unit MVCFramework.View; {$WARNINGS OFF} interface uses MVCFramework, MVCFramework.Commons, System.Generics.Collections, Data.DB, MVCFramework.View.Cache, System.SysUtils, SynMustache, SynCommons; type TMVCBaseView = class(TMVCBase) private FViewName: string; FWebContext: TWebContext; FViewModel: TMVCDataObjects; FViewDataSets: TObjectDictionary; FMVCEngine: TMVCEngine; // FViewCache : TViewCache; // procedure SetViewCache(const Value: TViewCache); strict protected FCurrentContentType: string; FOutput: string; protected /// /// returns the real name of the file or empty string if no // suitable file is found /// function GetRealFileName(AViewName: String): String; virtual; function IsCompiledVersionUpToDate(const FileName, CompiledFileName: string) : Boolean; virtual; abstract; property ViewName: string read FViewName; property WebContext: TWebContext read FWebContext; public constructor Create(AViewName: string; AMVCEngine: TMVCEngine; AWebContext: TWebContext; AViewModels: TMVCDataObjects; AViewDataSets: TObjectDictionary; ACurrentContentType: string); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Execute; virtual; abstract; function GetOutput: String; // property ViewCache: TViewCache read FViewCache write SetViewCache; end; TMVCMustacheView = class(TMVCBaseView) public procedure Execute; override; end; implementation uses System.ioutils, System.Classes {$IF CompilerVersion < 27} , Data.DBXJSON {$ELSE} , System.JSON {$ENDIF}; { TMVCBaseView } constructor TMVCBaseView.Create(AViewName: string; AMVCEngine: TMVCEngine; AWebContext: TWebContext; AViewModels: TMVCDataObjects; AViewDataSets: TObjectDictionary; ACurrentContentType: string); begin inherited Create; FViewName := AViewName; FWebContext := AWebContext; FMVCEngine := AMVCEngine; FViewModel := AViewModels; FViewDataSets := AViewDataSets; FCurrentContentType := ACurrentContentType; end; destructor TMVCBaseView.Destroy; begin inherited; end; function TMVCBaseView.GetOutput: String; begin Result := FOutput; end; function TMVCBaseView.GetRealFileName(AViewName: String): String; var LFileName: string; _FFileName: string; LDefaultViewFileExtension: string; begin LDefaultViewFileExtension := GetMVCConfig [TMVCConfigKey.DefaultViewFileExtension]; LFileName := StringReplace(AViewName, '/', '\', [rfReplaceAll]); // $0.02 of normalization if LFileName = '\' then LFileName := '\index.' + LDefaultViewFileExtension else LFileName := LFileName + '.' + LDefaultViewFileExtension; if DirectoryExists(GetMVCConfig[TMVCConfigKey.ViewPath]) then _FFileName := ExpandFileName (IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(GetMVCConfig.Value[TMVCConfigKey.ViewPath]) + LFileName) else _FFileName := ExpandFileName (IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(GetApplicationFileNamePath + GetMVCConfig.Value[TMVCConfigKey.ViewPath]) + LFileName); // if not found in the view_path folder, look in the document_root if not TFile.Exists(_FFileName) then LFileName := ExpandFileName (IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(GetApplicationFileNamePath + GetMVCConfig.Value[TMVCConfigKey.DocumentRoot]) + LFileName) else LFileName := _FFileName; if FileExists(LFileName) then begin Result := LFileName; end else begin Result := ''; end; end; // procedure TMVCBaseView.SetViewCache(const Value: TViewCache); // begin // FViewCache := Value; // end; { TMVCMustacheView } procedure TMVCMustacheView.Execute; var LFileName: String; LTemplate: UTF8String; LMEngine: TSynMustache; LPair: TPair; LJContext: TJSONObject; begin LFileName := GetRealFileName(ViewName); if not FileExists(LFileName) then raise EMVCFrameworkView.CreateFmt('View [%s] not found', [ViewName]); LTemplate := TFile.ReadAllText(LFileName, TEncoding.UTF8); LMEngine := TSynMustache.Parse(LTemplate); LJContext := TJSONObject.Create; try if FViewModel <> nil then begin for LPair in FViewModel do begin LJContext.AddPair(LPair.Key, LPair.Value) end; end; except LJContext.Free; raise; end; {$IF CompilerVersion >= 28} FOutput := LMEngine.RenderJSON(LJContext.ToJSON); {$ELSE} FOutput := LMEngine.RenderJSON(LJContext.ToString); {$ENDIF} end; end.