unit MVCFramework.BUSController; interface uses MVCFramework, StompClient, StompTypes; type [MVCPath('/messages')] TMVCBUSController = class(TMVCController) protected function GetUniqueDurableHeader(clientid, topicname: string): string; procedure InternalSubscribeUserToTopics(clientid: string; Stomp: IStompClient); procedure InternalSubscribeUserToTopic(clientid: string; topicname: string; StompClient: IStompClient); procedure AddTopicToUserSubscriptions(const ATopic: string); procedure RemoveTopicFromUserSubscriptions(const ATopic: string); procedure OnBeforeAction(Context: TWebContext; const AActionNAme: string; var Handled: Boolean); override; public [MVCPath('/subscribe/($name)')] procedure SubscribeToTopic(CTX: TWebContext); [MVCPath('/unsubscribe/($name)')] procedure UnSubscribeFromTopic(CTX: TWebContext); [MVCPath('/receive')] procedure ReceiveMessages(CTX: TWebContext); [MVCHTTPMethod([httpPOST])] [MVCPath('/enqueue/($topic)')] procedure EnqueueMessage(CTX: TWebContext); [MVCPath('/topics')] procedure CurrentlySubscribedTopics(CTX: TWebContext); end; implementation { TMVCBUSController } uses System.SysUtils, MVCFramework.Commons, System.DateUtils, Data.DBXJSON, MVCFramework.Logger, System.SyncObjs; procedure TMVCBUSController.AddTopicToUserSubscriptions(const ATopic: string); var x: string; topics: TArray; t: string; ToAdd: Boolean; begin x := Session['__subscriptions']; topics := x.Split([';']); ToAdd := true; for t in topics do if t.Equals(ATopic) then begin ToAdd := False; end; if ToAdd then begin SetLength(topics, length(topics) + 1); topics[length(topics) - 1] := ATopic; Session['__subscriptions'] := string.Join(';', topics); end; end; procedure TMVCBUSController.CurrentlySubscribedTopics(CTX: TWebContext); begin ContentType := TMVCMimeType.TEXT_PLAIN; Render(Session['__subscriptions']); end; procedure TMVCBUSController.EnqueueMessage(CTX: TWebContext); var topicname: string; begin topicname := CTX.Request.Params['topic'].Trim; if topicname.IsEmpty then raise EMVCException.Create('Invalid or empty topic'); EnqueueMessageOnTopic('/topic/' + topicname, CTX.Request.BodyAsJSONObject.Clone as TJSONObject, true); Render(200, 'Message sent to topic ' + topicname); end; function TMVCBUSController.GetUniqueDurableHeader(clientid, topicname: string): string; begin Result := clientid + '___' + topicname.Replace('/', '_', [rfReplaceAll]); end; procedure TMVCBUSController.ReceiveMessages(CTX: TWebContext); var Stomp: IStompClient; clientid: string; frame: IStompFrame; // StartReceiving : TDateTime; obj, res: TJSONObject; Frames: TArray; arr: TJSONArray; LastReceivedMessage: TDateTime; TOUT: Boolean; const {$IFDEF TEST} RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = 10; // seconds {$ELSE} RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = 60 * 5; // 5 minutes {$ENDIF} begin TOUT := False; clientid := GetClientID; Stomp := GetNewStompClient(clientid); try InternalSubscribeUserToTopics(clientid, Stomp); // StartReceiving := now; LastReceivedMessage := now; SetLength(Frames, 0); while not IsShuttingDown do begin TOUT := False; frame := nil; LogE('Stomp.Receive'); Stomp.Receive(frame, 500); if Assigned(frame) then // get 10 messages at max, and then send them to client begin LastReceivedMessage := now; SetLength(Frames, length(Frames) + 1); Frames[length(Frames) - 1] := frame; Stomp.Ack(frame.MessageID); if length(Frames) >= 10 then break; end else begin if (length(Frames) > 0) then break; if SecondsBetween(now, LastReceivedMessage) >= RECEIVE_TIMEOUT then begin TOUT := true; break; end; end; end; arr := TJSONArray.Create; res := TJSONObject.Create(TJSONPair.Create('messages', arr)); for frame in Frames do begin if Assigned(frame) then begin obj := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(frame.GetBody) as TJSONObject; if Assigned(obj) then begin arr.AddElement(obj); end else begin LogE(Format ('Not valid JSON object in topic requested by user %s. The raw message is "%s"', [clientid, frame.GetBody])); end; end; end; // for in res.AddPair('_timestamp', FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss', now)); if TOUT then res.AddPair('_timedout', TJSONTrue.Create) else res.AddPair('_timedout', TJSONFalse.Create); Render(res); finally // Stomp.Disconnect; end; end; procedure TMVCBUSController.RemoveTopicFromUserSubscriptions (const ATopic: string); var x: string; topics, afterremovaltopics: TArray; IndexToRemove: Integer; i: Integer; begin x := Session['__subscriptions']; topics := x.Split([';']); IndexToRemove := 0; SetLength(afterremovaltopics, length(topics)); for i := 0 to length(topics) - 1 do begin if not topics[i].Equals(ATopic) then begin afterremovaltopics[IndexToRemove] := topics[i]; Inc(IndexToRemove); end; end; if IndexToRemove <> length(ATopic) - 1 then SetLength(afterremovaltopics, length(topics) - 1); if length(afterremovaltopics) = 0 then Session['__subscriptions'] := '' else Session['__subscriptions'] := string.Join(';', afterremovaltopics); end; procedure TMVCBUSController.SubscribeToTopic(CTX: TWebContext); var Stomp: IStompClient; clientid: string; thename: string; s: string; begin clientid := GetClientID; thename := CTX.Request.Params['name'].ToLower; Stomp := GetNewStompClient(clientid); try s := '/topic/' + thename; InternalSubscribeUserToTopic(clientid, s, Stomp); Render(200, 'Subscription OK for ' + s); finally // Stomp.Disconnect; end; end; procedure TMVCBUSController.InternalSubscribeUserToTopics(clientid: string; Stomp: IStompClient); var x, t: string; topics: TArray; begin x := Session['__subscriptions']; topics := x.Split([';']); for t in topics do InternalSubscribeUserToTopic(clientid, t, Stomp); end; procedure TMVCBUSController.OnBeforeAction(Context: TWebContext; const AActionNAme: string; var Handled: Boolean); begin inherited; if not Config['messaging'].ToBoolean then begin Handled := true; raise EMVCException.Create('Messaging extensions are not enabled'); end; Handled := False; end; procedure TMVCBUSController.InternalSubscribeUserToTopic(clientid, topicname: string; StompClient: IStompClient); var DurSubHeader: string; begin DurSubHeader := GetUniqueDurableHeader(clientid, topicname); StompClient.Subscribe(topicname, amClient, StompUtils.NewHeaders.Add(TStompHeaders.NewDurableSubscriptionHeader (DurSubHeader))); LogE('SUBSCRIBE TO ' + clientid + '@' + topicname + ' dursubheader:' + DurSubHeader); AddTopicToUserSubscriptions(topicname); end; procedure TMVCBUSController.UnSubscribeFromTopic(CTX: TWebContext); var Stomp: IStompClient; clientid: string; thename: string; s: string; begin clientid := GetClientID; thename := CTX.Request.Params['name'].ToLower; Stomp := GetNewStompClient(clientid); s := '/topic/' + thename; Stomp.Unsubscribe(s); RemoveTopicFromUserSubscriptions(s); Render(200, 'UnSubscription OK for ' + s); end; end.