program producer; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} { } uses System.SysUtils, StompClient; procedure Main; var lClient: TStompClient; lMessage: String; begin lClient := TStompClient.Create; lClient.Connect(); WriteLn('Sending messages to queue "myjobqueue"'); WriteLn('NOTE: Consumers will wait a second for each "." present in the message.'); WriteLn(' empty message will terminate the program.'); lMessage := ''; repeat Write('Message to send: '); Readln(lMessage); if not lMessage.IsEmpty then begin lClient.Send('myjobqueue', lMessage); end; until lMessage.IsEmpty; WriteLn('bye bye'); lClient.Disconnect; end; begin try Main; Readln; except on E: Exception do begin WriteLn(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); Readln; end; end; end.