// *************************************************************************** // // Delphi MVC Framework // // Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team // // https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework // // *************************************************************************** // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // *************************************************************************** } unit MVCFramework.RESTClient; {$I dmvcframework.inc} interface uses System.Classes, IdHTTP, IdURI, MVCFramework.Commons, MVCFramework.Serializer.Commons, MVCFramework.DataSet.Utils, IdMultipartFormData, System.SysUtils, Data.DB, IdIOHandler, IdCompressorZLib, IdSSLOpenSSL, System.Generics.Collections, System.StrUtils, Web.HTTPApp, IdCookie, MVCFramework.Serializer.Intf; type ERESTClientException = class(Exception); TArrayOfString = array of string; // THTTPCommand = (httpGET, httpPOST, httpPUT, httpDELETE, httpPATCH, httpTRACE); [MVCNameCaseAttribute(ncLowerCase)] TMVCExceptionObj = class(TObject) private FStatus: string; Fclassname: string; FMessage: string; FHttp_error: Integer; public [MVCNameAs('reasonstring')] property Status: string read FStatus write FStatus; [MVCNameAs('classname')] property ExceptionClassname: string read Fclassname write Fclassname; [MVCNameAs('message')] property ExceptionMessage: string read FMessage write FMessage; [MVCNameAs('statuscode')] property HTTPError: Integer read FHttp_error write FHttp_error; end; IRESTResponse = interface ['{E96178DE-79D4-4EF6-88F6-1A677207265A}'] function Body: TStream; function BodyAsString: string; // function BodyAsJSONValue: TJSONValue; // function BodyAsJSONObject: TJSONObject; // function BodyAsJSONArray: TJSONArray; procedure UpdateResponseCode(const AResponseCode: Word); procedure UpdateResponseText(const AResponseText: string); procedure UpdateHeaders(AHeaders: TStrings); function ResponseCode: Word; function ResponseText: string; function Headers: TStringlist; function HeaderValue(const AName: string): string; function ContentType: string; function ContentTypeCharset: string; function ContentEncoding: string; function GetCookies: TIdCookies; procedure SetCookies(aCookie: TIdCookies); function GetHasError: Boolean; procedure SetHasError(const aHasError: Boolean); function Error: TMVCExceptionObj; property Cookies: TIdCookies read GetCookies write SetCookies; property HasError: Boolean read GetHasError write SetHasError; end; TRESTClient = class(TInterfacedObject) strict private FHost: string; FPort: Word; FBodyParams: TStringlist; FQueryStringParams: TStringlist; FAccept: string; FRawBody: TStringStream; FHTTP: TIdHTTP; FContentType: string; FPrimaryThread: TThread; FProtocol: string; FRequestHeaders: TStringlist; FResource: string; FParams: array of string; FLastSessionID: string; FNextRequestIsAsynch: Boolean; FAsynchProc: TProc; FAsynchProcErr: TProc; FAsynchProcAlways: TProc; FMultiPartFormData: TIdMultiPartFormDataStream; FSynchronized: Boolean; FContentEncoding: string; function GetRawBody(): TStringStream; function GetMultiPartFormData(): TIdMultiPartFormDataStream; function GetSessionID(): string; function GetBasicAuth(): Boolean; function GetPassword(): string; function GetUserName(): string; function GetBodyParams(): TStringlist; function GetQueryStringParams(): TStringlist; procedure SetBasicAuth(const AValue: Boolean); procedure SetPassword(const AValue: string); procedure SetUserName(const AValue: string); procedure SetSessionID(const AValue: string); procedure SetProxyServer(const AValue: string); procedure SetProxyPort(const AValue: Integer); procedure SetProxyPassword(const AValue: string); procedure SetProxyUsername(const AValue: string); private FSerializer: IMVCSerializer; strict protected procedure HandleRequestCookies(); procedure HandleCookies(aCookies: TIdCookies; aRESTResponse: IRESTResponse); function EncodeQueryStringParams(const AParams: TStrings; AIncludeQuestionMark: Boolean = True): string; function EncodeResourceParams(const AResourceParams: array of string): string; procedure StartAsynchRequest(const ACommand: TMVCHTTPMethodType; const AResource, ABody: string); overload; procedure StartAsynchRequest(const ACommand: TMVCHTTPMethodType; const AResource: string); overload; function HTTPCommandToString(const ACommand: TMVCHTTPMethodType): string; function SendHTTPCommand(const ACommand: TMVCHTTPMethodType; const AAccept, AContentMediaType, AResource: string; ABodyParams: TStrings): IRESTResponse; function SendHTTPCommandWithBody(const ACommand: TMVCHTTPMethodType; const AAccept, AContentMediaType, AContentCharset, AResource, ABody: string): IRESTResponse; procedure OnHTTPRedirect(Sender: TObject; var dest: string; var NumRedirect: Integer; var Handled: Boolean; var VMethod: TIdHTTPMethod); public constructor Create(const AHost: string; const APort: Word = 80; AIOHandler: TIdIOHandler = nil); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function ReadTimeOut(const AValue: Integer): TRESTClient; overload; function ConnectionTimeOut(const AValue: Integer): TRESTClient; overload; function Authentication(const AUsername, APassword: string; const ABasicAuth: Boolean = True): TRESTClient; function ClearHeaders(): TRESTClient; function Header(const AField, AValue: string): TRESTClient; function Accept(const AValue: string): TRESTClient; overload; function AcceptCharSet(const AValue: string): TRESTClient; function ContentType(const AValue: string): TRESTClient; overload; function ContentCharSet(const AValue: string): TRESTClient; function ContentEncoding(const AValue: string): TRESTClient; overload; function Resource(const AValue: string): TRESTClient; function Params(const AValues: array of string): TRESTClient; function ClearAllParams(): TRESTClient; function SSL(const AEnabled: Boolean = True): TRESTClient; function Compression(const AEnabled: Boolean = True): TRESTClient; function ResetSession(): TRESTClient; function AddFile(const AFieldName, AFileName: string; const AContentType: string = ''): TRESTClient; function Asynch(AProc: TProc; AProcErr: TProc = nil; AProcAlways: TProc = nil; ASynchronized: Boolean = False): TRESTClient; function doGET(): IRESTResponse; overload; function doGET(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string; const aQueryStringParams: TStrings = nil) : IRESTResponse; overload; function doGET(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string; const aQueryStringParamNames: array of string; const aQueryStringParamValues: array of string): IRESTResponse; overload; function doPOST(const ABody: string): IRESTResponse; overload; function doPOST(ABody: TBodyType; const AOwnsBody: Boolean = True): IRESTResponse; overload; function doPOST(ABody: TObjectList; const AOwnsBody: Boolean = True) : IRESTResponse; overload; function doPOST(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string): IRESTResponse; overload; function doPOST(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string; const ABody: string) : IRESTResponse; overload; function doPATCH(const ABody: string): IRESTResponse; overload; function doPATCH(ABody: TBodyType; const AOwnsBody: Boolean = True): IRESTResponse; overload; function doPATCH(ABody: TObjectList; const AOwnsBody: Boolean = True) : IRESTResponse; overload; function doPATCH(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string; const ABody: string) : IRESTResponse; overload; function doPUT(const ABody: string): IRESTResponse; overload; function doPUT(ABody: TBodyType; const AOwnsBody: Boolean = True): IRESTResponse; overload; function doPUT(ABody: TObjectList; const AOwnsBody: Boolean = True) : IRESTResponse; overload; function doPUT(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string): IRESTResponse; overload; function doPUT(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string; const ABody: string) : IRESTResponse; overload; function doDELETE(): IRESTResponse; overload; function doDELETE(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string): IRESTResponse; overload; function DataSetUpdate(const AResource: string; ADataSet: TDataSet; const AKeyValue: string): IRESTResponse; function DataSetInsert(const AResource: string; ADataSet: TDataSet): IRESTResponse; function DataSetDelete(const AResource: string; const AKeyValue: string): IRESTResponse; function DSUpdate(const AResource: string; ADataSet: TDataSet; const AKeyValue: string): IRESTResponse; deprecated 'use method DataSetUpdate'; function DSInsert(const AResource: string; ADataSet: TDataSet): IRESTResponse; deprecated 'use method DataSetInsert'; function DSDelete(const AResource: string; const AKeyValue: string): IRESTResponse; deprecated 'use method DataSetDelete'; function Accept(): string; overload; function ContentType(): string; overload; function ContentEncoding(): string; overload; function ConnectionTimeOut(): Integer; overload; function ReadTimeOut(): Integer; overload; function HasSSL(): Boolean; function HasCompression(): Boolean; property RawBody: TStringStream read GetRawBody; property MultiPartFormData: TIdMultiPartFormDataStream read GetMultiPartFormData; property BodyParams: TStringlist read GetBodyParams; property SessionID: string read GetSessionID write SetSessionID; property Username: string read GetUserName write SetUserName; property Password: string read GetPassword write SetPassword; property UseBasicAuthentication: Boolean read GetBasicAuth write SetBasicAuth; property RequestHeaders: TStringlist read FRequestHeaders; property QueryStringParams: TStringlist read GetQueryStringParams; property ProxyServer: string write SetProxyServer; property ProxyPort: Integer write SetProxyPort; property ProxyUsername: string write SetProxyUsername; property ProxyPassword: string write SetProxyPassword; end; implementation uses MVCFramework.Serializer.Defaults , System.ZLib {$IFNDEF ANDROID OR IOS} {$IFDEF BERLINORBETTER} {$IFNDEF LINUX} , System.AnsiStrings {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} ; type TRESTResponse = class(TInterfacedObject, IRESTResponse) strict private FBody: TMemoryStream; FResponseCode: Word; FResponseText: string; FHeaders: TStringlist; // FBodyAsJSONValue: TJSONValue; FContentType: string; FContentTypeCharset: string; function GetHeader(const AValue: string): string; private FCookies: TIdCookies; FHasError: Boolean; FErrorObject: TMVCExceptionObj; FContentEncoding: string; protected function GetHasError: Boolean; procedure SetHasError(const aHasError: Boolean); public constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; procedure SetResponseCode(const AResponseCode: Word); procedure SetResponseText(const AResponseText: string); procedure SetHeaders(AHeaders: TStrings); function Body(): TStream; function BodyAsString(): string; procedure UpdateResponseCode(const AResponseCode: Word); procedure UpdateResponseText(const AResponseText: string); procedure UpdateHeaders(AHeaders: TStrings); function ResponseCode(): Word; function ResponseText(): string; function Headers: TStringlist; function HeaderValue(const AName: string): string; function ContentType(): string; function ContentTypeCharset(): string; function ContentEncoding(): string; function Error: TMVCExceptionObj; function GetCookies: TIdCookies; procedure SetCookies(aCookie: TIdCookies); property Cookies: TIdCookies read GetCookies write SetCookies; end; { TRESTResponse } function TRESTResponse.Body: TStream; begin Result := FBody; end; function TRESTResponse.BodyAsString: string; var ss: TStringStream; begin if (FContentTypeCharset = '') then FContentTypeCharset := 'utf-8'; ss := TStringStream.Create('', TEncoding.GetEncoding(FContentTypeCharset.ToLower)); try FBody.Position := 0; FBody.SaveToStream(ss); Result := ss.DataString; finally FreeAndNil(ss); end; end; function TRESTResponse.ContentTypeCharset: string; begin Result := FContentTypeCharset; end; function TRESTResponse.ContentEncoding: string; begin Result := FContentEncoding; end; function TRESTResponse.ContentType: string; begin Result := FContentType; end; constructor TRESTResponse.Create; begin FHeaders := TStringlist.Create; FCookies := TIdCookies.Create(nil); FBody := TStringStream.Create('', TEncoding.UTF8); // FBodyAsJSONValue := nil; FHasError := False; end; destructor TRESTResponse.Destroy; begin // if Assigned(FBodyAsJSONValue) then // FreeAndNil(FBodyAsJSONValue); FreeAndNil(FHeaders); FreeAndNil(FBody); FreeAndNil(FCookies); FreeAndNil(FErrorObject); inherited; end; function TRESTResponse.Error: TMVCExceptionObj; var lSerializer: IMVCSerializer; begin if not FHasError then Exit(nil); if not Assigned(FErrorObject) then begin FErrorObject := TMVCExceptionObj.Create; { if content-type is json then we can use a more evoluted deserialization, otherwise we just copy some http information into FErrorObject } if Self.ContentType.StartsWith('application/json', True) then begin lSerializer := GetDefaultSerializer; lSerializer.DeserializeObject(Self.BodyAsString, FErrorObject); end else begin FErrorObject.Status := Self.ResponseText; FErrorObject.ExceptionMessage := Self.BodyAsString; FErrorObject.HTTPError := Self.ResponseCode; end; end; Result := FErrorObject; end; function TRESTResponse.GetCookies: TIdCookies; begin Result := FCookies; end; function TRESTResponse.GetHasError: Boolean; begin Result := FHasError; end; function TRESTResponse.GetHeader(const AValue: string): string; var s: string; begin Result := ''; if Assigned(FHeaders) and (FHeaders.Count > 0) then begin for s in FHeaders do if s.StartsWith(AValue + ':', True) then Exit(s); end; end; function TRESTResponse.Headers: TStringlist; begin Result := FHeaders; end; function TRESTResponse.HeaderValue(const AName: string): string; var s: string; arr: TArray; begin Result := ''; for s in Self.Headers do begin arr := s.Split([':'], 2); if SameText(arr[0].Trim, AName) then begin Result := arr[1].Trim; Break; end; end; end; function TRESTResponse.ResponseCode: Word; begin Result := FResponseCode; end; function TRESTResponse.ResponseText: string; begin Result := FResponseText; end; procedure TRESTResponse.SetCookies(aCookie: TIdCookies); begin FCookies := aCookie; end; procedure TRESTResponse.SetHasError(const aHasError: Boolean); begin FHasError := aHasError; end; procedure TRESTResponse.SetHeaders(AHeaders: TStrings); begin UpdateHeaders(AHeaders); end; procedure TRESTResponse.SetResponseCode(const AResponseCode: Word); begin UpdateResponseCode(AResponseCode); end; procedure TRESTResponse.SetResponseText(const AResponseText: string); begin UpdateResponseText(AResponseText); end; procedure TRESTResponse.UpdateHeaders(AHeaders: TStrings); var CT: TArray; C: string; begin FHeaders.Assign(AHeaders); FHeaders.NameValueSeparator := ':'; C := GetHeader('content-type'); if not C.IsEmpty then begin CT := C.Split([':'])[1].Split([';']); FContentType := Trim(CT[0]); end else begin SetLength(CT, 0); FContentType := TMVCConstants.DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE; end; FContentTypeCharset := 'UTF-8'; if Length(CT) > 1 then if CT[1].Trim.StartsWith('charset', True) then FContentTypeCharset := CT[1].Trim.Split(['='])[1].Trim; FContentEncoding := ''; C := GetHeader('content-encoding'); if not C.IsEmpty then begin CT := C.Split([':']); if Length(CT) <> 2 then raise EMVCException.Create('Invalid Content-Encoding response header'); FContentEncoding := Trim(CT[1]); end; end; procedure TRESTResponse.UpdateResponseCode(const AResponseCode: Word); begin FResponseCode := AResponseCode; end; procedure TRESTResponse.UpdateResponseText(const AResponseText: string); begin FResponseText := AResponseText; end; { TJSONObjectResponseHelper } // function TJSONObjectResponseHelper.AsObject: T; // var // lSerializer: IMVCSerializer; // begin // lSerializer := GetDefaultSerializer; // Result := T.Create; // try // lSerializer.DeserializeObject(Self.ToJSON, Result); // except // FreeAndNil(Result); // raise; // end; // // Result := Mapper.JSONObjectToObject(self); // end; { TJSONArrayResponseHelper } // function TJSONArrayResponseHelper.AsObjectList: TObjectList; // begin // raise Exception.Create('Not Implemented'); // // Result := Mapper.JSONArrayToObjectList(self, False, True); // end; { TRESTClient } function TRESTClient.Accept(const AValue: string): TRESTClient; begin FAccept := AValue; Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.Accept: string; begin Result := FAccept; end; function TRESTClient.AcceptCharSet(const AValue: string): TRESTClient; begin if (FAccept = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('First set the Accept property!'); if not AnsiContainsText(FAccept, 'charset') then Self.Accept(FAccept + ';charset=' + AValue); Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.AddFile(const AFieldName, AFileName, AContentType: string): TRESTClient; begin MultiPartFormData.AddFile(AFieldName, AFileName, AContentType); Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.Asynch(AProc: TProc; AProcErr: TProc; AProcAlways: TProc; ASynchronized: Boolean): TRESTClient; begin FNextRequestIsAsynch := True; FAsynchProc := AProc; FAsynchProcErr := AProcErr; FAsynchProcAlways := AProcAlways; FSynchronized := ASynchronized; Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.Authentication(const AUsername, APassword: string; const ABasicAuth: Boolean): TRESTClient; begin FHTTP.Request.Username := AUsername; FHTTP.Request.Password := APassword; FHTTP.Request.BasicAuthentication := ABasicAuth; Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.ClearHeaders: TRESTClient; begin FRequestHeaders.Clear; Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.ClearAllParams: TRESTClient; begin RawBody.Size := 0; RawBody.Position := 0; BodyParams.Clear; QueryStringParams.Clear; FNextRequestIsAsynch := False; FAsynchProc := nil; FAsynchProcErr := nil; FAsynchProcAlways := nil; FSynchronized := False; FHTTP.Request.Username := ''; FHTTP.Request.Password := ''; FHTTP.Request.BasicAuthentication := True; SetLength(FParams, 0); Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.Compression(const AEnabled: Boolean): TRESTClient; begin if AEnabled then begin if not Assigned(FHTTP.Compressor) then FHTTP.Compressor := TIdCompressorZLib.Create(FHTTP); end else begin if (FHTTP.Compressor <> nil) then begin {$HINTS OFF} FHTTP.Compressor.Free; FHTTP.Compressor := nil; {$HINTS ON} end; end; Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.ConnectionTimeOut(const AValue: Integer): TRESTClient; begin FHTTP.ConnectTimeout := AValue; Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.ConnectionTimeOut: Integer; begin Result := FHTTP.ConnectTimeout; end; function TRESTClient.ContentCharSet(const AValue: string): TRESTClient; begin if (FContentType = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('First set the ContentType property!'); if not AnsiContainsText(FContentType, 'charset') then Self.ContentType(FContentType + ';charset=' + AValue); Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.ContentEncoding: string; begin Result := FContentEncoding; end; function TRESTClient.ContentEncoding(const AValue: string): TRESTClient; begin FContentEncoding := AValue; Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.ContentType: string; begin Result := FContentType; end; function TRESTClient.ContentType(const AValue: string): TRESTClient; begin FContentType := AValue; Result := Self; end; constructor TRESTClient.Create(const AHost: string; const APort: Word; AIOHandler: TIdIOHandler); var Pieces: TArray; begin inherited Create; FHost := AHost; FPort := APort; FPrimaryThread := TThread.CurrentThread; FBodyParams := nil; FQueryStringParams := nil; FRawBody := nil; FAccept := 'application/json'; FContentType := BuildContentType(TMVCMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, TMVCCharset.UTF_8); FResource := ''; FContentEncoding := ''; FRequestHeaders := TStringlist.Create; FLastSessionID := ''; FNextRequestIsAsynch := False; FAsynchProc := nil; FAsynchProcErr := nil; FAsynchProcAlways := nil; FMultiPartFormData := nil; FSynchronized := False; SetLength(FParams, 0); if FHost.Contains('://') then begin Pieces := FHost.Split(['://'], 2, TStringSplitOptions.ExcludeEmpty); FProtocol := Pieces[0]; FHost := Pieces[1]; end else FProtocol := 'http'; FHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create(nil); FHTTP.HandleRedirects := False; // DT 2016/09/16 FHTTP.OnRedirect := OnHTTPRedirect; // DT 2016/09/16 FHTTP.ReadTimeOut := 20000; if (AIOHandler <> nil) then FHTTP.IOHandler := AIOHandler else SSL(False); Compression(False); FHTTP.HandleRedirects := True; FHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.FoldLines := False; FHTTP.Request.BasicAuthentication := True; FSerializer := GetDefaultSerializer; end; function TRESTClient.DataSetDelete(const AResource, AKeyValue: string): IRESTResponse; begin Result := doDELETE(AResource, [AKeyValue]); end; function TRESTClient.DataSetInsert(const AResource: string; ADataSet: TDataSet): IRESTResponse; begin Result := doPOST(AResource, [], ADataSet.AsJSONObject); end; function TRESTClient.DataSetUpdate(const AResource: string; ADataSet: TDataSet; const AKeyValue: string): IRESTResponse; begin Result := doPUT(AResource, [AKeyValue], ADataSet.AsJSONObject); end; destructor TRESTClient.Destroy; begin if Assigned(FBodyParams) then FreeAndNil(FBodyParams); if Assigned(FQueryStringParams) then FreeAndNil(FQueryStringParams); if Assigned(FRawBody) then FreeAndNil(FRawBody); if Assigned(FMultiPartFormData) then FreeAndNil(FMultiPartFormData); FreeAndNil(FRequestHeaders); FreeAndNil(FHTTP); inherited; end; function TRESTClient.doDELETE(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string): IRESTResponse; var URL: string; begin URL := FProtocol + '://' + FHost + ':' + IntToStr(FPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AParams) + EncodeQueryStringParams(QueryStringParams); if FNextRequestIsAsynch then begin Result := nil; StartAsynchRequest(httpDELETE, URL); end else begin Result := SendHTTPCommand(httpDELETE, FAccept, FContentType, URL, nil); ClearAllParams; end; end; function TRESTClient.doGET(const AResource: string; const AParams, aQueryStringParamNames, aQueryStringParamValues: array of string): IRESTResponse; var lParams: TStringlist; lName: string; I: Integer; begin Assert(Length(aQueryStringParamNames) = Length(aQueryStringParamValues)); lParams := TStringlist.Create; try I := 0; for lName in aQueryStringParamNames do begin lParams.Values[lName] := aQueryStringParamValues[I]; inc(I); end; Result := doGET(AResource, AParams, lParams); finally lParams.Free; end; end; function TRESTClient.doDELETE: IRESTResponse; begin if (FResource = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Resource!'); Result := doDELETE(FResource, FParams); end; function TRESTClient.doGET: IRESTResponse; begin if (FResource = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Resource!'); Result := doGET(FResource, FParams); end; function TRESTClient.doGET(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string; const aQueryStringParams: TStrings) : IRESTResponse; var URL: string; begin URL := FProtocol + '://' + FHost + ':' + IntToStr(FPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AParams); if aQueryStringParams = nil then URL := URL + EncodeQueryStringParams(FQueryStringParams) else URL := URL + EncodeQueryStringParams(aQueryStringParams); if FNextRequestIsAsynch then begin Result := nil; StartAsynchRequest(httpGET, URL); end else begin Result := SendHTTPCommand(httpGET, FAccept, FContentType, URL, nil); ClearAllParams; end; end; function TRESTClient.doPOST(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string): IRESTResponse; var s: string; begin try Result := SendHTTPCommand(httpPOST, FAccept, FContentType, FProtocol + '://' + FHost + ':' + IntToStr(FPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AParams) + EncodeQueryStringParams(FQueryStringParams), FBodyParams); except on E: EIdHTTPProtocolException do s := E.Message; end; ClearAllParams; end; function TRESTClient.doPATCH(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string; const ABody: string) : IRESTResponse; var URL: string; begin URL := FProtocol + '://' + FHost + ':' + IntToStr(FPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AParams) + EncodeQueryStringParams(QueryStringParams); if FNextRequestIsAsynch then begin Result := nil; StartAsynchRequest(httpPOST, URL, ABody); end else begin Result := SendHTTPCommandWithBody(httpPATCH, FAccept, FContentType, FContentEncoding, URL, ABody); ClearAllParams; end; end; function TRESTClient.doPATCH(const ABody: string): IRESTResponse; begin if (FResource = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Resource!'); if (ABody = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Body!'); Result := doPATCH(FResource, FParams, ABody); end; function TRESTClient.doPATCH(ABody: TBodyType; const AOwnsBody: Boolean): IRESTResponse; begin if (FResource = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Resource!'); if not Assigned(ABody) then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Body!'); Result := doPATCH(FResource, FParams, FSerializer.SerializeObject(ABody)); if AOwnsBody then TObject(ABody).Free; end; function TRESTClient.doPATCH(ABody: TObjectList; const AOwnsBody: Boolean): IRESTResponse; begin if (FResource = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Resource!'); if not Assigned(ABody) then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Body!'); ABody.OwnsObjects := AOwnsBody; Result := doPATCH(FResource, FParams, FSerializer.SerializeCollection(ABody)); end; function TRESTClient.doPOST(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string; const ABody: string) : IRESTResponse; var URL { , lContentTypeWithCharset } : string; begin URL := FProtocol + '://' + FHost + ':' + IntToStr(FPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AParams) + EncodeQueryStringParams(QueryStringParams); if FNextRequestIsAsynch then begin Result := nil; StartAsynchRequest(httpPOST, URL, ABody); end else begin // lContentTypeWithCharset := FContentType; // if FContentEncoding = '' then // FContentEncoding := 'UTF-8'; // lContentTypeWithCharset := FContentType + ';charset=' + FContentEncoding; Result := SendHTTPCommandWithBody(httpPOST, FAccept, FContentType, FContentEncoding, URL, ABody); ClearAllParams; end; end; function TRESTClient.doPOST(const ABody: string): IRESTResponse; begin if (FResource = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Resource!'); if (ABody = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Body!'); Result := doPOST(FResource, FParams, ABody); end; function TRESTClient.doPOST(ABody: TBodyType; const AOwnsBody: Boolean): IRESTResponse; begin if (FResource = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Resource!'); if not Assigned(ABody) then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Body!'); Result := doPOST(FResource, FParams, FSerializer.SerializeObject(ABody)); if AOwnsBody then TObject(ABody).Free; end; function TRESTClient.doPOST(ABody: TObjectList; const AOwnsBody: Boolean): IRESTResponse; begin if (FResource = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Resource!'); if not Assigned(ABody) then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Body!'); ABody.OwnsObjects := AOwnsBody; Result := doPOST(FResource, FParams, FSerializer.SerializeCollection(ABody)); end; function TRESTClient.doPUT(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string): IRESTResponse; begin Result := SendHTTPCommand(httpPUT, FAccept, FContentType, FProtocol + '://' + FHost + ':' + IntToStr(FPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AParams) + EncodeQueryStringParams(QueryStringParams), FBodyParams); ClearAllParams; end; function TRESTClient.doPUT(const AResource: string; const AParams: array of string; const ABody: string): IRESTResponse; var URL: string; begin URL := FProtocol + '://' + FHost + ':' + IntToStr(FPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AParams) + EncodeQueryStringParams(QueryStringParams); if FNextRequestIsAsynch then begin Result := nil; StartAsynchRequest(httpPUT, URL, ABody); end else begin Result := SendHTTPCommandWithBody(httpPUT, FAccept, FContentType, FContentEncoding, URL, ABody); ClearAllParams; end; end; function TRESTClient.doPUT(const ABody: string): IRESTResponse; begin if (FResource = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Resource!'); if (ABody = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Body!'); Result := doPUT(FResource, FParams, ABody); end; function TRESTClient.doPUT(ABody: TBodyType; const AOwnsBody: Boolean): IRESTResponse; begin if (FResource = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Resource!'); if not Assigned(ABody) then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Body!'); Result := doPUT(FResource, FParams, FSerializer.SerializeObject(ABody)); if AOwnsBody then TObject(ABody).Free; end; function TRESTClient.doPUT(ABody: TObjectList; const AOwnsBody: Boolean): IRESTResponse; begin if (FResource = '') then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Resource!'); if not Assigned(ABody) then raise ERESTClientException.Create('You must enter the Body!'); ABody.OwnsObjects := AOwnsBody; Result := doPUT(FResource, FParams, FSerializer.SerializeCollection(ABody)); end; function TRESTClient.DSDelete(const AResource, AKeyValue: string): IRESTResponse; begin Result := DataSetDelete(AResource, AKeyValue); end; function TRESTClient.DSInsert(const AResource: string; ADataSet: TDataSet): IRESTResponse; begin Result := DataSetInsert(AResource, ADataSet); end; function TRESTClient.DSUpdate(const AResource: string; ADataSet: TDataSet; const AKeyValue: string): IRESTResponse; begin Result := DataSetUpdate(AResource, ADataSet, AKeyValue); end; function TRESTClient.EncodeQueryStringParams(const AParams: TStrings; AIncludeQuestionMark: Boolean): string; var I: Integer; begin Result := ''; if not Assigned(AParams) or (AParams.Count = 0) then Exit; if AIncludeQuestionMark then Result := '?'; for I := 0 to AParams.Count - 1 do begin if I > 0 then Result := Result + '&'; Result := Result + AParams.Names[I] + '=' + TIdURI.ParamsEncode(AParams.ValueFromIndex[I]); end; end; function TRESTClient.EncodeResourceParams(const AResourceParams: array of string): string; var I: Integer; begin Result := ''; for I := low(AResourceParams) to high(AResourceParams) do Result := Result + '/' + TIdURI.ParamsEncode(AResourceParams[I]); end; function TRESTClient.GetBasicAuth: Boolean; begin Result := FHTTP.Request.BasicAuthentication; end; function TRESTClient.GetBodyParams: TStringlist; begin if not Assigned(FBodyParams) then FBodyParams := TStringlist.Create; Result := FBodyParams; end; function TRESTClient.GetMultiPartFormData: TIdMultiPartFormDataStream; begin if not Assigned(FMultiPartFormData) then FMultiPartFormData := TIdMultiPartFormDataStream.Create; Result := FMultiPartFormData; end; function TRESTClient.GetPassword: string; begin Result := FHTTP.Request.Password; end; function TRESTClient.GetQueryStringParams: TStringlist; begin if not Assigned(FQueryStringParams) then FQueryStringParams := TStringlist.Create; Result := FQueryStringParams; end; function TRESTClient.GetRawBody: TStringStream; begin if not Assigned(FRawBody) then FRawBody := TStringStream.Create(''); Result := FRawBody; end; function TRESTClient.GetSessionID: string; begin Result := FLastSessionID; end; function TRESTClient.GetUserName: string; begin Result := FHTTP.Request.Username; end; procedure TRESTClient.HandleCookies(aCookies: TIdCookies; aRESTResponse: IRESTResponse); var s: string; arr: TArray; begin aCookies.LockCookieList(caReadWrite); try aRESTResponse.Cookies.Clear; aRESTResponse.Cookies.AddCookies(aCookies); finally aCookies.UnlockCookieList(caReadWrite); end; for s in FHTTP.Response.RawHeaders do begin if s.StartsWith('Set-Cookie', True) then begin arr := s.Split([':'], 2); if arr[1].Trim.StartsWith('dtsessionid') then begin arr := arr[1].Split(['='], 2); FLastSessionID := TIdURI.URLDecode(arr[1].Split([';'])[0]); if FLastSessionID.Contains('invalid') then FLastSessionID := ''; end; Break; end; end; end; procedure TRESTClient.HandleRequestCookies; var I: Integer; begin if Assigned(FHTTP.CookieManager) then FHTTP.CookieManager.CookieCollection.Clear; if not FLastSessionID.Trim.IsEmpty then FHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.AddValue('Cookie', 'dtsessionid=' + FLastSessionID); for I := 0 to FRequestHeaders.Count - 1 do begin FHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.AddValue(FRequestHeaders.Names[I], FRequestHeaders.ValueFromIndex[I]); end; end; function TRESTClient.HasCompression: Boolean; begin Result := (FHTTP.Compressor <> nil); end; function TRESTClient.HasSSL: Boolean; begin Result := (FHTTP.IOHandler <> nil); end; function TRESTClient.Header(const AField, AValue: string): TRESTClient; begin FRequestHeaders.Add(AField + '=' + AValue); Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.HTTPCommandToString(const ACommand: TMVCHTTPMethodType): string; begin case ACommand of httpGET: Result := 'GET'; httpPOST: Result := 'POST'; httpPUT: Result := 'PUT'; httpDELETE: Result := 'DELETE'; else raise ERESTClientException.Create('Unknown HTTPCommand in TRESTClient.HTTPCommandToString'); end; end; procedure TRESTClient.OnHTTPRedirect(Sender: TObject; var dest: string; var NumRedirect: Integer; var Handled: Boolean; var VMethod: TIdHTTPMethod); begin Handled := False; end; function TRESTClient.Params(const AValues: array of string): TRESTClient; var I: Integer; begin SetLength(FParams, Length(AValues)); for I := low(AValues) to high(AValues) do FParams[I] := AValues[I]; Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.ReadTimeOut(const AValue: Integer): TRESTClient; begin FHTTP.ReadTimeOut := AValue; Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.ReadTimeOut: Integer; begin Result := FHTTP.ReadTimeOut; end; function TRESTClient.ResetSession: TRESTClient; begin SessionID := ''; if Assigned(FHTTP.CookieManager) then FHTTP.CookieManager.CookieCollection.Clear; FHTTP.Request.RawHeaders.Clear; Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.Resource(const AValue: string): TRESTClient; begin FResource := AValue; Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.SendHTTPCommand(const ACommand: TMVCHTTPMethodType; const AAccept, AContentMediaType, AResource: string; ABodyParams: TStrings): IRESTResponse; var lTmp: TMemoryStream; lDecomp: TZDecompressionStream; lCompressionType: TMVCCompressionType; begin FContentEncoding := ''; Result := TRESTResponse.Create; FHTTP.Request.RawHeaders.Clear; FHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.Clear; FHTTP.Request.Accept := AAccept; if ACommand in MVC_HTTP_METHODS_WITH_CONTENT then FHTTP.Request.ContentType := AContentMediaType; HandleRequestCookies; try case ACommand of httpGET: begin Result.Body.Position := 0; FHTTP.Get(AResource, Result.Body); end; httpPOST: begin if (MultiPartFormData.Size = 0) then begin Result.Body.Position := 0; FHTTP.Post(AResource, RawBody, Result.Body); end else begin FHTTP.Post(AResource, MultiPartFormData, Result.Body); MultiPartFormData.Clear; end; end; httpPUT: begin if (MultiPartFormData.Size <> 0) then { TODO -oDaniele -cGeneral : Rework please!!! } raise ERESTClientException.Create('Only POST can Send Files'); Result.Body.Position := 0; if Assigned(ABodyParams) and (ABodyParams.Count > 0) then begin RawBody.Size := 0; RawBody.WriteString(EncodeQueryStringParams(ABodyParams, False)); end; FHTTP.Put(AResource, RawBody, Result.Body); end; httpDELETE: begin Result.Body.Position := 0; FHTTP.Delete(AResource); RawBody.Size := 0; end; end; except on E: EIdHTTPProtocolException do begin Result.HasError := True; Result.Body.Write(UTF8Encode(E.ErrorMessage)[1], {$IF CompilerVersion > 30} ElementToCharLen(string(UTF8Encode(E.ErrorMessage)), {$ELSE} ElementToCharLen(UTF8Encode(E.ErrorMessage), {$ENDIF} Length(E.ErrorMessage) * 2)); end else raise; end; HandleCookies(FHTTP.CookieManager.CookieCollection, Result); Result.UpdateResponseCode(FHTTP.Response.ResponseCode); Result.UpdateResponseText(FHTTP.Response.ResponseText); Result.UpdateHeaders(FHTTP.Response.RawHeaders); if Result.ContentEncoding.IsEmpty then Exit; if Result.ContentEncoding = 'deflate' then begin lCompressionType := TMVCCompressionType.ctDeflate; end else if Result.ContentEncoding = 'gzip' then begin lCompressionType := TMVCCompressionType.ctGZIP; end else raise EMVCException.CreateFmt('Content-Encoding not supported [%s]', [Result.ContentEncoding]); lTmp := TMemoryStream.Create; try Result.Body.Position := 0; lDecomp := TZDecompressionStream.Create(Result.Body, MVC_COMPRESSION_ZLIB_WINDOW_BITS[lCompressionType], False); try lTmp.CopyFrom(lDecomp, 0); Result.Body.Size := 0; Result.Body.CopyFrom(lTmp, 0); finally lDecomp.Free; end; finally lTmp.Free; end; end; function TRESTClient.SendHTTPCommandWithBody(const ACommand: TMVCHTTPMethodType; const AAccept, AContentMediaType, AContentCharset, AResource, ABody: string): IRESTResponse; var lBytes: TArray; lContentCharset: string; lEncoding: TEncoding; begin Result := TRESTResponse.Create; FHTTP.Request.RawHeaders.Clear; FHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.Clear; FHTTP.Request.Accept := AAccept; lContentCharset := 'UTF-8'; if AContentCharset <> '' then lContentCharset := AContentCharset; FHTTP.Request.ContentType := BuildContentType(AContentMediaType, lContentCharset); HandleRequestCookies; try case ACommand of httpGET: begin FHTTP.Get(AResource, Result.Body); end; httpPOST, httpPUT: begin if (MultiPartFormData.Size <> 0) then raise ERESTClientException.Create('This method cannot send files'); RawBody.Position := 0; RawBody.Size := 0; lEncoding := TEncoding.GetEncoding(lContentCharset); try lBytes := TEncoding.Convert(TEncoding.Default, lEncoding, TEncoding.Default.GetBytes(ABody)); RawBody.WriteData(lBytes, Length(lBytes)); finally lEncoding.Free; end; if ACommand = httpPOST then FHTTP.Post(AResource, RawBody, Result.Body) else FHTTP.Put(AResource, RawBody, Result.Body); end; httpPATCH: begin raise ERESTClientException.Create ('Sorry, PATCH is not supported by the RESTClient because is not supportd by the TidHTTP'); end; httpDELETE: begin FHTTP.Delete(AResource); RawBody.Size := 0; end; end; except on E: EIdHTTPProtocolException do begin Result.HasError := True; Result.Body.Write(UTF8Encode(E.ErrorMessage)[1], {$IF CompilerVersion > 30} ElementToCharLen(string(UTF8Encode(E.ErrorMessage)), {$ELSE} ElementToCharLen(UTF8Encode(E.ErrorMessage), {$ENDIF} Length(E.ErrorMessage) * 2)); end else raise; end; HandleCookies(FHTTP.CookieManager.CookieCollection, Result); Result.UpdateResponseCode(FHTTP.Response.ResponseCode); Result.UpdateResponseText(FHTTP.Response.ResponseText); Result.UpdateHeaders(FHTTP.Response.RawHeaders); end; procedure TRESTClient.SetBasicAuth(const AValue: Boolean); begin FHTTP.Request.BasicAuthentication := AValue; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetPassword(const AValue: string); begin FHTTP.Request.Password := AValue; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetProxyPort(const AValue: Integer); begin FHTTP.ProxyParams.ProxyPort := AValue; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetProxyServer(const AValue: string); begin FHTTP.ProxyParams.ProxyServer := AValue; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetProxyUsername(const AValue: string); begin FHTTP.ProxyParams.ProxyUsername := AValue; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetProxyPassword(const AValue: string); begin FHTTP.ProxyParams.ProxyPassword := AValue; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetSessionID(const AValue: string); begin FLastSessionID := AValue; if Assigned(FHTTP.CookieManager) then FHTTP.CookieManager.CookieCollection.Clear; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetUserName(const AValue: string); begin FHTTP.Request.Username := AValue; end; function TRESTClient.SSL(const AEnabled: Boolean): TRESTClient; begin if AEnabled then begin if not Assigned(FHTTP.IOHandler) then FHTTP.IOHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(FHTTP); end else begin if (FHTTP.IOHandler <> nil) then begin {$HINTS OFF} FHTTP.IOHandler.Free; FHTTP.IOHandler := nil; {$HINTS ON} end; end; Result := Self; end; procedure TRESTClient.StartAsynchRequest(const ACommand: TMVCHTTPMethodType; const AResource: string); begin StartAsynchRequest(ACommand, AResource, ''); end; procedure TRESTClient.StartAsynchRequest(const ACommand: TMVCHTTPMethodType; const AResource, ABody: string); var th: TThread; begin th := TThread.CreateAnonymousThread( procedure var R: IRESTResponse; begin try R := SendHTTPCommandWithBody(ACommand, FAccept, FContentType, FContentEncoding, AResource, ABody); TMonitor.Enter(TObject(R)); try if FSynchronized then TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin FAsynchProc(R); end) else FAsynchProc(R); finally TMonitor.Exit(TObject(R)); end; except on E: Exception do begin if not Assigned(FAsynchProcErr) then raise; if FSynchronized then begin TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin FAsynchProcErr(E); end) end else begin FAsynchProcErr(E); end; end; end; { except } if Assigned(FAsynchProcAlways) then begin if FSynchronized then TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin FAsynchProcAlways(); end) else FAsynchProcAlways(); end; ClearAllParams; end); th.Start; end; end.