PLATFORM OFF} {$endif} {$endif FPC} {$ifdef CPUINTEL} {$ifdef CPUX86} // safest to reset x87 exceptions {$ifndef PUREPASCAL} {$ifndef DELPHI5OROLDER} {$define RESETFPUEXCEPTION} {$endif} {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef DISABLE_SSE42} {$undef FORCE_STRSSE42} {$endif DISABLE_SSE42} {$else} {$undef HASAESNI} // AES-NI is an Intel-specific feature {$define ABSOLUTEPASCALORNOTINTEL} {$endif CPUINTEL} {$ifdef ABSOLUTEPASCAL} {$define ABSOLUTEORPUREPASCAL} {$define ABSOLUTEPASCALORNOTINTEL} {$define PUREPASCAL} {$endif ABSOLUTEPASCAL} {$ifdef PUREPASCAL} {$define ABSOLUTEORPUREPASCAL} {$endif PUREPASCAL} {$define WITHLOG} // if defined, logging will be supported via the TSQLLog family // - should be left defined: TSQLog.Family.Level default setting won't log // anything, so there won't be any noticeable performance penalty to have // this WITHLOG conditional defined, which is expected by high-level part // of the framework, like DDD or UI units {$ifdef FPC} {$ifndef FPCSQLITE3STATIC} // see above about this FPC-specific conditional {$define NOSQLITE3STATIC} {$endif} {$else} // there is a linking bug with Delphi XE4 on Win64 {$ifdef CPUX64} {$if CompilerVersion = 25.0} // exactly XE4 {$define NOSQLITE3STATIC} // :( to avoid "Fatal: F2084 Internal Error: AV004A7B1F-R03BDA7B0-0" {$ifend} {$endif} // other Win32/Win64 Delphi platforms should work as expected {$endif FPC} {$ifdef NOSQLITE3STATIC} // our proprietary crypto expects a statically linked custom sqlite3.c {$define NOSQLITE3ENCRYPT} {$endif NOSQLITE3STATIC} {$ifdef MSWINDOWS} {$define USEWININET} // publish TWinINet/TWinHttp/TWinHttpAPI classes {.$define ONLYUSEHTTPSOCKET} // for testing (no benefit vs http.sys) {.$define USELIBCURL} // for testing (no benefit vs WinHTTP) {$else} {$define ONLYUSEHTTPSOCKET} // http.sys server is Windows-specific // cross-platform libcurl for https -> TCurlHttp and TSQLHttpClientCurl {$define USELIBCURL} {$ifdef ANDROID} // for Android, consider using https://github.com/gcesarmza/curl-android-ios // static libraries and force USELIBCURL in the project conditionals {$define LIBCURLSTATIC} {$endif ANDROID} {$endif MSWINDOWS} {$ifdef USELIBCURL} {.$define LIBCURLMULTI} // enable https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-multi.html interface {$endif USELIBCURL}