unit MVCFramework.Commons; interface uses System.SysUtils, Generics.Collections; type TMVCConstants = class sealed public const SESSION_TOKEN_NAME = 'dtsessionid'; end; TMVCMimeType = class sealed public const APPLICATION_JSON = 'application/json'; TEXT_HTML = 'text/html'; TEXT_PLAIN = 'text/plain'; TEXT_XML = 'text/xml'; TEXT_CSS = 'text/css'; TEXT_JAVASCRIPT = 'text/javascript'; IMAGE_JPEG = 'image/jpeg'; IMAGE_PNG = 'image/x-png'; TEXT_CACHEMANIFEST = 'text/cache-manifest'; APPLICATION_OCTETSTREAM = 'application/octet-stream'; TEXT_EVENTSTREAM = 'text/event-stream'; end; EMVCException = class(Exception) private FHTTPErrorCode: UInt16; FApplicationErrorCode: UInt16; procedure SetDetailedMessage(const Value: string); strict protected FDetailedMessage: string; public constructor Create(const Msg: string); overload; virtual; constructor Create(const Msg: string; const DetailedMessage: string; const ApplicationErrorCode: UInt16; const HTTPErrorCode: UInt16 = 500); overload; virtual; constructor CreateFmt(const Msg: string; const Args: array of const); property HTTPErrorCode: UInt16 read FHTTPErrorCode; property DetailedMessage: string read FDetailedMessage write SetDetailedMessage; property ApplicationErrorCode: UInt16 read FApplicationErrorCode write FApplicationErrorCode; end; EMVCSessionExpiredException = class(EMVCException) end; EMVCConfigException = class(EMVCException) end; EMVCFrameworkView = class(EMVCException) end; TMVCRequestParamsTable = class(TDictionary) end; TMVCDataObjects = class(TObjectDictionary) constructor Create; end; TMVCConfig = class sealed private FConfig: TDictionary; function GetValue(AIndex: string): string; procedure SetValue(AIndex: string; const Value: string); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; property Value[AIndex: string]: string read GetValue write SetValue; default; function ToString: string; override; procedure SaveToFile(const AFileName: String); procedure LoadFromFile(const AFileName: String); end; {$SCOPEDENUMS ON} type THttpMethod = (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD); function AppPath: string; function IsReservedOrPrivateIP(const IP: string): boolean; function IP2Long(IP: string): UInt32; implementation uses System.IOUtils, idGlobal, System.StrUtils, Data.DBXJSON; const ReservedIPs: array [1 .. 11] of array [1 .. 2] of string = ( ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', ''), ('', '') ); function IP2Long(IP: string): UInt32; begin Result := idGlobal.IPv4ToDWord(IP); end; function IsReservedOrPrivateIP(const IP: string): boolean; var i: Integer; IntIP: Cardinal; begin Result := False; IntIP := IP2Long(IP); for i := low(ReservedIPs) to high(ReservedIPs) do begin if (IntIP >= IP2Long(ReservedIPs[i][1])) and (IntIP <= IP2Long(ReservedIPs[i][2])) then begin Exit(True) end; end; end; function AppPath: string; begin Result := TPath.GetDirectoryName(GetModuleName(HInstance)); end; { TMVCDataObjects } constructor TMVCDataObjects.Create; begin inherited Create([doOwnsValues]); end; { TMVCConfig } constructor TMVCConfig.Create; begin inherited; FConfig := TDictionary.Create; end; destructor TMVCConfig.Destroy; begin FConfig.Free; inherited; end; function TMVCConfig.GetValue(AIndex: string): string; begin if FConfig.ContainsKey(AIndex) then Result := FConfig.Items[AIndex] else raise EMVCConfigException.CreateFmt('Invalid config key [%s]', [AIndex]); end; procedure TMVCConfig.LoadFromFile(const AFileName: String); var S: string; jobj: TJSONObject; p: TJSONPair; json: TJSONValue; i: Integer; begin S := TFile.ReadAllText(AFileName); json := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(S); if Assigned(json) then begin if json is TJSONObject then begin jobj := TJSONObject(json); for i := 0 to jobj.Size - 1 do begin p := jobj.GET(i); FConfig.AddOrSetValue(p.JsonString.Value, p.JsonValue.Value); end end else raise EMVCConfigException.Create('DMVCFramework configuration file [' + AFileName + '] does not contain a valid JSONObject'); end else raise EMVCConfigException.Create('Cannot load DMVCFramework configuration file [' + AFileName + ']'); end; procedure TMVCConfig.SaveToFile(const AFileName: String); begin TFile.WriteAllText(AFileName, ToString, TEncoding.ASCII); end; procedure TMVCConfig.SetValue(AIndex: string; const Value: string); begin FConfig.AddOrSetValue(AIndex, Value); end; function TMVCConfig.ToString: string; var k: string; json: TJSONObject; begin json := TJSONObject.Create; try for k in FConfig.Keys do json.AddPair(k, FConfig[k]); Result := json.ToString; finally json.Free; end; end; { EMVCException } constructor EMVCException.Create(const Msg: string); begin inherited Create(Msg); FHTTPErrorCode := 500; FDetailedMessage := 'N.A.'; FApplicationErrorCode := 0; end; constructor EMVCException.Create(const Msg, DetailedMessage: string; const ApplicationErrorCode: UInt16; const HTTPErrorCode: UInt16); begin Create(Msg); FHTTPErrorCode := HTTPErrorCode; FApplicationErrorCode := ApplicationErrorCode; FDetailedMessage := DetailedMessage; end; constructor EMVCException.CreateFmt(const Msg: string; const Args: array of const); begin inherited; FHTTPErrorCode := 500; FDetailedMessage := 'N.A.'; FApplicationErrorCode := 0; end; procedure EMVCException.SetDetailedMessage(const Value: string); begin FDetailedMessage := Value; end; end.