// *************************************************************************** // // Delphi MVC Framework // // Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team // // https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework // // Collaborators on this file: Ezequiel Juliano Müller (ezequieljuliano@gmail.com) // // *************************************************************************** // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // *************************************************************************** unit MVCFramework.Serializer.Commons; {$I dmvcframework.inc} {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED OFF} interface uses System.Rtti, System.Classes, System.SysUtils, System.DateUtils, System.TypInfo, {$IFDEF SYSTEMNETENCODING} System.NetEncoding, {$ELSE} Soap.EncdDecd, {$ENDIF} MVCFramework.Commons, Data.DB, System.Generics.Collections, JsonDataObjects, MVCFramework.DuckTyping; type EMVCSerializationException = class(EMVCException) end; EMVCDeserializationException = class(EMVCException) end; TMVCSerializationType = (stUnknown, stDefault, stProperties, stFields); TMVCNameCase = (ncAsIs, ncUpperCase, ncLowerCase, ncCamelCase, ncPascalCase, ncSnakeCase); TMVCDataType = (dtObject, dtArray); TMVCDatasetSerializationType = (dstSingleRecord, dstAllRecords); TMVCEnumSerializationType = (estEnumName, estEnumOrd, estEnumMappedValues); TMVCIgnoredList = array of string; TMVCSerializationAction = reference to procedure(const AObject: T; const Links: IMVCLinks); TMVCSerializationAction = reference to procedure(const AObject: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks); TMVCDataSetSerializationAction = reference to procedure(const ADataSet: TDataset; const Links: IMVCLinks); TMVCDataSetFieldSerializationAction = reference to procedure(const AField: TField; const AJsonObject: TJsonObject; var Handled: Boolean); MVCValueAsTypeAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private FValueTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; protected { protected declarations } public constructor Create(AValueTypeInfo: PTypeInfo); function ValueTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; end; MVCDoNotSerializeAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) end; MVCDoNotDeSerializeAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) end; MVCSerializeAsStringAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private { private declarations } protected { protected declarations } public { public declarations } end; MVCNameCaseAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private FKeyCase: TMVCNameCase; function GetKeyCase: TMVCNameCase; protected { protected declarations } public constructor Create(const AKeyCase: TMVCNameCase); property KeyCase: TMVCNameCase read GetKeyCase; end; MapperJSONNaming = MVCNameCaseAttribute deprecated 'Use MVCNameCaseAttribute'; MVCNameAsAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private fName: string; fFixed: Boolean; protected { protected declarations } public constructor Create(const AName: string; const Fixed: Boolean = False); property name: string read fName; property Fixed: Boolean read fFixed; end; MapperJSONSer = MVCNameAsAttribute deprecated 'Use MVCNameAsAttribute'; MVCListOfAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private FValue: TClass; protected { protected declarations } public constructor Create(const AValue: TClass); property Value: TClass read FValue; end; MapperListOfAttribute = MVCListOfAttribute deprecated 'Use MVCListOfAttribute'; MVCDataSetFieldAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private FDataType: TMVCDataType; protected { protected declarations } public constructor Create(const ADataType: TMVCDataType); property DataType: TMVCDataType read FDataType; end; MVCSerializeAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private FSerializationType: TMVCSerializationType; protected { protected declarations } public constructor Create(const ASerializationType: TMVCSerializationType); property SerializationType: TMVCSerializationType read FSerializationType; end; MVCColumnAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private FFieldName: string; FIsPK: Boolean; procedure SetFieldName(const Value: string); procedure SetIsPK(const Value: Boolean); public constructor Create(AFieldName: string; AIsPK: Boolean = False); property FieldName: string read FFieldName write SetFieldName; property IsPK: Boolean read FIsPK write SetIsPK; end; MVCEnumSerializationAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private FSerializationType: TMVCEnumSerializationType; FMappedValues: TList; public constructor Create(const ASerializationType: TMVCEnumSerializationType; const AMappedValues: string = ''); destructor Destroy; override; property SerializationType: TMVCEnumSerializationType read FSerializationType; property MappedValues: TList read FMappedValues; end; MVCOwnedAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private fClassRef: TClass; public constructor Create(const ClassRef: TClass = nil); property ClassRef: TClass read fClassRef; end; /// /// Use this attribute in the model class to define a field of type TGuid if at the time of attribute serialization the value /// of the guid field will be obtained without braces. /// Sample: 61013848-8736-4d8b-ad25-91df4c255561 /// MVCSerializeGuidWithoutBracesAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute); TMVCSerializerHelper = record private { private declarations } public class function ApplyNameCase(const NameCase: TMVCNameCase; const Value: string): string; static; class function GetKeyName(const AField: TRttiField; const AType: TRttiType): string; overload; static; class function GetKeyName(const AProperty: TRttiProperty; const AType: TRttiType): string; overload; static; class function HasAttribute(const AMember: TRttiObject): Boolean; overload; static; class function HasAttribute(const AMember: TRttiObject; out AAttribute: T): Boolean; overload; static; class function AttributeExists(const AAttributes: TArray; out AAttribute: T): Boolean; overload; static; class function AttributeExists(const AAttributes: TArray) : Boolean; overload; static; class procedure EncodeStream(AInput, AOutput: TStream); static; class procedure DecodeStream(AInput, AOutput: TStream); static; class function EncodeString(const AInput: string): string; static; class function DecodeString(const AInput: string): string; static; class procedure DeSerializeStringStream(AStream: TStream; const ASerializedString: string; const AEncoding: string); static; class procedure DeSerializeBase64StringStream(AStream: TStream; const ABase64SerializedString: string); static; class function GetTypeKindAsString(const ATypeKind: TTypeKind): string; static; class function StringToTypeKind(const AValue: string): TTypeKind; static; class function CreateObject(const AObjectType: TRttiType): TObject; overload; static; class function CreateObject(const AQualifiedClassName: string): TObject; overload; static; class function IsAPropertyToSkip(const aPropName: string): Boolean; static; inline; end; TMVCLinksCallback = reference to procedure(const Links: TMVCStringDictionary); IMVCResponseData = interface ['{DF69BE0E-3212-4535-8B78-38EEF0F5B656}'] function GetMetadata: TMVCStringDictionary; property MetaData: TMVCStringDictionary read GetMetadata; function GetData: TObject; property Data: TObject read GetData; end; // Well Known Response Objects [MVCNameCase(ncLowerCase)] TMVCResponseBase = class abstract(TInterfacedObject, IMVCResponseData) protected function GetMetadata: TMVCStringDictionary; virtual; abstract; function GetData: TObject; virtual; abstract; end; [MVCNameCase(ncLowerCase)] TMVCTask = class private fID: string; fHREF: string; public property HREF: string read fHREF write fHREF; property ID: string read fID write fID; constructor Create(const HREF, ID: string); end; [MVCNameCase(ncLowerCase)] TMVCAcceptedResponse = class(TMVCResponseBase) private fTask: TMVCTask; public property Task: TMVCTask read fTask; // constructor Create(const aTask: TMVCTask); overload; constructor Create(const HREF, ID: string); destructor Destroy; override; end; [MVCNameCase(ncLowerCase)] TMVCResponseData = class(TMVCResponseBase, IMVCResponseData) private fData: TObject; fMetaData: TMVCStringDictionary; fOwns: Boolean; fDataSetSerializationType: TMVCDatasetSerializationType; protected function GetMetadata: TMVCStringDictionary; override; function GetData: TObject; override; public constructor Create(const AObject: TObject; const AOwns: Boolean = False; const ADataSetSerializationType: TMVCDatasetSerializationType = TMVCDatasetSerializationType. dstAllRecords); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function SerializationType: TMVCDatasetSerializationType; [MVCNameAs('items')] property Items: TObject read GetData; [MVCNameAs('meta')] property MetaData: TMVCStringDictionary read GetMetadata; end deprecated 'Use "ObjectDict"'; TDataObjectHolder = TMVCResponseData deprecated 'Use "ObjectDict"'; THTTPStatusCode = 100 .. 599; TMVCObjectListResponse = class(TMVCResponseData) public constructor Create(const AObject: TObject; Owns: Boolean = True); reintroduce; end; TMVCObjectResponse = class(TMVCResponseData) public constructor Create(const AObject: TObject; Owns: Boolean = True); reintroduce; end; IMVCObjectDictionary = interface ['{B54F02EE-4B3B-4E55-9E6B-FB6CFE746028}'] function Add(const Name: string; const Value: TObject; const SerializationAction: TMVCSerializationAction = nil; const AIgnoredFields: TMVCIgnoredList = nil): IMVCObjectDictionary; overload; function Add(const Name: string; const Value: TDataset; const SerializationAction: TMVCDataSetSerializationAction = nil; const DataSetSerializationType: TMVCDatasetSerializationType = dstAllRecords; const NameCase: TMVCNameCase = TMVCNameCase.ncLowerCase; const AIgnoredFields: TMVCIgnoredList = nil): IMVCObjectDictionary; overload; function TryGetValue(const Name: string; out Value: TObject): Boolean; overload; function Count: Integer; function ContainsKey(const Key: string): Boolean; function Keys: TArray; end; TMVCObjectDictionary = class(TInterfacedObject, IMVCObjectDictionary) public { TMVCSerializationAction = reference to procedure(const AObject: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks); TMVCDataSetSerializationAction = reference to procedure(const ADataSet: TDataset; const Links: IMVCLinks); } type TMVCObjectDictionaryValueItem = class private fOwns: Boolean; fData: TObject; fSerializationAction: TMVCSerializationAction; fDataSetSerializationAction: TMVCDataSetSerializationAction; fDataSetFieldNameCase: TMVCNameCase; fDataSetSerializationType: TMVCDatasetSerializationType; fIgnoredFields: TMVCIgnoredList; public constructor Create(const Owns: Boolean; const Data: TObject; const SerializationAction: TMVCSerializationAction; const AIgnoredFields: TMVCIgnoredList = nil); overload; constructor Create(const Owns: Boolean; const Data: TDataset; const SerializationAction: TMVCDataSetSerializationAction; const DataSetSerializationType: TMVCDatasetSerializationType; const NameCase: TMVCNameCase; const AIgnoredFields: TMVCIgnoredList = nil); overload; destructor Destroy; override; property Data: TObject read fData; property SerializationAction: TMVCSerializationAction read fSerializationAction; property DataSetSerializationAction: TMVCDataSetSerializationAction read fDataSetSerializationAction; property DataSetFieldNameCase: TMVCNameCase read fDataSetFieldNameCase; property IgnoredFields: TMVCIgnoredList read fIgnoredFields; property DataSetSerializationType: TMVCDatasetSerializationType read fDataSetSerializationType; end; strict private function GetItem(const Key: string): TMVCObjectDictionaryValueItem; private fOwnsValueItemData: Boolean; protected fDict: TObjectDictionary; public constructor Create(const OwnsValues: Boolean = True); overload; virtual; constructor Create(const aKey: string; const Value: TObject; const OwnsValues: Boolean = True); overload; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; function Add(const Name: string; const Value: TObject; const SerializationAction: TMVCSerializationAction = nil; const AIgnoredFields: TMVCIgnoredList = nil): IMVCObjectDictionary; overload; function Add(const Name: string; const Value: TDataset; const SerializationAction: TMVCDataSetSerializationAction = nil; const DataSetSerializationType: TMVCDatasetSerializationType = dstAllRecords; const NameCase: TMVCNameCase = TMVCNameCase.ncLowerCase; const AIgnoredFields: TMVCIgnoredList = nil): IMVCObjectDictionary; overload; function TryGetValue(const Name: string; out Value: TObject): Boolean; overload; function Count: Integer; function ContainsKey(const Key: string): Boolean; function Keys: TArray; property Items[const Key: string]: TMVCObjectDictionaryValueItem read GetItem; default; end; IMVCJSONSerializer = interface ['{1FB9E04A-D1D6-4C92-B945-257D81B39A25}'] procedure ObjectToJsonObject(const AObject: TObject; const AJsonObject: TJDOJsonObject; const AType: TMVCSerializationType; const AIgnoredAttributes: TMVCIgnoredList); procedure RecordToJsonObject(const ARecord: Pointer; const ARecordTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; const AJsonObject: TJDOJsonObject; const AType: TMVCSerializationType; const AIgnoredAttributes: TMVCIgnoredList); procedure ListToJsonArray(const AList: IMVCList; const AJsonArray: TJDOJsonArray; const AType: TMVCSerializationType; const AIgnoredAttributes: TMVCIgnoredList; const ASerializationAction: TMVCSerializationAction = nil); procedure JsonObjectToObject(const AJsonObject: TJDOJsonObject; const AObject: TObject; const AType: TMVCSerializationType; const AIgnoredAttributes: TMVCIgnoredList); end; var /// /// Use this variable when you want to convert your local time as UTC or when you receive an UTC ISOTimeStamp and /// do not want to apply the time zone when converting. /// The default value of gLocalTimeStampAsUTC = False. /// /// /// * For gLocalTimeStampAsUTC = False and timezone: - 03:00 /// ISOTimeStamp: 2021-01-11T14:22:17.763Z = DateTime: 2021-01-11 11:22:17.763 /// DateTime: 2021-01-11 14:22:17.763 = ISOTimeStamp: 2021-01-11T14:22:17.763-03:00 /// /// * For gLocalTimeStampAsUTC = True and timezone: - 03:00 /// ISOTimeStamp: 2021-01-11T14:22:17.763Z = DateTime: 2021-01-11 14:22:17 /// DateTime: 2021-01-11 14:22:17.763 = ISOTimeStamp: 2021-01-11T14:22:17.763Z /// gLocalTimeStampAsUTC: Boolean; function DateTimeToISOTimeStamp(const ADateTime: TDateTime): string; function DateToISODate(const ADate: TDateTime): string; function TimeToISOTime(const ATime: TTime): string; procedure MapDataSetFieldToRTTIField(const AField: TField; const aRTTIField: TRttiField; const AObject: TObject); function MapDataSetFieldToNullableRTTIField(const AValue: TValue; const AField: TField; const aRTTIField: TRttiField; const AObject: TObject): Boolean; function MapDataSetFieldToNullableRTTIProperty(const AValue: TValue; const AField: TField; const aRTTIProp: TRttiProperty; const AObject: TObject): Boolean; /// /// Supports ISO8601 in the following formats: /// yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ss /// yyyy-mm-ddThh:nn:ss.000Z /// function ISOTimeStampToDateTime(const ADateTime: string): TDateTime; function ISODateToDate(const ADate: string): TDate; function ISOTimeToTime(const ATime: string): TTime; const JSONNameLowerCase = ncLowerCase deprecated 'Use MVCNameCaseAttribute(ncLowerCase)'; JSONNameUpperCase = ncUpperCase deprecated 'Use MVCNameCaseAttribute(ncUpperCase)'; function StrDict: TMVCStringDictionary; overload; function StrDict(const aKeys: array of string; const aValues: array of string) : TMVCStringDictionary; overload; function ObjectDict(const OwnsValues: Boolean = True): IMVCObjectDictionary; function GetPaginationMeta(const CurrPageNumber: UInt32; const CurrPageSize: UInt32; const DefaultPageSize: UInt32; const URITemplate: string): TMVCStringDictionary; procedure RaiseSerializationError(const Msg: string); procedure RaiseDeSerializationError(const Msg: string); implementation uses Data.FmtBcd, MVCFramework.Nullables, System.Generics.Defaults; procedure RaiseSerializationError(const Msg: string); begin raise EMVCSerializationException.Create(Msg) at ReturnAddress; end; procedure RaiseDeSerializationError(const Msg: string); begin raise EMVCDeSerializationException.Create(Msg) at ReturnAddress; end; function StrDict: TMVCStringDictionary; overload; begin Result := TMVCStringDictionary.Create; end; function GetPaginationMeta(const CurrPageNumber: UInt32; const CurrPageSize: UInt32; const DefaultPageSize: UInt32; const URITemplate: string): TMVCStringDictionary; var lMetaKeys: array of string; lMetaValues: array of string; begin Insert('curr_page', lMetaKeys, 0); Insert(CurrPageNumber.ToString(), lMetaValues, 0); if CurrPageNumber > 1 then begin Insert('prev_page_uri', lMetaKeys, 0); Insert(Format(URITemplate, [(CurrPageNumber - 1)]), lMetaValues, 0); end; if CurrPageSize = DefaultPageSize then begin Insert('next_page_uri', lMetaKeys, 0); Insert(Format(URITemplate, [(CurrPageNumber + 1)]), lMetaValues, 0); end; Result := StrDict(lMetaKeys, lMetaValues); end; function ObjectDict(const OwnsValues: Boolean): IMVCObjectDictionary; begin Result := TMVCObjectDictionary.Create(OwnsValues); end; function StrDict(const aKeys: array of string; const aValues: array of string) : TMVCStringDictionary; overload; var I: Integer; begin if Length(aKeys) <> Length(aValues) then begin raise EMVCException.CreateFmt('Dict error. Got %d keys but %d values', [Length(aKeys), Length(aValues)]); end; Result := StrDict(); for I := low(aKeys) to high(aKeys) do begin Result.Add(aKeys[I], aValues[I]); end; end; function DateTimeToISOTimeStamp(const ADateTime: TDateTime): string; begin Result := DateToISO8601(ADateTime, gLocalTimeStampAsUTC); end; function DateToISODate(const ADate: TDateTime): string; begin Result := FormatDateTime('YYYY-MM-DD', ADate); end; function TimeToISOTime(const ATime: TTime): string; var fs: TFormatSettings; begin fs.TimeSeparator := ':'; Result := FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss', ATime, fs); end; function ISOTimeStampToDateTime(const ADateTime: string): TDateTime; var lDateTime: string; lIsUTC: Boolean; begin lDateTime := ADateTime; if lDateTime.Length < 19 then raise Exception.CreateFmt ('Invalid parameter "%s". Hint: DateTime parameters must be formatted in ISO8601 (e.g. 2010-10-12T10:12:23)', [ADateTime]); if lDateTime.Chars[10] = ' ' then begin lDateTime := lDateTime.Substring(0, 10) + 'T' + lDateTime.Substring(11); end; lIsUTC := lDateTime.Length > 19; Result := ISO8601ToDate(lDateTime, True); if lIsUTC and (not gLocalTimeStampAsUTC) then begin Result := TTimeZone.Local.ToLocalTime(Result); end; end; function ISODateToDate(const ADate: string): TDate; begin Result := EncodeDate(StrToInt(Copy(ADate, 1, 4)), StrToInt(Copy(ADate, 6, 2)), StrToInt(Copy(ADate, 9, 2))); end; function ISOTimeToTime(const ATime: string): TTime; begin Result := EncodeTime(StrToInt(Copy(ATime, 1, 2)), StrToInt(Copy(ATime, 4, 2)), StrToInt(Copy(ATime, 7, 2)), 0); end; { TMVCSerializerHelper } class procedure TMVCSerializerHelper.DeSerializeBase64StringStream(AStream: TStream; const ABase64SerializedString: string); var SS: TStringStream; begin AStream.Size := 0; SS := TStringStream.Create(ABase64SerializedString, TEncoding.ASCII); try SS.Position := 0; DecodeStream(SS, AStream); finally SS.Free; end; end; class procedure TMVCSerializerHelper.DeSerializeStringStream(AStream: TStream; const ASerializedString: string; const AEncoding: string); var Encoding: TEncoding; SS: TStringStream; begin AStream.Position := 0; Encoding := TEncoding.GetEncoding(AEncoding); SS := TStringStream.Create(ASerializedString, Encoding); try SS.Position := 0; AStream.CopyFrom(SS, SS.Size); finally SS.Free; end; end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.GetKeyName(const AField: TRttiField; const AType: TRttiType): string; var Attrs: TArray; Attr: TCustomAttribute; begin { Dear future me... Yes, this method is called a lot of times, but after some tests seems that the performance loss is very low, so if you don't have any new evidence don't try to improve it... } Result := AField.Name; Attrs := AField.GetAttributes; for Attr in Attrs do begin if Attr is MVCNameAsAttribute then begin Exit(MVCNameAsAttribute(Attr).Name); end; end; Attrs := AType.GetAttributes; for Attr in Attrs do begin if Attr is MVCNameCaseAttribute then begin Exit(TMVCSerializerHelper.ApplyNameCase(MVCNameCaseAttribute(Attr).KeyCase, AField.Name)); end; end; end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.AttributeExists(const AAttributes: TArray; out AAttribute: T): Boolean; var Att: TCustomAttribute; begin AAttribute := nil; for Att in AAttributes do if Att is T then begin AAttribute := T(Att); Break; end; Result := (AAttribute <> nil); end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.ApplyNameCase(const NameCase: TMVCNameCase; const Value: string): string; begin case NameCase of ncUpperCase: begin Result := UpperCase(Value); end; ncLowerCase: begin Result := LowerCase(Value); end; ncCamelCase: begin Result := CamelCase(Value); end; ncPascalCase: begin Result := CamelCase(Value, True); end; ncSnakeCase: begin Result := SnakeCase(Value); end; ncAsIs: begin Result := Value; end else raise Exception.Create('Invalid NameCase'); end; end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.AttributeExists(const AAttributes : TArray): Boolean; var Att: TCustomAttribute; begin Result := False; for Att in AAttributes do if Att is T then Exit(True); end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.CreateObject(const AObjectType: TRttiType): TObject; var MetaClass: TClass; Method: TRttiMethod; begin MetaClass := nil; Method := nil; for Method in AObjectType.GetMethods do if Method.HasExtendedInfo and Method.IsConstructor then if Length(Method.GetParameters) = 0 then begin MetaClass := AObjectType.AsInstance.MetaclassType; Break; end; if Assigned(MetaClass) then Result := Method.Invoke(MetaClass, []).AsObject else raise EMVCException.CreateFmt('Cannot find a propert constructor for %s', [AObjectType.ToString]); end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.CreateObject(const AQualifiedClassName: string): TObject; var Context: TRttiContext; ObjectType: TRttiType; begin {$IF not Defined(TokyoOrBetter)} Result := nil; {$ENDIF} Context := TRttiContext.Create; try ObjectType := Context.FindType(AQualifiedClassName); if Assigned(ObjectType) then Result := CreateObject(ObjectType) else raise Exception.CreateFmt ('Cannot find RTTI for %s. Hint: Is the specified classtype linked in the module?', [AQualifiedClassName]); finally Context.Free; end; end; class procedure TMVCSerializerHelper.DecodeStream(AInput, AOutput: TStream); begin {$IFDEF SYSTEMNETENCODING} TNetEncoding.Base64.Decode(AInput, AOutput); {$ELSE} Soap.EncdDecd.DecodeStream(AInput, AOutput); {$ENDIF} end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.DecodeString(const AInput: string): string; begin {$IFDEF SYSTEMNETENCODING} Result := TNetEncoding.Base64.Decode(AInput); {$ELSE} Result := Soap.EncdDecd.DecodeString(AInput); {$ENDIF} end; class procedure TMVCSerializerHelper.EncodeStream(AInput, AOutput: TStream); begin {$IFDEF SYSTEMNETENCODING} TNetEncoding.Base64.Encode(AInput, AOutput); {$ELSE} Soap.EncdDecd.EncodeStream(AInput, AOutput); {$ENDIF} end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.EncodeString(const AInput: string): string; begin {$IFDEF SYSTEMNETENCODING} Result := TNetEncoding.Base64.Encode(AInput); {$ELSE} Result := Soap.EncdDecd.EncodeString(AInput); {$ENDIF} end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.GetKeyName(const AProperty: TRttiProperty; const AType: TRttiType): string; var Attrs: TArray; Attr: TCustomAttribute; begin { TODO -oDanieleT -cGeneral : in un rendering di una lista, quante volte viene chiamata questa funzione? } { Tante volte, ma eliminando tutta la logica si guadagnerebbe al massiom il 6% nel caso tipico, forse non vale la pena di aggiungere una cache apposita } Result := AProperty.Name; Attrs := AProperty.GetAttributes; for Attr in Attrs do begin if Attr is MVCNameAsAttribute then begin Result := MVCNameAsAttribute(Attr).Name; if MVCNameAsAttribute(Attr).Fixed then { if FIXED the attribute NameAs remains untouched } begin Exit end else begin Break; end; end; end; Attrs := AType.GetAttributes; for Attr in Attrs do begin if Attr is MVCNameCaseAttribute then begin Exit(TMVCSerializerHelper.ApplyNameCase(MVCNameCaseAttribute(Attr).KeyCase, Result)); end; end; end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.GetTypeKindAsString(const ATypeKind: TTypeKind): string; begin Result := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TTypeKind), Ord(ATypeKind)); Result := Result.Remove(0, 2).ToLower; end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.HasAttribute(const AMember: TRttiObject): Boolean; var Attrs: TArray; Attr: TCustomAttribute; begin Result := False; Attrs := AMember.GetAttributes; if Length(Attrs) = 0 then Exit(False); for Attr in Attrs do if Attr is T then Exit(True); end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.HasAttribute(const AMember: TRttiObject; out AAttribute: T): Boolean; var Attrs: TArray; Attr: TCustomAttribute; begin AAttribute := nil; Result := False; Attrs := AMember.GetAttributes; for Attr in Attrs do if Attr is T then begin AAttribute := T(Attr); Exit(True); end; end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.IsAPropertyToSkip(const aPropName: string): Boolean; begin Result := (aPropName = 'RefCount') or (aPropName = 'Disposed'); end; class function TMVCSerializerHelper.StringToTypeKind(const AValue: string): TTypeKind; begin Result := TTypeKind(GetEnumValue(TypeInfo(TTypeKind), 'tk' + AValue)); end; { MVCValueAsTypeAttribute } constructor MVCValueAsTypeAttribute.Create(AValueTypeInfo: PTypeInfo); begin inherited Create; FValueTypeInfo := AValueTypeInfo; end; function MVCValueAsTypeAttribute.ValueTypeInfo: PTypeInfo; begin Result := FValueTypeInfo; end; { MVCNameCaseAttribute } constructor MVCNameCaseAttribute.Create(const AKeyCase: TMVCNameCase); begin inherited Create; FKeyCase := AKeyCase; end; function MVCNameCaseAttribute.GetKeyCase: TMVCNameCase; begin Result := FKeyCase; end; { MVCNameAsAttribute } constructor MVCNameAsAttribute.Create(const AName: string; const Fixed: Boolean = False); begin inherited Create; fName := AName; fFixed := Fixed; end; { MVCListOfAttribute } constructor MVCListOfAttribute.Create(const AValue: TClass); begin inherited Create; FValue := AValue; end; { MVCDataSetFieldAttribute } constructor MVCDataSetFieldAttribute.Create(const ADataType: TMVCDataType); begin inherited Create; FDataType := ADataType; end; { MVCSerializeAttribute } constructor MVCSerializeAttribute.Create(const ASerializationType: TMVCSerializationType); begin inherited Create; FSerializationType := ASerializationType; end; { MVCColumnAttribute } constructor MVCColumnAttribute.Create(AFieldName: string; AIsPK: Boolean); begin inherited Create; FFieldName := AFieldName; FIsPK := AIsPK; end; procedure MVCColumnAttribute.SetFieldName(const Value: string); begin FFieldName := Value; end; procedure MVCColumnAttribute.SetIsPK(const Value: Boolean); begin FIsPK := Value; end; { MVCEnumSerializationTypeAttribute } constructor MVCEnumSerializationAttribute.Create(const ASerializationType : TMVCEnumSerializationType; const AMappedValues: string); begin FMappedValues := TList.Create(TDelegatedComparer.Create( function(const Left, Right: string): Integer begin Result := CompareText(Left, Right); end)); FSerializationType := ASerializationType; if (FSerializationType = estEnumMappedValues) then begin if AMappedValues.Trim.IsEmpty then raise EMVCException.Create('Mapped values are required for estEnumMappedValues type.'); FMappedValues.AddRange(AMappedValues.Split([',', ';', ' '])); end; end; destructor MVCEnumSerializationAttribute.Destroy; begin FMappedValues.Free; inherited; end; { TMVCTask } constructor TMVCTask.Create(const HREF, ID: string); begin inherited Create; fHREF := HREF; fID := ID; end; { TMVCAcceptedResponse } // constructor TMVCAcceptedResponse.Create(const aTask: TMVCTask); // begin // inherited Create; // fTask := aTask; // end; constructor TMVCAcceptedResponse.Create(const HREF, ID: string); begin inherited Create; fTask := TMVCTask.Create(HREF, ID); end; destructor TMVCAcceptedResponse.Destroy; begin fTask.Free; inherited; end; { TObjectResponseBase } constructor TMVCResponseData.Create(const AObject: TObject; const AOwns: Boolean; const ADataSetSerializationType: TMVCDatasetSerializationType); begin inherited Create; fData := AObject; fMetaData := TMVCStringDictionary.Create; fOwns := AOwns; fDataSetSerializationType := ADataSetSerializationType; end; destructor TMVCResponseData.Destroy; begin fMetaData.Free; if fOwns then begin fData.Free; end; inherited; end; function TMVCResponseData.GetData: TObject; begin Result := fData; end; function TMVCResponseData.GetMetadata: TMVCStringDictionary; begin Result := fMetaData; end; function TMVCResponseData.SerializationType: TMVCDatasetSerializationType; begin Result := fDataSetSerializationType; end; { TMVCObjectListResponse } constructor TMVCObjectListResponse.Create(const AObject: TObject; Owns: Boolean); begin inherited Create(AObject, Owns, dstAllRecords); end; { TMVCObjectResponse } constructor TMVCObjectResponse.Create(const AObject: TObject; Owns: Boolean = True); begin inherited Create(AObject, Owns, dstSingleRecord); end; procedure MapDataSetFieldToRTTIField(const AField: TField; const aRTTIField: TRttiField; const AObject: TObject); var lInternalStream: TStream; lSStream: TStringStream; lValue: TValue; lStrValue: string; {$IF not Defined(TokyoOrBetter)} lFieldValue: string; {$ENDIF} begin lValue := aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject); if lValue.Kind = tkRecord then begin if MapDataSetFieldToNullableRTTIField(lValue, AField, aRTTIField, AObject) then begin Exit; end; end; // if we reached this point, the field is not a nullable type... case AField.DataType of ftString, ftWideString: begin // mysql tinytext is identified as string, but raises an Invalid Class Cast // so we need to do some more checks... case aRTTIField.FieldType.TypeKind of tkString, tkUString: begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, AField.AsString); end; tkWideString: begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, AField.AsWideString); end; tkRecord: begin if TypeInfo(TGUID) = aRTTIField.FieldType.Handle then begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(StringToGUID(AField.AsString))); end else begin raise EMVCException.CreateFmt('Unsupported record type: %s.%s', [aRTTIField.Parent.Name, aRTTIField.Name]); end; end; tkClass: { mysql - maps a tiny field, identified as string, into a TStream } begin lInternalStream := aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsObject as TStream; if lInternalStream = nil then begin raise EMVCException.CreateFmt ('Property target for %s field is nil. [HINT] Initialize the stream before load data', [AField.FieldName]); end; lInternalStream.Size := 0; lStrValue := AField.AsString; if not lStrValue.IsEmpty then begin lInternalStream.Write(lStrValue, Length(lStrValue)); lInternalStream.Position := 0; end; end else begin raise EMVCException.CreateFmt('Unsupported FieldType (%d) for field %s', [Ord(AField.DataType), AField.FieldName]); end; end; // aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, AField.AsString); end; ftLargeint, ftAutoInc: begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, AField.AsLargeInt); end; ftInteger, ftSmallint, ftShortint, ftByte: begin // sqlite doesn't support boolean, so are identified as integers // so we need to do some more checks... if (aRTTIField.FieldType.TypeKind = tkEnumeration) and (aRTTIField.Name.ToLower.Contains('bool')) then begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, AField.AsInteger = 1); end else if (aRTTIField.FieldType.TypeKind = tkEnumeration) then begin TValue(AField.AsInteger).ExtractRawData(PByte(Pointer(AObject)) + aRTTIField.Offset); end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, AField.AsInteger); end; end; ftLongWord, ftWord: begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, AField.AsLongWord); end; ftCurrency: begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, AField.AsCurrency); end; ftFMTBcd: begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, BCDtoCurrency(AField.AsBCD)); end; ftDate: begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, Trunc(AField.AsDateTime)); end; ftDateTime: begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, AField.AsDateTime); end; ftTime: begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, Frac(AField.AsDateTime)); end; ftTimeStamp: begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, AField.AsDateTime); end; ftBoolean: begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, AField.AsBoolean); end; ftMemo, ftWideMemo: begin case aRTTIField.FieldType.TypeKind of tkString, tkUString: begin {TODO -oDanieleT -cGeneral : Optimize this code... too complex} if AField.DataType = ftMemo then aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TMemoField(AField).AsWideString) else if AField.DataType = ftWideMemo then aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TWideMemoField(AField).AsWideString) else begin //https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework/issues/490 (24 nov 2022) //lSStream := TStringStream.Create('', TEncoding.Unicode); lSStream := TStringStream.Create(''); try TBlobField(AField).SaveToStream(lSStream); aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, lSStream.DataString); finally lSStream.Free; end; end; end; tkFloat: { sqlite - date types stored as text } begin if TypeInfo(TDate) = aRTTIField.FieldType.Handle then begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, ISODateToDate(AField.AsString)); end else if TypeInfo(TDateTime) = aRTTIField.FieldType.Handle then begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, ISOTimeStampToDateTime(AField.AsString)); end else if TypeInfo(TTime) = aRTTIField.FieldType.Handle then begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, ISOTimeToTime(AField.AsString)); end else begin RaiseDeSerializationError('Cannot deserialize field ' + AField.FieldName); end; end; tkRecord: begin if TypeInfo(TGUID) = aRTTIField.FieldType.Handle then begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(StringToGUID(AField.AsString))); end else begin raise EMVCException.CreateFmt('Unsupported record type: %s.%s', [aRTTIField.Parent.Name, aRTTIField.Name]); end; end else begin // In case you want to map a binary blob into a Delphi Stream lInternalStream := aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsObject as TStream; if lInternalStream = nil then begin raise EMVCException.CreateFmt('Property target for %s field is nil', [AField.FieldName]); end; lInternalStream.Position := 0; TBlobField(AField).SaveToStream(lInternalStream); lInternalStream.Position := 0; end; end; end; ftBCD: begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, BCDtoCurrency(AField.AsBCD)); end; ftFloat, ftSingle: begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, AField.AsFloat); end; ftBlob: begin lInternalStream := aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsObject as TStream; if AField.IsNull then begin lInternalStream.Free; aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, nil); Exit; end; if lInternalStream = nil then begin lInternalStream := TMemoryStream.Create; aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, lInternalStream); // raise EMVCActiveRecord.CreateFmt('Property target for %s field is nil', [aFieldName]); end; lInternalStream.Position := 0; TBlobField(AField).SaveToStream(lInternalStream); lInternalStream.Position := 0; end; ftGuid: begin {$IF Defined(TokyoOrBetter)} if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.Empty) end else if TypeInfo(NullableTGUID) = aRTTIField.FieldType.Handle then begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsGuid)); end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsGuid)); end; {$ELSE} lFieldValue := AField.AsString; if lFieldValue.IsEmpty then begin lFieldValue := '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}'; end; aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(StringToGUID(lFieldValue))); {$ENDIF} end; ftDBaseOle: // xml begin lSStream := TStringStream.Create('', TEncoding.Unicode); try TBlobField(AField).SaveToStream(lSStream); aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, lSStream.DataString); finally lSStream.Free; end; end else raise EMVCException.CreateFmt('Unsupported FieldType (%d) for field %s', [Ord(AField.DataType), AField.FieldName]); end; end; function MapDataSetFieldToNullableRTTIField(const AValue: TValue; const AField: TField; const aRTTIField: TRttiField; const AObject: TObject): Boolean; var lStr: string; begin Assert(AValue.Kind = tkRecord); Result := False; if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableString)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsString)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableInt32)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsLargeInt)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableUInt32)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsLargeInt)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableInt64)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsLargeInt)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableUInt64)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsLargeInt)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableInt16)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsLargeInt)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableUInt16)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsInteger)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableTDate)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin if not (AField.DataType in [ftWideMemo]) then begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsDateTime)); end else begin {SQLite case...} lStr := AField.AsWideString; aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(ISODateToDate(lStr))); end; end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableTDateTime)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin if not (AField.DataType in [ftWideMemo]) then begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsDateTime)); end else begin {SQLite case...} lStr := AField.AsWideString; aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(ISOTimeStampToDateTime(lStr))); end; end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableTTime)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin if not (AField.DataType in [ftWideMemo]) then begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsDateTime)); end else begin {SQLite case...} lStr := AField.AsWideString; aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(ISOTimeToTime(lStr))); end; end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableBoolean)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsBoolean)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableDouble)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsFloat)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableSingle)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsSingle)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableExtended)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsExtended)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableCurrency)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsCurrency)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableTGUID)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIField.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin {$IF defined(TOKYOORBETTER)} if AField.DataType = ftGuid then aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsGuid)) else {$ENDIF} aRTTIField.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(StringToGUID(AField.AsString))) end; Result := True; end end; function MapDataSetFieldToNullableRTTIProperty(const AValue: TValue; const AField: TField; const aRTTIProp: TRttiProperty; const AObject: TObject): Boolean; begin Assert(AValue.Kind = tkRecord); Result := False; if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableString)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsString)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableInt32)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsLargeInt)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableUInt32)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsLargeInt)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableInt64)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsLargeInt)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableUInt64)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsLargeInt)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableInt16)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsLargeInt)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableUInt16)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsInteger)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableTDate)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsDateTime)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableTDateTime)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsDateTime)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableTTime)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsDateTime)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableBoolean)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsBoolean)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableDouble)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsFloat)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableSingle)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsSingle)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableExtended)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsExtended)); end; Result := True; end else if AValue.IsType(TypeInfo(NullableCurrency)) then begin if AField.IsNull then begin aRTTIProp.GetValue(AObject).AsType().Clear; end else begin aRTTIProp.SetValue(AObject, TValue.From(AField.AsCurrency)); end; Result := True; end end; { TMVCObjectDictionary } function TMVCObjectDictionary.Add(const Name: string; const Value: TObject; const SerializationAction: TMVCSerializationAction; const AIgnoredFields: TMVCIgnoredList): IMVCObjectDictionary; begin fDict.Add(name, TMVCObjectDictionaryValueItem.Create( fOwnsValueItemData, Value, SerializationAction, AIgnoredFields )); Result := Self; end; function TMVCObjectDictionary.Add( const Name: string; const Value: TDataset; const SerializationAction: TMVCDataSetSerializationAction; const DataSetSerializationType: TMVCDatasetSerializationType; const NameCase: TMVCNameCase; const AIgnoredFields: TMVCIgnoredList): IMVCObjectDictionary; begin fDict.Add(name, TMVCObjectDictionaryValueItem.Create( fOwnsValueItemData, Value, SerializationAction, DataSetSerializationType, NameCase, AIgnoredFields)); Result := Self; end; procedure TMVCObjectDictionary.Clear; begin fDict.Clear; end; function TMVCObjectDictionary.ContainsKey(const Key: string): Boolean; begin Result := fDict.ContainsKey(Key); end; function TMVCObjectDictionary.Count: Integer; begin Result := fDict.Count; end; constructor TMVCObjectDictionary.Create(const aKey: string; const Value: TObject; const OwnsValues: Boolean); begin Create(OwnsValues); Add(aKey, Value); end; constructor TMVCObjectDictionary.Create(const OwnsValues: Boolean); begin inherited Create; fOwnsValueItemData := OwnsValues; fDict := TObjectDictionary.Create([doOwnsValues]); end; destructor TMVCObjectDictionary.Destroy; begin fDict.Free; inherited; end; function TMVCObjectDictionary.GetItem(const Key: string): TMVCObjectDictionaryValueItem; begin Result := fDict.Items[Key]; end; function TMVCObjectDictionary.Keys: TArray; begin Result := fDict.Keys.ToArray; end; function TMVCObjectDictionary.TryGetValue(const Name: string; out Value: TObject): Boolean; var lItem: TMVCObjectDictionaryValueItem; begin Result := fDict.TryGetValue(name, lItem); if Result then Value := lItem.Data; end; { TMVCObjectDictionary.TMVCObjectDictionaryValueItem } constructor TMVCObjectDictionary.TMVCObjectDictionaryValueItem.Create( const Owns: Boolean; const Data: TObject; const SerializationAction: TMVCSerializationAction; const AIgnoredFields: TMVCIgnoredList = nil); begin inherited Create; fOwns := Owns; fData := Data; fSerializationAction := SerializationAction; fDataSetFieldNameCase := ncAsIs; { not used } fIgnoredFields := AIgnoredFields; end; constructor TMVCObjectDictionary.TMVCObjectDictionaryValueItem.Create( const Owns: Boolean; const Data: TDataset; const SerializationAction: TMVCDataSetSerializationAction; const DataSetSerializationType: TMVCDatasetSerializationType; const NameCase: TMVCNameCase; const AIgnoredFields: TMVCIgnoredList = nil); begin Create(Owns, Data, nil, AIgnoredFields); fDataSetFieldNameCase := NameCase; fDataSetSerializationType := DataSetSerializationType; fDataSetSerializationAction := SerializationAction; end; destructor TMVCObjectDictionary.TMVCObjectDictionaryValueItem.Destroy; begin if fOwns then fData.Free; inherited; end; { MVCOwnedAttribute } constructor MVCOwnedAttribute.Create(const ClassRef: TClass); begin inherited Create; fClassRef := ClassRef; end; initialization gLocalTimeStampAsUTC := False; end.