unit AuthenticationU; interface uses System.SysUtils, MVCFramework.Commons, System.Generics.Collections, MVCFramework; type TAuthenticationSample = class(TInterfacedObject, IMVCAuthenticationHandler) protected procedure OnRequest(const ControllerQualifiedClassName: string; const ActionName: string; var AuthenticationRequired: Boolean); procedure OnAuthentication(const UserName: string; const Password: string; UserRoles: TList; var IsValid: Boolean; const SessionData: TSessionData); procedure OnAuthorization(UserRoles: TList; const ControllerQualifiedClassName: string; const ActionName: string; var IsAuthorized: Boolean); end; implementation { TMVCAuthorization } procedure TAuthenticationSample.OnAuthentication(const UserName, Password: string; UserRoles: TList; var IsValid: Boolean; const SessionData: TSessionData); begin IsValid := UserName.Equals(Password); // hey!, this is just a demo!!! if IsValid then begin if UserName = 'user1' then begin UserRoles.Add('role1'); end; if UserName = 'user2' then begin UserRoles.Add('role2'); end; if UserName = 'user3' then // all the roles begin UserRoles.Add('role1'); UserRoles.Add('role2'); end; // You can add custom data to the logged user SessionData.AddOrSetValue('customkey1', 'customvalue1'); SessionData.AddOrSetValue('customkey2', 'customvalue2'); end else begin UserRoles.Clear; end; end; procedure TAuthenticationSample.OnAuthorization (UserRoles: TList; const ControllerQualifiedClassName, ActionName: string; var IsAuthorized: Boolean); begin IsAuthorized := False; if ActionName = 'Logout' then IsAuthorized := True; // you can always call logout if ActionName = 'OnlyRole2' then IsAuthorized := UserRoles.Contains('role2'); if ActionName = 'OnlyRole1' then IsAuthorized := UserRoles.Contains('role1'); if ActionName = 'OnlyRole1EmittingJSON' then IsAuthorized := UserRoles.Contains('role1'); end; procedure TAuthenticationSample.OnRequest(const ControllerQualifiedClassName, ActionName: string; var AuthenticationRequired: Boolean); begin AuthenticationRequired := ControllerQualifiedClassName = 'AppControllerU.TAdminController'; end; end.