{ ******************************************************* } { } { Stomp Client for Embarcadero Delphi & FreePascal } { Tested With ApacheMQ 5.2/5.3 } { Copyright (c) 2009-2009 Daniele Teti } { } { Contributors: } { Daniel Gaspary: dgaspary@gmail.com } { } { WebSite: www.danieleteti.it } { email:d.teti@bittime.it } { ******************************************************* } unit StompTypes; {$ifdef FPC} {$MODE DELPHI} {$endif} interface uses SysUtils, Classes; const LINE_END: char = #10; COMMAND_END: char = #0; DEFAULT_STOMP_PORT = 61613; type TAckMode = (amAuto, amClient); EStomp = class(Exception) end; TKeyValue = record Key: string; Value: string; end; PKeyValue = ^TKeyValue; IStompHeaders = interface ['{BD087D9D-0576-4C35-88F9-F5D6348E3894}'] function Add(Key, Value: string): IStompHeaders; overload; function Add(HeaderItem: TKeyValue): IStompHeaders; overload; function Value(Key: string): string; function Remove(Key: string): IStompHeaders; function IndexOf(Key: string): Integer; function Count: Cardinal; function GetAt(const Index: Integer): TKeyValue; function Output: String; end; IStompFrame = interface ['{68274885-D3C3-4890-A058-03B769B2191E}'] function Output: string; procedure SetHeaders(const Value: IStompHeaders); function GetCommand: string; procedure SetCommand(const Value: string); function GetBody: string; procedure SetBody(const Value: string); function GetHeaders: IStompHeaders; end; IStompClient = interface ['{EDE6EF1D-59EE-4FCC-9CD7-B183E606D949}'] function Receive(out StompFrame: IStompFrame; ATimeout: Integer): Boolean; overload; function Receive: IStompFrame; overload; function Receive(ATimeout: Integer): IStompFrame; overload; procedure Receipt(const ReceiptID: string); procedure Connect(Host: string = ''; Port: Integer = 61613; ClientID: string = ''); procedure Disconnect; procedure Subscribe(QueueOrTopicName: string; Ack: TAckMode = amAuto; Headers: IStompHeaders = nil); procedure Unsubscribe(Queue: string); procedure Send(QueueOrTopicName: string; TextMessage: string; Headers: IStompHeaders = nil); overload; procedure Send(QueueOrTopicName: string; TextMessage: string; TransactionIdentifier: string; Headers: IStompHeaders = nil); overload; procedure Ack(const MessageID: string; const TransactionIdentifier: string = ''); procedure BeginTransaction(const TransactionIdentifier: string); procedure CommitTransaction(const TransactionIdentifier: string); procedure AbortTransaction(const TransactionIdentifier: string); /// //////////// function SetPassword(const Value: string): IStompClient; function SetUserName(const Value: string): IStompClient; function SetReceiveTimeout(const AMilliSeconds: cardinal): IStompClient; function Connected: Boolean; end; TStompHeaders = class(TInterfacedObject, IStompHeaders) private FList: TList; function GetItems(index: Cardinal): TKeyValue; procedure SetItems(index: Cardinal; const Value: TKeyValue); public class function NewDurableSubscriptionHeader(const SubscriptionName: String): TKeyValue; class function NewPersistentHeader(const Value: Boolean): TKeyValue; class function NewReplyToHeader(const DestinationName: String): TKeyValue; /// /////////////////////////////////////////////7 function Add(Key, Value: string): IStompHeaders; overload; function Add(HeaderItem: TKeyValue): IStompHeaders; overload; function Value(Key: string): string; function Remove(Key: string): IStompHeaders; function IndexOf(Key: string): Integer; function Count: Cardinal; function GetAt(const Index: Integer): TKeyValue; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function Output: String; property Items[index: Cardinal]: TKeyValue read GetItems write SetItems; default; end; TStompFrame = class(TInterfacedObject, IStompFrame) private FCommand: string; FBody: string; FHeaders: IStompHeaders; procedure SetHeaders(const Value: IStompHeaders); function GetCommand: string; procedure SetCommand(const Value: string); function GetBody: string; procedure SetBody(const Value: string); function GetHeaders: IStompHeaders; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property Command: string read GetCommand write SetCommand; property Body: string read GetBody write SetBody; // return '', when Key doesn't exist or Value of Key is '' // otherwise, return Value; function Output: string; property Headers: IStompHeaders read GetHeaders write SetHeaders; end; TAddress = record Host: string; Port: Integer; UserName: string; Password: string; end; TAddresses = array of TAddress; IStompClientListener = interface ['{C4C0D932-8994-43FB-9D32-A03FE86AEFE4}'] procedure OnMessage(StompFrame: IStompFrame); end; TStompClientListener = class(TThread) strict protected FStompClientListener: IStompClientListener; FStompClient: IStompClient; procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(StompClient: IStompClient; StompClientListener: IStompClientListener); procedure StopListening; end; type StompUtils = class class function CreateFrame(Buf: string): TStompFrame; class function AckModeToStr(AckMode: TAckMode): string; class function NewHeaders: IStompHeaders; class function NewFrame: IStompFrame; class function TimestampAsDateTime(const HeaderValue: String): TDateTime; end; implementation uses Dateutils; class function TStompHeaders.NewDurableSubscriptionHeader(const SubscriptionName: String): TKeyValue; begin Result.Key := 'activemq.subscriptionName'; Result.Value := SubscriptionName; end; class function TStompHeaders.NewPersistentHeader(const Value: Boolean): TKeyValue; begin Result.Key := 'persistent'; Result.Value := LowerCase(BoolToStr(Value, true)); end; class function TStompHeaders.NewReplyToHeader(const DestinationName: String): TKeyValue; begin Result.Key := 'reply-to'; Result.Value := DestinationName; end; class function StompUtils.NewHeaders: IStompHeaders; begin Result := TStompHeaders.Create; end; class function StompUtils.TimestampAsDateTime(const HeaderValue: String): TDateTime; begin Result := EncodeDateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) + StrToInt64(HeaderValue) / 86400000; end; class function StompUtils.AckModeToStr(AckMode: TAckMode): string; begin case AckMode of amAuto: Result := 'auto'; amClient: Result := 'client'; else raise EStomp.Create('Unknown AckMode'); end; end; constructor TStompFrame.Create; begin FHeaders := TStompHeaders.Create; self.FCommand := ''; self.FBody := ''; end; destructor TStompFrame.Destroy; begin inherited; end; function TStompFrame.GetBody: string; begin Result := FBody; end; function TStompFrame.GetCommand: string; begin Result := FCommand; end; function TStompFrame.GetHeaders: IStompHeaders; begin Result := FHeaders; end; function TStompFrame.Output: String; begin Result := FCommand + LINE_END + FHeaders.Output + LINE_END + FBody + LINE_END + COMMAND_END; end; procedure TStompFrame.SetBody(const Value: string); begin FBody := Value; end; procedure TStompFrame.SetCommand(const Value: string); begin FCommand := Value; end; procedure TStompFrame.SetHeaders(const Value: IStompHeaders); begin FHeaders := Value; end; function GetLine(Buf: string; var From: Integer): string; var i: Integer; begin if (From > Length(Buf)) then raise EStomp.Create('From out of bound.'); i := From; while (i <= Length(Buf)) do begin if (Buf[i] <> LINE_END) then inc(i) else break; end; if (Buf[i] = LINE_END) then begin Result := Copy(Buf, From, i - From); From := i + 1; exit; end else raise EStomp.Create('End of Line not found.'); end; class function StompUtils.CreateFrame(Buf: string): TStompFrame; var line: string; i: Integer; p: Integer; Key, Value: string; other: string; contLen: Integer; sContLen: string; begin Result := TStompFrame.Create; i := 1; try Result.Command := GetLine(Buf, i); while (true) do begin line := GetLine(Buf, i); if (line = '') then break; p := Pos(':', line); if (p = 0) then raise Exception.Create('header line error'); Key := Copy(line, 1, p - 1); Value := Copy(line, p + 1, Length(line) - p); Result.Headers.Add(Key, Value); end; other := Copy(Buf, i, High(Integer)); sContLen := Result.Headers.Value('content-length'); if (sContLen <> '') then begin contLen := StrToInt(sContLen); if Length(other) < contLen + 2 then raise EStomp.Create('frame too short'); if Copy(other, contLen + 1, 2) <> COMMAND_END + LINE_END then raise Exception.Create('frame ending error'); Result.Body := Copy(other, 1, contLen); // Buf := Copy(other, contLen + 3, High(Integer)); end else begin p := Pos(COMMAND_END, other); if (p = 0) then raise EStomp.Create('frame no ending'); Result.Body := Copy(other, 1, p - 2); // Buf := Copy(other, p + 2, High(Integer)); end; except on EStomp do begin // ignore Result.Free; Result := nil; end; on e: Exception do begin Result.Free; raise EStomp.Create(e.Message); end; end; end; class function StompUtils.NewFrame: IStompFrame; begin Result := TStompFrame.Create; end; { TStompHeaders } function TStompHeaders.Add(Key, Value: string): IStompHeaders; var p: PKeyValue; begin New(p); p^.Key := Key; p^.Value := Value; FList.Add(p); Result := self; end; function TStompHeaders.Add(HeaderItem: TKeyValue): IStompHeaders; begin Result := Add(HeaderItem.Key, HeaderItem.Value); end; function TStompHeaders.Count: Cardinal; begin Result := FList.Count; end; constructor TStompHeaders.Create; begin inherited; FList := TList.Create; end; destructor TStompHeaders.Destroy; var i: Integer; begin if FList.Count > 0 then for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do FreeMem(PKeyValue(FList[i])); FList.Free; inherited; end; function TStompHeaders.GetAt(const Index: Integer): TKeyValue; begin Result := GetItems(Index) end; function TStompHeaders.GetItems(index: Cardinal): TKeyValue; begin Result := PKeyValue(FList[index])^; end; function TStompHeaders.IndexOf(Key: string): Integer; var i: Integer; begin Result := -1; for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin if GetItems(i).Key = Key then begin Result := i; break; end; end; end; function TStompHeaders.Output: String; var i: Integer; kv: TKeyValue; begin Result := ''; if FList.Count > 0 then for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin kv := Items[i]; Result := Result + kv.Key + ':' + kv.Value + LINE_END; end else Result := LINE_END; end; function TStompHeaders.Remove(Key: string): IStompHeaders; var p: Integer; begin p := IndexOf(Key); FreeMem(PKeyValue(FList[p])); FList.Delete(p); Result := self; end; procedure TStompHeaders.SetItems(index: Cardinal; const Value: TKeyValue); var p: Integer; begin p := IndexOf(Value.Key); if p > -1 then begin PKeyValue(FList[p])^.Key := Value.Key; PKeyValue(FList[p])^.Value := Value.Value; end else raise EStomp.Create('Error SetItems'); end; function TStompHeaders.Value(Key: string): string; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; i := IndexOf(Key); if i > -1 then Result := GetItems(i).Value; end; { TStompListener } constructor TStompClientListener.Create(StompClient: IStompClient; StompClientListener: IStompClientListener); begin inherited Create(true); FStompClientListener := StompClientListener; FStompClient := StompClient; Resume; end; procedure TStompClientListener.Execute; var frame: IStompFrame; begin while not terminated do begin if FStompClient.Receive(frame, 2000) then FStompClientListener.OnMessage(frame); end; end; procedure TStompClientListener.StopListening; begin Terminate; WaitFor; end; end.