{***************************************************************************} { } { Delphi MVC Framework } { } { Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team } { } { https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework } { } {***************************************************************************} { } { Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); } { you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. } { You may obtain a copy of the License at } { } { http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 } { } { Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software } { distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, } { WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. } { See the License for the specific language governing permissions and } { limitations under the License. } { } {***************************************************************************} unit MVCFramework.SysControllers; interface uses MVCFramework; type [MVCPath('/system')] [MVCDoc('Built-in DelphiMVCFramework System controller')] TMVCSystemController = class(TMVCController) protected procedure OnBeforeAction(Context: TWebContext; const AActionNAme: string; var Handled: Boolean); override; function GetUpTime: string; public [MVCPath('/describeserver.info')] [MVCHTTPMethods([httpGET, httpPOST])] [MVCDoc('Describe controllers and actions published by the RESTful server per resources') ] procedure DescribeServer(Context: TWebContext); [MVCPath('/describeplatform.info')] [MVCDoc('Describe the system where server is running')] procedure DescribePlatform(Context: TWebContext); [MVCPath('/serverconfig.info')] [MVCDoc('Server configuration')] procedure ServerConfig(Context: TWebContext); end; implementation uses {$IF CompilerVErsion < 27} Data.DBXJSON, {$ELSE} System.JSON, {$IFEND} System.SysUtils, System.Rtti, MVCFramework.Commons, System.Classes, Winapi.Windows, System.TypInfo; function MSecToTime(mSec: Int64): string; const secondTicks = 1000; minuteTicks = 1000 * 60; hourTicks = 1000 * 60 * 60; dayTicks = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; var D, H, M, S: string; ZD, ZH, ZM, ZS: Integer; begin ZD := mSec div dayTicks; Dec(mSec, ZD * dayTicks); ZH := mSec div hourTicks; Dec(mSec, ZH * hourTicks); ZM := mSec div minuteTicks; Dec(mSec, ZM * minuteTicks); ZS := mSec div secondTicks; D := IntToStr(ZD); H := IntToStr(ZH); M := IntToStr(ZM); S := IntToStr(ZS); Result := D + '.' + H + ':' + M + ':' + S; end; { TMVCSystemController } procedure TMVCSystemController.DescribePlatform(Context: TWebContext); var LJRes: TJSONObject; begin LJRes := TJSONObject.Create; try LJRes.AddPair('OS', TOSVersion.ToString); LJRes.AddPair('CPU_count', TJSONNumber.Create(TThread.ProcessorCount)); LJRes.AddPair('CPU_architecture', GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TOSVersion.TArchitecture), Ord(TOSVersion.Architecture))); LJRes.AddPair('system_uptime', GetUpTime); ContentType := TMVCMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON; Render(LJRes, False); finally LJRes.Free; end; end; procedure TMVCSystemController.DescribeServer(Context: TWebContext); var LJResp: TJSONObject; LControllerRoutable: TMVCControllerRoutable; ControllerInfo: TJSONObject; LRTTIType: TRttiInstanceType; LCTX: TRttiContext; LAttribute: TCustomattribute; LJMethods: TJSONArray; LMethods: TArray; LMethod: TRttiMethod; LFoundAttrib: Boolean; LStrRelativePath: string; LStrHTTPMethods: string; LStrDoc: string; LStrConsumes: string; LStrProduces: string; LJMethod: TJSONObject; begin LJResp := TJSONObject.Create; try for LControllerRoutable in GetMVCEngine.RegisteredControllers do begin ControllerInfo := TJSONObject.Create; LJResp.AddPair(LControllerRoutable.&Class.QualifiedClassName, ControllerInfo); LRTTIType := LCTX.GetType(LControllerRoutable) as TRttiInstanceType; for LAttribute in LRTTIType.GetAttributes do begin if LAttribute is MVCPathAttribute then ControllerInfo.AddPair('resource_path', MVCPathAttribute(LAttribute).Path); if LAttribute is MVCDocAttribute then ControllerInfo.AddPair('description', MVCDocAttribute(LAttribute).Value); end; LJMethods := TJSONArray.Create; ControllerInfo.AddPair('actions', LJMethods); LMethods := LRTTIType.GetDeclaredMethods; for LMethod in LMethods do begin LFoundAttrib := False; LStrRelativePath := ''; LStrHTTPMethods := ''; LStrConsumes := ''; LStrProduces := ''; LStrHTTPMethods := 'httpGET,httpPOST,httpPUT,httpDELETE,httpHEAD,httpOPTIONS,httpPATCH,httpTRACE'; for LAttribute in LMethod.GetAttributes do begin if LAttribute is MVCDocAttribute then begin LStrDoc := MVCDocAttribute(LAttribute).Value; LFoundAttrib := true; end; if LAttribute is MVCPathAttribute then begin LStrRelativePath := MVCPathAttribute(LAttribute).Path; LFoundAttrib := true; end; if LAttribute is MVCHTTPMethodAttribute then begin LStrHTTPMethods := MVCHTTPMethodAttribute(LAttribute) .MVCHTTPMethodsAsString; LFoundAttrib := true; end; if LAttribute is MVCConsumesAttribute then begin LStrConsumes := MVCConsumesAttribute(LAttribute).Value; LFoundAttrib := true; end; if LAttribute is MVCProducesAttribute then begin LStrProduces := MVCProducesAttribute(LAttribute).Value; LFoundAttrib := true; end; end; if LFoundAttrib then begin LJMethod := TJSONObject.Create; LJMethod.AddPair('action_name', LMethod.Name); LJMethod.AddPair('relative_path', LStrRelativePath); LJMethod.AddPair('consumes', LStrConsumes); LJMethod.AddPair('produces', LStrProduces); LJMethod.AddPair('http_methods', LStrHTTPMethods); LJMethod.AddPair('description', LStrDoc); LJMethods.AddElement(LJMethod); end; end; end; ContentType := TMVCMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON; Render(LJResp, False); finally LJResp.Free; end; end; function TMVCSystemController.GetUpTime: string; begin Result := MSecToTime(GetTickCount); end; procedure TMVCSystemController.OnBeforeAction(Context: TWebContext; const AActionNAme: string; var Handled: Boolean); var LClientIP: string; begin inherited; LClientIP := Context.Request.ClientIP; Handled := not((LClientIP = '::1') or (LClientIP = '') or (LClientIP = '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1') or (LClientIP.ToLower = 'localhost')); end; procedure TMVCSystemController.ServerConfig(Context: TWebContext); var LKeys: TArray; LKey: string; LJRes: TJSONObject; begin ContentType := TMVCMediaType.APPLICATION_JSON; LJRes := TJSONObject.Create; try LKeys := Config.Keys; for LKey in LKeys do begin LJRes.AddPair(LKey, Config[LKey]); end; except LJRes.Free; raise; end; Render(LJRes, true); end; end.