unit MVCFramework.RESTClient; interface uses Classes, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdHTTP, idURI, DBXJSON, IdMultipartFormData, System.SysUtils, Data.DB, IdIOHandler; type TArrayOfString = array of string; THttpCommand = (httpGET, httpPOST, httpPUT, httpDELETE, httpPATCH, httpTRACE); IRESTResponse = interface function BodyAsString: string; function BodyAsJsonObject: TJSONObject; function BodyAsJsonValue: TJSONValue; function ResponseCode: Word; function ResponseText: string; function Headers: TStringlist; function GetContentType: String; function GetContentEncoding: String; function Body: TStringStream; function GetHeaderValue(const Name: String): String; procedure SetResponseCode(AResponseCode: Word); procedure SetResponseText(AResponseText: string); procedure SetHeaders(AHeaders: TStrings); end; TRESTResponse = class(TInterfacedObject, IRESTResponse) private FBody: TStringStream; FResponseCode: Word; FResponseText: string; FHeaders: TStringlist; FBodyAsJSONValue: TJSONValue; FContentType: string; FContentEncoding: String; function GetHeader(const Value: String): String; public function BodyAsString: string; function BodyAsJsonObject: TJSONObject; function BodyAsJsonValue: TJSONValue; function ResponseCode: Word; function ResponseText: string; function Headers: TStringlist; function Body: TStringStream; function GetContentType: String; function GetContentEncoding: String; procedure SetResponseCode(AResponseCode: Word); procedure SetResponseText(AResponseText: string); procedure SetHeaders(AHeaders: TStrings); constructor Create; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function GetHeaderValue(const Name: string): string; end; TRESTClient = class(TInterfacedObject) private FServerName: string; FServerPort: Word; FBodyParams: TStringlist; FQueryStringParams: TStringlist; FAccept: string; FRawBody: TStringStream; FHTTP: TIdHTTP; FContentType: string; FLastSessionID: string; FNextRequestIsAsynch: Boolean; FAsynchProc: TProc; FAsynchProcErr: TProc; FPrimaryThread: TThread; FMultiPartFormData: TIdMultiPartFormDataStream; FAsynchProcAlways: TProc; FProtocol: string; function EncodeQueryStringParams(const AQueryStringParams: TStrings; IncludeQuestionMark: Boolean = true): string; procedure SetBodyParams(const Value: TStringlist); procedure SetQueryStringParams(const Value: TStringlist); procedure SetAccept(const Value: string); procedure SetContentType(const Value: string); function GetSessionID: string; procedure SetSessionID(const Value: string); function GetBodyParams: TStringlist; function GetQueryStringParams: TStringlist; function GetRawBody: TStringStream; procedure SetReadTimeout(const Value: Integer); function GetReadTimeout: Integer; procedure StartAsynchRequest(AHTTPMethod: THttpCommand; AUrl: string; ABodyString: String); overload; procedure StartAsynchRequest(AHTTPMethod: THttpCommand; AUrl: string); overload; procedure SetConnectionTimeout(const Value: Integer); function GetConnectionTimeout: Integer; procedure SetRequestHeaders(const Value: TStringlist); strict protected FRequestHeaders: TStringlist; protected procedure HandleCookies; function EncodeResourceParams(AResourceParams: array of string): string; function HttpCommandToString(const AHttpCommand: THttpCommand): string; function SendHTTPCommand(const ACommand: THttpCommand; const AAccept, AContentType, AUrl: string; ABodyParams: TStrings) : IRESTResponse; function SendHTTPCommandWithBody(const ACommand: THttpCommand; const AAccept, AContentType, AUrl: string; ABodyString: String) : IRESTResponse; procedure HandleRequestCookies; function GetMultipartFormData: TIdMultiPartFormDataStream; public constructor Create(const AServerName: string; AServerPort: Word = 80; AIOHandler: TIdIOHandler = nil); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function AddFile(const FieldName, FileName: string; const ContentType: string = ''): TRESTClient; function Asynch(AProc: TProc; AProcErr: TProc = nil; AProcAlways: TProc = nil): TRESTClient; function ClearAllParams: TRESTClient; function ResetSession: TRESTClient; function Accept(const AcceptHeader: string): TRESTClient; overload; function Accept: string; overload; function ContentType(const ContentTypeHeader: string): TRESTClient; overload; function ContentType: string; overload; // requests function doGET(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string) : IRESTResponse; function doPOST(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string) : IRESTResponse; overload; function doPOST(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string; AJSONValue: TJSONValue; AOwnsJSONBody: Boolean = true) : IRESTResponse; overload; function doPOST(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string; ABodyString: String): IRESTResponse; overload; function doPATCH(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string; AJSONValue: TJSONValue; AOwnsJSONBody: Boolean = true) : IRESTResponse; overload; function doPATCH(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string; ABodyString: String): IRESTResponse; overload; function doPUT(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string) : IRESTResponse; overload; function doPUT(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string; AJSONValue: TJSONValue; AOwnsJSONBody: Boolean = true) : IRESTResponse; overload; function doPUT(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string; ABodyString: String): IRESTResponse; overload; function doDELETE(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string) : IRESTResponse; property BodyParams: TStringlist read GetBodyParams write SetBodyParams; property RawBody: TStringStream read GetRawBody; property QueryStringParams: TStringlist read GetQueryStringParams write SetQueryStringParams; property SessionID: string read GetSessionID write SetSessionID; property ReadTimeout: Integer read GetReadTimeout write SetReadTimeout; property ConnectionTimeout: Integer read GetConnectionTimeout write SetConnectionTimeout; property RequestHeaders: TStringlist read FRequestHeaders write SetRequestHeaders; // dataset specific methods function DSUpdate(const URL: String; DataSet: TDataSet; const KeyValue: String): IRESTResponse; function DSInsert(const URL: String; DataSet: TDataSet): IRESTResponse; function DSDelete(const URL: String; const KeyValue: String): IRESTResponse; end; function StringsToArrayOfString(const AStrings: TStrings): TArrayOfString; implementation uses ObjectsMappers; { TRSF } function StringsToArrayOfString(const AStrings: TStrings): TArrayOfString; var i: Integer; begin SetLength(Result, AStrings.Count); if AStrings.Count = 0 then Exit; for i := 0 to AStrings.Count - 1 do Result[i] := AStrings[i]; end; function TRESTClient.Accept(const AcceptHeader: string): TRESTClient; begin SetAccept(AcceptHeader); Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.Accept: string; begin Result := FAccept; end; function TRESTClient.AddFile(const FieldName, FileName, ContentType: string) : TRESTClient; begin GetMultipartFormData.AddFile(FieldName, FileName, ContentType); end; function TRESTClient.Asynch(AProc: TProc; AProcErr: TProc; AProcAlways: TProc): TRESTClient; begin FNextRequestIsAsynch := true; FAsynchProc := AProc; FAsynchProcErr := AProcErr; FAsynchProcAlways := AProcAlways; Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.ClearAllParams: TRESTClient; begin if Assigned(FRawBody) then begin FRawBody.Size := 0; FRawBody.Position := 0; end; if Assigned(FBodyParams) then FBodyParams.Clear; if Assigned(FQueryStringParams) then FQueryStringParams.Clear; Result := Self; FNextRequestIsAsynch := False; FAsynchProc := nil; FAsynchProcErr := nil; FAsynchProcAlways := nil; end; function TRESTClient.ContentType: string; begin Result := FContentType; end; function TRESTClient.ContentType(const ContentTypeHeader: string): TRESTClient; begin SetContentType(ContentTypeHeader); Result := Self; end; constructor TRESTClient.Create(const AServerName: string; AServerPort: Word; AIOHandler: TIdIOHandler); var Pieces: TArray; begin inherited Create; FPrimaryThread := TThread.CurrentThread; FServerName := AServerName; FServerPort := AServerPort; FBodyParams := nil; // TStringlist.Create; FQueryStringParams := nil; // TStringlist.Create; FRawBody := nil; // TStringStream.Create(''); FAccept := 'application/json'; FContentType := 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; FRequestHeaders := TStringlist.Create; if AServerName.Contains('://') then begin Pieces := FServerName.Split(['://'], 2, TStringSplitOptions.ExcludeEmpty); FProtocol := Pieces[0]; FServerName := Pieces[1]; end else FProtocol := 'http'; FHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create(nil); FHTTP.ReadTimeout := 20000; FHTTP.IOHandler := AIOHandler; // FHTTP.AllowCookies := true; end; destructor TRESTClient.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FBodyParams); FreeAndNil(FQueryStringParams); FreeAndNil(FRawBody); FreeAndNil(FRequestHeaders); FreeAndNil(FMultiPartFormData); FHTTP.Free; inherited; end; function TRESTClient.doDELETE(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string): IRESTResponse; var URL: string; begin URL := FProtocol + '://' + FServerName + ':' + inttostr(FServerPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AResourceParams) + EncodeQueryStringParams (FQueryStringParams); if FNextRequestIsAsynch then begin Result := nil; StartAsynchRequest(httpDELETE, URL); end else begin Result := SendHTTPCommand(httpDELETE, FAccept, FContentType, URL, nil); ClearAllParams; end; end; procedure TRESTClient.StartAsynchRequest(AHTTPMethod: THttpCommand; AUrl: string); begin StartAsynchRequest(AHTTPMethod, AUrl, ''); end; procedure TRESTClient.StartAsynchRequest(AHTTPMethod: THttpCommand; AUrl: string; ABodyString: String); var th: TThread; begin th := TThread.CreateAnonymousThread( procedure var R: IRESTResponse; begin try R := SendHTTPCommandWithBody(AHTTPMethod, FAccept, FContentType, AUrl, ABodyString); TMonitor.Enter(TObject(R)); try FAsynchProc(R); ClearAllParams; finally TMonitor.Exit(TObject(R)); end; except on E: Exception do begin FAsynchProcErr(E); end; end; if Assigned(FAsynchProcAlways) then FAsynchProcAlways(); end); th.Start; end; function TRESTClient.doGET(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string) : IRESTResponse; var URL: string; begin URL := FProtocol + '://' + FServerName + ':' + inttostr(FServerPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AResourceParams) + EncodeQueryStringParams (FQueryStringParams); if FNextRequestIsAsynch then begin Result := nil; StartAsynchRequest(httpGET, URL); end else begin Result := SendHTTPCommand(httpGET, FAccept, FContentType, URL, nil); ClearAllParams; end; end; function TRESTClient.doPOST(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string) : IRESTResponse; var s: string; begin try Result := SendHTTPCommand(httpPOST, FAccept, FContentType, FProtocol + '://' + FServerName + ':' + inttostr(FServerPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AResourceParams) + EncodeQueryStringParams (FQueryStringParams), FBodyParams); except on E: EIdHTTPProtocolException do begin s := E.Message; end; end; ClearAllParams; end; function TRESTClient.doPOST(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string; AJSONValue: TJSONValue; AOwnsJSONBody: Boolean): IRESTResponse; begin if not Assigned(AJSONValue) then raise Exception.Create('AJSONValue is nil'); try Result := doPOST(AResource, AResourceParams, AJSONValue.ToString); finally if AOwnsJSONBody then FreeAndNil(AJSONValue); end; end; function TRESTClient.doPATCH(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string; ABodyString: String): IRESTResponse; var URL: string; begin URL := FProtocol + '://' + FServerName + ':' + inttostr(FServerPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AResourceParams) + EncodeQueryStringParams (FQueryStringParams); if FNextRequestIsAsynch then begin Result := nil; StartAsynchRequest(httpPOST, URL, ABodyString); end else begin Result := SendHTTPCommandWithBody(httpPATCH, FAccept, FContentType, URL, ABodyString); ClearAllParams; end; end; function TRESTClient.doPATCH(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string; AJSONValue: TJSONValue; AOwnsJSONBody: Boolean): IRESTResponse; begin if not Assigned(AJSONValue) then raise Exception.Create('AJSONValue is nil'); try Result := doPATCH(AResource, AResourceParams, AJSONValue.ToString); finally if AOwnsJSONBody then FreeAndNil(AJSONValue); end; end; function TRESTClient.doPOST(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string; ABodyString: String): IRESTResponse; var URL: string; begin URL := FProtocol + '://' + FServerName + ':' + inttostr(FServerPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AResourceParams) + EncodeQueryStringParams (FQueryStringParams); if FNextRequestIsAsynch then begin Result := nil; StartAsynchRequest(httpPOST, URL, ABodyString); end else begin Result := SendHTTPCommandWithBody(httpPOST, FAccept, FContentType, URL, ABodyString); ClearAllParams; end; end; function TRESTClient.doPUT(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string; ABodyString: String): IRESTResponse; var URL: string; begin URL := FProtocol + '://' + FServerName + ':' + inttostr(FServerPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AResourceParams) + EncodeQueryStringParams (FQueryStringParams); if FNextRequestIsAsynch then begin Result := nil; StartAsynchRequest(httpPUT, URL, ABodyString); end else begin Result := SendHTTPCommandWithBody(httpPUT, FAccept, FContentType, URL, ABodyString); ClearAllParams; end; end; function TRESTClient.DSDelete(const URL, KeyValue: String): IRESTResponse; begin Result := doDELETE(URL, [KeyValue]); end; function TRESTClient.DSInsert(const URL: String; DataSet: TDataSet): IRESTResponse; begin Result := doPOST(URL, [], DataSet.AsJSONObjectString); end; function TRESTClient.DSUpdate(const URL: String; DataSet: TDataSet; const KeyValue: String): IRESTResponse; begin Result := doPUT(URL, [KeyValue], DataSet.AsJSONObjectString); end; function TRESTClient.doPUT(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string; AJSONValue: TJSONValue; AOwnsJSONBody: Boolean = true): IRESTResponse; begin if not Assigned(AJSONValue) then raise Exception.Create('AJSONValue is nil'); try Result := doPUT(AResource, AResourceParams, AJSONValue.ToString); finally if AOwnsJSONBody then FreeAndNil(AJSONValue); end; end; function TRESTClient.doPUT(AResource: string; AResourceParams: array of string) : IRESTResponse; begin Result := SendHTTPCommand(httpPUT, FAccept, FContentType, FProtocol + '://' + FServerName + ':' + inttostr(FServerPort) + AResource + EncodeResourceParams(AResourceParams) + EncodeQueryStringParams (FQueryStringParams), FBodyParams); ClearAllParams; end; function TRESTClient.EncodeResourceParams(AResourceParams : array of string): string; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; for i := low(AResourceParams) to high(AResourceParams) do Result := Result + '/' + TIdURI.ParamsEncode(AResourceParams[i]); end; function TRESTClient.GetBodyParams: TStringlist; begin if not Assigned(FBodyParams) then FBodyParams := TStringlist.Create; Result := FBodyParams; end; function TRESTClient.GetConnectionTimeout: Integer; begin Result := FHTTP.ConnectTimeout; end; function TRESTClient.GetMultipartFormData: TIdMultiPartFormDataStream; begin if not Assigned(FMultiPartFormData) then FMultiPartFormData := TIdMultiPartFormDataStream.Create; Result := FMultiPartFormData; end; function TRESTClient.GetQueryStringParams: TStringlist; begin if not Assigned(FQueryStringParams) then FQueryStringParams := TStringlist.Create; Result := FQueryStringParams; end; function TRESTClient.GetRawBody: TStringStream; begin if not Assigned(FRawBody) then FRawBody := TStringStream.Create(''); Result := FRawBody; end; function TRESTClient.GetSessionID: string; begin Result := Self.FLastSessionID; end; function TRESTClient.GetReadTimeout: Integer; begin Result := FHTTP.ReadTimeout; end; function TRESTClient.EncodeQueryStringParams(const AQueryStringParams: TStrings; IncludeQuestionMark: Boolean = true): string; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; if not Assigned(AQueryStringParams) or (AQueryStringParams.Count = 0) then Exit; if IncludeQuestionMark then Result := '?'; for i := 0 to AQueryStringParams.Count - 1 do begin if i > 0 then Result := Result + '&'; Result := Result + AQueryStringParams.Names[i] + '=' + TIdURI.ParamsEncode(AQueryStringParams.ValueFromIndex[i]); end; end; procedure TRESTClient.HandleCookies; var s: string; arr: TArray; begin // Log('Received cookies', FHTTP.Response.RawHeaders.Text); for s in FHTTP.Response.RawHeaders do begin if s.StartsWith('Set-Cookie', true) then begin arr := s.Split([':'], 2); if arr[1].trim.StartsWith('dtsessionid') then begin arr := arr[1].Split(['='], 2); FLastSessionID := TIdURI.URLDecode(arr[1].Split([';'])[0]); end; Break; end; end; end; procedure TRESTClient.HandleRequestCookies; var i: Integer; begin if Assigned(FHTTP.CookieManager) then FHTTP.CookieManager.CookieCollection.Clear; if not FLastSessionID.trim.IsEmpty then FHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.AddValue('Cookie', 'dtsessionid=' + FLastSessionID); for i := 0 to FRequestHeaders.Count - 1 do begin FHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.AddValue(FRequestHeaders.Names[i], FRequestHeaders.ValueFromIndex[i]); end; end; function TRESTClient.HttpCommandToString(const AHttpCommand : THttpCommand): string; begin case AHttpCommand of httpGET: Result := 'GET'; httpPOST: Result := 'POST'; httpPUT: Result := 'PUT'; httpDELETE: Result := 'DELETE'; else raise Exception.Create('Unknown HttpCommand in TRSF.HttpCommandToString'); end; end; function TRESTClient.ResetSession: TRESTClient; begin SessionID := ''; if Assigned(FHTTP.CookieManager) then FHTTP.CookieManager.CookieCollection.Clear; FHTTP.Request.RawHeaders.Clear; Result := Self; end; function TRESTClient.SendHTTPCommand(const ACommand: THttpCommand; const AAccept, AContentType, AUrl: string; ABodyParams: TStrings) : IRESTResponse; begin Result := TRESTResponse.Create; FHTTP.Request.RawHeaders.Clear; FHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.Clear; FHTTP.Request.Accept := AAccept; FHTTP.Request.ContentType := AContentType; HandleRequestCookies; try case ACommand of httpGET: begin Result.Body.Position := 0; FHTTP.Get(AUrl, Result.Body); end; httpPOST: begin if GetMultipartFormData.Size = 0 then begin Result.Body.Position := 0; GetRawBody; // creates the body FHTTP.Post(AUrl, FRawBody, Result.Body); end else begin FHTTP.Post(AUrl, GetMultipartFormData, Result.Body); GetMultipartFormData.Clear; end; end; httpPUT: begin if GetMultipartFormData.Size <> 0 then { TODO -oDaniele -cGeneral : Rework please!!! } raise Exception.Create('Only POST can Send Files'); Result.Body.Position := 0; if Assigned(ABodyParams) and (ABodyParams.Count > 0) then begin GetRawBody.Size := 0; GetRawBody.WriteString(EncodeQueryStringParams(ABodyParams, False)); end; FHTTP.Put(AUrl, FRawBody, Result.Body); end; httpDELETE: begin Result.Body.Position := 0; FHTTP.Delete(AUrl); GetRawBody.Size := 0; end; end; except on E: EIdHTTPProtocolException do begin Result.Body.WriteString(E.ErrorMessage); end; end; HandleCookies; Result.SetResponseCode(FHTTP.Response.ResponseCode); Result.SetResponseText(FHTTP.Response.ResponseText); Result.SetHeaders(FHTTP.Response.RawHeaders); end; function TRESTClient.SendHTTPCommandWithBody(const ACommand: THttpCommand; const AAccept, AContentType, AUrl: string; ABodyString: String): IRESTResponse; begin Result := TRESTResponse.Create; FHTTP.Request.RawHeaders.Clear; FHTTP.Request.CustomHeaders.Clear; FHTTP.Request.Accept := AAccept; FHTTP.Request.ContentType := AContentType; HandleRequestCookies; try case ACommand of httpGET: begin FHTTP.Get(AUrl, Result.Body); end; httpPOST: begin if GetMultipartFormData.Size <> 0 then raise Exception.Create('This method cannot send files'); RawBody.Position := 0; FRawBody.Size := 0; FRawBody.WriteString(UTF8Encode(ABodyString)); FHTTP.Post(AUrl, FRawBody, Result.Body); end; httpPATCH: begin raise Exception.Create ('Sorry, PATCH is not supported by the RESTClient because is not supportd by the TidHTTP'); end; httpPUT: begin RawBody.Position := 0; FRawBody.Size := 0; FRawBody.WriteString(UTF8Encode(ABodyString)); FHTTP.Put(AUrl, FRawBody, Result.Body); end; httpDELETE: begin FHTTP.Delete(AUrl); RawBody.Size := 0; end; end; except on E: EIdHTTPProtocolException do begin Result.Body.WriteString(E.ErrorMessage); end; end; HandleCookies; Result.SetResponseCode(FHTTP.Response.ResponseCode); Result.SetResponseText(FHTTP.Response.ResponseText); Result.SetHeaders(FHTTP.Response.RawHeaders); end; procedure TRESTClient.SetAccept(const Value: string); begin FAccept := Value; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetBodyParams(const Value: TStringlist); begin FBodyParams := Value; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetConnectionTimeout(const Value: Integer); begin FHTTP.ConnectTimeout := Value; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetContentType(const Value: string); begin FContentType := Value; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetQueryStringParams(const Value: TStringlist); begin FQueryStringParams := Value; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetSessionID(const Value: string); begin FLastSessionID := Value; if Assigned(FHTTP.CookieManager) then FHTTP.CookieManager.CookieCollection.Clear; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetReadTimeout(const Value: Integer); begin FHTTP.ReadTimeout := Value; end; procedure TRESTClient.SetRequestHeaders(const Value: TStringlist); begin FRequestHeaders.Assign(Value); end; { TRESTResponse } function TRESTResponse.Body: TStringStream; begin Result := FBody; end; function TRESTResponse.BodyAsJsonObject: TJSONObject; begin Result := BodyAsJsonValue as TJSONObject; end; function TRESTResponse.BodyAsJsonValue: TJSONValue; begin try if not Assigned(FBodyAsJSONValue) then begin if BodyAsString = '' then FBodyAsJSONValue := nil else begin try FBodyAsJSONValue := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(BodyAsString); // if Assigned(V) then // FBodyAsJSONObject := V as TJSONObject; except FBodyAsJSONValue := nil; end; end; end; Result := FBodyAsJSONValue; except on E: Exception do begin raise; end; end; end; function TRESTResponse.BodyAsString: string; var ss: TStringStream; begin if FContentEncoding.IsEmpty then FContentEncoding := 'UTF-8'; ss := TStringStream.Create('', TEncoding.GetEncoding(FContentEncoding)); try FBody.Position := 0; FBody.SaveToStream(ss); Result := ss.DataString; finally ss.Free; end; end; constructor TRESTResponse.Create; begin inherited; FHeaders := TStringlist.Create; FBody := TStringStream.Create('', TEncoding.UTF8); FBodyAsJSONValue := nil; end; destructor TRESTResponse.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FBodyAsJSONValue); FHeaders.Free; FBody.Free; inherited; end; function TRESTResponse.GetContentEncoding: String; begin Result := FContentEncoding; end; function TRESTResponse.GetContentType: String; begin Result := FContentType; end; function TRESTResponse.GetHeader(const Value: String): String; var s: String; begin if Assigned(FHeaders) and (FHeaders.Count > 0) then begin for s in FHeaders do begin if s.StartsWith(Value + ':', true) then begin Exit(s); end; end; end else begin Result := ''; end; end; function TRESTResponse.GetHeaderValue(const Name: string): string; var s: string; arr: TArray; begin Result := ''; for s in Self.Headers do begin arr := s.Split([':'], 2); if SameText(arr[0].trim, name) then begin Result := arr[1].trim; Break; end; end; end; function TRESTResponse.Headers: TStringlist; begin Result := FHeaders; end; function TRESTResponse.ResponseCode: Word; begin Result := FResponseCode; end; function TRESTResponse.ResponseText: string; begin Result := FResponseText; end; procedure TRESTResponse.SetHeaders(AHeaders: TStrings); var CT: TArray; C: String; begin FHeaders.Assign(AHeaders); C := GetHeader('content-type'); CT := C.Split([':'])[1].Split([';']); FContentType := trim(CT[0]); FContentEncoding := 'UTF-8'; // default encoding if Length(CT) > 1 then begin if CT[1].trim.StartsWith('charset', true) then begin FContentEncoding := CT[1].trim.Split(['='])[1].trim; end; end; end; procedure TRESTResponse.SetResponseCode(AResponseCode: Word); begin FResponseCode := AResponseCode; end; procedure TRESTResponse.SetResponseText(AResponseText: string); begin FResponseText := AResponseText; end; end.