{ *************************************************************************** } { } { Delphi MVC Framework } { } { Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team } { } { https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework } { } { *************************************************************************** } { } { Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); } { you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. } { You may obtain a copy of the License at } { } { http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 } { } { Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software } { distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, } { WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. } { See the License for the specific language governing permissions and } { limitations under the License. } { } { *************************************************************************** } unit MVCFramework.Middleware.Authentication; interface uses MVCFramework, MVCFramework.Commons, MVCFramework.Logger, System.Generics.Collections; type TMVCBasicAuthenticationMiddleware = class(TInterfacedObject, IMVCMiddleware) strict private FMVCAuthenticationHandler: IMVCAuthenticationHandler; protected FRealm: string; procedure OnBeforeRouting(Context: TWebContext; var Handled: Boolean); procedure OnAfterControllerAction(Context: TWebContext; const AActionName: string; const Handled: Boolean); procedure OnBeforeControllerAction(Context: TWebContext; const AControllerQualifiedClassName: string; const AActionName: string; var Handled: Boolean); public constructor Create(AMVCAuthenticationHandler: IMVCAuthenticationHandler; Realm: string = 'DelphiMVCFramework REALM'); virtual; end; implementation uses System.SysUtils, MVCFramework.Session, Soap.EncdDecd, System.NetEncoding; { 401 Unauthorized response should be used for missing or bad authentication, and a 403 Forbidden response should be used afterwards, when the user is authenticated but isn’t authorized to perform the requested operation on the given resource. } const CONTENT_HTML_FORMAT = '


'; CONTENT_401_NOT_AUTHORIZED = '401: Not authorized'; CONTENT_403_FORBIDDEN = '403: Forbidden'; { TMVCSalutationMiddleware } constructor TMVCBasicAuthenticationMiddleware.Create(AMVCAuthenticationHandler : IMVCAuthenticationHandler; Realm: string); begin inherited Create; FMVCAuthenticationHandler := AMVCAuthenticationHandler; FRealm := Realm; end; procedure TMVCBasicAuthenticationMiddleware.OnAfterControllerAction (Context: TWebContext; const AActionName: string; const Handled: Boolean); begin end; procedure TMVCBasicAuthenticationMiddleware.OnBeforeControllerAction (Context: TWebContext; const AControllerQualifiedClassName, AActionName: string; var Handled: Boolean); var LAuth: string; LPieces: TArray; LRoles: TList; LIsValid: Boolean; LWebSession: TWebSession; LSessionID: string; LIsAuthorized: Boolean; LSessionIDFromWebRequest: string; LAuthRequired: Boolean; LSessionData: TSessionData; LPair: TPair; procedure SendWWWAuthenticate; begin Context.LoggedUser.Clear; if Context.Request.ClientPreferHTML then begin Context.Response.ContentType := 'text/html'; Context.Response.RawWebResponse.Content := Format(CONTENT_HTML_FORMAT, [CONTENT_401_NOT_AUTHORIZED]); end else begin Context.Response.ContentType := 'text/plain'; Context.Response.RawWebResponse.Content := CONTENT_401_NOT_AUTHORIZED; end; Context.Response.StatusCode := 401; Context.Response.SetCustomHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm=' + FRealm.QuotedString); Handled := true; end; procedure Send403Forbidden; begin Context.LoggedUser.Clear; if Context.Request.ClientPreferHTML then begin Context.Response.ContentType := 'text/html'; Context.Response.RawWebResponse.Content := Format(CONTENT_HTML_FORMAT, [CONTENT_403_FORBIDDEN]); end else begin Context.Response.ContentType := 'text/plain'; Context.Response.RawWebResponse.Content := CONTENT_403_FORBIDDEN; end; Context.Response.StatusCode := 403; Handled := true; end; begin // check if the resource is protected FMVCAuthenticationHandler.OnRequest(AControllerQualifiedClassName, AActionName, LAuthRequired); if not LAuthRequired then begin Handled := False; Exit; end; LSessionIDFromWebRequest := TMVCEngine.ExtractSessionIDFromWebRequest (Context.Request.RawWebRequest); LWebSession := TMVCEngine.GetCurrentSession (Context.Config.AsInt64[TMVCConfigKey.SessionTimeout], LSessionIDFromWebRequest, False); // if (not LSessionIDFromWebRequest.IsEmpty) and (not Assigned(LWebSession)) then // begin // SendWWWAuthenticate; // // Exit; // // The sessionid is present but is not valid and there is an authentication header. // // In this case, an exception is raised because the sessionid is not valid // // raise EMVCSessionExpiredException.Create('Session expired'); // end; Context.LoggedUser.LoadFromSession(LWebSession); if not Context.LoggedUser.IsValid then begin // check if the resource is protected // FMVCAuthenticationHandler.OnRequest(AControllerQualifiedClassName, AActionName, LAuthRequired); // if not LAuthRequired then // begin // Handled := False; // Exit; // end; // We NEED authentication LAuth := Context.Request.Headers['Authorization']; LAuth := DecodeString(LAuth.Remove(0, 'Basic'.Length).Trim); LPieces := LAuth.Split([':']); if LAuth.IsEmpty or (Length(LPieces) <> 2) then begin SendWWWAuthenticate; Exit; end; // now, we have username and password. // check the authorization for the requested resource LRoles := TList.Create; try LSessionData := TSessionData.Create; try FMVCAuthenticationHandler.OnAuthentication(LPieces[0], LPieces[1], LRoles, LIsValid, LSessionData); if LIsValid then begin Context.LoggedUser.Roles.AddRange(LRoles); Context.LoggedUser.UserName := LPieces[0]; Context.LoggedUser.LoggedSince := Now; Context.LoggedUser.Realm := FRealm; LSessionID := TMVCEngine.SendSessionCookie(Context); LWebSession := TMVCEngine.AddSessionToTheSessionList(LSessionID, Context.Config.AsInt64[TMVCConfigKey.SessionTimeout]); Context.LoggedUser.SaveToSession(LWebSession); // save sessiondata to the actual session for LPair in LSessionData do begin LWebSession[LPair.Key] := LPair.Value; end; end; finally LSessionData.Free; end; finally LRoles.Free; end; end; // authorization LIsAuthorized := False; if LIsValid then begin FMVCAuthenticationHandler.OnAuthorization(Context.LoggedUser.Roles, AControllerQualifiedClassName, AActionName, LIsAuthorized) end; if LIsAuthorized then Handled := False else begin if LIsValid then Send403Forbidden else SendWWWAuthenticate; end; end; procedure TMVCBasicAuthenticationMiddleware.OnBeforeRouting (Context: TWebContext; var Handled: Boolean); begin end; end.