{***************************************************************************} { } { Delphi MVC Framework } { } { Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Daniele Teti and the DMVCFramework Team } { } { https://github.com/danieleteti/delphimvcframework } { } {***************************************************************************} { } { Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); } { you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. } { You may obtain a copy of the License at } { } { http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 } { } { Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software } { distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, } { WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. } { See the License for the specific language governing permissions and } { limitations under the License. } { } {***************************************************************************} unit DuckListU; interface uses RTTI, Classes, // superobject, Generics.Collections, SysUtils, TypInfo; type TDuckTypedList=class; TdormObjectStatus=(osDirty=0, osClean, osUnknown, osDeleted); EdormException=class(Exception) end; EdormValidationException=class(EdormException) end; TdormEnvironment=(deDevelopment, deTest, deRelease); TdormObjectOwner=(ooItself, ooParent); TdormSaveType=(stAllGraph, stSingleObject); TdormRelations=set of (drBelongsTo, drHasMany, drHasOne); TdormFillOptions=set of (CallAfterLoadEvent); IList=interface ['{2A1BCB3C-17A2-4F8D-B6FB-32B2A1BFE840}'] function Add(const Value: TObject): Integer; procedure Clear; function Count: Integer; function GetItem(index: Integer): TObject; end; TdormListEnumerator=class(TEnumerator) protected FPosition: Int64; FDuckTypedList: TDuckTypedList; protected function DoGetCurrent: TObject; override; function DoMoveNext: boolean; override; public constructor Create(ADuckTypedList: TDuckTypedList); end; TSortingType=(soAscending, soDescending); IWrappedList=interface ['{B60AF5A6-7C31-4EAA-8DFB-D8BD3E112EE7}'] function Count: Integer; function GetItem(const index: Integer): TObject; procedure Add(const AObject: TObject); procedure Clear; function GetEnumerator: TdormListEnumerator; function WrappedObject: TObject; procedure Sort(const PropertyName: string; Order: TSortingType=soAscending); function GetOwnsObjects: boolean; procedure SetOwnsObjects(const Value: boolean); property OwnsObjects: boolean read GetOwnsObjects write SetOwnsObjects; end; TDuckTypedList=class(TInterfacedObject, IWrappedList) protected FCTX: TRTTIContext; FObjectAsDuck: TObject; FAddMethod: TRttiMethod; FClearMethod: TRttiMethod; FCountProperty: TRttiProperty; FGetItemMethod: TRttiMethod; FGetCountMethod: TRttiMethod; function Count: Integer; function GetItem(const index: Integer): TObject; procedure Add(const AObject: TObject); procedure Clear; function WrappedObject: TObject; procedure QuickSort(List: IWrappedList; L, R: Integer; SCompare: TFunc); overload; procedure QuickSort(List: IWrappedList; SCompare: TFunc); overload; procedure Sort(const PropertyName: string; Order: TSortingType=soAscending); public constructor Create(AObjectAsDuck: TObject); destructor Destroy; override; function GetEnumerator: TdormListEnumerator; function GetOwnsObjects: boolean; procedure SetOwnsObjects(const Value: boolean); property OwnsObjects: boolean read GetOwnsObjects write SetOwnsObjects; class function CanBeWrappedAsList(const AObjectAsDuck: TObject): boolean; end; function WrapAsList(const AObject: TObject): IWrappedList; implementation uses System.Math, RTTIUtilsU; constructor TdormListEnumerator.Create(ADuckTypedList: TDuckTypedList); begin inherited Create; FDuckTypedList := ADuckTypedList; FPosition := -1; end; function TdormListEnumerator.DoGetCurrent: TObject; begin if FPosition>-1 then Result := FDuckTypedList.GetItem(FPosition) else raise Exception.Create('Enumerator error: Call MoveNext first'); end; function TdormListEnumerator.DoMoveNext: boolean; begin if FPositionnil)and(FCTX.GetType(AObjectAsDuck.ClassInfo).GetMethod('Clear')<>nil) {$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} and(FCTX.GetType(AObjectAsDuck.ClassInfo).GetIndexedProperty('Items').ReadMethod<>nil) {$IFEND} and((FCTX.GetType(AObjectAsDuck.ClassInfo).GetMethod('GetItem')<>nil)or(FCTX.GetType(AObjectAsDuck.ClassInfo).GetMethod('GetElement')<> nil))and(FCTX.GetType(AObjectAsDuck.ClassInfo).GetProperty('Count')<>nil) end; procedure TDuckTypedList.Clear; begin FClearMethod.Invoke(FObjectAsDuck, []); end; function TDuckTypedList.Count: Integer; begin if Assigned(FCountProperty) then Result := FCountProperty.GetValue(FObjectAsDuck).AsInteger else Result := FGetCountMethod.Invoke(FObjectAsDuck, []).AsInteger; end; constructor TDuckTypedList.Create(AObjectAsDuck: TObject); begin inherited Create; FObjectAsDuck := AObjectAsDuck; FAddMethod := FCTX.GetType(AObjectAsDuck.ClassInfo).GetMethod('Add'); if not Assigned(FAddMethod) then raise EdormException.Create('Cannot find method "Add" in the duck object'); FClearMethod := FCTX.GetType(AObjectAsDuck.ClassInfo).GetMethod('Clear'); if not Assigned(FClearMethod) then raise EdormException.Create('Cannot find method "Clear" in the duck object'); FGetItemMethod := nil; {$IF CompilerVersion >= 23} FGetItemMethod := FCTX.GetType(AObjectAsDuck.ClassInfo).GetIndexedProperty('Items').ReadMethod; {$IFEND} if not Assigned(FGetItemMethod) then FGetItemMethod := FCTX.GetType(AObjectAsDuck.ClassInfo).GetMethod('GetItem'); if not Assigned(FGetItemMethod) then FGetItemMethod := FCTX.GetType(AObjectAsDuck.ClassInfo).GetMethod('GetElement'); if not Assigned(FGetItemMethod) then raise EdormException.Create ('Cannot find method Indexed property "Items" or method "GetItem" or method "GetElement" in the duck object'); FCountProperty := FCTX.GetType(AObjectAsDuck.ClassInfo).GetProperty('Count'); if not Assigned(FCountProperty) then begin FGetCountMethod := FCTX.GetType(AObjectAsDuck.ClassInfo).GetMethod('Count'); if not Assigned(FGetCountMethod) then raise EdormException.Create('Cannot find property/method "Count" in the duck object'); end; end; destructor TDuckTypedList.Destroy; begin inherited; end; function TDuckTypedList.GetItem(const index: Integer): TObject; begin Result := FGetItemMethod.Invoke(FObjectAsDuck, [index]).AsObject; end; function TDuckTypedList.GetOwnsObjects: boolean; begin Result := TRTTIUtils.GetProperty(FObjectAsDuck, 'OwnsObjects').AsBoolean end; function TDuckTypedList.WrappedObject: TObject; begin Result := FObjectAsDuck; end; function WrapAsList(const AObject: TObject): IWrappedList; begin try Result := TDuckTypedList.Create(AObject); except Result := nil; end; end; procedure TDuckTypedList.QuickSort(List: IWrappedList; L, R: Integer; SCompare: TFunc); var I, J: Integer; p: TObject; begin { 07/08/2013: This method is based on QuickSort procedure from Classes.pas, (c) Borland Software Corp. but modified to be part of TDuckListU unit. It implements the standard quicksort algorithm, delegating comparison operation to an anonimous. The Borland version delegates to a pure function pointer, which is problematic in some cases. } repeat I := L; J := R; p := List.GetItem((L+R) shr 1); repeat while SCompare(TObject(List.GetItem(I)), p)<0 do Inc(I); while SCompare(TObject(List.GetItem(J)), p)>0 do Dec(J); if I<=J then begin TRTTIUtils.MethodCall(List.WrappedObject, 'Exchange', [I, J]); Inc(I); Dec(J); end; until I>J; if L=R; end; procedure TDuckTypedList.QuickSort(List: IWrappedList; SCompare: TFunc); begin QuickSort(List, 0, List.Count-1, SCompare); end; function CompareValue(const Left, Right: TValue): Integer; begin if Left.IsOrdinal then begin Result := System.Math.CompareValue(Left.AsOrdinal, Right.AsOrdinal); end else if Left.Kind=tkFloat then begin Result := System.Math.CompareValue(Left.AsExtended, Right.AsExtended); end else if Left.Kind in [tkString, tkUString, tkWString, tkLString] then begin Result := CompareText(Left.AsString, Right.AsString); end else begin Result := 0; end; end; procedure TDuckTypedList.SetOwnsObjects(const Value: boolean); begin TRTTIUtils.SetProperty(FObjectAsDuck, 'OwnsObjects', Value); end; procedure TDuckTypedList.Sort(const PropertyName: string; Order: TSortingType); begin if Order=soAscending then QuickSort(self, function(Left, Right: TObject): Integer begin Result := CompareValue(TRTTIUtils.GetProperty(Left, PropertyName), TRTTIUtils.GetProperty(Right, PropertyName)); end) else QuickSort(self, function(Left, Right: TObject): Integer begin Result := -1*CompareValue(TRTTIUtils.GetProperty(Left, PropertyName), TRTTIUtils.GetProperty(Right, PropertyName)); end); end; end.