unit LoggerPro.NSQAppender; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, LoggerPro, System.Net.HttpClient; type { Author: Stéphane "Fulgan" GROBETY (https://github.com/Fulgan/) Log appender for NSQ (https://nsq.io) (https://github.com/nsqio/nsq) "NSQ is a realtime message processing system designed to operate at bitly's scale, handling billions of messages per day. It promotes distributed and decentralized topologies without single points of failure, enabling fault tolerance and high availability coupled with a reliable message delivery guarantee" For testing, you can navigate to the NSQ folder and type the following commands: This starts the NSQLookup service then starts a listener on the default endpoint(http:/ start nsqlookupd start nsqd --lookupd-tcp-address= This starts a consumer for the topic "test" that outputs the messages to the console: start nsq_tail --topic=test --lookupd-http-address= (optional) This starts a consumer for the ephemeral topic "test" that outputs the messages to the console: start nsq_tail --topic=test#ephemeral --lookupd-http-address= (optional) This starts a NSQAdmin web interface that can be reached on http://localhost:4171/ start nsqadmin --lookupd-http-address= Note about consumers: - If there is no consumer to received messages for a channel, NSQ will save them to memory and disk unless the topic has been marked as Ephemeral. Use NSQAdmin to delete any extra channel created. - Ephemeral topics are not saved or cached and the topic will be deleted once the last consumer disconnects - Writing a consumer is more complex than writing a client. A list of available client libraries can be found at https://nsq.io/clients/client_libraries.html } TOnCreateData = procedure(const sender : TObject; const LogItem: TLogItem; var Data: TStream); TOnNetSendError = procedure(const sender : TObject; const LogItem: TLogItem; const NetError: ENetHTTPClientException; var RetryCount: Integer); TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase = class(TLoggerProAppenderBase, ILogAppender) private FOnCreateData: TOnCreateData; FOnNetSendError: TOnNetSendError; procedure SetOnCreateData(const Value: TOnCreateData); procedure SetOnNetSendError(const Value: TOnNetSendError); protected FNSQUrl : string; FTopic: String; FUserName, FMachineName: string; FEphemeral: Boolean; FLastSignature: string; FLogFormat: string; FFormatSettings: TFormatSettings; public const DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT = '%0:s [TID %1:-8d][%2:-8s] %3:s [%4:s]'; const DEFAULT_NSQ_URL = ''; function GetNSQUrl: string; procedure SetNSQUrl(const Value: string); function GetTopic: string; procedure SetTopic(const Value: string); procedure SetEphemeral(const Value: Boolean); /// TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.Create /// /// (string) This is the "topic" of the channel. If left /// empty, the LogItem's tag will be used. /// (Boolean) If true, the NSQ channel will be marked as /// Ephemeral: messages sent to this channel will neither be cached nor /// queued /// (string) URL of the NSQD service (usually, http://127.0. /// 0.1:4151) /// (string) Log format to use if no custom log message /// creation event is defined constructor Create(aTopic: string=''; aEphemeral: Boolean = False; aNSQUrl: string=DEFAULT_NSQ_URL; aLogFormat: string=DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT); reintroduce; property NSQUrl: string read GetNSQUrl write SetNSQUrl; property Ephemeral: Boolean read FEphemeral write SetEphemeral; property OnCreateData: TOnCreateData read FOnCreateData write SetOnCreateData; property OnNetSendError: TOnNetSendError read FOnNetSendError write SetOnNetSendError; property Topic: string read GetTopic write SetTopic; procedure TearDown; override; procedure Setup; override; procedure WriteLog(const aLogItem: TLogItem); override; function CreateData(const SrcLogItem: TLogItem): TStream; virtual; function FormatLog(const aLogItem: TLogItem): string; virtual; end; implementation uses System.NetEncoding; constructor TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.Create(aTopic: string=''; aEphemeral: Boolean = False; aNSQUrl: string=DEFAULT_NSQ_URL; aLogFormat: string=DEFAULT_LOG_FORMAT); begin inherited Create(); FEphemeral := aEphemeral; FNSQUrl := ''; FUserName := aNSQUrl; FLogFormat := aLogFormat; FTopic := aTopic; end; function TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.CreateData( const SrcLogItem: TLogItem): TStream; begin result := nil; try if assigned(FOnCreateData) then begin FOnCreateData(Self, SrcLogItem, Result); end else begin result := TStringStream.Create(FormatLog(SrcLogItem), TEncoding.UTF8); end; except on e: Exception do begin FreeAndNil(Result); raise; end; end; end; function TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.FormatLog( const aLogItem: TLogItem): string; begin result := Format(FLogFormat, [datetimetostr(aLogItem.TimeStamp, FFormatSettings), aLogItem.ThreadID, aLogItem.LogTypeAsString, aLogItem.LogMessage, aLogItem.LogTag]) end; function TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.GetNSQUrl: string; begin result := FNSQUrl; end; function TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.GetTopic: string; begin result := FTopic; end; procedure TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.SetEphemeral(const Value: Boolean); begin FEphemeral := Value; end; procedure TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.SetNSQUrl(const Value: string); begin FNSQUrl := value; end; procedure TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.SetOnCreateData(const Value: TOnCreateData); begin FOnCreateData := Value; end; procedure TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.SetOnNetSendError( const Value: TOnNetSendError); begin FOnNetSendError := Value; end; procedure TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.SetTopic(const Value: string); begin FTopic := value; end; procedure TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.Setup; begin FFormatSettings := LoggerPro.GetDefaultFormatSettings; inherited; end; procedure TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.TearDown; begin inherited; end; procedure TLoggerProNSQAppenderBase.WriteLog(const aLogItem: TLogItem); var FHTTPCli: THTTPClient; URI: string; Data: TStream; TopicName: string; FRetryCount: Integer; begin FRetryCount := 0; FHTTPCli := THTTPClient.Create; try if Topic.trim.IsEmpty then TopicName := aLogItem.LogTag.Trim else TopicName := Topic.Trim; URI :=NSQUrl + '/pub?topic=' + TNetEncoding.URL.Encode(TopicName); if Ephemeral then URI := URI + '#ephemeral'; Data := CreateData(aLogItem); if Assigned(Data) then begin repeat try // Set very short timeouts: this is a local call and we don't want to block the queue for too long. FHTTPCli.ConnectionTimeout := 100; FHTTPCli.ResponseTimeout := 200; Data.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); // ignore the respnse: as long as NSQD has accepted the POST, it will handle the result FHTTPCli.Post(URI, Data); break; except on e: ENetHTTPClientException do begin // if there is an event handler for net exception, call it if Assigned(FOnNetSendError) then OnNetSendError(self, aLogItem, e, FRetryCount); // if the handler has set FRetryCount to a positive value then retry the call if FRetryCount <= 0 then break; end; end; until false; end; finally FreeAndNil(FHTTPCli); end; end; end.