// *************************************************************************** // // Delphi MVC Framework // // Copyright (c) 2010-2021 Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team // // https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework // // Collaborators on this file: // João Antônio Duarte (https://github.com/joaoduarte19) // // *************************************************************************** // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // *************************************************************************** } unit MVCFramework.Swagger.Commons; interface uses Json.Schema, System.Rtti, Swag.Common.Types, System.SysUtils, MVCFramework.Commons, Swag.Doc.Path.Operation.RequestParameter, Swag.Doc.Path.Operation, Swag.Doc.Path, System.Json, Json.Schema.Field, Json.Schema.Field.Objects, Swag.Doc.Definition, System.Generics.Collections, System.Generics.Defaults; type TMVCSwagParamLocation = (plNotDefined, plQuery, plHeader, plPath, plFormData, plBody); TMVCSwagParamType = (ptNotDefined, ptString, ptNumber, ptInteger, ptBoolean, ptArray, ptFile); TMVCSwagSchemaType = (stUnknown, stInteger, stInt64, stNumber, stDateTime, stDate, stTime, stEnumeration, stBoolean, stObject, stArray, stString, stChar, stGuid); TMVCSwagAuthenticationType = (atBasic, atJsonWebToken); /// /// Swagger info object /// TMVCSwaggerInfo = record Title: string; Version: string; TermsOfService: string; Description: string; ContactName: string; ContactEmail: string; ContactUrl: string; LicenseName: string; LicenseUrl: string; end; /// /// Specify swagger path summary. See /// Swagger path and operations /// MVCSwagSummaryAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private fTags: string; fDeprecated: Boolean; fDescription: string; fOperationID: string; public constructor Create(const aTags, aDescription: string; const aOperationId: string = ''; aDeprecated: Boolean = False); function GetTags: TArray; property Tags: string read fTags; property Description: string read fDescription; property OperationID: string read fOperationID; property Deprecated: Boolean read fDeprecated; end; /// /// Specifies your controller authentication type /// MVCSwagAuthenticationAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private fAuthenticationType: TMVCSwagAuthenticationType; public constructor Create(const aAuthenticationType: TMVCSwagAuthenticationType = atJsonWebToken); property AuthenticationType: TMVCSwagAuthenticationType read fAuthenticationType; end; /// /// Specify swagger path responses. /// MVCSwagResponsesAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private fStatusCode: Integer; fDescription: string; fJsonSchema: string; fJsonSchemaClass: TClass; fIsArray: Boolean; public constructor Create(const aStatusCode: Integer; const aDescription: string; const aJsonSchema: string = ''); overload; constructor Create(const aStatusCode: Integer; const aDescription: string; const aJsonSchemaClass: TClass; const aIsArray: Boolean = False); overload; property StatusCode: Integer read fStatusCode; property Description: string read fDescription; property JsonSchema: string read fJsonSchema; property JsonSchemaClass: TClass read fJsonSchemaClass; property IsArray: Boolean read fIsArray; end; /// /// Specify swagger path params. /// MVCSwagParamAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private fParamLocation: TMVCSwagParamLocation; fParamName: string; fParamDescription: string; fParamType: TMVCSwagParamType; fRequired: Boolean; fJsonSchema: string; fJsonSchemaClass: TClass; fDefaultValue: string; fEnumValues: string; function GetEnumValues: TArray; public constructor Create(const aParamLocation: TMVCSwagParamLocation; const aParamName: string; const aParamDescription: string; const aParamType: TMVCSwagParamType; const aRequired: Boolean = True; const aDefaultValue: string = ''; const aEnumValues: string = ''; const aJsonSchema: string = ''); overload; constructor Create(const aParamLocation: TMVCSwagParamLocation; const aParamName: string; const aParamDescription: string; const aJsonSchemaClass: TClass; const aParamType: TMVCSwagParamType = ptNotDefined; const aRequired: Boolean = True; const aDefaultValue: string = ''; const aEnumValues: string = ''); overload; property ParamLocation: TMVCSwagParamLocation read fParamLocation; property ParamName: string read fParamName; property ParamDescription: string read fParamDescription; property ParamType: TMVCSwagParamType read fParamType; property Required: Boolean read fRequired; property DefaultValue: string read fDefaultValue; property EnumValues: TArray read GetEnumValues; property JsonSchema: string read fJsonSchema; property JsonSchemaClass: TClass read fJsonSchemaClass; end; /// /// Specifies the field definition in the json schema. /// Use this attribute on a class property that will be mapped to a json schema /// MVCSwagJSONSchemaFieldAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private fSchemaFieldType: TMVCSwagSchemaType; fFieldName: string; fDescription: string; fRequired: Boolean; fNullable: Boolean; fMinLength: Integer; fMaxLength: Integer; public constructor Create(const aSchemaFieldType: TMVCSwagSchemaType; const aFieldName: string; const aDescription: string; const aRequired: Boolean = True; const aNullable: Boolean = False; const aMinLength: Integer = 0; const aMaxLength: Integer = 0); overload; constructor Create(const aFieldName: string; const aDescription: string; const aRequired: Boolean = True; const aNullable: Boolean = False; const aMinLength: Integer = 0; const aMaxLength: Integer = 0); overload; property SchemaFieldType: TMVCSwagSchemaType read fSchemaFieldType; property FieldName: string read fFieldName; property Description: string read fDescription; property Required: Boolean read fRequired; property Nullable: Boolean read fNullable; property MinLength: Integer read fMinLength; property MaxLength: Integer read fMaxLength; end; /// /// Use this attribute in the class or method to ignore the path in creating swagger documentation. /// MVCSwagIgnorePathAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute); /// /// SwaggerDoc Methods /// TMVCSwagger = class sealed private class var fRttiContext: TRttiContext; class function GetMVCSwagParamsFromMethod(const aMethod: TRttiMethod): TArray; class function MVCParamLocationToSwagRequestParamInLocation(const aMVCSwagParamLocation: TMVCSwagParamLocation) : TSwagRequestParameterInLocation; class function MVCParamTypeToSwagTypeParameter(const aMVSwagParamType: TMVCSwagParamType): TSwagTypeParameter; class procedure ExtractJsonSchemaFromClass(const aJsonFieldRoot: TJsonFieldObject; const aClass: TClass); overload; class function ExtractJsonSchemaFromClass(const aClass: TClass; const aIsArray: Boolean = False) : TJSONObject; overload; class function GetJsonFieldClass(const aSchemaFieldType: TMVCSwagSchemaType): TJsonFieldClass; class function TypeKindToMVCSwagSchemaType(aPropType: TRttiType): TMVCSwagSchemaType; static; class function TypeIsEnumerable(const aRttiType: TRttiType): Boolean; static; public class constructor Create; class destructor Destroy; class function MVCHttpMethodToSwagPathOperation(const aMVCHTTPMethod: TMVCHTTPMethodType): TSwagPathTypeOperation; class function MVCPathToSwagPath(const aResourcePath: string): string; class function GetParamsFromMethod(const aResourcePath: string; const aMethod: TRttiMethod; const aSwagDefinitions: TObjectList): TArray; class function RttiTypeToSwagType(const aRttiType: TRttiType): TSwagTypeParameter; class procedure FillOperationSummary(const aSwagPathOperation: TSwagPathOperation; const aMethod: TRttiMethod; const aSwagDefinitions: TObjectList; const aHTTPMethod: TMVCHTTPMethodType); class function MethodRequiresAuthentication(const aMethod: TRttiMethod; const aType: TRttiType; out aAuthenticationTypeName: string): Boolean; class function GetJWTAuthenticationPath(const aJWTUrlSegment: string; aUserNameHeaderName, aPasswordHeaderName: string): TSwagPath; end; TArrayHelper = class public class procedure QuickSort(var Values: array of T; const Comparer: IComparer; L, R: Integer); static; end; const JWT_AUTHENTICATION_TAG = 'JWT Authentication'; SECURITY_BEARER_NAME = 'bearer'; SECURITY_BASIC_NAME = 'basic'; JWT_JSON_SCHEMA = '{' + sLineBreak + ' "type": "object",' + sLineBreak + ' "properties": {' + sLineBreak + ' "token": {' + sLineBreak + ' "type": "string",' + sLineBreak + ' "description": "JWT Token"' + sLineBreak + ' }' + sLineBreak + ' }' + sLineBreak + '}'; JWT_DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION = 'For accessing the API a valid JWT token must be passed in all the queries ' + 'in the ''Authorization'' header.' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak + 'A valid JWT token is generated by the API and retourned as answer of a call ' + 'to the route defined ' + 'in the JWT middleware giving a valid username and password.' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak + 'The following syntax must be used in the ''Authorization'' header :' + sLineBreak + sLineBreak + ' Bearer xxxxxx.yyyyyyy.zzzzzz' + sLineBreak; implementation uses System.Classes, System.RegularExpressions, System.TypInfo, MVCFramework, MVCFramework.Nullables, MVCFramework.Serializer.Abstract, MVCFramework.Serializer.Commons, Swag.Doc.Path.Operation.Response, Json.Schema.Field.Numbers, Json.Schema.Field.Strings, Json.Schema.Field.Arrays, Json.Schema.Field.DateTimes, Json.Schema.Field.Enums, Json.Schema.Field.Booleans; { TSwaggerUtils } class constructor TMVCSwagger.Create; begin fRttiContext := TRttiContext.Create; end; class function TMVCSwagger.RttiTypeToSwagType(const aRttiType: TRttiType): TSwagTypeParameter; begin case aRttiType.TypeKind of tkInteger, tkInt64: Result := stpInteger; tkChar, tkString, tkWChar, tkLString, tkWString, tkUString: Result := stpString; tkFloat: if (aRttiType.Handle = TypeInfo(TDateTime)) or (aRttiType.Handle = TypeInfo(TDate)) or (aRttiType.Handle = TypeInfo(TTime)) then Result := stpString else Result := stpNumber; tkEnumeration: if aRttiType.Handle = TypeInfo(Boolean) then Result := stpBoolean else Result := stpArray; tkRecord: if aRttiType.Handle = TypeInfo(TGUID) then Result := stpString else Result := stpNotDefined; else Result := stpNotDefined; end; end; class destructor TMVCSwagger.Destroy; begin fRttiContext.Free; end; class function TMVCSwagger.TypeIsEnumerable(const aRttiType: TRttiType): Boolean; begin Result := aRttiType.GetMethod('GetEnumerator') <> nil; end; type TFieldSchemaDefinition = record SchemaFieldType: TMVCSwagSchemaType; FieldName: string; Description: string; Required: Boolean; Nullable: Boolean; MinLength: Integer; MaxLength: Integer; class function Create: TFieldSchemaDefinition; static; inline; end; class procedure TMVCSwagger.ExtractJsonSchemaFromClass(const aJsonFieldRoot: TJsonFieldObject; const aClass: TClass); var lFieldSchemaDef: TFieldSchemaDefinition; lObjType: TRttiType; lProp: TRttiProperty; lSkipProp: Boolean; lAttr: TCustomAttribute; lEnumAttr: MVCEnumSerializationAttribute; lJSFieldAttr: MVCSwagJSONSchemaFieldAttribute; lJsonFieldClass: TJsonFieldClass; lJsonField: TJsonField; lJsonFieldType: TRttiType; lJsonFieldObject: TJsonFieldObject; lAbstractSer: TMVCAbstractSerializer; lClass: TClass; lEnumSerType: TMVCEnumSerializationType; lEnumMappedValues: TList; I: Integer; lInheritsFromTInterfacedOb: Boolean; begin lObjType := fRttiContext.GetType(aClass); lInheritsFromTInterfacedOb := aClass.InheritsFrom(TInterfacedObject); for lProp in lObjType.GetProperties do begin lSkipProp := False; lFieldSchemaDef := TFieldSchemaDefinition.Create; if lInheritsFromTInterfacedOb and SameText(lProp.Name, 'RefCount') then Continue; for lAttr in lProp.GetAttributes do begin if lAttr is MVCDoNotSerializeAttribute then begin lSkipProp := True; Break; end; if lAttr is MVCSwagJSONSchemaFieldAttribute then begin lJSFieldAttr := MVCSwagJSONSchemaFieldAttribute(lAttr); lFieldSchemaDef.SchemaFieldType := lJSFieldAttr.SchemaFieldType; lFieldSchemaDef.FieldName := lJSFieldAttr.FieldName; lFieldSchemaDef.Description := lJSFieldAttr.Description; lFieldSchemaDef.Required := lJSFieldAttr.Required; lFieldSchemaDef.Nullable := lJSFieldAttr.Nullable; lFieldSchemaDef.MinLength := lJSFieldAttr.MinLength; lFieldSchemaDef.MaxLength := lJSFieldAttr.MaxLength; Break; end; end; if lSkipProp then Continue; if lFieldSchemaDef.SchemaFieldType = stUnknown then begin lFieldSchemaDef.SchemaFieldType := TypeKindToMVCSwagSchemaType(lProp.PropertyType); lFieldSchemaDef.FieldName := TMVCSerializerHelper.GetKeyName(lProp, lObjType); end; lJsonFieldClass := GetJsonFieldClass(lFieldSchemaDef.SchemaFieldType); if not Assigned(lJsonFieldClass) then Continue; lJsonField := lJsonFieldClass.Create; if (lJsonField is TJsonFieldObject) and (not TypeIsEnumerable(lProp.PropertyType)) then begin ExtractJsonSchemaFromClass((lJsonField as TJsonFieldObject), lProp.PropertyType.AsInstance.MetaClassType); end; if (lJsonField is TJsonFieldArray) and TypeIsEnumerable(lProp.PropertyType) then begin lAbstractSer := TMVCAbstractSerializer.Create; try if lAbstractSer.GetObjectTypeOfGenericList(lProp.PropertyType.Handle, lJsonFieldType) then begin if lJsonFieldType.IsInstance then begin lClass := lJsonFieldType.AsInstance.MetaclassType; lJsonFieldObject := TJsonFieldObject.Create; ExtractJsonSchemaFromClass(lJsonFieldObject, lClass); TJsonFieldArray(lJsonField).ItemFieldType := lJsonFieldObject; end else begin lJsonFieldClass := GetJsonFieldClass(TypeKindToMVCSwagSchemaType(lJsonFieldType)); if Assigned(lJsonFieldClass) then TJsonFieldArray(lJsonField).ItemFieldType := lJsonFieldClass.Create; end; end; finally lAbstractSer.Free; end; end else if (lJsonField is TJsonFieldArray) and (lProp.PropertyType is TRttiDynamicArrayType) then begin lJsonFieldClass := GetJsonFieldClass(TypeKindToMVCSwagSchemaType( TRttiDynamicArrayType(lProp.PropertyType).ElementType)); if Assigned(lJsonFieldClass) then TJsonFieldArray(lJsonField).ItemFieldType := lJsonFieldClass.Create; end else if lJsonField is TJsonFieldEnum then /// Extract enumerator information begin lEnumSerType := estEnumName; lEnumMappedValues := nil; if TMVCSerializerHelper.HasAttribute(lProp, lEnumAttr) then begin lEnumSerType := lEnumAttr.SerializationType; lEnumMappedValues := lEnumAttr.MappedValues; end; case lEnumSerType of estEnumName, estEnumOrd : begin if lEnumSerType = estEnumName then TJsonFieldEnum(lJsonField).EnumType := etString else TJsonFieldEnum(lJsonField).EnumType := etNumber; for I := lProp.PropertyType.AsOrdinal.MinValue to lProp.PropertyType.AsOrdinal.MaxValue do begin TJsonFieldEnum(lJsonField).AddItem(I, GetEnumName(lProp.PropertyType.Handle, I)); end; end; estEnumMappedValues: begin TJsonFieldEnum(lJsonField).EnumType := etString; TJsonFieldEnum(lJsonField).AddItems(lEnumMappedValues.ToArray); end; end; end else if lJsonField is TJsonFieldString then begin TJsonFieldString(lJsonField).MinLength := lFieldSchemaDef.MinLength; TJsonFieldString(lJsonField).MaxLength := lFieldSchemaDef.MaxLength; end; lJsonField.Name := lFieldSchemaDef.FieldName; lJsonField.Required := lFieldSchemaDef.Required; lJsonField.Nullable := lFieldSchemaDef.Nullable; if not lFieldSchemaDef.Description.IsEmpty then TJsonFieldInteger(lJsonField).Description := lFieldSchemaDef.Description; aJsonFieldRoot.AddField(lJsonField); end; end; class function TMVCSwagger.ExtractJsonSchemaFromClass(const aClass: TClass; const aIsArray: Boolean): TJSONObject; var lJsonSchema: TJsonField; lJsonRoot: TJsonFieldObject; begin if aIsArray then begin lJsonSchema := TJsonFieldArray.Create end else begin lJsonSchema := TJsonFieldObject.Create; end; try if aIsArray then begin lJsonRoot := TJsonFieldObject.Create; TJsonFieldArray(lJsonSchema).ItemFieldType := lJsonRoot; TJsonFieldArray(lJsonSchema).Name := 'items'; end else begin lJsonRoot := lJsonSchema as TJsonFieldObject; end; ExtractJsonSchemaFromClass(lJsonRoot, aClass); Result := lJsonSchema.ToJsonSchema; finally lJsonSchema.Free; end; end; class procedure TMVCSwagger.FillOperationSummary(const aSwagPathOperation: TSwagPathOperation; const aMethod: TRttiMethod; const aSwagDefinitions: TObjectList; const aHTTPMethod: TMVCHTTPMethodType); var lAttr: TCustomAttribute; lSwagResponse: TSwagResponse; lSwagResponsesAttr: MVCSwagResponsesAttribute; lComparer: IComparer; lSwagDefinition: TSwagDefinition; lSwagDef: TSwagDefinition; lClassName: string; lIndex: Integer; lJsonSchema: TJsonFieldArray; begin for lAttr in aMethod.GetAttributes do begin if lAttr is MVCSwagSummaryAttribute then begin aSwagPathOperation.Tags.AddRange(MVCSwagSummaryAttribute(lAttr).GetTags); aSwagPathOperation.Description := MVCSwagSummaryAttribute(lAttr).Description; aSwagPathOperation.OperationID := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TMVCHTTPMethodType), Ord(aHTTPMethod)).Substring(4) + '.' + MVCSwagSummaryAttribute(lAttr).OperationID; if MVCSwagSummaryAttribute(lAttr).OperationID.IsEmpty then begin aSwagPathOperation.OperationID := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TMVCHTTPMethodType), Ord(aHTTPMethod)).Substring(4) + '.' + aMethod.Parent.QualifiedName + '.' + aMethod.Name; end; // dt [2019-10-31] aSwagPathOperation.Deprecated := MVCSwagSummaryAttribute(lAttr).Deprecated; end; if lAttr is MVCConsumesAttribute then begin aSwagPathOperation.Consumes.Add(MVCConsumesAttribute(lAttr).Value) end; if lAttr is MVCProducesAttribute then begin aSwagPathOperation.Produces.Add(MVCProducesAttribute(lAttr).Value) end; if lAttr is MVCSwagResponsesAttribute then begin lSwagResponsesAttr := MVCSwagResponsesAttribute(lAttr); lSwagResponse := TSwagResponse.Create; lSwagResponse.StatusCode := lSwagResponsesAttr.StatusCode.ToString; lSwagResponse.Description := lSwagResponsesAttr.Description; if not lSwagResponsesAttr.JsonSchema.IsEmpty then begin lSwagResponse.Schema.JsonSchema := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(lSwagResponsesAttr.JsonSchema) as TJSONObject end else if Assigned(lSwagResponsesAttr.JsonSchemaClass) then begin lComparer := TDelegatedComparer.Create( function(const Left, Right: TSwagDefinition): Integer begin Result := CompareText(Left.Name, Right.Name); end); lClassName := lSwagResponsesAttr.JsonSchemaClass.ClassName; if lClassName.ToUpper.StartsWith('T') then lClassName := lClassName.Remove(0, 1); aSwagDefinitions.Sort(lComparer); lSwagDef := TSwagDefinition.Create; try lSwagDef.Name := lClassName; if not aSwagDefinitions.BinarySearch(lSwagDef, lIndex, lComparer) then begin lSwagDefinition := TSwagDefinition.Create; lSwagDefinition.Name := lClassName; lSwagDefinition.JsonSchema := ExtractJsonSchemaFromClass(lSwagResponsesAttr.JsonSchemaClass, False); aSwagDefinitions.Add(lSwagDefinition); end; finally lSwagDef.Free; end; if lSwagResponsesAttr.IsArray then begin lJsonSchema := TJsonFieldArray.Create; try lJsonSchema.Name := 'items'; lJsonSchema.ItemFieldType := TJsonFieldObject.Create; TJsonFieldObject(lJsonSchema.ItemFieldType).Ref := lClassName; lSwagResponse.Schema.JsonSchema := lJsonSchema.ToJsonSchema; finally lJsonSchema.Free; end; end else begin lSwagResponse.Schema.Name := lClassName; end; end; aSwagPathOperation.Responses.Add(lSwagResponse.StatusCode, lSwagResponse); end; end; if aSwagPathOperation.Tags.Count = 0 then aSwagPathOperation.Tags.Add(aMethod.Parent.QualifiedName); if aSwagPathOperation.Produces.Count <= 0 then aSwagPathOperation.Produces.Add(TMVCMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); if aSwagPathOperation.Responses.Count <= 0 then begin lSwagResponse := TSwagResponse.Create; lSwagResponse.StatusCode := IntToStr(HTTP_STATUS.OK); lSwagResponse.Description := 'Ok'; aSwagPathOperation.Responses.Add(lSwagResponse.StatusCode, lSwagResponse); lSwagResponse := TSwagResponse.Create; lSwagResponse.StatusCode := IntToStr(HTTP_STATUS.InternalServerError); lSwagResponse.Description := 'Internal server error'; aSwagPathOperation.Responses.Add(lSwagResponse.StatusCode, lSwagResponse); end; end; class function TMVCSwagger.GetJsonFieldClass(const aSchemaFieldType: TMVCSwagSchemaType): TJsonFieldClass; begin case aSchemaFieldType of stInteger: Result := TJsonFieldInteger; stInt64: Result := TJsonFieldInt64; stNumber: Result := TJsonFieldNumber; stDateTime: Result := TJsonFieldDateTime; stDate: Result := TJsonFieldDate; stTime: Result := TJsonFieldTime; stEnumeration: Result := TJsonFieldEnum; stBoolean: Result := TJsonFieldBoolean; stObject: Result := TJsonFieldObject; stArray: Result := TJsonFieldArray; stString, stChar: Result := TJsonFieldString; stGuid: Result := TJsonFieldGuid; else Result := nil; end; end; class function TMVCSwagger.TypeKindToMVCSwagSchemaType(aPropType: TRttiType): TMVCSwagSchemaType; begin Result := stUnknown; if aPropType.TypeKind = tkUnknown then Exit; case aPropType.TypeKind of tkClass: begin if (aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(TStream)) or (aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(TMemoryStream)) or (aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(TStringStream)) then Result := stString else if TypeIsEnumerable(aPropType) then Result := stArray else Result := stObject; end; tkArray: Result := stArray; tkString, tkUString, tkChar: Result := stString; tkRecord: begin if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(TGUID) then Result := stGuid else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableString) then Result := stString else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableCurrency) then Result := stNumber else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableBoolean) then Result := stBoolean else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableTDate) then Result := stDate else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableTTime) then Result := stTime else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableTDateTime) then Result := stDateTime else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableSingle) then Result := stNumber else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableDouble) then Result := stNumber else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableExtended) then Result := stNumber else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableInt16) then Result := stInteger else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableUInt16) then Result := stInteger else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableInt32) then Result := stInteger else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableUInt32) then Result := stInteger else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableInt64) then Result := stInt64 else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(NullableUInt64) then Result := stInt64; end; tkInteger: Result := stInteger; tkInt64: Result := stInt64; tkEnumeration: begin if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(Boolean) then Result := stBoolean else Result := stEnumeration; end; tkFloat: begin if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(TDateTime) then Result := stDateTime else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(TDate) then Result := stDate else if aPropType.Handle = TypeInfo(TTime) then Result := stTime else Result := stNumber; end; end; end; class function TMVCSwagger.GetJWTAuthenticationPath(const aJWTUrlSegment: string; aUserNameHeaderName, aPasswordHeaderName: string): TSwagPath; var lSwagPathOp: TSwagPathOperation; lSwagResponse: TSwagResponse; lSwagParam: TSwagRequestParameter; begin lSwagPathOp := TSwagPathOperation.Create; lSwagPathOp.Tags.Add(JWT_AUTHENTICATION_TAG); lSwagPathOp.Operation := ohvPost; lSwagPathOp.Security.Add(SECURITY_BASIC_NAME); lSwagPathOp.Description := 'Create JSON Web Token'; lSwagPathOp.Produces.Add(TMVCMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); lSwagParam := TSwagRequestParameter.Create; lSwagParam.Name := aUserNameHeaderName; lSwagParam.TypeParameter := stpString; lSwagParam.Required := False; lSwagParam.InLocation := rpiHeader; lSwagPathOp.Parameters.Add(lSwagParam); lSwagParam := TSwagRequestParameter.Create; lSwagParam.Name := aPasswordHeaderName; lSwagParam.TypeParameter := stpString; lSwagParam.Required := False; lSwagParam.InLocation := rpiHeader; lSwagPathOp.Parameters.Add(lSwagParam); lSwagResponse := TSwagResponse.Create; lSwagResponse.StatusCode := IntToStr(HTTP_STATUS.Unauthorized); lSwagResponse.Description := 'Invalid authorization type'; lSwagPathOp.Responses.Add(lSwagResponse.StatusCode, lSwagResponse); lSwagResponse := TSwagResponse.Create; lSwagResponse.StatusCode := IntToStr(HTTP_STATUS.Forbidden); lSwagResponse.Description := 'Forbidden'; lSwagPathOp.Responses.Add(lSwagResponse.StatusCode, lSwagResponse); lSwagResponse := TSwagResponse.Create; lSwagResponse.StatusCode := IntToStr(HTTP_STATUS.InternalServerError); lSwagResponse.Description := 'Internal server error'; lSwagPathOp.Responses.Add(lSwagResponse.StatusCode, lSwagResponse); lSwagResponse := TSwagResponse.Create; lSwagResponse.StatusCode := IntToStr(HTTP_STATUS.OK); lSwagResponse.Description := 'OK'; lSwagResponse.Schema.JsonSchema := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(JWT_JSON_SCHEMA) as TJSONObject; lSwagPathOp.Responses.Add(lSwagResponse.StatusCode, lSwagResponse); Result := TSwagPath.Create; Result.Uri := aJWTUrlSegment; Result.Operations.Add(lSwagPathOp); end; class function TMVCSwagger.GetMVCSwagParamsFromMethod(const aMethod: TRttiMethod): TArray; var lAttr: TCustomAttribute; begin SetLength(Result, 0); for lAttr in aMethod.GetAttributes do begin if lAttr is MVCSwagParamAttribute then begin Insert([MVCSwagParamAttribute(lAttr)], Result, High(Result)); end; end; end; class function TMVCSwagger.GetParamsFromMethod(const aResourcePath: string; const aMethod: TRttiMethod; const aSwagDefinitions: TObjectList): TArray; function TryGetMVCPathParamByName(const AParams: TArray; const aParamName: string; out AMVCParam: MVCSwagParamAttribute; out AIndex: Integer): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; AMVCParam := nil; AIndex := - 1; for I := Low(AParams) to High(AParams) do if SameText(AParams[I].ParamName, aParamName) and (AParams[I].ParamLocation = plPath) then begin AMVCParam := AParams[I]; AIndex := I; Exit(True); end; end; var lMatches: TMatchCollection; lMatch: TMatch; lParamName: string; lMethodParam: TRttiParameter; lSwagParam: TSwagRequestParameter; lMVCSwagParams: TArray; lMVCParam: MVCSwagParamAttribute; lIndex: Integer; I: Integer; lComparer: IComparer; lClassName: string; lSwagDef: TSwagDefinition; lSwagDefinition: TSwagDefinition; begin lMVCSwagParams := GetMVCSwagParamsFromMethod(aMethod); SetLength(Result, 0); // Path parameters lMatches := TRegEx.Matches(aResourcePath, '({)([\w_]+)(})', [roIgnoreCase, roMultiLine]); for lMatch in lMatches do begin lParamName := lMatch.Groups[2].Value; for lMethodParam in aMethod.GetParameters do begin if SameText(lMethodParam.Name, lParamName) then begin lSwagParam := TSwagRequestParameter.Create; if TryGetMVCPathParamByName(lMVCSwagParams, lParamName, lMVCParam, lIndex) then begin lSwagParam.Name := lParamName; lSwagParam.InLocation := MVCParamLocationToSwagRequestParamInLocation(lMVCParam.ParamLocation); lSwagParam.Required := lMVCParam.Required; lSwagParam.Default := lMVCParam.DefaultValue; lSwagParam.Enum.Text := string.Join(sLineBreak, lMVCParam.EnumValues); lSwagParam.TypeParameter := MVCParamTypeToSwagTypeParameter(lMVCParam.ParamType); lSwagParam.Description := lMVCParam.ParamDescription; if not lMVCParam.JsonSchema.IsEmpty then begin lSwagParam.Schema.JsonSchema := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(lMVCParam.JsonSchema) as TJSONObject end else if Assigned(lMVCParam.JsonSchemaClass) then begin lComparer := TDelegatedComparer.Create( function(const Left, Right: TSwagDefinition): Integer begin Result := CompareText(Left.Name, Right.Name); end); lClassName := lMVCParam.JsonSchemaClass.ClassName; if lClassName.ToUpper.StartsWith('T') then lClassName := lClassName.Remove(0, 1); aSwagDefinitions.Sort(lComparer); lSwagDef := TSwagDefinition.Create; try lSwagDef.Name := lClassName; if not aSwagDefinitions.BinarySearch(lSwagDef, lIndex, lComparer) then begin lSwagDefinition := TSwagDefinition.Create; lSwagDefinition.Name := lClassName; lSwagDefinition.JsonSchema := ExtractJsonSchemaFromClass(lMVCParam.JsonSchemaClass, lMVCParam.ParamType = ptArray); aSwagDefinitions.Add(lSwagDefinition); end; finally lSwagDef.Free; end; lSwagParam.Schema.Name := lClassName; end; Delete(lMVCSwagParams, lIndex, 1); end else begin lSwagParam.Name := lParamName; lSwagParam.InLocation := rpiPath; lSwagParam.Required := True; lSwagParam.TypeParameter := RttiTypeToSwagType(lMethodParam.ParamType); end; Insert([lSwagParam], Result, High(Result)); end; end; end; // Other parameters for I := Low(lMVCSwagParams) to High(lMVCSwagParams) do begin lSwagParam := TSwagRequestParameter.Create; lSwagParam.Name := lMVCSwagParams[I].ParamName; lSwagParam.InLocation := MVCParamLocationToSwagRequestParamInLocation(lMVCSwagParams[I].ParamLocation); lSwagParam.Required := lMVCSwagParams[I].Required; lSwagParam.Default := lMVCSwagParams[I].DefaultValue; lSwagParam.Enum.Text := string.Join(sLineBreak, lMVCSwagParams[I].EnumValues); lSwagParam.TypeParameter := MVCParamTypeToSwagTypeParameter(lMVCSwagParams[I].ParamType); lSwagParam.Description := lMVCSwagParams[I].ParamDescription; if not lMVCSwagParams[I].JsonSchema.IsEmpty then begin lSwagParam.Schema.JsonSchema := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(lMVCSwagParams[I].JsonSchema) as TJSONObject end else if Assigned(lMVCSwagParams[I].JsonSchemaClass) then begin lSwagParam.Schema.JsonSchema := ExtractJsonSchemaFromClass(lMVCSwagParams[I].JsonSchemaClass, lMVCSwagParams[I].ParamType = ptArray); end; Insert([lSwagParam], Result, High(Result)); end; end; class function TMVCSwagger.MethodRequiresAuthentication(const aMethod: TRttiMethod; const aType: TRttiType; out aAuthenticationTypeName: string): Boolean; var lAttr: TCustomAttribute; begin Result := False; aAuthenticationTypeName := ''; for lAttr in aMethod.GetAttributes do if lAttr is MVCRequiresAuthenticationAttribute then begin aAuthenticationTypeName := SECURITY_BEARER_NAME; Exit(True); end else if lAttr is MVCSwagAuthenticationAttribute then begin case MVCSwagAuthenticationAttribute(lAttr).AuthenticationType of atBasic: aAuthenticationTypeName := SECURITY_BASIC_NAME; atJsonWebToken: aAuthenticationTypeName := SECURITY_BEARER_NAME; end; Exit(True); end; for lAttr in aType.GetAttributes do if lAttr is MVCRequiresAuthenticationAttribute then begin aAuthenticationTypeName := SECURITY_BEARER_NAME; Exit(True); end else if lAttr is MVCSwagAuthenticationAttribute then begin case MVCSwagAuthenticationAttribute(lAttr).AuthenticationType of atBasic: aAuthenticationTypeName := SECURITY_BASIC_NAME; atJsonWebToken: aAuthenticationTypeName := SECURITY_BEARER_NAME; end; Exit(True); end; end; class function TMVCSwagger.MVCHttpMethodToSwagPathOperation(const aMVCHTTPMethod: TMVCHTTPMethodType) : TSwagPathTypeOperation; begin case aMVCHTTPMethod of httpGET: Result := ohvGet; httpPOST: Result := ohvPost; httpPUT: Result := ohvPut; httpDELETE: Result := ohvDelete; httpHEAD: Result := ohvHead; httpOPTIONS: Result := ohvOptions; httpPATCH: Result := ohvPatch; else Result := ohvNotDefined; end; end; class function TMVCSwagger.MVCParamLocationToSwagRequestParamInLocation(const aMVCSwagParamLocation : TMVCSwagParamLocation): TSwagRequestParameterInLocation; begin case aMVCSwagParamLocation of plQuery: Result := rpiQuery; plHeader: Result := rpiHeader; plPath: Result := rpiPath; plFormData: Result := rpiFormData; plBody: Result := rpiBody; else Result := rpiNotDefined; end; end; class function TMVCSwagger.MVCParamTypeToSwagTypeParameter(const aMVSwagParamType: TMVCSwagParamType) : TSwagTypeParameter; begin case aMVSwagParamType of ptString: Result := stpString; ptNumber: Result := stpNumber; ptInteger: Result := stpInteger; ptBoolean: Result := stpBoolean; ptArray: Result := stpArray; ptFile: Result := stpFile; else Result := stpNotDefined; end; end; class function TMVCSwagger.MVCPathToSwagPath(const aResourcePath: string): string; begin Result := TRegEx.Replace(aResourcePath, '(\([($])([\w_]+)([)])', '{\2}', [roIgnoreCase, roMultiLine]); end; { MVCSwagSummary } constructor MVCSwagSummaryAttribute.Create(const aTags, aDescription: string; const aOperationId: string; aDeprecated: Boolean); begin fTags := aTags; fDescription := aDescription; fOperationID := aOperationId; fDeprecated := aDeprecated; end; function MVCSwagSummaryAttribute.GetTags: TArray; begin Result := fTags.Split([',']); end; { MVCSwagResponsesAttribute } constructor MVCSwagResponsesAttribute.Create(const aStatusCode: Integer; const aDescription: string; const aJsonSchema: string); begin fStatusCode := aStatusCode; fDescription := aDescription; fJsonSchema := aJsonSchema; fJsonSchemaClass := nil; fIsArray := False; end; constructor MVCSwagResponsesAttribute.Create(const aStatusCode: Integer; const aDescription: string; const aJsonSchemaClass: TClass; const aIsArray: Boolean); begin Create(aStatusCode, aDescription, ''); fJsonSchemaClass := aJsonSchemaClass; fIsArray := aIsArray; end; { MVCSwagParamAttribute } constructor MVCSwagParamAttribute.Create(const aParamLocation: TMVCSwagParamLocation; const aParamName, aParamDescription: string; const aParamType: TMVCSwagParamType; const aRequired: Boolean; const aDefaultValue, aEnumValues, aJsonSchema: string); begin fParamLocation := aParamLocation; fParamName := aParamName; fParamDescription := aParamDescription; fParamType := aParamType; fRequired := aRequired; fDefaultValue := aDefaultValue; fEnumValues := aEnumValues; fJsonSchema := aJsonSchema; fJsonSchemaClass := nil; end; constructor MVCSwagParamAttribute.Create(const aParamLocation: TMVCSwagParamLocation; const aParamName, aParamDescription: string; const aJsonSchemaClass: TClass; const aParamType: TMVCSwagParamType; const aRequired: Boolean; const aDefaultValue, aEnumValues: string); begin Create(aParamLocation, aParamName, aParamDescription, aParamType, aRequired, aDefaultValue, aEnumValues, ''); fJsonSchemaClass := aJsonSchemaClass; end; function MVCSwagParamAttribute.GetEnumValues: TArray; begin Result := fEnumValues.Split([',', ';']); end; { MVCSwagJSONSchemaFieldAttribute } constructor MVCSwagJSONSchemaFieldAttribute.Create(const aFieldName, aDescription: string; const aRequired, aNullable: Boolean; const aMinLength, aMaxLength: Integer); begin Create(stUnknown, aFieldName, aDescription, aRequired, aNullable, aMinLength, aMaxLength); end; constructor MVCSwagJSONSchemaFieldAttribute.Create(const aSchemaFieldType: TMVCSwagSchemaType; const aFieldName, aDescription: string; const aRequired, aNullable: Boolean; const aMinLength, aMaxLength: Integer); begin fSchemaFieldType := aSchemaFieldType; fFieldName := aFieldName; fDescription := aDescription; fRequired := aRequired; fNullable := aNullable; fMinLength := aMinLength; fMaxLength := aMaxLength; end; { TFieldSchemaDefinition } class function TFieldSchemaDefinition.Create: TFieldSchemaDefinition; begin Result.SchemaFieldType := stUnknown; Result.FieldName := ''; Result.Description := ''; Result.Required := False; Result.Nullable := False; Result.MinLength := 0; Result.MaxLength := 0; end; { MVCSwagAuthenticationAttribute } constructor MVCSwagAuthenticationAttribute.Create(const aAuthenticationType: TMVCSwagAuthenticationType); begin fAuthenticationType := aAuthenticationType; end; { TArrayHelper } class procedure TArrayHelper.QuickSort(var Values: array of T; const Comparer: IComparer; L, R: Integer); var I, J: Integer; pivot, temp: T; begin if L < R then begin repeat if (R - L) = 1 then begin if Comparer.Compare(Values[L], Values[R]) > 0 then begin temp := Values[L]; Values[L] := Values[R]; Values[R] := temp; end; break; end; I := L; J := R; pivot := Values[L + (R - L) shr 1]; repeat while Comparer.Compare(Values[I], pivot) < 0 do Inc(I); while Comparer.Compare(Values[J], pivot) > 0 do Dec(J); if I <= J then begin if I <> J then begin temp := Values[I]; Values[I] := Values[J]; Values[J] := temp; end; Inc(I); Dec(J); end; until I > J; if (J - L) > (R - I) then begin if I < R then QuickSort(Values, Comparer, I, R); R := J; end else begin if L < J then QuickSort(Values, Comparer, L, J); L := I; end; until L >= R; end; end; end.