unit MVCFramework.Serializer.JSON; interface {$I dmvcframework.inc} uses MVCFramework.Serializer.Intf , Data.DB , System.Rtti , System.SysUtils , System.Classes , MVCFramework.Serializer.Commons , MVCFramework.TypesAliases, MVCFramework.DuckTyping ; type TMVCJSONSerUnSer = class(TInterfacedObject, IMVCSerUnSer) private class var CTX: TRTTIContext; { following methods are used internally by the serializer/unserializer to handle with the ser/unser logic } function SerializeFloatProperty(AObject: TObject; ARTTIProperty: TRttiProperty): TJSONValue; function SerializeFloatField(AObject: TObject; ARttiField: TRttiField) : TJSONValue; function SerializeEnumerationProperty(AObject: TObject; ARTTIProperty: TRttiProperty): TJSONValue; function SerializeEnumerationField(AObject: TObject; ARttiField: TRttiField): TJSONValue; procedure DeSerializeStringStream(aStream: TStream; const aSerializedString: string; aEncoding: string); procedure DeSerializeBase64StringStream(aStream: TStream; const aBase64SerializedString: string); function ObjectToJSONObject(AObject: TObject; AIgnoredProperties: array of string): TJSONObject; function PropertyExists(JSONObject: TJSONObject; PropertyName: string): boolean; function GetPair(JSONObject: TJSONObject; PropertyName: string): TJSONPair; function JSONObjectToObject(Clazz: TClass; AJSONObject: TJSONObject): TObject; protected { IMVCSerializer } function SerializeObject(AObject: TObject; AIgnoredProperties: array of string): string; function SerializeDataSet(ADataSet: TDataSet; AIgnoredFields: array of string): string; function SerializeCollection(AList: TObject; AIgnoredProperties: array of string): String; { IMVCDeserializer } procedure DeserializeObject(ASerializedObject: string; AObject: TObject); procedure DeserializeCollection(ASerializedObjectList: string; AList: IMVCList; AClazz: TClass); end; implementation uses ObjectsMappers, MVCFramework.Patches, MVCFramework.RTTIUtils; { TMVCJSONSerializer } procedure TMVCJSONSerUnSer.DeSerializeStringStream(aStream: TStream; const aSerializedString: string; aEncoding: string); begin end; function TMVCJSONSerUnSer.GetPair(JSONObject: TJSONObject; PropertyName: string): TJSONPair; var pair: TJSONPair; begin if not Assigned(JSONObject) then raise EMapperException.Create('JSONObject is nil'); pair := JSONObject.Get(PropertyName); Result := pair; end; procedure InternalJSONObjectToObject(CTX: TRTTIContext; AJSONObject: TJSONObject; AObject: TObject); var _type: TRttiType; _fields: TArray; _field: TRttiProperty; f: string; jvalue: TJSONValue; v: TValue; o: TObject; list: IWrappedList; I: Integer; cref: TClass; attr: MapperItemsClassType; Arr: TJSONArray; n: TJSONNumber; SerStreamASString: string; _attrser: MapperSerializeAsString; ListMethod: TRttiMethod; ListItem: TValue; ListParam: TRttiParameter; begin if not Assigned(AJSONObject) then raise EMapperException.Create('JSON Object cannot be nil'); _type := CTX.GetType(AObject.ClassInfo); _fields := _type.GetProperties; for _field in _fields do begin if ((not _field.IsWritable) and (_field.PropertyType.TypeKind <> tkClass)) or (TSerializerHelpers.HasAttribute(_field)) then Continue; f := TSerializerHelpers.GetKeyName(_field, _type); if Assigned(AJSONObject.Get(f)) then jvalue := AJSONObject.Get(f).JsonValue else Continue; case _field.PropertyType.TypeKind of tkEnumeration: begin if _field.PropertyType.QualifiedName = 'System.Boolean' then begin if jvalue is TJSONTrue then _field.SetValue(TObject(AObject), True) else if jvalue is TJSONFalse then _field.SetValue(TObject(AObject), false) else raise EMapperException.Create('Invalid value for property ' + _field.Name); end else // it is an enumerated value but it's not a boolean. begin TValue.Make((jvalue as TJSONNumber).AsInt, _field.PropertyType.Handle, v); _field.SetValue(TObject(AObject), v); end; end; tkInteger, tkInt64: _field.SetValue(TObject(AObject), StrToIntDef(jvalue.Value, 0)); tkFloat: begin if _field.PropertyType.QualifiedName = 'System.TDate' then begin if jvalue is TJSONNull then _field.SetValue(TObject(AObject), 0) else _field.SetValue(TObject(AObject), ISOStrToDateTime(jvalue.Value + ' 00:00:00')) end else if _field.PropertyType.QualifiedName = 'System.TDateTime' then begin if jvalue is TJSONNull then _field.SetValue(TObject(AObject), 0) else _field.SetValue(TObject(AObject), ISOStrToDateTime(jvalue.Value)) end else if _field.PropertyType.QualifiedName = 'System.TTime' then begin if not(jvalue is TJSONNull) then if jvalue is TJSONString then _field.SetValue(TObject(AObject), ISOStrToTime(jvalue.Value)) else raise EMapperException.CreateFmt ('Cannot deserialize [%s], expected [%s] got [%s]', [_field.Name, 'TJSONString', jvalue.ClassName]); end else { if _field.PropertyType.QualifiedName = 'System.Currency' then } begin if not(jvalue is TJSONNull) then if jvalue is TJSONNumber then _field.SetValue(TObject(AObject), TJSONNumber(jvalue).AsDouble) else raise EMapperException.CreateFmt ('Cannot deserialize [%s], expected [%s] got [%s]', [_field.Name, 'TJSONNumber', jvalue.ClassName]); end { else begin _field.SetValue(TObject(AObject), (jvalue as TJSONNumber).AsDouble) end; } end; tkString, tkLString, tkWString, tkUString: begin _field.SetValue(TObject(AObject), jvalue.Value); end; tkRecord: begin if _field.PropertyType.QualifiedName = 'System.SysUtils.TTimeStamp' then begin n := jvalue as TJSONNumber; _field.SetValue(TObject(AObject), TValue.From(MSecsToTimeStamp(n.AsInt64))); end; end; tkClass: // try to restore child properties... but only if the collection is not nil!!! begin o := _field.GetValue(TObject(AObject)).AsObject; if Assigned(o) then begin if jvalue is TJSONNull then begin FreeAndNil(o); _field.SetValue(AObject, nil); end else if o is TStream then begin if jvalue is TJSONString then begin SerStreamASString := TJSONString(jvalue).Value; end else raise EMapperException.Create('Expected JSONString in ' + AJSONObject.Get(f).JsonString.Value); if TSerializerHelpers.HasAttribute(_field, _attrser) then begin TSerializerHelpers.DeSerializeStringStream(TStream(o), SerStreamASString, _attrser.Encoding); end else begin TSerializerHelpers.DeSerializeBase64StringStream(TStream(o), SerStreamASString); end; end else if TDuckTypedList.CanBeWrappedAsList(o) then begin // restore collection if jvalue is TJSONArray then begin Arr := TJSONArray(jvalue); // look for the MapperItemsClassType on the property itself or on the property type if Mapper.HasAttribute(_field, attr) or Mapper.HasAttribute(_field.PropertyType, attr) then begin cref := attr.Value; list := WrapAsList(o); for I := 0 to Arr.Count - 1 do begin list.Add(Mapper.JSONObjectToObject(cref, Arr.Get(I) as TJSONObject)); end; end else // Ezequiel J. Müller convert regular list begin ListMethod := CTX.GetType(o.ClassInfo).GetMethod('Add'); if (ListMethod <> nil) then begin for I := 0 to Arr.Count - 1 do begin ListItem := TValue.Empty; for ListParam in ListMethod.GetParameters do case ListParam.ParamType.TypeKind of tkInteger, tkInt64: ListItem := StrToIntDef(Arr.Get(I).Value, 0); tkFloat: ListItem := TJSONNumber(Arr.Get(I).Value).AsDouble; tkString, tkLString, tkWString, tkUString: ListItem := Arr.Get(I).Value; end; if not ListItem.IsEmpty then ListMethod.Invoke(o, [ListItem]); end; end; end; end else raise EMapperException.Create('Cannot restore ' + f + ' because the related json property is not an array'); end else // try to deserialize into the property... but the json MUST be an object begin if jvalue is TJSONObject then begin InternalJSONObjectToObject(CTX, TJSONObject(jvalue), o); end else if jvalue is TJSONNull then begin FreeAndNil(o); _field.SetValue(AObject, nil); end else raise EMapperException.Create('Cannot deserialize property ' + _field.Name); end; end; end; end; end; end; function TMVCJSONSerUnSer.JSONObjectToObject(Clazz: TClass; AJSONObject: TJSONObject): TObject; var AObject: TObject; begin AObject := TRTTIUtils.CreateObject(Clazz.QualifiedClassName); try InternalJSONObjectToObject(CTX, AJSONObject, AObject); Result := AObject; except on E: Exception do begin FreeAndNil(AObject); raise EMVCDeserializationException.Create(E.Message); end; end; end; function TMVCJSONSerUnSer.ObjectToJSONObject(AObject: TObject; AIgnoredProperties: array of string): TJSONObject; var lType: TRttiType; lProperties: TArray; lProperty: TRttiProperty; f: string; JSONObject: TJSONObject; Arr: TJSONArray; list: IMVCList; Obj, o: TObject; DoNotSerializeThis: boolean; I: Integer; ThereAreIgnoredProperties: boolean; ts: TTimeStamp; sr: TStringStream; SS: TStringStream; _attrser: MapperSerializeAsString; SerEnc: TEncoding; begin ThereAreIgnoredProperties := Length(AIgnoredProperties) > 0; JSONObject := TJSONObject.Create; lType := CTX.GetType(AObject.ClassInfo); lProperties := lType.GetProperties; for lProperty in lProperties do begin // f := LowerCase(_property.Name); f := TSerializerHelpers.GetKeyName(lProperty, lType); // Delete(f, 1, 1); if ThereAreIgnoredProperties then begin DoNotSerializeThis := false; for I := low(AIgnoredProperties) to high(AIgnoredProperties) do if SameText(f, AIgnoredProperties[I]) then begin DoNotSerializeThis := True; Break; end; if DoNotSerializeThis then Continue; end; if TSerializerHelpers.HasAttribute(lProperty) then Continue; case lProperty.PropertyType.TypeKind of tkInteger, tkInt64: JSONObject.AddPair(f, TJSONNumber.Create(lProperty.GetValue(AObject) .AsInteger)); tkFloat: begin JSONObject.AddPair(f, SerializeFloatProperty(AObject, lProperty)); end; tkString, tkLString, tkWString, tkUString: JSONObject.AddPair(f, lProperty.GetValue(AObject).AsString); tkEnumeration: begin JSONObject.AddPair(f, SerializeEnumerationProperty(AObject, lProperty)); end; tkRecord: begin if lProperty.PropertyType.QualifiedName = 'System.SysUtils.TTimeStamp' then begin ts := lProperty.GetValue(AObject) .AsType; JSONObject.AddPair(f, TJSONNumber.Create(TimeStampToMsecs(ts))); end; end; tkClass: begin o := lProperty.GetValue(AObject).AsObject; if Assigned(o) then begin if TDuckTypedList.CanBeWrappedAsList(o) then begin list := TDuckTypedList.Wrap(o); if Assigned(list) then begin Arr := TJSONArray.Create; JSONObject.AddPair(f, Arr); for Obj in list do if Assigned(Obj) then // nil element into the list are not serialized Arr.AddElement(ObjectToJSONObject(Obj, [])); end; end else if o is TStream then begin if TSerializerHelpers.HasAttribute(lProperty, _attrser) then begin // serialize the stream as a normal string... TStream(o).Position := 0; SerEnc := TEncoding.GetEncoding(_attrser.Encoding); sr := TStringStream.Create('', SerEnc); try sr.LoadFromStream(TStream(o)); JSONObject.AddPair(f, sr.DataString); finally sr.Free; end; end else begin // serialize the stream as Base64 encoded string... TStream(o).Position := 0; SS := TStringStream.Create; try TSerializerHelpers.EncodeStream(TStream(o), SS); JSONObject.AddPair(f, SS.DataString); finally SS.Free; end; end; end else begin JSONObject.AddPair(f, ObjectToJSONObject(lProperty.GetValue(AObject).AsObject, [])); end; end else begin if TSerializerHelpers.HasAttribute(lProperty) then JSONObject.AddPair(f, '') else JSONObject.AddPair(f, TJSONNull.Create); end; end; end; end; Result := JSONObject; end; function TMVCJSONSerUnSer.SerializeFloatProperty(AObject: TObject; ARTTIProperty: TRttiProperty): TJSONValue; begin if ARTTIProperty.PropertyType.QualifiedName = 'System.TDate' then begin if ARTTIProperty.GetValue(AObject).AsExtended = 0 then Result := TJSONNull.Create else Result := TJSONString.Create (ISODateToString(ARTTIProperty.GetValue(AObject).AsExtended)) end else if ARTTIProperty.PropertyType.QualifiedName = 'System.TDateTime' then begin if ARTTIProperty.GetValue(AObject).AsExtended = 0 then Result := TJSONNull.Create else Result := TJSONString.Create (ISODateTimeToString(ARTTIProperty.GetValue(AObject).AsExtended)) end else if ARTTIProperty.PropertyType.QualifiedName = 'System.TTime' then Result := TJSONString.Create(ISOTimeToString(ARTTIProperty.GetValue(AObject) .AsExtended)) else Result := TJSONNumber.Create(ARTTIProperty.GetValue(AObject).AsExtended); end; function TMVCJSONSerUnSer.SerializeObject(AObject: TObject; AIgnoredProperties: array of string): string; var lJSON: TJSONObject; begin lJSON := ObjectToJSONObject(AObject, AIgnoredProperties); try Result := lJSON.ToJSON; finally lJSON.Free; end; end; function TMVCJSONSerUnSer.SerializeCollection(AList: TObject; AIgnoredProperties: array of string): String; var I: Integer; JV: TJSONObject; lList: IMVCList; lJArr: TJSONArray; begin if Assigned(AList) then begin lList := WrapAsList(AList); lJArr := TJSONArray.Create; try // AList.OwnsObjects := AOwnsChildObjects; for I := 0 to lList.Count - 1 do begin JV := ObjectToJSONObject(lList.GetItem(I), AIgnoredProperties); // if Assigned(AForEach) then // AForEach(JV); lJArr.AddElement(JV); end; Result := lJArr.ToJSON; finally lJArr.Free; end; end else begin raise EMVCSerializationException.Create('List is nil'); end; end; function TMVCJSONSerUnSer.PropertyExists(JSONObject: TJSONObject; PropertyName: string): boolean; begin Result := Assigned(GetPair(JSONObject, PropertyName)); end; function TMVCJSONSerUnSer.SerializeDataSet(ADataSet: TDataSet; AIgnoredFields: array of string): string; begin end; function TMVCJSONSerUnSer.SerializeEnumerationField(AObject: TObject; ARttiField: TRttiField): TJSONValue; begin if ARttiField.FieldType.QualifiedName = 'System.Boolean' then begin if ARttiField.GetValue(AObject).AsBoolean then Result := TJSONTrue.Create else Result := TJSONFalse.Create; end else begin Result := TJSONNumber.Create(ARttiField.GetValue(AObject).AsOrdinal); end; end; function TMVCJSONSerUnSer.SerializeEnumerationProperty(AObject: TObject; ARTTIProperty: TRttiProperty): TJSONValue; begin if ARTTIProperty.PropertyType.QualifiedName = 'System.Boolean' then begin if ARTTIProperty.GetValue(AObject).AsBoolean then Result := TJSONTrue.Create else Result := TJSONFalse.Create; end else begin Result := TJSONNumber.Create(ARTTIProperty.GetValue(AObject).AsOrdinal); end; end; function TMVCJSONSerUnSer.SerializeFloatField(AObject: TObject; ARttiField: TRttiField): TJSONValue; begin if ARttiField.FieldType.QualifiedName = 'System.TDate' then begin if ARttiField.GetValue(AObject).AsExtended = 0 then Result := TJSONNull.Create else Result := TJSONString.Create(ISODateToString(ARttiField.GetValue(AObject) .AsExtended)) end else if ARttiField.FieldType.QualifiedName = 'System.TDateTime' then begin if ARttiField.GetValue(AObject).AsExtended = 0 then Result := TJSONNull.Create else Result := TJSONString.Create (ISODateTimeToString(ARttiField.GetValue(AObject).AsExtended)) end else if ARttiField.FieldType.QualifiedName = 'System.TTime' then Result := TJSONString.Create(ISOTimeToString(ARttiField.GetValue(AObject) .AsExtended)) else Result := TJSONNumber.Create(ARttiField.GetValue(AObject).AsExtended); end; { TMVCJSONDeserializer } procedure TMVCJSONSerUnSer.DeserializeCollection(ASerializedObjectList: string; AList: IMVCList; AClazz: TClass); var I: Integer; lJArr: TJSONArray; lJValue: TJSONValue; begin if Trim(ASerializedObjectList) = '' then raise EMVCDeserializationException.Create('Invalid serialized data'); lJValue := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(ASerializedObjectList); try if (lJValue = nil) or (not(lJValue is TJSONArray)) then raise EMVCDeserializationException.Create('Serialized data is not a valid JSON Array'); lJArr := TJSONArray(lJValue); for I := 0 to lJArr.Count - 1 do begin AList.Add(JSONObjectToObject(AClazz, lJArr.Get(I) as TJSONObject)); end; finally lJValue.Free; end; end; procedure TMVCJSONSerUnSer.DeSerializeBase64StringStream(aStream: TStream; const aBase64SerializedString: string); begin end; procedure TMVCJSONSerUnSer.DeserializeObject(ASerializedObject: string; AObject: TObject); var lJSON: TJSONValue; begin lJSON := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(ASerializedObject); try if lJSON <> nil then begin if lJSON is TJSONObject then begin InternalJSONObjectToObject(CTX, TJSONObject(lJSON), AObject) end else begin raise EMVCDeserializationException.CreateFmt('Serialized string is a %s, expected JSON Object', [lJSON.ClassName]); end; end else begin raise EMVCDeserializationException.Create('Serialized string is not a valid JSON'); end; finally lJSON.Free; end; end; end.