program BasicDemo; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses System.SysUtils, Web.WebReq, Web.WebBroker, IdHTTPWebBrokerBridge, MVCFramework.REPLCommandsHandlerU, MVCFramework.Logger, WebModuleUnit1 in 'WebModuleUnit1.pas' {WebModule1: TWebModule} , App1MainControllerU in 'App1MainControllerU.pas'; {$R *.res} procedure RunServer(APort: Integer); var lServer: TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge; lCustomHandler: TMVCCustomREPLCommandsHandler; lCmd, lStartupCommand: string; begin if ParamCount >= 1 then lStartupCommand := ParamStr(1) else lStartupCommand := 'start'; lCustomHandler := function(const Value: String; const Server: TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge; out Handled: Boolean): THandleCommandResult begin Handled := False; Result := THandleCommandResult.Unknown; // Write here your custom command for the REPL using the following form... // *** // Handled := False; // if (Value = 'apiversion') then // begin // REPLEmit('Print my API version number'); // Result := THandleCommandResult.Continue; // Handled := True; // end // else if (Value = 'datetime') then // begin // REPLEmit(DateTimeToStr(Now)); // Result := THandleCommandResult.Continue; // Handled := True; // end; end; // Writeln(Format('Starting HTTP Server or port %d', [APort])); LServer := TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.Create(nil); try LServer.DefaultPort := APort; LogI(Format('Server started on port %d', [APort])); { more info about MaxConnections } LServer.MaxConnections := 0; { more info about ListenQueue } LServer.ListenQueue := 200; WriteLn('Write "quit" or "exit" to shutdown the server'); repeat // TextColor(RED); // TextColor(LightRed); Write('-> '); // TextColor(White); if lStartupCommand.IsEmpty then ReadLn(lCmd) else begin lCmd := lStartupCommand; lStartupCommand := ''; WriteLn(lCmd); end; case HandleCommand(lCmd.ToLower, LServer, lCustomHandler) of THandleCommandResult.Continue: begin Continue; end; THandleCommandResult.Break: begin Break; end; THandleCommandResult.Unknown: begin REPLEmit('Unknown command: ' + lCmd); end; end; until false; finally LServer.Free; end; end; begin ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True; try if WebRequestHandler <> nil then WebRequestHandler.WebModuleClass := WebModuleClass; WebRequestHandlerProc.MaxConnections := 1024; RunServer(8080); except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end.