// *************************************************************************** } // // Delphi MVC Framework // // Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team // // https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework // // *************************************************************************** // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // *************************************************************************** unit MVCFramework.RQL.Parser; interface uses System.Generics.Collections, System.Math, System.SysUtils, MVCFramework.Commons; { http://www.persvr.org/rql/ https://github.com/persvr/rql http://dundalek.com/rql https://www.sitepen.com/blog/2010/11/02/resource-query-language-a-query-language-for-the-web-nosql/ Here is a definition of the common operators (individual stores may have support for more less operators): eq(,) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is equal to the provided value lt(,) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is less than the provided value le(,) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is less than or equal to the provided value gt(,) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is greater than the provided value ge(,) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is greater than or equal to the provided value ne(,) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is not equal to the provided value and(,,...) - Applies all the given queries or(,,...) - The union of the given queries sort(<+|->,) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is an array and the array contains any value that equals the provided value or satisfies the provided expression. in(,) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is in the provided array out(,) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is not in the provided array //////NOT AVAILABLES select(,,...) - Trims each object down to the set of properties defined in the arguments values() - Returns an array of the given property value for each object aggregate(,...) - Aggregates the array, grouping by objects that are distinct for the provided properties, and then reduces the remaining other property values using the provided functions distinct() - Returns a result set with duplicates removed excludes(,) - Filters for objects where the specified property's value is an array and the array does not contain any of value that equals the provided value or satisfies the provided expression. rel(,) - Applies the provided query against the linked data of the provided relation name. sum() - Finds the sum of every value in the array or if the property argument is provided, returns the sum of the value of property for every object in the array mean() - Finds the mean of every value in the array or if the property argument is provided, returns the mean of the value of property for every object in the array max() - Finds the maximum of every value in the array or if the property argument is provided, returns the maximum of the value of property for every object in the array min() - Finds the minimum of every value in the array or if the property argument is provided, returns the minimum of the value of property for every object in the array recurse() - Recursively searches, looking in children of the object as objects in arrays in the given property value first() - Returns the first record of the query's result set one() - Returns the first and only record of the query's result set, or produces an error if the query's result set has more or less than one record in it. count() - Returns the count of the number of records in the query's result set } type TRQLToken = (tkEq, tkLt, tkLe, tkGt, tkGe, tkNe, tkAnd, tkOr, tkSort, tkLimit, { RQL } tkAmpersand, tkEOF, tkOpenPar, tkClosedPar, tkOpenBracket, tkCloseBracket, tkComma, tkSemicolon, tkPlus, tkMinus, tkDblQuote, tkQuote, tkSpace, tkContains, tkIn, tkOut, tkUnknown); TRQLValueType = (vtInteger, vtString, vtBoolean, vtNull, vtIntegerArray, vtStringArray); TRQLCustom = class; TRQLAbstractSyntaxTree = class(TObjectList) public constructor Create; function TreeContainsToken(const aToken: TRQLToken; out aFoundItem: TRQLCustom): Boolean; end; TRQLCompiler = class abstract private fMapping: TMVCFieldsMapping; protected function GetDatabaseFieldName(const RQLPropertyName: string): string; function QuoteStringArray(const aStringArray: TArray): TArray; public constructor Create(const Mapping: TMVCFieldsMapping); virtual; procedure AST2SQL(const aRQLAST: TRQLAbstractSyntaxTree; out aSQL: string); virtual; abstract; // Overwritten by descendant if the SQL syntaxt requires more than the simple table name // or if the table name contains spaces. function GetTableNameForSQL(const TableName: string): string; virtual; // Overwritten by descendant if the SQL syntaxt requires more than the simple field name // or if the field name contains spaces. function GetFieldNameForSQL(const FieldName: string): string; virtual; function GetParamNameForSQL(const FieldName: string): string; virtual; end; TRQLCompilerClass = class of TRQLCompiler; TRQLCustom = class abstract public Token: TRQLToken; constructor Create; virtual; end; TRQLCustomOperator = class abstract(TRQLCustom) end; TRQLWhere = class(TRQLCustom) end; /// /// "limit" function. "Start" is 0 based. /// TRQLLimit = class(TRQLCustom) public Start: Int64; Count: Int64; end; TRQLFilter = class(TRQLCustomOperator) public OpLeft: string; OpRight: string; OpRightArray: TArray; RightValueType: TRQLValueType; end; TRQLLogicOperator = class(TRQLCustom) private fRQLFilter: TObjectList; public constructor Create(const Token: TRQLToken); reintroduce; destructor Destroy; override; property FilterAST: TObjectList read fRQLFilter; procedure AddRQLCustom(const aRQLCustom: TRQLCustom); end; TRQLSort = class(TRQLCustom) private fFields: TList; fSigns: TList; public constructor Create; override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Add(const Sign, FieldName: string); property Fields: TList read fFields; property Signs: TList read fSigns; const SIGNS_DESCR: array [tkPlus .. tkMinus] of string = ('+', '-'); end; ERQLException = class(Exception) end; ERQLCompilerNotFound = class(ERQLException) end; TRQL2SQL = class private fCurIdx: Integer; fInput: string; fAST: TRQLAbstractSyntaxTree; fSavedPos: Integer; fInputLength: Integer; fCurr: Char; fCurrToken: TRQLToken; fMaxRecordCount: Int64; protected /// /// RQL Sections function ParseFilters: Boolean; function ParseSort: Boolean; function ParseLimit: Boolean; /// ///RQL functions procedure ParseBinOperator(const aToken: TRQLToken; const aAST: TObjectList); procedure ParseLogicOperator(const aToken: TRQLToken; const aAST: TObjectList); procedure ParseSortLimit(const Required: Boolean); /// //Parser utils function MatchFieldName(out lFieldName: string): Boolean; function MatchFieldStringValue(out lFieldValue: string): Boolean; function MatchFieldNumericValue(out lFieldValue: string): Boolean; function MatchFieldArrayValue(out lFieldValue: string): Boolean; function MatchFieldBooleanValue(out lFieldValue: string): Boolean; function MatchFieldNullValue(out lFieldValue: string): Boolean; function MatchSymbol(const Symbol: Char): Boolean; procedure SaveCurPos; procedure BackToLastPos; function C(const LookAhead: UInt8 = 0): Char; function GetToken: TRQLToken; procedure Skip(const Count: UInt8); procedure Error(const Message: string); function IsLetter(const aChar: Char): Boolean; function IsDigit(const aChar: Char): Boolean; procedure EatWhiteSpaces; procedure CheckEOF(const Token: TRQLToken); public constructor Create(const MaxRecordCount: Integer = -1); destructor Destroy; override; procedure Execute( const RQL: string; out SQL: string; const RQLCompiler: TRQLCompiler; const SetArtificialLimit: Boolean = true; const UseFilterOnly: Boolean = False); end; TRQLCompilerRegistry = class sealed private class var sInstance: TRQLCompilerRegistry; class var _Lock: TObject; fCompilers: TDictionary; protected constructor Create; public destructor Destroy; override; class function Instance: TRQLCompilerRegistry; class destructor Destroy; class constructor Create; procedure RegisterCompiler( const aBackend: string; const aRQLBackendClass: TRQLCompilerClass); procedure UnRegisterCompiler(const aBackend: string); function GetCompiler(const aBackend: string): TRQLCompilerClass; function RegisteredCompilers: TArray; end; implementation uses System.Character, System.StrUtils; { TRQL2SQL } procedure TRQL2SQL.BackToLastPos; begin fCurIdx := fSavedPos; end; function TRQL2SQL.C(const LookAhead: UInt8): Char; begin if fCurIdx + LookAhead >= fInputLength then Exit(#0); Result := fInput.Chars[fCurIdx + LookAhead]; fCurr := fInput.Chars[fCurIdx]; end; procedure TRQL2SQL.CheckEOF(const Token: TRQLToken); begin if Token = tkEOF then Error('Unexpected end of expression'); end; constructor TRQL2SQL.Create(const MaxRecordCount: Integer); begin inherited Create; fAST := TRQLAbstractSyntaxTree.Create; fMaxRecordCount := MaxRecordCount; end; destructor TRQL2SQL.Destroy; begin fAST.Free; inherited; end; procedure TRQL2SQL.EatWhiteSpaces; var lToken: TRQLToken; begin while true do begin SaveCurPos; lToken := GetToken; if lToken <> tkSpace then begin BackToLastPos; Break; end else begin Skip(1); end; end; end; procedure TRQL2SQL.Error(const Message: string); var I: Integer; lMsg: string; begin lMsg := ''; for I := 0 to 4 do begin lMsg := lMsg + IfThen(C(I) = #0, '', C(I)); end; if lMsg.Trim.IsEmpty then lMsg := ''; raise ERQLException.CreateFmt('[Error] %s (column %d - found %s)', [message, fCurIdx, lMsg]); end; procedure TRQL2SQL.Execute( const RQL: string; out SQL: string; const RQLCompiler: TRQLCompiler; const SetArtificialLimit: Boolean; const UseFilterOnly: Boolean); var lLimit: TRQLLimit; lRQLItem: TRQLCustom; begin fAST.Clear; fCurIdx := 0; fCurrToken := tkUnknown; fInput := RQL.Trim; fInputLength := Length(RQL); { filters&sort&limit filters&sort filters&limit &sort&limit sort limit } EatWhiteSpaces; if ParseFilters then begin fAST.Insert(0, TRQLWhere.Create); if GetToken = tkSemicolon then begin ParseSortLimit(true); end; end else begin ParseSortLimit(False); end; EatWhiteSpaces; if GetToken <> tkEOF then Error('Expected EOF'); // add artificial limit if SetArtificialLimit and (fMaxRecordCount > -1) and (not fAST.TreeContainsToken(tkLimit, lRQLItem)) then begin lLimit := TRQLLimit.Create; fAST.Add(lLimit); lLimit.Token := tkLimit; lLimit.Start := 0; lLimit.Count := fMaxRecordCount; end; if UseFilterOnly then {If we need only the filter part, remove sort and limit tokens} begin if fAST.TreeContainsToken(tkSort, lRQLItem) then begin fAST.Remove(lRQLItem); end; if fAST.TreeContainsToken(tkLimit, lRQLItem) then begin fAST.Remove(lRQLItem); end; end; // Emit code from AST using backend RQLCompiler.AST2SQL(fAST, SQL); // Emit code from AST using backend // lCompilerClass := TRQLCompilerRegistry.Instance.GetCompiler(RQLBackend); // lCompiler := lCompilerClass.Create(Mapping); // try // lCompiler.AST2SQL(fAST, SQL); // finally // lCompiler.Free; // end; end; function TRQL2SQL.GetToken: TRQLToken; var lChar: Char; begin lChar := C(0); if (lChar = #0) then begin fCurrToken := tkEOF; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = ',') then begin Skip(1); fCurrToken := tkComma; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = ';') then begin Skip(1); fCurrToken := tkSemicolon; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = '+') then begin Skip(1); fCurrToken := tkPlus; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = '"') then begin Skip(1); fCurrToken := tkDblQuote; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = '''') then begin Skip(1); fCurrToken := tkQuote; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = '-') then begin Skip(1); fCurrToken := tkMinus; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = '&') then begin Skip(1); fCurrToken := tkAmpersand; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = '(') then begin Skip(1); fCurrToken := tkOpenPar; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = ')') then begin Skip(1); fCurrToken := tkClosedPar; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = '[') then begin Skip(1); fCurrToken := tkOpenBracket; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = ']') then begin Skip(1); fCurrToken := tkCloseBracket; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = 'e') and (C(1) = 'q') then begin Skip(2); fCurrToken := tkEq; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = 'l') and (C(1) = 't') then begin Skip(2); fCurrToken := tkLt; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = 'l') and (C(1) = 'e') then begin Skip(2); fCurrToken := tkLe; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = 'g') and (C(1) = 't') then begin Skip(2); fCurrToken := tkGt; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = 'g') and (C(1) = 'e') then begin Skip(2); fCurrToken := tkGe; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = 'n') and (C(1) = 'e') then begin Skip(2); fCurrToken := tkNe; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = 'a') and (C(1) = 'n') and (C(2) = 'd') then begin Skip(3); fCurrToken := tkAnd; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = 'o') and (C(1) = 'r') then begin Skip(2); fCurrToken := tkOr; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = 's') and (C(1) = 'o') and (C(2) = 'r') and (C(3) = 't') then begin Skip(4); fCurrToken := tkSort; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = 'l') and (C(1) = 'i') and (C(2) = 'm') and (C(3) = 'i') and (C(4) = 't') then begin Skip(5); fCurrToken := tkLimit; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = 'c') and (C(1) = 'o') and (C(2) = 'n') and (C(3) = 't') and (C(4) = 'a') and (C(5) = 'i') and (C(6) = 'n') and (C(7) = 's') then begin Skip(8); fCurrToken := tkContains; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = 'i') and (C(1) = 'n') then begin Skip(2); fCurrToken := tkIn; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = 'o') and (C(1) = 'u') and (C(2) = 't') then begin Skip(3); fCurrToken := tkOut; Exit(fCurrToken); end; if (lChar = ' ') then begin fCurrToken := tkSpace; Exit(fCurrToken); end; fCurrToken := tkUnknown; Exit(fCurrToken); end; function TRQL2SQL.IsDigit(const aChar: Char): Boolean; begin Result := (aChar >= '0') and (aChar <= '9'); end; function TRQL2SQL.IsLetter(const aChar: Char): Boolean; begin Result := ((aChar >= 'a') and (aChar <= 'z')) or ((aChar >= 'A') and (aChar <= 'Z')); end; { eq(,) } procedure TRQL2SQL.ParseBinOperator(const aToken: TRQLToken; const aAST: TObjectList); var lFieldName, lFieldValue: string; lBinOp: TRQLFilter; lValueType: TRQLValueType; lToken: TRQLToken; lList: TList; lArrayValue: TArray; begin lValueType := TRQLValueType.vtInteger; // default EatWhiteSpaces; if GetToken <> tkOpenPar then Error('Expected "("'); EatWhiteSpaces; if not MatchFieldName(lFieldName) then Error('Expected field'); EatWhiteSpaces; if GetToken <> tkComma then Error('Expected comma'); EatWhiteSpaces; SaveCurPos; lToken := GetToken; if lToken = tkDblQuote then begin if not MatchFieldStringValue(lFieldValue) then Error('Expected string value'); if not MatchSymbol('"') then Error('Unclosed string'); lValueType := vtString; end else if (aToken in [tkIn, tkOut]) and (lToken = tkOpenBracket) then begin lList := TList.Create; try // if not MatchFieldArrayValue(lFieldValue) then // Error('Expected array value'); EatWhiteSpaces; if C(0) = '"' then begin Skip(1); lValueType := vtStringArray; while MatchFieldStringValue(lFieldValue) do begin lList.Add(lFieldValue); if not MatchSymbol('"') then Error('Expected ''"'''); EatWhiteSpaces; if not MatchSymbol(',') then Break; EatWhiteSpaces; if GetToken <> tkDblQuote then Error('Expected ["]'); end; end else begin lValueType := vtIntegerArray; while MatchFieldNumericValue(lFieldValue) do begin lList.Add(lFieldValue); EatWhiteSpaces; if not MatchSymbol(',') then Break; EatWhiteSpaces; end; end; if not MatchSymbol(']') then Error('Unclosed bracket'); lArrayValue := lList.ToArray; finally lList.Free; end; end else begin BackToLastPos; if MatchFieldBooleanValue(lFieldValue) then lValueType := vtBoolean else if MatchFieldNullValue(lFieldValue) then lValueType := vtNull else if MatchFieldNumericValue(lFieldValue) then lValueType := vtInteger else Error('Expected numeric, boolean or null value'); end; EatWhiteSpaces; if GetToken <> tkClosedPar then Error('Expected ")"'); lBinOp := TRQLFilter.Create; aAST.Add(lBinOp); lBinOp.Token := aToken; lBinOp.OpLeft := lFieldName; lBinOp.RightValueType := lValueType; if lBinOp.RightValueType in [vtIntegerArray, vtStringArray] then lBinOp.OpRightArray := lArrayValue else lBinOp.OpRight := lFieldValue; end; function TRQL2SQL.ParseFilters: Boolean; var lTk: TRQLToken; begin EatWhiteSpaces; SaveCurPos; Result := true; lTk := GetToken; case lTk of tkEq, tkLt, tkLe, tkGt, tkGe, tkNe, tkContains, tkIn, tkOut: begin ParseBinOperator(lTk, fAST); end; tkAnd, tkOr: begin ParseLogicOperator(lTk, fAST); end; else begin Result := False; BackToLastPos; end; end; end; function TRQL2SQL.ParseLimit: Boolean; var lStart: string; lCount: string; lRQLLimit: TRQLLimit; begin SaveCurPos; if GetToken <> tkLimit then begin BackToLastPos; Exit(False); end; if GetToken <> tkOpenPar then Error('Expected "("'); if not MatchFieldNumericValue(lStart) then Error('Expected number'); if GetToken <> tkComma then Error('Expected comma'); if not MatchFieldNumericValue(lCount) then Error('Expected number'); if GetToken <> tkClosedPar then Error('Expected ")"'); lRQLLimit := TRQLLimit.Create; fAST.Add(lRQLLimit); lRQLLimit.Token := tkLimit; lRQLLimit.Start := StrToInt64(lStart); // XE7 compat if fMaxRecordCount > -1 then begin lRQLLimit.Count := Min(StrToInt64(lCount), fMaxRecordCount); end else begin lRQLLimit.Count := StrToInt64(lCount); end; Result := true; end; procedure TRQL2SQL.ParseLogicOperator(const aToken: TRQLToken; const aAST: TObjectList); var lToken: TRQLToken; lLogicOp: TRQLLogicOperator; begin EatWhiteSpaces; lToken := GetToken; if lToken <> tkOpenPar then Error('Expected "("'); EatWhiteSpaces; lLogicOp := TRQLLogicOperator.Create(aToken); aAST.Add(lLogicOp); while true do begin EatWhiteSpaces; lToken := GetToken; case lToken of tkEq, tkLt, tkLe, tkGt, tkGe, tkNe, tkContains, tkIn, tkOut: begin ParseBinOperator(lToken, lLogicOp.FilterAST); end; tkAnd, tkOr: begin ParseLogicOperator(lToken, lLogicOp.FilterAST); end; tkComma: begin // do nothing end; tkClosedPar: begin Break; end; else Error('Expected ")" or '); end; end; end; function TRQL2SQL.ParseSort: Boolean; var lToken: TRQLToken; lFieldName: string; lSort: TRQLSort; begin Result := true; SaveCurPos; if GetToken <> tkSort then begin BackToLastPos; Exit(False); end; if GetToken <> tkOpenPar then Error('Expected "("'); lSort := TRQLSort.Create; fAST.Add(lSort); lSort.Token := tkSort; while true do begin EatWhiteSpaces; lToken := GetToken; if not(lToken in [tkPlus, tkMinus]) then Error('Expected "+" or "-"'); if not MatchFieldName(lFieldName) then Error('Expected field name'); lSort.Add(TRQLSort.SIGNS_DESCR[lToken], lFieldName); SaveCurPos; if GetToken <> tkComma then begin BackToLastPos; Break; end; end; if GetToken <> tkClosedPar then Error('Expected ")"'); end; procedure TRQL2SQL.ParseSortLimit(const Required: Boolean); var lFoundSort: Boolean; lFoundLimit: Boolean; begin EatWhiteSpaces; lFoundSort := ParseSort; EatWhiteSpaces; SaveCurPos; if GetToken <> tkSemicolon then begin BackToLastPos; end; lFoundLimit := ParseLimit; if Required and (not(lFoundSort or lFoundLimit)) then Error('Expected "sort" and/or "limit"'); end; procedure TRQL2SQL.SaveCurPos; begin fSavedPos := fCurIdx; end; procedure TRQL2SQL.Skip(const Count: UInt8); begin Inc(fCurIdx, Count); end; function TRQL2SQL.MatchFieldArrayValue(out lFieldValue: string): Boolean; var lStrFieldValue: string; lNumFieldValue: string; lIntValue: string; begin EatWhiteSpaces; if GetToken = tkDblQuote then begin while MatchFieldStringValue(lStrFieldValue) do begin MatchSymbol('"'); EatWhiteSpaces; if GetToken = tkComma then begin EatWhiteSpaces; MatchSymbol('"'); Continue; end else begin Skip(1); if GetToken <> tkDblQuote then begin Exit(true); end; end; end; end else begin MatchFieldNumericValue(lIntValue); end; while MatchFieldNumericValue(lNumFieldValue) do begin EatWhiteSpaces; if MatchSymbol(',') then begin Continue; end else begin Exit(true); end; end; Result := False; end; function TRQL2SQL.MatchFieldBooleanValue(out lFieldValue: string): Boolean; var lChar: Char; begin lFieldValue := ''; lChar := C(0).ToLower; if (lChar = 't') and (C(1).ToLower = 'r') and (C(2).ToLower = 'u') and (C(3).ToLower = 'e') then begin Skip(4); Result := true; lFieldValue := 'true'; end else if (lChar = 'f') and (C(1).ToLower = 'a') and (C(2).ToLower = 'l') and (C(3).ToLower = 's') and (C(4).ToLower = 'e') then begin Skip(5); Result := true; lFieldValue := 'false'; end else Exit(False) end; function TRQL2SQL.MatchFieldName(out lFieldName: string): Boolean; var lChar: Char; begin Result := true; lChar := C(0); if IsLetter(lChar) then begin lFieldName := lChar; while true do begin Skip(1); lChar := C(0); if IsLetter(lChar) or IsDigit(lChar) or (CharInSet(lChar, ['_'])) then begin lFieldName := lFieldName + lChar; end else Break; end; end else Exit(False); end; function TRQL2SQL.MatchFieldNullValue(out lFieldValue: string): Boolean; var lChar: Char; begin lFieldValue := ''; lChar := C(0).ToLower; if (lChar = 'n') and (C(1).ToLower = 'u') and (C(2).ToLower = 'l') and (C(3).ToLower = 'l') then begin Skip(4); Result := true; lFieldValue := 'NULL'; end else Exit(False) end; function TRQL2SQL.MatchFieldNumericValue(out lFieldValue: string): Boolean; var lChar: Char; begin Result := true; lFieldValue := ''; lChar := C(0); if CharInSet(lChar, ['+', '-']) then begin lFieldValue := lChar; Skip(1); lChar := C(0); end; if IsDigit(lChar) then begin lFieldValue := lFieldValue + lChar; while true do begin Skip(1); lChar := C(0); if IsDigit(lChar) then begin lFieldValue := lFieldValue + lChar; end else Break; end; end else Exit(False); end; function TRQL2SQL.MatchFieldStringValue(out lFieldValue: string): Boolean; var lChar: Char; begin Result := true; while true do begin lChar := C(0); // escape chars if lChar = '\' then begin if C(1) = '"' then begin lFieldValue := lFieldValue + '"'; Skip(2); Continue; end; end; SaveCurPos; CheckEOF(GetToken); BackToLastPos; if lChar <> '"' then begin lFieldValue := lFieldValue + lChar; end else Break; Skip(1); end; end; function TRQL2SQL.MatchSymbol(const Symbol: Char): Boolean; begin Result := C(0) = Symbol; if Result then Skip(1); end; { TRQLCustom } constructor TRQLCustom.Create; begin inherited; Token := tkUnknown; end; { TRQLLogicOperator } procedure TRQLLogicOperator.AddRQLCustom(const aRQLCustom: TRQLCustom); begin fRQLFilter.Add(aRQLCustom); end; constructor TRQLLogicOperator.Create(const Token: TRQLToken); begin inherited Create; Self.Token := Token; fRQLFilter := TObjectList.Create(true); end; destructor TRQLLogicOperator.Destroy; begin fRQLFilter.Free; inherited; end; procedure TRQLSort.Add(const Sign, FieldName: string); begin if (Sign <> '+') and (Sign <> '-') then raise Exception.Create('Invalid Sign: ' + Sign); fFields.Add(FieldName); fSigns.Add(Sign); end; constructor TRQLSort.Create; begin inherited; fFields := TList.Create; fSigns := TList.Create; end; destructor TRQLSort.Destroy; begin fFields.Free; fSigns.Free; inherited; end; constructor TRQLCompilerRegistry.Create; begin inherited; fCompilers := TDictionary.Create; end; destructor TRQLCompilerRegistry.Destroy; begin fCompilers.Free; inherited; end; class constructor TRQLCompilerRegistry.Create; begin _Lock := TObject.Create; end; class destructor TRQLCompilerRegistry.Destroy; begin _Lock.Free; sInstance.Free; end; function TRQLCompilerRegistry.GetCompiler(const aBackend: string): TRQLCompilerClass; begin if not fCompilers.TryGetValue(aBackend, Result) then begin raise ERQLCompilerNotFound.Create('RQL Compiler not found'); end; end; class function TRQLCompilerRegistry.Instance: TRQLCompilerRegistry; begin if not Assigned(sInstance) then begin TMonitor.Enter(_Lock); try if not Assigned(sInstance) then begin sInstance := TRQLCompilerRegistry.Create; end; finally TMonitor.Exit(_Lock); end; end; Result := sInstance; end; procedure TRQLCompilerRegistry.RegisterCompiler(const aBackend: string; const aRQLBackendClass: TRQLCompilerClass); begin fCompilers.AddOrSetValue(aBackend, aRQLBackendClass); end; function TRQLCompilerRegistry.RegisteredCompilers: TArray; begin Result := fCompilers.Keys.ToArray; end; procedure TRQLCompilerRegistry.UnRegisterCompiler(const aBackend: string); begin fCompilers.Remove(aBackend); end; { TRQLCompiler } constructor TRQLCompiler.Create(const Mapping: TMVCFieldsMapping); begin inherited Create; fMapping := Mapping; end; function TRQLCompiler.GetDatabaseFieldName( const RQLPropertyName: string): string; var lField: TMVCFieldMap; lRQLProperty: string; begin if Length(fMapping) = 0 then begin { If there isn't a mapping, then just pass the RQLProperty as DataBaseFieldName } Result := RQLPropertyName; Exit; end; lRQLProperty := RQLPropertyName.ToLower; for lField in fMapping do begin if lField.InstanceFieldName = lRQLProperty then Exit(GetFieldNameForSQL(lField.DatabaseFieldName)); end; { TODO -oDanieleT -cGeneral : Here we should consider also MVCNameAs attribute to find the name } raise ERQLException.CreateFmt('Property %s does not exist or is transient and cannot be used in RQL', [RQLPropertyName]); end; function TRQLCompiler.GetFieldNameForSQL(const FieldName: string): string; begin if FieldName.Contains(' ') and (FieldName.Chars[0] <> '"') then begin Result := FieldName.QuotedString('"'); end else begin Result := FieldName; end; end; function TRQLCompiler.GetParamNameForSQL(const FieldName: string): string; begin Result := FieldName.Replace(' ', '_', [rfReplaceAll]); end; function TRQLCompiler.GetTableNameForSQL(const TableName: string): string; begin if TableName.Contains(' ') then begin Result := TableName.QuotedString('"'); end else begin Result := TableName; end; end; function TRQLCompiler.QuoteStringArray(const aStringArray: TArray): TArray; var lValue: string; begin SetLength(Result, 0); for lValue in aStringArray do begin SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1); Result[high(Result)] := lValue.QuotedString(''''); end; end; { TRQLAbstractSyntaxTree } constructor TRQLAbstractSyntaxTree.Create; begin inherited Create(true); end; function TRQLAbstractSyntaxTree.TreeContainsToken( const aToken: TRQLToken; out aFoundItem: TRQLCustom): Boolean; var lItem: TRQLCustom; begin Result := False; for lItem in Self do begin if lItem.Token = aToken then begin aFoundItem := lItem; Exit(true); end; end; end; end.